Half-life 2 Review Coming Soon?

Mr-Fusion said:
This is all speculation, but i have a feeling they'll just be reviewing HL2 single player and sort of tack on a bit of info about CS:S at the end. Just say "It's the same gameplay as 1.6 with a few nice physics.". It doesn't really deserve an entire review, just a little snippet.

that sounds a bit unprofessional for pcgamer to do though. i mean, they have to actually play it to review it, if they played the CS:S beta now, they would find many bugs and give it a bad score. but of course there are bugs its a beta. and if they ONLY reviewed the SP part, it would be the first time in pcgamer history that they only reviewed part of a game. time will tell i guess
Mr-Fusion said:
We'll know for sure if HL2 has a mp by monday. We'll snoop in the GCF file for MP specific clues!

I don't think you'll find much.
If there is a HL2 MP (There's gotta be) then it would be set in the HL2 universe and all the sounds and textures would be the same stuff used in HL2 SP

Might find a config file or something but who knows
EVIL said:
who says CS:S is HL²'s MP? The fact that they havent mentioned it or have not spoke any secqure word about it? With that kind of logic.. then there wouldn't be any source or HL² but there has.. We all know that VALVe can keep secrets, maby they just dont wan't to spoil more.. with the beta leak, the script leak etc. and the numerous previews done by magazines who already revealed more then valve would have wanted to.

We also thought that the graphics of source went downhill but the planet halflife screens obviously said otherwise. so dont say anything like its a fact. You can never know with VALVe, they might play it as a thrumphcard. Anything is possible so STFU

i see a struck a nerve here. i want a HL2 themed MP more than you do, so calm down.
Sparta said:
I don't think you'll find much.
If there is a HL2 MP (There's gotta be) then it would be set in the HL2 universe and all the sounds and textures would be the same stuff used in HL2 SP

Might find a config file or something but who knows
The player models will have to be different though. Half-Life 1 has the multiplayer models in a directory under models/player. The models you encounter in single player are found in the models folder.

So something similar to that will be a dead giveaway. IF there's nothing, that's as much proof as i need that there is no DM /other mp mode for the game. People at HL2----world have already found information in the CS:S cache file that suggests there's no mp mode. But i'll wait for hl2 gcf to absolutely confirm it.
Mr-Fusion said:
The player models will have to be different though. Half-Life 1 has the multiplayer models in a directory under models/player. The models you encounter in single player are found in the models folder.

So something similar to that will be a dead giveaway. IF there's nothing, that's as much proof as i need that there is no DM /other mp mode for the game. People at HL2----world have already found information in the CS:S cache file that suggests there's no mp mode. But i'll wait for hl2 gcf to absolutely confirm it.

If there is any MP i doubt they'd give it away in the preload. They might but if it really is a massive secret then why would they?
Well they gave away the entire script didn't they? Anything is possible.
poseyjmac said:
i see a struck a nerve here. i want a HL2 themed MP more than you do, so calm down.
*checks* nope no nerve truck

You wouln't want to see me when I strike a nerve it wont be pretteh ;)
wasn't the script a massive secret too?

edit: hehe mr fusion beat me to it
You will find a disclaimer in the magazine saying something along the lines of: "All magazine content subject to change"
Therefore, they can hint there will be a review, but they don't have to deliver. About 2 years ago, PC Zone strongly hinted (they even used the sodding lambda symbol) that they would have a preview of "the sequel to the best game ever" in their next issue. The next issue, no mention of this promise was made. As if it never happened.
EVIL said:
*checks* nope no nerve truck

You wouln't want to see me when I strike a nerve it wont be pretteh ;)

ahhh cyber-rage! run for your lives!
Mr-Fusion said:
We'll know for sure if HL2 has a mp by monday. We'll snoop in the GCF file for MP specific clues!
Remember, those who snoop will be spoiled ^_^
Meh, i've already downloaded and viewed more spoiler material than you can shake a shit covered stick at :laugh:. I can't stop myself...no will power!!
Ok Mr Fusion, what about this

half-life84 (Over at planet-halflife) said that when he playtested HL2 at Valve he said there was a mulitplayer option in the menu, but there was also a CS:Source icon on the desktop. Why would they have a multiplayer option in HL2 if it leaded to CS:Source which had its own seperate icon on the desktop?
Simply put, he was lieing :laugh:

No, i have no idea. Maybe it does go to CS:S? I just want harder evidence like someone from Valve saying "A half-life 2 multiplayer component set in the hl2 universe will be included with HL2". Unfortunately when Schmozy asked gabe about multiplayer Gabe just said they're porting over HLDM.

It seems whatever we do we can't get a straight answer.

It's a massive secret or it doesn't exist.
Mr-Fusion said:
Simply put, he was lieing :laugh:

No, i have no idea. Maybe it does go to CS:S? I just want harder evidence like someone from Valve saying "A half-life 2 multiplayer component set in the hl2 universe will be included with HL2". Unfortunately when Schmozy asked gabe about multiplayer Gabe just said they're porting over HLDM.

It seems whatever we do we can't get a straight answer.

It's a massive secret or it doesn't exist.

I hope someone has one more trip to Valve just to ask that one question
Sparta said:
I hope someone has one more trip to Valve just to ask that one question

or you could spam their email server with one question 3000 times. :hmph:
poseyjmac said:
no, pcgamer doesn't review betas. they review final versions.

Did they not review an ealy unreleased version of CS:CZ ? :monkee:
oldagerocker said:
Did they not review an ealy unreleased version of CS:CZ ? :monkee:
Yes, but they were under the impression that it was the shipping version. After early dismal reviews, Valve recalled the product then retooled it.
Mountain Man said:
Yes, but they were under the impression that it was the shipping version. After early dismal reviews, Valve recalled the product then retooled it.
Only to be met with more dismal reviews when it was released months later. :/

Lesson to be learnt, delaying games a few months really doesn't make a huge difference. If it's a piece of crap from the onset it's going to remain a piece of crap.
Mr-Fusion said:
Only to be met with more dismal reviews when it was released months later. :/

Lesson to be learnt, delaying games a few months really doesn't make a huge difference. If it's a piece of crap from the onset it's going to remain a piece of crap.

not true, half-life 1 was a complete peice of crap when they "finished" it in 1996/97, then they delayed it an entire year, reworked the whole game, and gave us the Hl1 we know and love.
Heh i 90% doubt it would be the sims 2. Ask yourself which game is better and the most antcipated of all time. Half Life 2 or The Sims 2?
Mr-Fusion said:
Only to be met with more dismal reviews when it was released months later. :/

Lesson to be learnt, delaying games a few months really doesn't make a huge difference. If it's a piece of crap from the onset it's going to remain a piece of crap.

After playing CS:CZ and the Deleted Scenes, I'd say that the extra few months did help create a better game. PC Gamer UK gave it a better review than the first version.

And I've read plently of reviews of Pre-Gold games, as long as the publisher ensure them that it's not going to change much they'll review it. They'll even overlook a few bugs.
Lesson to be learnt, delaying games a few months really doesn't make a huge difference. If it's a piece of crap from the onset it's going to remain a piece of crap.

Well before HL1 was delayed it was a mediocre shooter, and look what we received.
slicktick said:
if its the earth shattering review or whatever the crap the quote is, then everything is speculation on to what game it is...

oh and if it is indead that, then this has been posted numerous times
FoB_Ed said:
Well before HL1 was delayed it was a mediocre shooter, and look what we received.
Good point. I'd be willing to wait longer to get something of that caliber. Looks like I may not have to though! :cheers: :thumbs:
in the swedish pcg there is gonna be a review of the sims 2, though it did say that it could be changed... so nobody really knows when HL2 will be released, with the probabable exception of the employes at Valve...:D
PCG is full of crap. They always make some kind of overhyped, teaser statement at the end of the magazine making it seem like the next issue is going to have the goods on the greatest game ever created, then it turns out to be Railroad Tycoon III.
jet jaguar said:
PCG is full of crap. They always make some kind of overhyped, teaser statement at the end of the magazine making it seem like the next issue is going to have the goods on the greatest game ever created, then it turns out to be Railroad Tycoon III.
You are full of crap. :laugh:
Just because it's not your genre of choice doesn't mean you have to hate! ;(
well according to the statistics, the sims 1 is the #1 selling game for the PC along with its expansions. So there are quite a few people waiting for it.

but i hate the very concept of the game. its hard to manage your life, forget about managing a virtual one. I tried the game, it became a chore amd tedious after a while. It's not fun.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JET JAGUAR!!!!!
Head_Crab_04 said:
well according to the statistics, the sims 1 is the #1 selling game for the PC along with its expansions. So there are quite a few people waiting for it.

but i hate the very concept of the game. its hard to manage your life, forget about managing a virtual one. I tried the game, it became a chore amd tedious after a while. It's not fun.
If you try to live it like you would your own life... that's stupid.
The review is Half-Life 3. Don't tell anyone i told you guys though.
tokin said:
The review is Half-Life 3. Don't tell anyone i told you guys though.

I think they would be able to track this post down... :D
Gamespot posted on the rumor control

that eb says sept 1 is the date
and gamespot says most likely true...
I highly doubt Sept. 1 is the release...