Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

henkjan: hype is killer,let's play WoW until I call you for beta testing (somewhere in 2019 ;-D)

please don't fight over taturana,after all the 2 mods are compatible. Yes,the screenshots are old,let's have a contest to replace/update them with cooler ones!
i only wish i could use ur skins in taturana as u fight ct and t's in it so that dosnt really work out well [except the combine soldier still has a gas mask so i can see that but what is really wierd is the ragdolls arnt meant for hl2 so sometimes ther just this big blob of limbs looks wierd but in a cool friekishly wierd kind of sense oh and have u done gibing yet as i cant wait for that there are diferent anims for where ther hit so cant u code in that if they are over killed [eg. shotgun on a combine soldier with 1hp] u can tell it that if it used the anim left flinch then code it to remove a certain part of the left side
i only wish i could use ur skins in taturana as u fight ct and t's in it so that dosnt really work out well [except the combine soldier still has a gas mask so i can see that but what is really wierd is the ragdolls arnt meant for hl2 so sometimes ther just this big blob of limbs looks wierd but in a cool friekishly wierd kind of sense oh and have u done gibing yet as i cant wait for that there are diferent anims for where ther hit so cant u code in that if they are over killed [eg. shotgun on a combine soldier with 1hp] u can tell it that if it used the anim left flinch then code it to remove a certain part of the left side
Dale181 said:
substances pwns taturana's weapon mod all teh way kaotik new weapons pfff
technicaly substance has 50 weapons
and some of taturana's weapons are just recolors
oh and xdiesp, i probably told you this befor, but after when i play a stage and go in italian extreme mode. after the next load it will go back at hard. will this be changed in 1,2? i know i asked you befor, but i forgot the answer :D
kaotik_stalker: you should be more careful with double posting,just hit the reply button once even if the screen doesn't refresh. Post a link to taturana's mod so we can try it and possibly mesh more Substance onto it!

henkjan: it was something ScriptO would have taken care of with the Portkit,but I can't find him anymore...

in other news,tomorrow I go to my summer house for a couple of months. This means 56k for me: still enough for my modding work with the collaborators,but definitely too much if you wanted to send me that 1G file of yours you absolutely wanted me to see :p Also,I will also be able to join the IRC channel on the evening for a couple of hours

we're at page 84,let's pay homage to our mentor George Orwell: all the mods are equal,but some are more equal than the others...
xdiesp said:
henkjan: hype is killer,let's play WoW until I call you for beta testing (somewhere in 2019 ;-D)

please don't fight over taturana,after all the 2 mods are compatible. Yes,the screenshots are old,let's have a contest to replace/update them with cooler ones!
I would do that if the mod wouldnt load for ages.....
inflame stop being a jackass thinking of anything that is bad about the mod.
and it doesend load for ages
it is

henkjan said:
inflame stop being a jackass thinking of anything that is bad about the mod.
and it doesend load for ages
so stfu

oh and I dont have a shitty system' I run Hl2 in DX9 with filters, no problems.
and I still cant fined anything good about this mod except some skins and the combine solider coding.
edit: and one of the biggest fps problems in this mod is caused by the fact that bodies dont desappear after a while becouse they are spawned and not map defined.
so the forms are not good?
and how can u have problems with fps.. i dont have a verry good system and this game just runs fine....
no lag at all. maybe when an explosion comes but it doesend bother me
henkjan said:
nice sounds in the sound pack v2
I just downloaded it. As I was installing it, this came up;
! E:\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\hl2substance\Substance_mod_Sound_Pack_V2.rar: CRC failed in sound\npc\zombie_poison\pz_alert1.wav. The file is corrupt
Sorry it took so long but it took me a while to find a good section to use for the strider sound, it's a bit deep and low tone, if it's too blaw I can try to slightly increase the pitch.


  • tripod3[edit].zip
    63.9 KB · Views: 129
Jason Vorhees: good work,now I'd like to set the strider volume to 300% to have people cry in terror when they hear that! I'm also waiting for a totally new strider skin from our new collaborator Gyppi,the italian behind the Green Tech Doom 3 mod

Inflame: no need to flame about technicalities,just ask me when you have problems. HL2 builds a level cache as you progress through the game,making level loadings vastly shorter on the 2°+ runs than they were on the 1° one: however that cache is not shared to mods,so they have to rebuild it from scratch (meaning,longer loading times). To avoid this,Substance has a cache copier attached to its installer,that copies the Half-life2\maps folder into HL2Substance\maps: check if that exists in you installation and is at least 400 megs (otherwise,repeat the installation)
ok heres the link i would love to have more substance in it oh and if u want i can show u what i mean by the f*$&ed up ragdolls as i took a picture anyways some of it is like urs but is mostly diferent [there is an irifle but it shoots a big fireball and kills instantly] it also has a hydra in there somewhere so i would love to kick that things but i realized that taturana definetely has the beta as there is the oicw and the sniper in there all how they where in the beta and i donwloaded the traptown map from him awhile ago thinkin it was something else also when u load it up in the console it says couldnt exec e3????? "twilight zone music"
http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/HalfLife_2_Taturanas_Weapon_Mod;44704 oh adn could u plz tell me if u r incorporating a gib system and if u want to hear people scream with the tripod roar then maybe jason should add in some files and play tham in the background and it would be awsome if u could get them to instead of yelling strider yell tripod
you might want to know to things:
1. the env/spectecukar/normal map on the metrocops is ****ed up, as mauch as on the regular shotgun too.
they are over shiny....
thats becouse the fact your textures saved wrong and the bump maps are compiled in a bad way... (you cant compile normals the regular way).
2. for some reason I cant see shadows in your mod.
my shadows and shaders set to high so dont know whats the problem.

think about this.
1) that effect is exactly what I want,besides the fact that I've used standard bump too elsewhere;
2) many npcs' shadows have been removed to quietly improve performance,while props' ones remain.

henkjan: then play WoW!
i dont have WoW..
EDIT: But i'm downloading it right now :p
and i think i can even do multiplayer for free :D
the All Weapons Mod by metal militia I know,but this taturana's one shipped with blatant beta content,I do not understand how they get away with it...

Jason Voreehes: hummm,I'd like to listen to an edited version of tripod2 too,without the little voices background noise (8 seconds long),can you do something to it?
xdiesp: The problem is, how do I "intergrate" it into Substance? It's using the default levels.
I must say, that 1 weapon that when fired, sounds like the sound of the Strider's Reality-Bending Plasma Cannon (or Blue Beam), is COOL!!! :thumbs: Though it says I have low ammo, and impulse 101 isn't supplying ammo to it, nor does it have a HUD for current ammo.
It looks like the Super Gravity Gun.
Beavermon: yes,the standard sniper rifle of gordon could be made use the current snake ar2,that has indeed a zoom,and fire something like that (with taturana sound) with blue trail and keeping the disintegration it already has. Later,Big Boss awp would act instead as a perfectly traditional gun
i wish u would be some of the leaked beta content into substance [its illegal but where not the 1's who stole it it was a gift lol] i think instead of the fn2000 the oicw and the sniper should be in there and i also noticed that there is actually hands on the buggy [no materials] but u could actually c ur hands turn the steering wheel u should put that in
i would actually prefer.. if the sounds from the bink coast videos could be used for the buggy
I personally want the Super Tau Cannon from that mod in Substance. That thing OWNZ!!! :thumbs: It's like a Sniper Rifle. Even has that "1 Shot, 1 Kill" deal. But it don't have an effect with Striders, Gunships, Dropships, or Helicopters.
But, this thing has Unlimited ammo (even though it shows it has a maxinum of 150). :D

I can't use that "Manipulator Blast" thing anymore, because it's out of ammo. :hmph: It has this "BLAST" ammo, and impulse 101 won't give it the ammo it needs. :( They need to fix that.

EDIT: Maybe I can "channel" the ammo from 1 of the existing weapons that has ammo, like the Super Tau Cannon.
heh I would like the sound of the Gravity gun it made in the HL2 Binks, And i got a question for XDIESP.. When Aftermath is out.. Will you work on that??
Well darn.. Then my next question arises.. Who will take the position to do substance gameplay for Aftermath :D
well all you need to do is make a bunch of savegames..
the coding and stuff is allready done.(maybe i'm wrong) but i think aftermath
is just some new maps right? and a new story... but the weapons and stuff will all be the same
EDIT: i keep looking here for anything from xdiesp but he isend posting anything :p
Sufferin-rebel: it all depends on how far Aftermath is,can't exactly wait for a year and then come back from the dead :\

I have played Taturana's mod and I mailed him,let's see if he wants to collaborate with us. And if he doesn't,90% no models either... I have seen the Hydra model in the \models\ folder,do you think it's from the beta as well? (a good thing is to patrol the model releases for HL2,the readme of the mod says nothing so far and it may be using some third parties stuff,as us) I'm impressed with the punches,the AR2 flaming effect and some of the best Perfect Dark alien weapons (that's exactly the kind of weapons HL2 lacks,but I would do them more organic than crystal/virtual). I think Jerry could come up with them,code-wise,but he doesn't need any more work he already has!

In unrelated news,tomorrow I'll show you the start menu organization of 1.2: after the "choose substance/vanilla campaign" and "turn substance leves on/off",I found a more logical way (but it has a little flaw). We should also be able to give one of the forms a pair of night googles. And I planned to have longer fights with the original scripted gunship encounters and striders (kinda the helicopter fight at the black mesa east lake: did you notice it was harder this time? did you beat it?). I have also redefined the plans for the secret HEV Form: Gray Fox Form. Features: high speed,unlimited stealth,unlimited bullet time,high armor,high jump,small but persistent open wounds on. Weapons: katana (fatal even to striders,longer range),ar2 with unlimited secondary fire and superggun lifting power embedded into the normal lifting itself (using the Use button). Pratically,you can lift people with your hands and throw them away
xdiesp said:
Pratically,you can lift people with your hands and throw them away
Ooooooooh! :E Gimmie! :D I always wanted to "use the force" against my enemies. :)
oh and xdiesp. i found another problem i allready told you befor,
when you load a map in console, it automaticly loads it in vanilla..
even if u turn substance levels on. and the crashes and stuff dont happen in the vanilla version so people might think that when they load a level in console that the crashes are gone..
u type load sbst_########## not map cuz that is just pikin the hl2 level and how hard is it exactly to coed in weapons and npc's oh and i like the effects from taturana's mod how an exlosion makes the room cloud with smoke and the sparks seem....... better and u should probably get soem nice ricochete sounds like in bluegilles sound for cs they make u just wana haul ass!
henkjan: cheat commands "map x" give access to Vanilla levels while cheat commands "load sbst_x" give access to Substance levels





do you think it's more logical this way? If you want to play Vanilla you load the "Half-Life 2" line,while if you want to play Substance you load the "Gordon Tales" line. The method has just this flaw: if you play vanilla HL2 and then you change your mind switching to substance Gordon Tales,the next stage you load would still be a vanilla one - have to think about it for a moment,hummm...
yes, it's good. but, gordon tales? what's up with the name?
EDIT: but if you play a substance level and you change to vanilla, will the next stage be vanilla?
henkjan: yes,the upper one is the only problematic case - working on that