Half Life 2 Setting


black mesa

Where is Half Life two set? Is it a real place? It looks like it's in New England or Canada or something.
Where is Half Life two set? Is it a real place? It looks like it's in New England or Canada or something.

Not a real place, but the general setting is "Eastern Europe".
Ahh, the arrogance of north american people. They all think everything takes places in their country.

And as Ennui said, it's not a real location, and the setting looks eastern europe to me as well.

P.S: you could have donde some research, there may be several threads with this topic, or you could have just googled it (I bet my ass there's an article in Wikipedia that explains it)
i am American myself and i do hate the ignorance of Americans, today it is realy sad (im not calling any American in this thread ignorant but we do deserve the constant stereotypes of being ignorant, cheap, gready (well then again who isn't), an making realy cheesy movies :p.
...my mod-sense is tingling.

...is someone here implying City 17 is in a real place?
Fictional Eastern European city near the Baltic Sea, that Valve designed by combining several real European cities.
I think that City 17 is in the country of CitySeventeenstan.
i realy do dought it, but then again im sure all names of countries have almost been forgotten when the Combine enforced their laws, in the Half Life 2 universe, all maps jest have Combine everywhere you look :) like Combinasia, Combuta, Combine Reqpuliqu and Combinance.....etc
I've said it before, and I'll say it again....City 17 is in Jersey.....(No, I'm not serious, It's difficult to get sarcasm to come across effectively on the net)
I've said it before, and I'll say it again....City 17 is in Jersey.....(No, I'm not serious, It's difficult to get sarcasm to come across effectively on the net)

that's what :hmph: is for
i realy do dought it, but then again im sure all names of countries have almost been forgotten when the Combine enforced their laws, in the Half Life 2 universe, all maps jest have Combine everywhere you look :) like Combinasia, Combuta, Combine Reqpuliqu and Combinance.....etc


he was joking
I've said it before, and I'll say it again....City 17 is in Jersey.....(No, I'm not serious, It's difficult to get sarcasm to come across effectively on the net)

Your right Crash, it really is hard to get sarcasm across the internet......
What I don't get is that City 17 is supposed to be in Eastern Europe but everyone there have American accents. (I hope this hasn't been braught up already. if it has, my apologies.)
well considering that the American language has touched nearly evry part of the globe (or maybe the combine thought that the English language was the easiest to understand and integrate), perhaps they did not only put brainwashing stuff in the water supply but also some kind of language filterer, the Humans would not be freaked out or anything because they would be brainwashed at the same time, so they would think that they spoak the English language for their whole lives.
It is set in former Soviet Union areas, from the majority of cyrillic letters used and the communist architecture. Episode Two pretty much proves that with the amount of different factories around and there is also that commie chopper.

It is not any real-life place, just "somewhere in the east bloc" as also some of the screens at the Episode Two silo show, the ones with world map.
well considering that the American language has touched nearly evry part of the globe (or maybe the combine thought that the English language was the easiest to understand and integrate).

The american language? You mean Navajo?
The AMERICAN language is actually the English language, just modified.
I think that the places like ravenholm are in Russia and surrounding areas...
well at least the combine got ride of the Ganster Slang that has infected the minds of many african americans and whites, and restored the proper english language to its original form (well the proper American English language version, you dont see many city 17 citizens saying "nay" or "thi" like the old english language).
What I don't get is that City 17 is supposed to be in Eastern Europe but everyone there have American accents. (I hope this hasn't been braught up already. if it has, my apologies.)
I has, not that I care if people discuss it again (unlike some members). I like the idea of mass forced relocation to keep people disorientated and prevent resistance (imagine being dropped in the middle of an foreign city where you don't speak the language, "no matter how many times it happens... I never get used to it"). Plus after the 7 hour war North America might not have any suitable cities for the population.
My standard answer; Change your steam language setting to russian for authenticity.
well considering that the American language has touched nearly evry part of the globe (or maybe the combine thought that the English language was the easiest to understand and integrate), perhaps they did not only put brainwashing stuff in the water supply but also some kind of language filterer, the Humans would not be freaked out or anything because they would be brainwashed at the same time, so they would think that they spoak the English language for their whole lives.

It's English. And it touched because Britain was an Empire, not because of America.

Stop promoting the unholy bastardization of English that is American English.
Or McLanguage.

Whats that? Scottish?

But still, despite the English Language being present in City17, why does everyone (Except for Gregorie and Cubbage) have American Accents? Why not Russian or Polish? Or the other European Languages.

I'm hoping in Ep3, if we don't go to Borealis straight away, we find NPCs who have other accents
I'm hoping in Ep3, if we don't go to Borealis straight away, we find NPCs who have other accents
It was something, I think, that they should have done for HL2. It would seem out of place to start now (unless they retroactively updated HL2 which seems more trouble than it's worth).
yes people i realize that the English language did not originate in America (i got like 98 in history people, come on) and the old English i meant the English used back in the "Middle Ages". Also the true American language should be that of the Indian tribes that inhabited America before the pilgrims arrived.
Ahh, the arrogance of north american people. They all think everything takes places in their country.

And as Ennui said, it's not a real location, and the setting looks eastern europe to me as well.

P.S: you could have donde some research, there may be several threads with this topic, or you could have just googled it (I bet my ass there's an article in Wikipedia that explains it)

Ahh, the arrogance of some who are not from North America. They think that reverse-stereotyping an entire group of people simply because of what chunk of rock they reside on somehow puts them above those individual North Americans or other nationalities that stereotype their own chunk of rock and the people that reside upon it.

P.S. You could have done some research and found that making such remarks is against the ToS of this forum. (I bet my ass you have been reported and I hope that you get banned for it).

PPS I live in America but am not, in fact FROM America.. so don't even attempt to rationalize my comments down to another stereotype for which you would be entirely wrong.

What are you four years old? Nevermind that would be an insult to four year olds.
yes people i realize that the English language did not originate in America (i got like 98 in history people, come on) and the old English i meant the English used back in the "Middle Ages". Also the true American language should be that of the Indian tribes that inhabited America before the pilgrims arrived.

Uh, there were a lot of different Indian languages, history genius.