Half-Life 2 Pre-Loading Phase 6

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
In the midst of rumours, reviews and even more rumours, we get into Half-Life 2's sixth pre-load phase. For the uninitiated of you, "pre-loading" is Valve's method of getting the game files to people so there isn't a mad rush upon release, and so the game is ready for people to play as soon as it's released. The sixth pre-load is currently serving out the map files of Half-Life 2, bringing us ever closer to a possible gold announcment. Here's the news item over at SteamPowered:
The sixth phase of the Half-Life 2 preload begins to Steam account holders today. This will allow users to download the Half-Life 2 maps in encrypted form. No purchase is required to pre-load Half-Life 2, but is required to activate the game. The moment the game is made available, those who have pre-loaded and purchased the game via Steam will be ready to start playing.
Half-Life 2 can be pre-ordered from Steam right now, and will open up the full version of Counter-Strike: Source immediately. Restart your Steam clients to receive the sixth preload.
OMG!! :bounce: :bounce:

::Thats all, can't think of anything more appropriate!
Well it makes sense, the maps would be the only major parts that needed testing in the RC, maybe the bugs in that where fixed and we can get a gold date within the next week or so.
How come I can't preload it? It keeps saying that it's complete.
feylya said:
Do a google search on Yombi. Most intruiging :)
Yombi* said the thread on the HL2 PHP page should be closed because it's so old. A few minutes later (I think) that message appears. Very cool :D

*Yombi is a member here as you can see from the Google search.
Once again my preload is not progressing just like with the last pre-load. I don't want to have to cancel my pre-load and start over again...*sigh* :|
I just got really hyped up. Release feels so close now. I'm going to explode.
i could care less about the preloads right now...the only thing thats guna get me beating my head threw the wall is the game in my hands :afro:
My pre-load is now @ 79% - but nothing is registering on the monitor... I don't seem to be recieving anything... do I have to wait or something? I did re-start steam though..
No way to delete that post - but what it was, was tht there wasnt enough space on my drive - so I erased stuff, re-started steam - and it's all good now.
Sorry for useless post.
Yombi... hmmms.. maybe its the fourth ?!??!

Oh... slowly but surely it went from 80.6% to 80.9% in like 10minutes :sleep:

hmm0rz :x
sometimes when nothing happens the servers are full or something like that, just keep closing and reopening Steam and you should get it downloading
poofyfinger said:
Yombi... hmmms.. maybe its the fourth ?!??!

Oh... slowly but surely it went from 80.6% to 80.9% in like 10minutes :sleep:

hmm0rz :x

its not even starting for me ://



Im dowloading it about about 350kb/s-400kb/s

and I started as soon as I posted above. Its only gone up 5%. This is a big preload :)
I don't understand why they don't at least release HL1 Source... It would be nice to be able to play HL1 in the source engine while waiting for HL2... and would be a good way for people who might be new to the game to get to know the story of HL without having to play it with the old graphics engine...
feylya said:
Do a google search on Yombi. Most intruiging :)

indeed most interesting
we gotta se gold in a day or two, were preloading the maps thats the last thing, GOLD baby
Can't waitr for the gold announcement, looks like VUG has given Valve the go ahead to load the maps. Damn November 23rd is so far off, but CS source should tie me over along with Halo2 in the next few weeks, hey I enjoy console games just as much as PC games, though I really don;t give a S*%# about the leak and all like I was infuriated when the HL2 code leaked.
Something itches....and only a crowbar can scratch it.

excuse the caps... my cat was on the lock

-poofy :x
apparently this is the last preload, so maybe if we wish upon a headcrab we will see it nov 1st, now we have maps means the RC was accepted as maps are the last thing to preload we even have server dll's etc etc. this is it ladies and gents
mbrithoms said:
apparently this is the last preload, so maybe if we wish upon a headcrab we will see it nov 1st, now we have maps means the RC was accepted as maps are the last thing to preload we even have server dll's etc etc. this is it ladies and gents

who said this is the last pre-load?

hmmmmmm.. YOMBI is like a mathematical equation or a vector.... Y odd magnitude... dont know what the BI stands for(XOMO,XOMBO)(YOSI,YOSBI)(YOMI,YOMBI) for a digital correlation spectrometer.... what this meansfor Half Life 2 (and besides the Yombi is closed thingy) is behind my average IQ.
