Half-Life 2 Source Code



Hi all,

I think it could be a developer/designer who got fired by valve. He wanted a revenge.
When is the final release of Half-Life 2 ???

Originally posted by Phill
Hi all,

I think it could be a developer/designer who got fired by valve. He wanted a revenge.
When is the final release of Half-Life 2 ???


there is no solid release date, could be anything from this christmas season to april next year.
Im putting some money away just incase they do release the game this year
Originally posted by D33
Phill - It was a hacker.

It could be. Maybe it was like Phill said. Someone might have wanted revenge. We would never know.
hl2 will be out in Hols 2003, thats unless valve make a new statement :/
Is it just me or did Gabe say his laptop was hacked into? :)
hey guys I heard that the HL2 source code was stolen

IS THIS TURE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
It could be. Maybe it was like Phill said. Someone might have wanted revenge. We would never know.

Be too risky for an ex employee to try it.. They'd be onto him in no time (his actions within the network would show he had prior knowledge to where the things he wanted here located) and imagine if he was to use passwords and things they had before he left.. Would be pretty obvious who it was if he tried them and they'd been changed. It was deffinately a hacker, but the question is was the hacker a fan or just doing it because he/she saw it as a challenge, being such a huge game n all. No doubt the hacker thought aswell that it would make them famous, just didn't think ahead very far and realise they can't ever admit to it.. He/she will slip up though eventually, I mean, the person stole something like this, and has all sorts hunting him/her. Just a matter of time before the wrong thing gets said and oops its out. Probably told their close friends too, and friends can't be trusted, just needs one to tell someone and it'll go on from there. He, or she, yes I keep saying she cause you never know :) is as good as caught
ouch... that's gotta hurt

this news reached nearly EVERYONE's ears like... three-four WEEKS ago. to answer your question, yes, it was stolen.

How did you hear about it? Nobody knows. Maybe you bothered to read this thread, but totally ignored the others.

Pay more attention.
lol even non gamein sites were postin new about this. how can u not hear about it?! hmm looks like u got more of a life than me :/
Originally posted by hunteraz
hey guys I heard that the HL2 source code was stolen

IS THIS TURE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

Originally posted by hunteraz
hey guys I heard that the HL2 source code was stolen

IS THIS TURE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

You aren't exactly Mr. Current Events are you hunteraz?
But why can the hacker comes through the firewall? I heard about the Outlook Express. Dunno

getting keyboard stroke recorders onto a computer are usually installed at the computer itself and not downloaded like a virus(althought it could), it is a good chance it could of been a ex employee or something, who possibly had access to gabes computer.
Originally posted by rndhotdog
getting keyboard stroke recorders onto a computer are usually installed at the computer itself and not downloaded like a virus(althought it could), it is a good chance it could of been a ex employee or something, who possibly had access to gabes computer.

Yes.. it's pretty obvious when a recorder is attached to a laptop.... :x

Something inside me says Valve let it loose to shut everyone up and have an excuse for the delay. If that leak is/was the condition of the source code in Sept, they have a LONG way to go (from what i hear).
Keystroke recorders *ARE* installed through viruses. A commonly available one has been in existance for at least gour years now. Typically they are coupled with a series of other features, like remote control. They get installed through a virus-attachments and then often reach outward to contact the sender which will often get around firewalls since outbound initiated traffic is usually more open.
It probably wasn't a Valve worker, because I though they said the had narrowed it down to 1 guy in Denmark :eek:
Originally posted by James Isaac
It probably wasn't a Valve worker, because I though they said the had narrowed it down to 1 guy in Denmark :eek:

That ended up being a fake IIRC, I think Gabe made a post on this forum about it.

People who've been to their offices have said they have a whiteboard with names and things on though, so they are getting closer, but its highly unlikely if they know who it is that it would be made public in any way, doing that could cause problems with the legal system when/if they do catch the person.
We haven't heard from Mr Hacker for some time, maybe right now Gabe and doug are beating his feet with a crowbar in some deep dark chasm somewhere.
i think that the person who hacked valves comps did it for a challange and for the game cause i think like everyone was anticipating it and the person who hacked the comps was just a super impatient person
I don't think so, I think that they just want to destroy as many someone's work as the can, and they did that, I think that Velve will lost a lot of money when internet programs were stolen bacause it will let cheaters cheat in network game, which I think, will be paid, but who want to play on server where are cheaters and any other suckers?
A hope that game will be relesed in April, bacuase few more "times change" and i will just forget about this and by Doom III :(
Originally posted by Headwires
hl2 will be out in Hols 2003, thats unless valve make a new statement :/

Hl2 will for sure not come out this year. The holiday release date is just a way to maintain the hype!

HL2 will ship February-April 2004 at the earliest... probably even later
ech...... And because of that I will be waiting for it much more time, only because someone hacked and stole source..... ech.... life is brutal....