Half-life 2 runs already on Xbox

While KOTOR looked nicer on the PC, I prefered it on the XBox, purely because I could play it on a TV. This gave a far more cinematic experience - and I really felt like I was taking part in one of the movies :)

(there really is little between the too tho, both versions being excellent)

Plus, turn the subtitles off!! This adds to KOTOR more than I can possibly stress.

As for Jet Set Radio, that game looks damn sweet :) ........ not many games, on any platform, can boast such great art work.
JSRF ownz. Definitely one of the best Xbox games ever made. I can't wait for the sequel...approaching...late 2005.
please stop the war!

my point is

I don hav Xbox but I ha ps2 and I hope HL2 will be in ps2
also I hav PC but I dont hav a ultiamte generation PC like you all
I will buy a console version cuz look better that my computer
for example: maybe are Xbox owners that hav the mosts crappy PC in the world and cant play HL2 in then
but they are happy cuz they can buy the game for Xbox

who cares
HL2 will be in PC and Xbox
the PC and Xbox owners will play the game

whats so big deal?
<RJMC> said:
who cares
HL2 will be in PC and Xbox
the PC and Xbox owners will play the game

whats so big deal?

I dunno. People getting uppity that they might not have made the best choice? (I'm just talking out of my arse here as usual)

Not heard anything about HL2 for the PS2, but GTA and Splinter Cell (first two that came to mind) were meant to be exclusive to the console they were released on. I don't think it would be impossible to port the engine to the PS2.
Gorgon said:
I am buying the pc version. thats it...............in your face Bill

yeah in your face Bill, i have already fully paid for hl2 on pc at eb and i am now waiting for its release,

+ plus +



your money might be better spent on anger management courses :0

and might i remind you, whether you play hl2 on xbox or pc you will still be using one of bill gate's products to do so. :)
You only need to take a look at the Doom 3 Xbox version compared to the PC one. The Xbox one hurts my eyes.
poseyjmac said:
your money might be better spent on anger management courses :0

and might i remind you, whether you play hl2 on xbox or pc you will still be using one of bill gate's products to do so. :)
iamaelephant said:
You're a disgrace to New Zealanders....

i do need angermanagement courses, i swear at the pigs and my mates car got impouned for street racing tonight, the towie came he broke my mates racing bumper $600bucks, i said to the towie you have to pay for it, and he got angery and steped up to me, and so i steped up to him and he pushed me.

yes im using windows 2000 and XP, so bad luck for me, but pc puts out better graphics hands down, so yeah,

how am i a disgrace to new zealanders, xbox sucks ps2 rulz, i owned a xbox and it sucked, i own a ps2 and its rulz,

anyways shouldnt we be talking about half-life 2 and not winning about others

:thumbs: :frog:
Okay, let's cut the abuse and get back on topic now.
Polykarbon said:
Well...the game offers one of the best visual packages on the xbox. The textures look great to me. The polygons/particles/etc running at any given time are enormous...and the envrionments are huge. The textures are pretty sharp. I havn't noticed THAT big of a leap as you mentioned, and I played both versions from start to finish.

jet set

KOTOR is loads better...
kotor looks nothing like that when i play it on my dad's hdtv. im shure thats one of these 'developer' screenshots.
Kylebn said:
i do need angermanagement courses, i swear at the pigs and my mates car got impouned for street racing tonight, the towie came he broke my mates racing bumper $600bucks, i said to the towie you have to pay for it, and he got angery and steped up to me, and so i steped up to him and he pushed me.

yes im using windows 2000 and XP, so bad luck for me, but pc puts out better graphics hands down, so yeah,

how am i a disgrace to new zealanders, xbox sucks ps2 rulz, i owned a xbox and it sucked, i own a ps2 and its rulz,

anyways shouldnt we be talking about half-life 2 and not winning about others

:thumbs: :frog:
sorry abom but i have to respond to this.

how is it exactly that the PS2 is better than XBox? if you say because of game selection im tempted to agree. If you try and claim that the PS2 has a superior graphics engine i think i will die of laughter.
Pros: Quick, easy to set up, multiple players can play at the same time on one small machine, takes up less space. All the consoles from one manufacturer are the same, so easier to tune it for that one platform.

Cons: Limited number of players, limited graphics ability, cannot be patched, nearly unmoddable(software), extremely hard to upgrade, limited online capabilities, can only be used for games, limited resolution(640X480?)

Pros: Upgradeable, moddable, nearly unlimited online capability, can do other tasks as well as play games, great for lan parties, can be left running all the time, new maps, new skins/models, new levels, demo games, patches, upgrades, tweaks, and many more can only be done on a PC(I have yet to see anybody get the hl2 trailers up on an X-Box). For FPS(First person shooter, not frames per second) games it is better with a mouse than the sticks/controller.

Cons: Virtually every computer out there is different, streamlining for one machine is not worth it. LAN's are difficult to set up the first time(but after they are already set up, its very easy). Boot time is longer than consoles.

Personally I don't own an X-Box, nor do I plan on owning one. I like my PC. I hate games that were designed for console, and then ported over to PC, for the most part(though GTAIII was done pretty well, and the sniper level was much easier with my mouse). Consoles are neither better nor worse than PC's. They are just different. On average console gamers tend to be younger than PC gamers(money factor), so this might give the impression of them being dumber, but they are just younger(in all likelihood). Personally I hope that we don't end up with another Deus Ex incident. As long as the PC version doesn't play like a console game I will be happy. If it does, then I think I'll be pretty upset, but until I see the game I cannot give any kind of review. I remember how excited I was about DX:IW, that is until I actually played a bit of it. It really was dumbed down.
just remember that gabe said hl2 runs on xbox.....that hardly means its finished and ready for release. the fact that it is "up to MS" is a given, it still doesnt mean if ms said yes they would release it now.

if i am too late, shoot me, because im not reading through 3 pages of "xbox r teh sux 2 pc". i already know that.

edit: holy crap, make that 6 pages.
KOTOR looks great on my TV...strange.

Don't compare video resolution...if that is what you are doing...
Polykarbon said:
KOTOR looks great on my TV...strange.

Don't compare video resolution...if that is what you are doing...
im comparing texture quality. hell if you want next time i am over at me pops house i will take a pic, and then take a screen from my PC.

and his HDTV isnt just some run of the mill HDTV.... $2000 51" sony.
This game is hands down, meant for the PC. Look at all the new tech it has. But, I will be buying both versions (PC & XBox) because I play both just as much as the other. Xbox live or anything doesnt matter because I will be playing HL2 and it's mods over my PC connection. The Xbox has the power to run this game at decent framerates and graphic levels (albeit not as powerful as the mighty PC), just be relieved they arent trying to make a ****ing PS2 port.
DreamWraith said:
im comparing texture quality. hell if you want next time i am over at me pops house i will take a pic, and then take a screen from my PC.

and his HDTV isnt just some run of the mill HDTV.... $2000 51" sony.

$2000 sony 51" are run of the mill Hdtv's.

you want a good 51" hdtv you get grand-wega 3, DLP, LCOS. Cost you 3-9k.

pc looks amazing running on hdtv. unlike xbox which just upscales the game resoltuion pc is actually runnin very high-rez. my tv goes up to 1920x1080 it hink.
I'm comparing the texture quality, character models, arch, envrionments, particles, etc.

I just don't see as big of a leap as you do.

I even hooked it up to my lcd and crt monitor. The X-Box is only slightly behind in terms of texture use. I just can't get over you saying that the pc version is leaps better than the x-box version.

I will accept marginally better, because of course it will be. Technology will do that. However, it isn't anywhere close to being 2X-3X better...[and I'm not saying you said that]

I might make side by side comparison videos of the same scenes =p.
DreamWraith said:
sorry abom but i have to respond to this.

how is it exactly that the PS2 is better than XBox? if you say because of game selection im tempted to agree. If you try and claim that the PS2 has a superior graphics engine i think i will die of laughter.
Kylebn, not Abom.
so your saying the xbox version will look similiar to pc version running @ 1600x1200 8xfsaa 8af and HDR enabled?

very very doubtful.