Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

I've had an idea for Substance.. if any1 who has the skills can do several simple reskins.. create like several zombie models and skin them as followed..

Rebel Zombie (The one with the hats and Lambda logo on arm)
Refugee Zombie (The people with White T-shirts)
Citizen Zombie (The people with Blue-Shirts)
Combine Zombie? (Could work?)

Does any1 think this could work?
the first 3 are just simple reskins, but the combine would be something else intirely. you could put the headcrab onto the combine but then you still wouldn't have the long hand and cut upen stomache effects. trying to skin the zombie to look likt it used to be a combine would be weak and not believable. you would just need to clone the zombie to the 3 or 4 different zombies with new names.
Ok I take Combine Off the list then :p, Anyway when some1 does reskin it.. Some1 needs to sort out the heads.. cause i would find it stupid it is the same exact person under the headcrab :p.. Needs a Baldy man or something like that..
we have skins for a normal,city17 and pre-release zombie: I would have added them as alternate skins (as the combine ones) but the model didn't work well (the ragdoll was all scrambled,really weird) with the model tools I used prior to 1.0X release. I'll see if the update ones work better when I'm back to my pc. Pratically,I have to modify the zombie_classic model so that it allows multiple skins,and then add the random skin code
i've done this with antlions, and i didn't need a random script, but if you make different models, with alternet zombies files you shouldn't need any random picking coding.
how did u get those multiple skins working is there already multiple skins for the combine or did u clone them and give them diferent skins
ScriptO: then yes,multiple models chosen at random for the zombies would work. Let's add this to the list (but antlions use multiple skins only)

kaotik_stalker: me and others created or edited new combine skins,then I recompiled their models to host them all (as with antlions) and had an italian coder and Jerry add the randomize combine skin application code
question: When youll finesh substance would you relase some of the code?
becouse some of the code you did can relly help other mods like BM:s and RT
Inflame007: it is up to Jerry,not me,but I don't think those big productions need any help from us outcasts
i'm downloading GTA: San Andreas :p but it's verry slow.. it wont get higher then 14 kb's and it's usealy below 10 kb's. and it's 4 gig so it takes about 5 days
A: Off topic
B: Pirating is bad.. (Even tho i do it :p)

I dled WoW last night just finished dlin it today.. Clicked on the file and found out it was a Lesbo Sex movie.. I was made up with that.. But still I wanted WoW
Let's get back on topic people. I have a suggestion, one day I was playing and I got killed, I had the shotgun that shoots four rounds at a time equipped and it had fallen after i'd died. I noticed that one of my fellow team mates had picked it up and reloaded it(i was out of ammo as i died). What i'm getting at is can we equip the weapons we have access to, to the npc's, so they have a fair shot against the combine and all, plus you don't have to see the same smg or plasma rifle on every person, rather a different gun (as there is quite a variety) and if your npc dies you get extra ammo for that special weapon. Just a thought.
come on people,you don't want the topic to be shut down because of warez talks... :(

the hotdog man: you've seen too much and now I have to kill you :p not really,npcs can be equipped with the new weapons but unfortunately they can't use them. I'm not really sure why... I'll try asking our expert Angry_Lawyer
npcs are aleady set to not be able to even use all the sp weapons, depending on class. you could set the multiple weapons to animations and coding that they already use (maybe! haven't checked it out yet) as they have limitations.
ScriptO: here's what he suggested: "Look in the default weapons at "Operator_HandleAnimEvent" - it tells the AI how to fire the gun. Most of the time, it should only need to be a copy-paste, unless you've got a gun that does something odd". And he's always right... Btw,if the portkit IN & OUT system works,now it should store in memory not only health but also all other armor & ammo values
allmost at 20%... i will have to leave the comp on for 4 days if i wanna have GTA San Andreas finished.. and i will :p
Sufferin-rebel said:
A: Off topic
B: Pirating is bad.. (Even tho i do it :p)

I dled WoW last night just finished dlin it today.. Clicked on the file and found out it was a Lesbo Sex movie.. I was made up with that.. But still I wanted WoW
did you like the movie? lol
yes i realised that when i made 1 of the guns in my mod [nothing big i just replace some weapons cuz i cant code] a world model aswell they couldnt shoot and ffs is there anything i can do without coding besides adding bullettime and replacing weapon models and sounds. Is there anyway to change rof? and acuracy?
I just had a thought.. Xdiesp could host a contest for people to make videos of HL2 Substance you could turn the HUD off.. and film it.. I think making a "trailer" would be quite cool.

Henkjan: Yes I did :afro:

So Estimated Release date?
kaotik_stalker: the 1.2 will be the final one but it will be played for some time nonetheless,we'll translate the site just for that. You need a coder to change rof and precision,even bullet time with AUX consumption needs coding

Sufferin-rebel: the main 1.2 development has been halted for a while because both me and Jerry have exams until the 6 of july,but ScriptO here has almost completed adding the much requested stats portability between levels,as well as strider hijacking,and my mapper is finishing the new intro/outro (we need Medic's voice). Any trailer/videoclip is welcome,I'll see to contact you in advance when we have a solid playabe v1.2 for you to show all the new features!
In the level after you open the drawbridge and you have to fight all the stirders, in one segment a strider is supposed to use it's charged attack and cause a section of wall to crumble, revealing some items. The problem is that instead of going through with the attack and the crumbeling of the wall the game locks up and crashes. Any suggestions?
the hotdog man: looks like a bug similar to the one of the blue beam crash in the town hall square. But I'm not getting exactly where this is happening: the very final City17 stage? Or the one where in Substance there's an helicopter hovering on an apartment block as combines raid it? (can't remember this hidden items vault place)
this just sucks looks like i cant add anything till i get vis studio 2003 [in 2005 if u try to open the code files it gives u some error] i would like to know when the 1.2 is coming out and in ur guys opinion what is the best mod is it
a: substance
b: garrys mod
c: the hidden
d: all weapons mod
e: eclipse
f: other
How do you install the patch? I don't know where to put the .VTX and .VTF files at all.
Piemonkey: as written in the FAQ,extract the patch zip into \sourcemods\

kaotik_stalker: the goals of those projects are different,each one has a different ecologic niche where it uniquely does what it has been called for
xdiesp said:
Sufferin-rebel: the main 1.2 development has been halted for a while because both me and Jerry have exams until the 6 of july,but ScriptO here has almost completed adding the much requested stats portability between levels,as well as strider hijacking,and my mapper is finishing the new intro/outro (we need Medic's voice). Any trailer/videoclip is welcome,I'll see to contact you in advance when we have a solid playabe v1.2 for you to show all the new features!

The Good news is I got a bitchin Video card with Bump mapping and cool effects..

The better news is it can support bloom and i can crank it all the way up to high..

The bad news tho.. I havent got a program to record while im playing Substance.. the best i can do is screenshots.. :(
Look up a program called 'fraps'. Admitted, it can only take short videos (unless you register), but it's pretty good.

-Angry Lawyer
xdiesp said:
the hotdog man: looks like a bug similar to the one of the blue beam crash in the town hall square. But I'm not getting exactly where this is happening: the very final City17 stage? Or the one where in Substance there's an helicopter hovering on an apartment block as combines raid it? (can't remember this hidden items vault place)

The crash happens once you leave town hall and have to fight striders, you know the level where htey tell you to get to a rocket stash and fight off striders (there isn't one in substance). Essencially the wall that is a little ways down from the rocket stash (in regular hl2) is supposed to be blasted open when a strider uses it's charged shot. Also (I don't know if this will help), but there is a blue dumpster near the wall that is supposed to be destroyed.
the Hotdog Man: now I get it,in fact once I fixed the first blue beam attack of the level I asked here if anyone was getting problems with the second and they told me no...ok,I'll fix it once home
xdiesp said:
the Hotdog Man: now I get it,in fact once I fixed the first blue beam attack of the level I asked here if anyone was getting problems with the second and they told me no...ok,I'll fix it once home

Thanks for the prompt responce.
hot564231 / Sufferin Rebel: I am sorry I've been away from my pc for over a week already and I had no way to update the news on the site,but we found the performer already

I'll try getting some War of the World's sound effect for the striders,after all they can be considered cousins (while the Substance already modified ones are nothing but Cyberdemon screamings!)
sorry posting again don't click on that email i just hidden a part of my email
i looked up hl2 at school once and all the sites where blocked except for 1 about war of the worlds wich said the striders where taken from it so i can see how that works how do u get the sound out of the movie because im working on a beta mod and i want to get the smg sound from the beta video clip what program do u use?