Half-Life 2 Scores in PC Gamer (UK)

Far Cry has it's own deathmatch and Half-Life 2 doesn't have that :P.
Vinnie_NL said:
Far Cry has it's own deathmatch and Half-Life 2 doesn't have that :P.
We have yet to see about that. Wait for the game to come out before you talk about what it does and doesn't have.
Teta_Bonita said:
We have yet to see about that. Wait for the game to come out before you talk about what it does and doesn't have.

It's already been confirmed that HL2 has no HL2DM. It's multiplayer is CS:S.
Feath said:
Bloody hell.

That's only the second game they've given that score to. The other was Half-Life.
Actually I don't think it is. Quake 2 got the exact same score - apparently the HL reviewer wanted to give it 97% but the editor beat himj down, like it matters. :)
This is really encouraging news.
FarCry didnt diserve a 95 it should have got more like 85-89.

But HL2 could play like crap, which i doubt it and PCgamer UK isnt going to give a low score since they were the first to review. I am suprised they didnt give it a higher score. Ill wiat for less biased scores.
I don't really trust PC Gamer (u.s. anyway) anymore. I bought the Doom 3 issue and I thought the review was a shame. It was a publicity stunt, nothing more. As far as Total War and Far Cry are concerned, these two games simply don't have as much anticipation attached to them as Half-Life 2 does, therefore it's easier to give a good score to a game from which you didn't really expect that much.
I want to know what the positive and negative points are.
But I think something like this:
- Beautiful graphics and physics
- Great atmosphere and storyline
- Variation in levels
- Good AI

- If you don't like CS multiplayer isn't much interesting until the release of other mods.
How is 90% so much worse than 94%? That's only like 4%. If doom3 was scored 70%, then we could actually see a difference, but IMO, the small difference between the d3 rating and the HL2 doesn't tell us much.

As long as the original story writer from HL wrote the script for HL2, it should be smooth sailing.
Vinnie_NL said:
I want to know what the positive and negative points are.
But I think something like this:
- Beautiful graphics and physics
- Great atmosphere and storyline
- Variation in levels
- Good AI

- If you don't like CS multiplayer isn't much interesting until the release of other mods.

thats exactly what i was wondering, what keeps it from being better.
Well 74% to 78% is bad diffrence if that was doom3 and hl2 comparing.

But at the rate of 94% and 96% its harsh percents, no game deserves 100% (of course i think HL1 and HL2 as i biased towards em) so a leap from 94% to 96% is alot worthy than it sounds as it just gets tighter of a score to start giving games 97 or 98.........
Windom said:
As long as the original story writer from HL wrote the script for HL2, it should be smooth sailing.

Wtf Dude, Half-Life was cool in it's day for it's ATMOSPEHERE!
Think for about two seconds what you just said here.
Honestly, the story in Half-Life 1 was a REAL stinker.
Same scriptwriter? I doubt there was one!
Slater said:
Wtf Dude, Half-Life was cool in it's day for the atmosphere, but think for about two seconds what you just said here.

Honestly, the story in Half-Life was a REAL stinker.
Same scriptwriter? What are you talking about?

I believe the person who wrote the story for HL worked on the HL2 story. What games are much better current day than HL when speaking about storyline? I think HL has a great story and atmosphere, even now.

You will probably disagree with what I say, because different strokes for different folks applies here.
Story? Dude there wasn't any story in Half-Life!

Aliens are teleporting from another planet, through a strange teleport accident, and you have to escape the facility where the experiment took place... You kiddin' me? Wasn't more of a story than in a NES game..
Well 96% is a nice nice score :thumbs:

as goes 4 doom 3, i thought it sucked (not the 1. 2 hours that was just plain wow, but after that ... dark, same tight space...so very very boring). And lets not talk about the req´s for running it prober (wtf is ID a rich kid servicer or what?, i can run nicely on my rig, but hey im a grown up with a void to fill).

Rome total war, is actually a good game methinks, pretty good impro´s on it (somewhat civ3/age of empires combo, but nicer looking).

far cry, well one of the better shooters i´ve played in a long time, nice open terrain, good looking...

Even if the score would have been 50 or less, i´ll still buy it, i remember what my friends told me when i bought HL 1, hahaha that game sucks...well they all play cs like madmen still....

looking forward to nice battles in open terrain. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

edit: oh oh forgot about the wonderfull multiplayer opts in doom 3, dont they just kick ass? :E
Slater said:
Story? Dude there wasn't any story in Half-Life!

Aliens are teleporting from another planet, through a strange teleport accident, and you have to escape the facility where the experiment took place... You kiddin' me? Wasn't more of a story than in a NES game..

HL does have a story, as you just said what it is. Look at other big games, like Doom 3 and Far-cry. Far-cry for example has you on an island with mutants from a bad experiment. HL isn't all that bad compared to that is it? Now let's look at Doom 3, another huge title. You're called apon by a research facility in space to kill aliens and mutants. Not exactly leaps ahead of HL.

Although the storyline may be a tad bland compared to some great blockbuster movies, it's still fun nonetheless, a good story for a game, and on top of that, it has a great atmosphere and gameplay.
I don't know if these reviewers finish the games. if you got to the end of farcry, well the ending was lame. doom 3 did get boring as hell, i never finished it, but i still play farcry maps, especially rebellion andthe river map, which are supreme.
I would give fc a 95% no prob as the game worked for me, but it had so many compatibility issues, i would deduct for that.
the gameplay in farcry, was incredible, and huge technological leaps being the first game to use them normal maps so well, and self shadowing.
Farcry doesn't suck, its pretty awsome, doom 3 engine has great potential, and while hl2 doesn't meet those graphical standards from whative seen, all the scripted animations and dialog will more then make up for that in entertainment value im sure.
engine wise, won't know about hl2 till i play it. I do know that i have alot more fun playing farcry mp then i have had on cs source beta, especially those teamwork games where you have to destroy and fix obsticles. damn im gonna play it as soon as i get home, im getting all worked up.
Slater said:
Story? Dude there wasn't any story in Half-Life!

Aliens are teleporting from another planet, through a strange teleport accident, and you have to escape the facility where the experiment took place... You kiddin' me? Wasn't more of a story than in a NES game..

LMAO at the amateur troll. Put HL in the context of when it came out with respect to storyline Vs the games at the time of it's release. Within it's genre of a FPS it was far ahead of the competition. :dozey:
polyguns said:
I would give fc a 95% no prob as the game worked for me
I think 95% is al little high but it deserves at least a 90% score because of what you said, and it was the first game with a physics system that was so realistic. I still remember the day when the 500 mb demo came out. I was amazed by the size and detail of the map, and the jungle was much nicer than in other games like Battlefield Vietnam. And the water, the next game with reflections better than that isn't even gold yet (but of course I'm hoping that's HL2). And yes the monsters in Far Cry don't suck IMO.

Back to the HL subject, the story in HL became quite impressive comparing to other FPS games. But what I liked the most of the whole HL-universe isn't what they have worked out at Valve's office but the possibillities of the universe with those open space we have to fill in for ourselves (who is the G-Man really, and why did the expiriment go wrong, maybe it was sabotaged). Some secrets will be revealed but I think he have even more open spaces at the end of HL2 to let us speculate until the release of HL3.

-edit: and if you don't know what I'm talking about (but most of you do know I think) look in the Half-Life Fan Fiction section of the forum.

Great news! While PC Gamer's reviews and scores aren't always spot on, it's definitely a good sign.

I mean, just imagine if today's post had instead said:

PCGamer(UK) 73%

That would suck so hard.
protrecho said:
Okay - new here, so forgive me for the slight excitement, but has anyone checked out the latest news in Gamespot.com?


It's worth checking the last paragraph - am I reading this right? CS:S is available on Steam next week?

Would have posted new thread, but not sufficient rights yet!


well if its news to u, then u might wanna spend some time browsing these forums... because theres quite a few interesting threads around here :)
Yeah, that is true. Counter Strike: Source will be available next week for those who purchae Half-Life 2 via Stea.
96? Sounds good to me. Lets just hope it gets that across the board, and there aren't a whole bunch of reviewers complaining about the multiplayer. That would make me very angry. Very angry indeed.
96? That is so high score..... I will buy HL2 100% because I alway buy PC Game (over 90% score) :thumbs: Great Job done! Valve!
96?! THATS IT?! :eek: :dozey: :| :hmph: :angry: :flame:

jk... :cheese:
Why does PC Gamer's review matter so much? Doom III got 94% but now people are having second thoughts.
Tredoslop said:
Why does PC Gamer's review matter so much? Doom III got 94% but now people are having second thoughts.
Doom III got a 90% from PC Gamer UK I believe. HL2 has recieved the highest score that the UK version of PC Gamer has awarded to any game. That means it has the same score as HL1.

How can people be getting second thoughts from that?
Tredoslop said:
Why does PC Gamer's review matter so much? Doom III got 94% but now people are having second thoughts.
PC Gamer UK.

It's a little more strict on games as far as rating them in general. Doom 3 got 90% with them.
Tredoslop said:
I was referring to PC Gamer (US).
Yes and the magazine that we now know the score of is the UK version.

UK ratings: HL1 = 96 HL2 = 96, Doom III = 90
US ratings: HL1 = 97 HL2 = ?, Doom III = 94
I'm only going to pay 96% of the purchase price then!!
Apos said:
I'm only going to pay 96% of the purchase price then!!
Apos :D!

Did you just stop by to check up on things, or are you back for a while now?