Half-Life 2 Review Overview

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Three reviews down, a great deal more to go. Three magazines from three different countries have now started to send their Half-Life 2 reviews into the public domain. With PC Gamer (UK), PC Format (Slovenia)* and PC Gameplay (Benelux) all giving it reviews 90%, it's looking like this will be a common trend. Here are the scores so far:
PC Gamer (UK): 96%[br]
PC Format (Slovenia): 96%[br]
PC Gameplay (Benelux): 90%[br]Average score: 94%
Many more reviews are expected this coming week, and we'll keep you updated on the scores as they come in.[br]
* PC Format (Slovenia) is believed to contain a translation of the review appearing in PC Format (UK)
90% because there is no DM pffft

well im happy about the other reviews :)
two 96% :)
Judging by what we've heard from PC Gamer US, there'll be another high one coming.
Yes, first I didn't believed that 90%, and I haven't yet my PC Gameplay. But I couldn't wait to see if it was true so I checked it in a PC Gameplay in a store. But I couldn't read the whole interview of course and I can't buy it because I'm a subscriber of PC Gameplay so I would end up with 2 issues of the mag. Damn.
For me, only 2 will count, Gamespot and Pc Gamer Us
99 % would be wholy unrealistic. For a game to get 99% it would have to be the game. One that has everything. Alone the fact that there is no MP... I'd be very sceptical about a game that recieved 99%.
Even a 96% means that this is pretty much one of the best games of all times... which I'm eager to see if it's true or not.
I hope the reviewers can distance themselves a bit from all the hype to give a trully un-biased review.
You guys are lucky it's even getting a score at all.
/not complaining, not my game, not my concern.
Why do you hang around a HL2 forum then Algor? :eek:
Yeah I know Dub, but I honestly believe HL² is going to break some records.
I dont get Algors post...
How are we lucky that it's getting a score...?
It's beeing reviewed - hence it's gunna get a score.
Also no sh*# sherlock it's not your game :) and also none of your concern it seems either. Good day :)

edit - I hope so too, Para :)
I think it might be interesting to eventually read a review of Half-Life 2 from someone who has never played the original Half-Life. I think a great deal of my (and our) excitement for HL2 is born of nostalgia for the first game, and probably some of the high scores are, in part, based on the enjoyment and appreciation of the original Half-Life.

It's sort of The Empire Strikes Back of games, it seems, but as good as Empire was (considered better than Star Wars in many camps), how much would one enjoy it without the fondness (not to mention knowledge of plot) one has for Star Wars? Is it even possible to rate a sequel properly? Don't we inevitably judge it against what came first?
I think it might be interesting to eventually read a review of Half-Life 2 from someone who has never played the original Half-Life. I think a great deal of my (and our) excitement for HL2 is born of nostalgia for the first game, and probably some of the high scores are, in part, based on the enjoyment and appreciation of the original Half-Life.
I never played the original btw. :D
DuB said:
I never played the original btw. :D

Well, I'd definitely be interested to hear your review of the game once you've played it. Do you plan on playing HL1 at any point, before or after HL2 comes out?
hehe, no. Don't think I could hack it's graphics... not matter how good the story might be.
Do you guys think that online reviews could also start appearing before the release? You would think that the big gaming sites like IGN, Gamespy or GameSpot would've also received copies forehand, or invited to Valve, which ever style Valve decided to handle the reviews.

Although it doesn't really matter, since I'm a big wussy and won't dare to read reviews before playign the game :LOL:
Algor said:
You guys are lucky it's even getting a score at all.
/not complaining, not my game, not my concern.

eh ? :shoot: him
DuB said:
hehe, no. Don't think I could hack it's graphics... not matter how good the story might be.
No, no. You don't get it. Half-Life is about story. Everything else is secondary. Why do you think people still play text-based roleplaying games? Because its the story man! The story.

Oh well, its your choice. I tried, I really did.
DuB said:
hehe, no. Don't think I could hack it's graphics... not matter how good the story might be.

You are missing out on the best game evar!

Suit yourself :p
That "average score" is one of the most meaningless stats I've seen in a while.
DuB said:
hehe, no. Don't think I could hack it's graphics... not matter how good the story might be.

You could play HL:S... Though I wonder if they are updating any of the models at all...
Seppo said:
Do you guys think that online reviews could also start appearing before the release? You would think that the big gaming sites like IGN, Gamespy or GameSpot would've also received copies forehand, or invited to Valve, which ever style Valve decided to handle the reviews.

Although it doesn't really matter, since I'm a big wussy and won't dare to read reviews before playign the game :LOL:
Doug has already said that the online reviews will only come out on the day of release.

My PCGamer (US) score prediction: 97-98% (to tie Civ.III and WarCraft II).
the 90% from pcgp is because there is no HL2DM and valve throws a bone for everyone to shut up with cs source witch has practicly none of the advantages of hl2, except for some rolling barrels and ragdoll physics its still pretty much static, the levels are almost identical but with some more details, and there are no new ones. I find this score to be the most realistic, they are very thrilled with sp, but the lack of decent MP and a stupid conversion of cs as the only mp there is, is the result of this score. the mulitplayer part is after all the thing that kept hl running for years, and its mods offcourse

pcgp doesn't run along with the hype on the internet, and gives a clear and honest review from a gamers mind, most of the others game magazines aren't objective at all imo, for example some german magazines totaly destroyed hl2 because they didn't get an exclusive preview of hl2

valve states that cs source is free, but hl2 will cost 60€
DuB said:
hehe, no. Don't think I could hack it's graphics... not matter how good the story might be.

If your fussed about the graphics, buy the original game and a copy of Half-life: Blue Shift (I believe you can get the games bundled nowadays) and install both including the high definition pack from Blue shift, but don't register them on steam. The high definition pack upgrades the model graphics in the original game to a level not far off those you find in Counter-strike: Condition Zero as well as the gun models and sounds.

In all seriousness you would be missing a lot by not playing the original game before playing the sequel. Half-Life even 5 years on still remains the bench mark by which other FPS games are judged, to not experience it before it's status is revoked by it's sequel would be a mistake.
Corn said:
the 90% from pcgp is because there is no HL2DM and valve throws a bone for everyone to shut up with cs source witch has practicly none of the advantages of hl2, except for some rolling barrels and ragdoll physics its still pretty much static, the levels are almost identical but with some more details, and there are no new ones. I find this score to be the most realistic, they are very thrilled with sp, but the lack of decent MP and a stupid conversion of cs as the only mp there is, is the result of this score. the mulitplayer part is after all the thing that kept hl running for years, and its mods offcourse

pcgp doesn't run along with the hype on the internet, and gives a clear and honest review from a gamers mind, most of the others game magazines aren't objective at all imo, for example some german magazines totaly destroyed hl2 because they didn't get an exclusive preview of hl2

valve states that cs source is free, but hl2 will cost 60€


HL2 getting anything over 95 is just pure fanboy gibbering.

and whatever magazine gave warcraft 3 and civ 3 97 and 98% is retarted.
Seppo I agree. I don't want to read the reviews at all, not until after I've finished HL2.

I haven't even been watching any trailers, I purposely missed the E3 (this year's) trailers and I haven't looked at any of the screenshots since before E3 2004.

I want no spoiler's excpet to see the game getting the highest scores the best magazines have ever given, i.e. 96%.
u can read the pcgp review, there aren't any spoilers about the game, execpt for some details but nothing bout them game
Wonder when there will be a norwegian review? Anyone norwegians here that know?
The ratings could be 99% but....

...without some viable multiplayer options there is -no- way I'd buy this game. I don't say this lightly, I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this game to come out....and then, the bombshell NO MP! Everyone I know who was going to buy this game the day it came out is now on a wait-and-see schedule.....-when- either a mutiplayer version comes out or some really good mp mod I'll be the first in line, but not before then.

..that's just my $00.02 but I suspect there are a large number of people who hold this opinion....everyone I know does. ;(
Dougy said:

HL2 getting anything over 95 is just pure fanboy gibbering.

and whatever magazine gave warcraft 3 and civ 3 97 and 98% is retarted.
The difference between 95 and 96 is pure fanboy gibbering?....ok
Dougy said:

HL2 getting anything over 95 is just pure fanboy gibbering.

and whatever magazine gave warcraft 3 and civ 3 97 and 98% is retarted.

Your retarded, please get off the forums if you feel this way. If a game is good, score it high. "Fanboy gibbering"? What the hell do you call youself? Look at your post count.
Why do you automatically assume its "Fanboy Gibbering" if a game gets a 96? And you haven't even played Half-Life 2 so how do you know? Good games do exist. Troll.
Petabyte said:
Your retarded, please get off the forums if you feel this way. If a game is good, score it high. "Fanboy gibbering"? What the hell do you call youself? Look at your post count.
Why do you automatically assume its "Fanboy Gibbering" if a game gets a 96? And you haven't even played Half-Life 2 so how do you know? Good games do exist. Troll.

He has played HL2.

Your no better of calling him a troll, people on a message board could hardly care less.