Taken from the PC IGN board. The poster is NeoMaxims, he is a VIP there, and works for Black Widow Games. He's in the business, and pretty close to Valve, considering he worked on mods for Half life (The Underworld mod, and They Hunger ) . The users have been harassing him for Half life 2 info ever since he made it clear that he knew something, but coudnt say it. Today he got tired of it all, and posted this message. Here's what he had to say. If you want my opinion, Half life 2 will be released on Steam the 30th, and later on retail. There you go :
"Officially I can't tell you anything of course, but I can absolutely quote Gabe and allow you to draw your own, fairly obvious conclusion correct?
"In countries like England, where the retail product will be available either simultaneously or close to the US release (we don't control those dates, only the Steam dates),"
This was Gabe's official response to a question asking why Steam is going to function as a sales mechanism for HL2 versus retail.
[link=http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=1298&perpage=15 &pagenumber=21] Find the response here[/link]
Edit: ^^^ BAH... Stupid linking. I'll ask you to forgive my lack of correct link usage. I promise you that it is indicative of why i'm a writer and not a code-monkey.
Consider this, and you should know all you need to.
Another post in the thread, by him again :
" Vivendi has been firm about their date. They own retail distribution rights.
Valve controls Steam dates. They have been firm about their date.
Ponder. "
"I'm going to tell you all a story about a game called Diablo 2.
It was mass pressed and distributed in eight day (ten with shipping). It currently holds a record.
Don't make me say anything else.
I'm just having aches and pains watching you all squirm over the release dates.
Just realize that two seperate entities can both be right.
Come the 30th, there won't be "right" and "wrong" folks about the release, just shades of gray. "
Regarding the fake email he pointed at, in his first post :
"Garp... It doesn't matter if THAT email is fake. *wink*
I'm just using it to make a point. "
"Neko... I can say this "officially". Retail will not be the 2004 release.
You will see it... I just can't say exactly which day.... though I have my informed hunches. "
Remember, this guy is a VIP at the boards, which mean its IGN who gave him "mod" access. He's in the business.
"Officially I can't tell you anything of course, but I can absolutely quote Gabe and allow you to draw your own, fairly obvious conclusion correct?
"In countries like England, where the retail product will be available either simultaneously or close to the US release (we don't control those dates, only the Steam dates),"
This was Gabe's official response to a question asking why Steam is going to function as a sales mechanism for HL2 versus retail.
[link=http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=1298&perpage=15 &pagenumber=21] Find the response here[/link]
Edit: ^^^ BAH... Stupid linking. I'll ask you to forgive my lack of correct link usage. I promise you that it is indicative of why i'm a writer and not a code-monkey.
Consider this, and you should know all you need to.
Another post in the thread, by him again :
" Vivendi has been firm about their date. They own retail distribution rights.
Valve controls Steam dates. They have been firm about their date.
Ponder. "
"I'm going to tell you all a story about a game called Diablo 2.
It was mass pressed and distributed in eight day (ten with shipping). It currently holds a record.
Don't make me say anything else.
I'm just having aches and pains watching you all squirm over the release dates.
Just realize that two seperate entities can both be right.
Come the 30th, there won't be "right" and "wrong" folks about the release, just shades of gray. "
Regarding the fake email he pointed at, in his first post :
"Garp... It doesn't matter if THAT email is fake. *wink*
I'm just using it to make a point. "
"Neko... I can say this "officially". Retail will not be the 2004 release.
You will see it... I just can't say exactly which day.... though I have my informed hunches. "
Remember, this guy is a VIP at the boards, which mean its IGN who gave him "mod" access. He's in the business.