Half-Life 2 Scores in PC Gamer (UK)

First I thought "oh no, terrible score" as PC Gamer US give ridiculously high scores, however although PC gamer UK give higher than usual scores they're a little more strict I think, so 96% is excellent.

Now my favorite PCZone (aahhh) are the next toughest to GameSpot.com in their scores (in terms of the best PC reviewers and PCZ are "the best" imo) - here's hoping they thought it was at least 96% - tbh I still want it to get more...it's supposed to be revolutionary and evolutionary in my mind. CSS is the best online shooter by far, making everything else look mediocre and outdated. I hope Half life 2 does the same, doom3 and Farcry really weren't that good, so HL2 should own them i.e. get much higher in the scoring system.

Then there will be Vampire: Bloodlines which should be as good.
aaah PC gamer UK gave doom3 90%, good to know. Hopefully they didn't give far cry much more. 96% is good then.
Windom said:
HL does have a story, as you just said what it is. Look at other big games, like Doom 3 and Far-cry. Far-cry for example has you on an island with mutants from a bad experiment. HL isn't all that bad compared to that is it? Now let's look at Doom 3, another huge title. You're called apon by a research facility in space to kill aliens and mutants. Not exactly leaps ahead of HL.

Although the storyline may be a tad bland compared to some great blockbuster movies, it's still fun nonetheless, a good story for a game, and on top of that, it has a great atmosphere and gameplay.

Thats quite funny, didnt ID say they hired in some guy to write there story. I kind of felt the story was more of a rip from the film "Event Horizon" than anything else. Anyone who aint seen it, its basicly about some space ship that has a drive that can bend space/time so they can travel great distances very quick. Well it didnt work as planned and the ship kind of went to a hell and the ship sort of got a mind of its own after coming back.

Games generally never do have good stories for some reason, these days they seem to concentrate mainly on gfx then gameplay after that. If the gameplay is very very good you dont exactly need a great story but it would boost the game tons. Only game i can think of with a good story is probably the Legacy of Kain series apart from 1 of them which was just plain bad simply because the story for it was and that is the major thing for that series.

How long did they play Doom3 for the review. I mean i gotta say ive lost credibilty for PCGamer for them giving Doom3 90%. Fair enough the first few hours are probably 90% quality but then its just down hill from there.
ViolenceJack said:
Thats quite funny, didnt ID say they hired in some guy to write there story. I kind of felt the story was more of a rip from the film "Event Horizon" than anything else. Anyone who aint seen it, its basicly about some space ship that has a drive that can bend space/time so they can travel great distances very quick. Well it didnt work as planned and the ship kind of went to a hell and the ship sort of got a mind of its own after coming back.

that is the only reason I bought Doom3.. I thought it would be like playing through my favorite horror movie (well one of my faves) Event Horizon.
unfortunately it falls very very very short of coming even close to fun/scary/non-repetitive/retarded.

*sigh* lets hope FEAR with their "The Ring" Induced horror, fares better (then again its Monolith, so Im sure its gonna be great)
Horror games would be my fave genre, if there were any decent ones. (none are scary, but some like Clive Barker's Undying, are fun as hell)
Kadayi Polokov said:
LMAO at the amateur troll. Put HL in the context of when it came out with respect to storyline Vs the games at the time of it's release. Within it's genre of a FPS it was far ahead of the competition. :dozey:

Context at the time of it's release!? What crack are YOU smokin'? So in your opinion story-lines in FPS games is just something they started doing like 10 years ago? Jeez, play System Shock, it's sequel, the Marathon series and Metal Gear for some examples from before HL...

But apart of that, what I'm trying to say is that basically, the FPS genre really doesn't need a good story to be fun. It's really all about the look and feel of the game, and that's what made HL1 stand out from the rest. Don't be the fanboy idealizing his favorite game and giving it qualities it doesn't have.

If you think about the story of Half-Life 1 in an objective manner, there really isn't any discussion imo, there are like 50 spoken lines of text in the game and most of it only gives you some directions and hints... There's no text or documents whatsoever you can read to give you some kind of background on Black Mesa or whatever, apart from the train-ride in the beginning... Story-wise it's not that different from let's say, Quake 2, and that's saying a lot.
The whole point of Half-Life's storytelling was that you weren't told a story. You lived out one man's part of a larger story, unfolding only from your own perspective. There was no need for an intricate plot. The atmosphere and gameplay were enough of a story: an amazing game.