Half-Life 2 Pre-Load - TONIGHT

Can you guys stop the arguing. Cut Gabe some slack, he didn't lie to you. Things happen for a reason, he doesn't sit back and think "Oh lets piss the community off once again" while lighting a cigar with a $100 note.

They do what they think is best, and they bloody know what's best, we don't. It's their game, let them develop it how they like and stop giving them so much pressure all the time.
Sickmind said:
Do you have no other way of articulating?
Oh you mean I should propery "articulate" by calling Gabe fat?

Im done talking to people who just hate what they should love......its half life 2 for christ sake.
w00t im preloading now. In your face non-believers!

EDIT: I just remembered im not going to be playing on my curret computer and im buying retail so im not pre-loading lol
Chris_D said:
Can you guys stop the arguing. Cut Gabe some slack, he didn't lie to you. Things happen for a reason, he doesn't sit back and think "Oh lets piss the community off once again" while lighting a cigar with a $100 note.

They do what they think is best, and they bloody know what's best, we don't. It's their game, let them develop it how they like and stop giving them so much pressure all the time.
With all due respect Mr Moderator...that's quite a load. Things do happen, and dates or times can be missed, of course. But there really hasn't been one date or time that has been adhered to, and that errodes respect.
Chris_D said:
Can you guys stop the arguing. Cut Gabe some slack, he didn't lie to you. Things happen for a reason, he doesn't sit back and think "Oh lets piss the community off once again" while lighting a cigar with a $100 note.

They do what they think is best, and they bloody know what's best, we don't. It's their game, let them develop it how they like and stop giving them so much pressure all the time.

You're right, he didn't 'lie' to us, but yet again he's shown that the marketing people are running a show of their own over at Valve. For some reason, the dates that he and his buddies come up with do not match the dates that the software people at Valve have in mind.
Wow, apprently the HL2 preload has started....but guess what.....valve's P133's can't handle any more preloads.
B.Calhoun said:
Oh you mean I should propery "articulate" by calling Gabe fat?

Im done talking to people who just hate what they should love......its half life 2 for christ sake.

Apparently you are the type to hold a grudge for other people...that seems like a bit of hate to me, besides I never said that.
w00t! Finally, the last step before hl2!! Everyone! bump the fukkin techno and preload!!!!!
Wait so we are downloading HL2, so what is stopping people from hacking it and playing it? or do we have to authorize it on steam or something?
This is just the textures and sounds. There are no levels or code.