Half-Life 2-so extemly unbeliveble beautiful

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry for making such a pointless thread, but I had to expess my feelings.

I was just watching through the newly released BINKs again, and I suddenly realized that this is not a game, it's a movie. And how can I possibly play a movie. I find it very hard to belive that HL2 will ever be released. Anyone think like me?
What a weird logic you have..just because it looks like a movie, you think you can't play it or something?

why in gods name do you find it hard to believe it will ever be released?

I think hes trying to say is that its so nice, its hard to believe you can actually be exposed to something so divine. Probably some early childhood event causes this feeling.
The_Monkey said:
I was just watching through the newly released BINKs again, and I suddenly realized that this is not a game, it's a movie.
Err, yeh the BINKs are the movies, not the actual game, so it would be like a movie.
:D j/k
Must say I feel like the same. U get the feeling of never being able to play it, mostly because it has been delayed for such a long time :(
hey maybe they'll scratch the game and release an 8 hour bink full of gameplay instead :p
Foxtrot88 said:
Must say I feel like the same. U get the feeling of never being able to play it, mostly because it has been delayed for such a long time :(

They did it just so that when it's finally released we all go 0_o
Yes, like most people on here i will shit my pants when i frist play.
I agree with him. It's not hard to understand. He's simply expressing the sheer joy that overtakes him when watching the Binks, and can't believe he'll eventually be able to play something so amazing looking. I can't believe we'll be playing such a beautiful game either. Some day... some day...
Xenome said:
What a weird logic you have..just because it looks like a movie, you think you can't play it or something?

why in gods name do you find it hard to believe it will ever be released?


Omg you have the skill of understanding someone else's feeling less or equal to a ****ing peanut.
What the guy is saying is he thinks this game looks so great that it can't possibly come out and be in his hands, ready to play. He is saying he feels that this is too good to be true.

Well i think its going to be an amazing play, through and through, and soon its coming to us. Can i hear a w00t? w0000t!

You gotta see Unreal 3s graphics if you think HL2 is good. My God U3 looks almost better than real, which is an interesting implication of the name...
krameriffic said:
You gotta see Unreal 3s graphics if you think HL2 is good. My God U3 looks almost better than real, which is an interesting implication of the name...

Thats running on 2000 dollar graphics card with 4 gigs of memory, $15,000 computers. The closer Unreal 3 gets to release, the worse, and worse, and worse screens will look. Not saying they will look bad, but not as good as what your seeing. Happens with every game. :)
i dont get it!!! unreal 3 doesnt look real!!!! it doesnt look that good to me.
these forums always scare me a bit during times like these....
As far as the "movie game" is concenerned, Gabe never entended the game to be viewed as a movie, In fact, when somone approached him during the E3 2003 demonstation and told him "It looks just like a movie" He told him to take it back or he'll take the guys hat away. At least I think it went that way.

But all in all, yes Half-Life 2 is pretty. With its water effects and its falling down physics. But all in all it comes down to gameplay, AI, story, and overall coolness that is the game.
Hey can any of you guys tell me how to contact Gabe Newell? ive always wanted to email him.....like some of you do....lol.
razorblade kiss said:
Thats running on 2000 dollar graphics card with 4 gigs of memory, $15,000 computers. The closer Unreal 3 gets to release, the worse, and worse, and worse screens will look. Not saying they will look bad, but not as good as what your seeing. Happens with every game. :)

WRONG, you petty moron. It was running on a A64 FX-53 System with one 6800u with 2 GB's of Memory.
Half Life 2's graphics aren't so much about realism (Although I agree they do appear quite lifelike), but are more so geared towards the immersion of the player into the world. The little details, like street signs, intricately rendered textures, the grime/dirty feel of the game all help to enhance the experience for the person playing it. So much to the point that, despite the graphics not necessarily appearing lifelike, are very convincing.
OmegaBlue said:
WRONG, you petty moron. It was running on a A64 FX-53 System with one 6800u with 2 GB's of Memory.

Woah.. now that's a whole different matter, cause those are dirt cheap, I mean, I have to wade through those type of systems every day I'm going to work, the streets are crammed with them, I'm using one now as a cage for my mouses.

Don't be a jackass, currently, UE3 requires a top of the line pc to run it at 20 fps, it's from a whole different generation, and as such shouldn't be compared with HL2 or any other game.
PvtRyan said:
Woah.. now that's a whole different matter, cause those are dirt cheap, I mean, I have to wade through those type of systems every day I'm going to work, the streets are crammed with them, I'm using one now as a cage for my mouses.

Don't be a jackass, currently, UE3 requires a top of the line pc to run it at 20 fps, it's from a whole different generation, and as such shouldn't be compared with HL2 or any other game.

THANK YOU. It's unfortunate that all people can't think like you, (and myself) . :LOL:
is there a bink movie of that scene with the hoverboat....

if so, does anyone have a download link ?
what is it called ?

trainstation perhaps?
doesnt sound like a logical name ;)
OscarTheGrouch said:
Hey can any of you guys tell me how to contact Gabe Newell? ive always wanted to email him.....like some of you do....lol.

[email protected]

It's on their site. www.valvesoftware.com do a little searching. not eveyrone is going to be as nice as I am around here.

Oh, please don't bug him with pettylittle things like "When's it coming out?", or "Will HL2 run on my system?" And please check the forums for answers before emailing Gabe. Try the search.

And, most of all, if you hear something cool, you must report it back here, and include me as a reference. And, any cool merchandise that Gabe might throw your way has to be split up between all forum members. Check the forum rules for that one.
OmegaBlue said:
WRONG, you petty moron. It was running on a A64 FX-53 System with one 6800u with 2 GB's of Memory.

The whole "petty moron" was really not required in order to carry your point across, you could have just said what the system specs are and maybe even provided a link, please guys respect each other.

Concerning the idea of HL2 being movie-esque, when I watch the binks, I forget what I am watching, and I am drawn into this so beautifully crafted universe Valve has created, at which point I bask in all of HL2's shining glory.
OmegaBlue said:
WRONG, you petty moron. It was running on a A64 FX-53 System with one 6800u with 2 GB's of Memory.

$5 you don't talk to strangers like that to their face.
OmegaBlue said:
WRONG, you petty moron. It was running on a A64 FX-53 System with one 6800u with 2 GB's of Memory.
Do you think that kind of hostility is really necessary?

Lighten up or people might think you're the one that's petty.
krameriffic said:
You gotta see Unreal 3s graphics if you think HL2 is good. My God U3 looks almost better than real, which is an interesting implication of the name...

Unfortunately - I saw them and thought that for a generation above source and D3 engine, they really aren't that impressive. I was expecting graphics in 2006/2007 to be reaching even more new heights - but UE3 just looks like how source and D3 would like when they'll be update for that time.

UE 3 tech demo basically showed some quality lighting/shadowing and very high-res textures that hardware by that time would be able to handle. This doesn't mean that those kind of textures, effects, e.t.c. aren't achieveable on source or D3 - it's just that our machines won't be able to handle it. So really - visuals that I won't be able to play at a good framerate untill the next 3 or 4 years don't impress me, ATM - because unlike most others I know the standards of visuals will rise and UE 3 will just look like "yet another engine" at it's time.

It's like Trespasser's engine - for a 1998 game (the renders proved) it looked like a 2000 game, but game's in 2000 surpassed those kind of graphics by quite a lot! - so the engine failed.
razorblade kiss said:
Thats running on 2000 dollar graphics card with 4 gigs of memory, $15,000 computers...

What kind of $2,000 video card?
The_Monkey said:
Sorry for making such a pointless thread, but I had to expess my feelings.

I was just watching through the newly released BINKs again, and I suddenly realized that this is not a game, it's a movie. And how can I possibly play a movie. I find it very hard to belive that HL2 will ever be released. Anyone think like me?

I know what you mean. I look at some of the screenshots and find it hard to imagine it being part of a computer game I will be playing soon.