Half Life 2 questions...


Nov 30, 2009
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Hi all...

I`m a newbie to the forums, I`ve browsed by a few times but not registered till now so hello. :) I hope this is in the right place, if not please accept my apols and maybe a mod could move it to the appropriate place.

Sorry my first post is one where I`m asking for help but I`m having a really strange problem I hope someone can help with.

To cut a long story short, I got HL2 not long after it came out but quickly realised my old pc wouldn`t be able to run it so I shelved it till I built my new pc...

Some time ago I tried it out. Iirc it installed fine but I had some problems with my steam account, can`t remember what exactly but I`ve never been able to play HL2... everytime I tried it said I had some kind of problem with my account or when I got in and went to select HL2 to play... nothing happened.

So I completely uninstalled it and just forgot about till a few weeks ago.

Today I inserted the DVD into the drive to re-install it and give it another go but now it won`t even read the DVD!

Nothing happens when I insert the DVD... no auto play or anything.

Checked the DVD drive by putting in another disk and it was fine.

I then tried the HL2 DVD in my old rig and it booted up to the install screen no problem atall so I know the HL2 DVD`s working but it won`t run atall on my new rig, when it did in the past without any problems.

If anybody has any ideas as to what might be causing this I`d very much appreciate some help.


tj. :)
Go to my computer and see if it's finding the disc. If it is explore the disc and find the setup.exe and install from there. You could also download Steam and sign into the account you made and download the game though that.
Try logging into your Steam account. The most important detail you need is access to the email account you registered it with. If you don't have that, you'll have to go a long way round unfortunately.

If you can get into your account, go to your 'my games' list and Steam can download HL2 for you pretty quickly, without the need for any discs. Digital distribution ftw.
Go to my computer and see if it's finding the disc. If it is explore the disc and find the setup.exe and install from there. You could also download Steam and sign into the account you made and download the game though that.

Thanks for the reply PimpinPenguin.

Yeh, I`ve checked/tried that...

It`s not even finding the disk.

But as I say, it works with np`s on the old rig.
Try logging into your Steam account. The most important detail you need is access to the email account you registered it with. If you don't have that, you'll have to go a long way round unfortunately.

If you can get into your account, go to your 'my games' list and Steam can download HL2 for you pretty quickly, without the need for any discs. Digital distribution ftw.

I`ll try logging into steam and see what happens as I still use the same email account.

Mmm... don`t really like the sound of "a long way round" though lol...

So, why would I need to download HL2 when I have it on disk, bought from a shop?

I`ll try out your suggestions though and see how I go.

Thanks Hectic Glenn. :)
The DVD version you have are just old basic files for HL2. There is no value to them. Your value for your game comes from the CD Key which comes with the game. So when you first installed it using Steam, I assume you put the CD Key in so it's already tied to that specific account. (Making a new account won't help, you must use the same one).

So the files on the DVD you have are no different to the ones on Steam. In fact, if you manage to get the DVD to work Steam will need to patch your HL2 which Valve have released since 2005. (It does this automatically). Downloading the game straight through Steam = patches already included in the download.

I suppose it comes down to your connection speed. Downloading it via Steam might take 2 hours or less. DVD is obviously quicker, then you'll need to download the automatic patches but these are pretty small. If you can't get the DVD to work...you only have one choice ;)
Ahh... ok... I understand now, thanks for the explanation. :)

I`ve managed to get logged into steam, and downloaded the steam installer.

I have a reasonably fast connection so if I need to download HL2, it won`t be a problem...

I`ll go and install steam and maybe try the DVD again but as I say if I need to download then I will...

Thanks for your help, hopefully I`ll get it sorted up one way or another. :thumbs:

I`m back, lol.

I`ve downloaded and installed steam and accessed my old account.

When I checked the "My Games" list all that was in there was a demo of Left 4 Dead 2 (which I`m downloading as I type :) ) but nothing to do with HL2...

I tried to activate it (HL2) through steam and entered my cd key which was accepted but I was then told I had to install HL2 from the cd before I could activate it etc...

But I tried to install from the DVD again and it still doesn`t even read it so I`m stumped!

Plus I can`t find any HL2 files (or game) to download anywhere...

I`m at a loss...

Yes, unfortunately the first install of the retail copy usually requires that the original disk is present. Subsequent installs will work without that check. This in mind, do you have access to a second PC, either your own or a friend's machine? Try going through the process on someone else's machine (using your Steam account of course) and it should be possible to permanently tie the disc version to your account, so that you may download it in full on the machine you actually want to use it on. If the disc doesn't work in any machine, ask around and see if anyone has the same disc version as you and ask if you can borrow the disc (emphasise you're not after their CD-key, you have your own).

Failing that, just buy The Orange Box next time it's on offer. It's hardly an expensive full-price game when it isn't (Amazon prices: UK£12, US$28). Yes, it sucks that you have to buy Half-Life 2 twice (also, you won't get Counter Strike: Source), but then I, and most of the rest of us had to do the same thing when the package was released (and most of us shelled out for Episode One individually too).
What you could do is install the game on your old PC and activate it. Once Steam has activated the game you can log into Steam on the PC you want to play it on and it will allow you to download it. Steam requires the disc for first time installation once it's been activated you can download as many times as you want without the disc.
What you could do is install the game on your old PC and activate it. Once Steam has activated the game you can log into Steam on the PC you want to play it on and it will allow you to download it. Steam requires the disc for first time installation once it's been activated you can download as many times as you want without the disc.
This is what I said with better words. Darn.
Yes, unfortunately the first install of the retail copy usually requires that the original disk is present. Subsequent installs will work without that check. This in mind, do you have access to a second PC, either your own or a friend's machine? Try going through the process on someone else's machine (using your Steam account of course) and it should be possible to permanently tie the disc version to your account, so that you may download it in full on the machine you actually want to use it on. If the disc doesn't work in any machine, ask around and see if anyone has the same disc version as you and ask if you can borrow the disc (emphasise you're not after their CD-key, you have your own).

Failing that, just buy The Orange Box next time it's on offer. It's hardly an expensive full-price game when it isn't (Amazon prices: UK£12, US$28). Yes, it sucks that you have to buy Half-Life 2 twice (also, you won't get Counter Strike: Source), but then I, and most of the rest of us had to do the same thing when the package was released (and most of us shelled out for Episode One individually too).

What you could do is install the game on your old PC and activate it. Once Steam has activated the game you can log into Steam on the PC you want to play it on and it will allow you to download it. Steam requires the disc for first time installation once it's been activated you can download as many times as you want without the disc.


Many thanks for the replies guys.

Much appreciated. :thumbs:

Yes I have my old pc (which won`t run HL2 but I should be able to install it on it) so I`ll try out your suggestions and keep my fingers crossed. And yes the disk does work on the old machine as I tried it earlier. :)

I`ll let you`s know how I get on.

Cheers again.

tj :)

I`m back.

Managed to get HL2 installed without any problems on the old rig... DVD worked fine and I can see HL2 and Counter Strike in Steam waiting to be activated...

But I`m getting a message saying the cd key I`m attempting to use has been used/activated before on another machine etc so it won`t let me activate...

Please tell me there`s a relatively easy way to correct this...

I`ve got everything crossed now lol... :)
You don't need to put the CD-Key into Steam on the machine you actually intend to play on, the games should already be in the account when you log into it on that machine too.
You don't need to put the CD-Key into Steam on the machine you actually intend to play on, the games should already be in the account when you log into it on that machine too.

I`m not trying to put the cd key into Steam on the new rig, which is the machine I intend to play on kupocake...

When I try to activate HL2 on the old rig it`s giving me the message I mentioned in my earlier post.

I have to activate it on the old machine so it`ll be available on the new machine, right?

Well that`s what I can`t do because of the cd key error message.

I hope that makes sense, lol... :)
Then there may be trouble. Are you making sure you're logging into the same account on both machines? Are you 100% sure you've not already tied this to an account yourself, or that someone else may have borrowed the disc at some time?

The problem with leaving CD-keys laying around for so long is that it's not impossible for someone you've never even met to work out the formula for the things and make a key-generator that from the many combinations, manages to pick the key you've had sitting on a shelf for half a decade. Now, Steam support may be able to help you recover ownership of the key... Try Here... but I'm not sure of the ins and outs, and they may require proof of purchase, which you're unlikely to have just laying around so long after buying it.

Sounds like I may have a bit of a problem then...

I`m deffo logging in with the same account on both machines, yes.

The DVD hasn`t been borrowed by anybody else either.

Oh well, I`ll try steam support as you suggest... I think that`s the only way I`m gonna get to play HL2. Hopefully they`ll be able to help out with a new cd key or similar.

But as you say, it`s been well over 90 days since I bought it so I may have problems doing that too. :(

Anyway, I`ll try.

Many thanks again for all the help everyone. :)
Hi guys...

Back again, just to say I`ve contacted steam about getting a new cd-key but only had a confirmation email so far.

Hope they don`t keep me waiting too long, lol...

Anybody got any idea how long it may take?

Ok kupocake... :)

I have another kinda OT question though that I didnt want to start another thread for...

I downloaded the demo of L4D2 (through steam) and it worked fine... I had a quick blast on it a while after I downloaded it then left it.

Went back to have another crack at it today and...

It`s gone from my games list! :eek:

Do demo`s only stay active for a set period of time?

Surely not...

Anybody know why this happened or come across it before?

Still waiting for HL2 cd-key btw... :(
I think the L4D2 demo has expired now, it's been up for around 2 or 3 weeks so it may have come to the end of it's life.

I assume you've submitted a support ticket, by the sounds of you asking for 'a new HL2 CD key' you're going to get a no. Support helps you fix issues with your existing games, they don't provide you with new games I'm afraid.

It is likely they will ask you to take a picture of your CD-key with your support ticket number written on the sticker next to it. They will probably need to reset the key so you can put it in again (as if you had just purchased it).

The support system isn't too quick either, so it may take 3 working days for a response.
Oh well... sounds like I was too late for L4D2 demo then... bummer.

No, I didn`t ask for a new cd-key (sorry if I said that or gave that impression) I asked them if they could reset the cd-key after I`d explained what my problem was.

I sent a pic of my cd-key along with my question too.

I wasn`t made aware of or asked to get/provide a support ticket anywhere during the process of submitting my question. I was asked to send a pic of my cd-key though...
DVD? As I recall hl2 was sold in a set of five CDs...

Hope you get it working! It's aged relatively well
DVD? As I recall hl2 was sold in a set of five CDs...

Hope you get it working! It's aged relatively well


When I bought it, it came just as one DVD...

I know... I can`t wait to get it going.

I hope I hear from them sooner rather than later.

DVD? As I recall hl2 was sold in a set of five CDs...
In the UK (and therefore, probably Europe / Aus) the DVD version was the only one available. There was a CD version for North America. Hell knows why.
Steam hardware surveys around the time showed a high percentage of Steam customers in NA had CD drives apparently, so Valve opted for 5 CDs in NA and DVD drives for Europe! (We are trendsetters, yo!)

Any response yet tjc? You've probably submitted everything fine, but support may ask you to do something else you might not have known about. Let us know. You shouldn't be far away from sorting it out now!
Steam hardware surveys around the time showed a high percentage of Steam customers in NA had CD drives apparently, so Valve opted for 5 CDs in NA and DVD drives for Europe! (We are trendsetters, yo!)

Any response yet tjc? You've probably submitted everything fine, but support may ask you to do something else you might not have known about. Let us know. You shouldn't be far away from sorting it out now!


Not had any response yet... :(

As far as I know I submitted everything they asked for but if they need anything else then I guess I`ll have to get it to them.

Yeh I`ll keep you guys posted for sure.

I`m hoping they`ll contact me soon... just itchin` to have a go at it now, :E

Like a big kid all over again... :E

Thanks Hectic Glenn... :)
Have you logged back into support and gone to 'my questions' or 'my tickets' to see if there is a response there? Or if it is still classed as 'open'? Just to make sure...
Have you logged back into support and gone to 'my questions' or 'my tickets' to see if there is a response there? Or if it is still classed as 'open'? Just to make sure...

Not today no...

But I shall. Only thing is they said they`d email a response to me but I`ll check it out just to be sure.

Just went and checked and it`s not been answered and it`s still "open"...

Would make my weekend if they got it sorted up for then. :)
Well guys...

Good news! :smoking:

Got the email I was waiting for from Steam this morning (took 6 days in total) got my details changed etc and I`m downloading HL2 now.


At last!

I`ll get to have a crack at HL2...

Would just like to ask when I`m here anyway... does the download come with all/any updates etc?

I think it will but if not could you let me know of any updates I should get?

Many, many thanks for all the help everyone.

Glad I appear to finally be getting HL2 on the go... :)
Comes with all patches, it'll download everything.
Comes with all patches, it'll download everything.

That`s good to hear... :thumbs:

I thought it probably would do but good to check.

Half way through my download now... not taking long atall. :)


Just thought of something.

Does it run ok on Vista 64 bit?
I tried it once on my laptop which runs vista64, it ran fine besides the chipset's own graphical limitations. You should be okay, and if there are problems they'll be easily fixable.
I tried it once on my laptop which runs vista64, it ran fine besides the chipset's own graphical limitations. You should be okay, and if there are problems they'll be easily fixable.

That`s also good to hear. :cool:

HL2 has finished downloading, never took long really...

Downloading Lost Coast now so will be off trying some HL2 very soon... at last!

Cheers Acepilotf14 :thumbs:
Glad you got it sorted and you didn't need to jump through any more hoops after support got back to you. Make sure you write down your username / email and password for Steam now. These are the only details you'll ever need to access your games now you've registered that CD Key.

Even if you want to play on another computer, just by logging into your Steam account you have your games there (once you've downloaded the game files locally again obviously). If you want to move them using an external HDD / USB key you can do that too if you like.

You can obviously buy more games through Steam store if you like (accepts paypal) and download them.

Free copy of Halflife 2 Deathmatch for ATI cards if you don't have it yet: http://www.steampowered.com/ati_offer1a/

Free copy of HL2 Deathmatch, Peggle Extreme & Portal Demo here: http://www.steampowered.com/nvidia/# (If you don't have a nvidia card, just log in on a PC with a nvidia card and activate the link then ;) )

Free mods through Steam - http://store.steampowered.com/freestuff/mods/ (Insurgency & Age of Chivalry might be of interest)

Oh and xmas Steam store sales soon, so expect some silly low prices for big games, so hold out till then.
Doesn't Half-Life 2 Deathmatch come free with Half-Life 2 retail? That's how I got it.

Buy the Orange Box when you're done. As Glenn says, it'll probably be on offer sometime.
Glad you got it sorted and you didn't need to jump through any more hoops after support got back to you. Make sure you write down your username / email and password for Steam now. These are the only details you'll ever need to access your games now you've registered that CD Key.

Even if you want to play on another computer, just by logging into your Steam account you have your games there (once you've downloaded the game files locally again obviously). If you want to move them using an external HDD / USB key you can do that too if you like.

You can obviously buy more games through Steam store if you like (accepts paypal) and download them.

Free copy of Halflife 2 Deathmatch for ATI cards if you don't have it yet: http://www.steampowered.com/ati_offer1a/

Free copy of HL2 Deathmatch, Peggle Extreme & Portal Demo here: http://www.steampowered.com/nvidia/# (If you don't have a nvidia card, just log in on a PC with a nvidia card and activate the link then ;) )

Free mods through Steam - http://store.steampowered.com/freestuff/mods/ (Insurgency & Age of Chivalry might be of interest)

Oh and xmas Steam store sales soon, so expect some silly low prices for big games, so hold out till then.

Yeh... all passwords etc are written down now. I`m pretty good with passwords etc usually and only forgot the details for HL2 because I couldn`t play it when I first created the old account as I`ve said...

Thanks for all the links. I do have an Nvidia card so I`ll be good to go. Also when I got HL2 sorted up and went to download, Deathmatch, Counter Strike and Lost Coast were all there ready to download too... :)

Chuffed! :smoking:

I like the sound of Insurgency & Age of Chivalry so I`ll be checking those out indeed.

I might treat myself to a game or two for xmas so I`ll keep the Steam store in mind.

Thanks Hectic... :thumbs:
Doesn't Half-Life 2 Deathmatch come free with Half-Life 2 retail? That's how I got it.

Buy the Orange Box when you're done. As Glenn says, it'll probably be on offer sometime.

I`ll keep that in mind... :thumbs:
Ok guys...

Nuther question.

I`m not getting the option of running HL2 at the native res on my monitor, which is 1680x1050... I`m getting nearly every other option except the one I want.

I have to say it looks fine really but was just wondering if there`s any way to get HL2 to run at the monitors native res?
