Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

Flyingdebris: no way to change firerates without a decompiler...

that's it,if most people do not read readmes,some other do not even read the vague descriptions you find about a mod on websites that let you download them. I've heard about a dozen people already complaining about "missing weapons" they could see on my site but not in game,that actually didn't know about the HEV Forms so that they couldn't activate their class related arsenal. Conclusion: the VR Training map must be filled with on screen messages that explain you how to play the game,and maybe the F1-F4 hev form buttons should be limited to one single key that activates an on screen panel (class selection panel?)
xdiesp said:
and maybe the F1-F4 hev form buttons should be limited to one single key that activates an on screen panel (class selection panel?)

I don't think you'd need to do that. It would halt the action, if it paused the gameplay. And if not, then it would be tricky to mess around with an on screen menu, when there are enemies coming. Don't change the controls because some retarded smartass can't spend 5 minutes to RTFM (the readme.txt, in this case). The VR training enhancement idea is good, but I don't care, since I never tried that map - I read the readme, and I could play fine :) . I think the current control scheme works fine - I mean, besides the ususal HL2 keys, you only need the HEV keys, the grenade throw, and the melee attack, and Bullet Time (or special ability in 1.2 maybe).
Malleus: assuming we are able to code the panel,we can make it co-exist with the HEV Forms selection quick-keys: F1-F4 for them and F5 for the panel. Note that opening the panel would pause the game. But there's another issue to check: the survivor mode idea (halo shields,need to have full shields to switch form) has evolved in a separated campaign and now it's no longer appliable normal vanilla game (hl2 italian extreme) and substance campaign (gordon tales). The bid to have a "form switch limitator" is open again: as of now the 2 main currents are "no limits" and "full health"...
xdiesp said:
Malleus: assuming we are able to code the panel,we can make it co-exist with the HEV Forms selection quick-keys: F1-F4 for them and F5 for the panel. Note that opening the panel would pause the game.

Oh yes, that's ok. I thought that the quick keys would go ... me stupid:|

But there's another issue to check: the survivor mode idea (halo shields,need to have full shields to switch form) has evolved in a separated campaign and now it's no longer appliable normal vanilla game (hl2 italian extreme) and substance campaign (gordon tales).

Ok, so what is this survivor mode exactly? Halo shields means self recharging shields, I suppose, but what with the HP? Anyway, if you have the time/patience/resources to make this survivor mode, then I'm sure it would be cool...

The bid to have a "form switch limitator" is open again: as of now the 2 main currents are "no limits" and "full health"...

My vote is on "no limits". Anyway, what was/is wrong with the 60 HP limitation?
EDIT: Oh I just realized that the three MGS form are no longer superior over the GF form in 1.2. Forget the 60 HP question then...
Malleus: this is the survivor mode bible:

Survivor Mode means playing the campaign with a HEV suit regen system on and mostly no health points in medikits,healthvials and health stations. Details:

1) goal: "survive" until the end within very strict health points limits;

2) means of survival: skilled play and the new 1.2 lifeleech attacks;

3) challenge: increasing chapter by chapter,because the dangers grow and you have progressively less health;

4) game over: it's possible both to die in each single stage and because of general failure. These are both caused by too little health points: the Halo shields are unlimited and give you 80% damage absorption protection,it's that 20% that filters that ultimately kill you. By general failure,I mean that if you get by Nova Prospekt with just 30 health,you may not be able to continue (it would take superhuman skills);

5) halo shields: they need 5 seconds of "calm" to activate. They refill 5 HEV suit points each second,when activated. They go up to 150 points. They absord 80% of the damage dealt to you;

6) health points: medikits and health stations are terribly limited and you'd better manage your health on your own,the exact amount for them is yet to be researched though;

This could have been made a lot simpler,like just giving Gordon 10'000 health in Point Insertion and leave the player survive with no health bonuses at all,but this way you would have been pratically immortal for a 1/3 of the game and after all everybody knows Halo shields.

About the HEV Forms: originally they were just bonuses (gordon being the weaker,big boss the stronger) and each one got its own health limits (again,gordon the lower,big boss the higher) because you needed to earn that bonus by playing skillfully aka keep it up with hp. Now I'd like to have them more classes,balancing weak and strong points so that you can also play a full run through the game with a single class. (btw the very bad point of the old health limits was getting "thrown out" of hev form when hit too hard,I consider that confusing and a letdown if you wanted to fight for your life by going stealth or giving your faith to bullet time i.e.) So I'm searching for a limitator to make the players think seriously they are switching a big deal at playing the game and not just a bonus to their weapon (in fact,the first thing to leave have been the unlimited ammo features). The problem is that a too rigid one would make impossible to switch form when it's a second too late (100 health): what if we do that you can only switch form at 90+ health,and when you have 90+ the health numbers are like white? Or maybe there is a little message above it saying "hev forms switch available"
xdiesp to make people really think about changing there forms u could have it take away x amount of health so they realize that while thay can change forms at will it is not something to muk around with and i think u should get rid of the unlimited ammo as i used to just go as liquid just cuz of his unlimited m4 and this left me very narow minded as i used the forms cuz of there weapons [bb if i wanted to snipe ss if i wanted to take out litle things witht he pistol and ls for the normal guys with the m4] 1 flaw i see is that when they do change hev form they could potentialy kill themselves and it would be a pain in the ass while in combat but maybe it firstly takes ur halo shields then it takes ur aux power and then ur armour then ur health so it still gives people the prortunity to switch at they please but still have restrictions [in survivor mode i think u should have the health 1 tho]
kaotik_stalker: the "hurt" hypothesis has already been tested and disapproved,people wouldn't simply use the forms anymore not to get hurt...

taturana works to the 1.2 development as well! ^^

check this out! the substance gamebook: http://xdiesp.altervista.org/manual.html
The Quartz has agreed helping us and released the strider mod code (part of). ScriptO has been kind of absent lately,I did hope he would have been here fixing his hijackable strider with this but..
m249 instead of the m4 hmmm i think u should give him bb's old m4 for his normal m4 and give him something other than an fn2000 as while i do love the gun i just found my self never using it and if i did it was only cuz i liked the model http://www.pcgamemods.com/14390/ here is a map that is great fun u should try it in substance just dont copy over the autoexec like i did oh well i was lucky enough to find the autoexecx file thanks for that xdiesp
yeah,big boss old m4a1 is a good candidate too. Talking about newer models,the HK-3 that replaced the old one in the patch is also worse in my opinion. Would you prefer the FN2000 to have an all-gray skin like it had in 0.84 when it was a flaregun,or the current dual color is good enough?

today's idea is to change the skies of the HL2 levels so that,like,the canals are played at night and ravenholm at dusk (the zombie city with a blood-purple background is really fascinating). Any suggestions? HL2 is played during 3 days:

day 1 start: Point Insertion - Dawn
day 1 end: Ravenholm - Night

day 2 start: the beach base - Dawn
day 2 end: the entrance of nova prospekt - Night

day 3 start: city17 - Day
day 3 end: citadel - Dusk & alien portal
Hold it. When you get out of the Ravenholm Mines and back outside, when it's Dawn. :)
give the fn2000 the grey skins oh and xdiesp i have found a way to make my own blood mod by renameing som of valves files behold the ridicuolous blood mod

let me know what ya think and i will host it if u like it and u give me a place to host and definetely do the sky thign as i want substance to be as different to hl2 as possible
edit: i fixed a problem with it for som reason there would be a puke stain instead of blood thats gone and i made the body decals liek them aswell so u will definetley know if u hit ur mark
kaotik_stalker: 1.0X already included the Realistic Blood mod
i vote to keep the minigun in. If it can be made more awesome of course.

best way to make it more awesome, make it behave something like the AC in TFC.

When it starts firing, player slows to a crawl while he mows enemies down. Have it fire faster, insane faster, with a much larger clip and spread everywhere. Have it make the telltale Whiiiiiiiiiirrrrrr noise that miniguns make.

100% pure badassitude
I want a Chaingun like in Quake 2. That thing was badass when playing Quake 2 CTF with the Eraser Bot. :D
Chainguns are so cool(expasually when they mow my enemies down). :cool:
damn that sux does anyone want it i will post some more pics of it in a sec and keep the minigun in ONLY if u get a new huge model and definetely make it fire faster and do the whirling sound and thats pretty odd as when i downloaded it i got d definders blood mod wtf?
here are the other pics it works with every hl2 based game
and here u can see that puke stain its out of hl2dm but its still in cs source i duno y :[
and the last 1 just to show u how ridicoulous it is from one shot with the glock
isn't the minigun enough as the current one without hands?

if only I could find people good enough on garry's mod,I would bring on the Gordon Diary project: a PDA doom 3 style that updates stage after stage,explaining what Gordon experiences in Substance's world

what is that makes alyx and barney so smart? :?
i have no idea what ur talking about but i guess they reversed it and made me dumb or sometihng anyways did u ask the guy bout the multiple savegames and another thing for the hev forms is like the nearuotoxin thing but u have to pick up the capsules i dont know how it would work exactly but yeah and i understand the gordon diary's thing but what do u mean by garrys mod?
I found a new bug. But it's a player-avoidable crashing bug.
In Route Kanal, when you got 2 Poison Zombies, and some Barnicles, and the G-Man. If you lure a Poison Zombie to a Barnicle, hoping the barnicle will pick it up and eat it, well, it causes a crash and freezes the game.
Fortunally I found a way to get back to the desktop after it, by pressing the ESC key a couple of times, closes it out and brings back the desktop.

I guess the only way to avoid it, is to NOT lure it to a Barnicle. Sucks though. Would be cool to see a barnicle eat all of those headcrabs and the zombie their all attached to.

I like doing this with Poison Headcrabs in the 3rd Level; letting the barnicle have a nice Poison Headcrab snack. :)
Beavermon: I will just kill all those barnacles,they weren't that useful anyhow (strange thogh that Valve didn't make poisonzombies edible by barnacles)
its not really logical i dont c how that little barnacle eats the normal zombies anyway its becuase theres no way it could fit in its mouth and even if it did then how would it get all the headcrabs and why are these forums so sudenly dead are there new forums up or something
thinking again,where can I download those super bloody decals?
kaotik_stalker: thanks,but please could you send it to my mail at [email protected] ? I don't know why but ihud doesn't let me download anything... :(

new viewmodel for the proximity headcrab added,new tutorial for having blur in BT found,new skies added
kaotik_stalker: wait a second! Could you please post a picture of the OICW with a zoom on the hand? Is it really hold with the right hand on the barrel and the left hand on the trigger?

it's just skies with a different color: this is the final fight with the helicopter and the gunships at night with the aurora borealis in the sky,the land is pretty haunting this way imho with the chopper on fire against the night sky http://ludus1942.ngi.it/immagini/sky3.jpg Anyway this is 1.2 material,it would be best not to give away everything before release
are you going to change the way the light is affecting the area? Cause right now it looks weird having orange colored light lighting the map with a night sky overhead
Flying Debris: it is out of my reach,anyway even if the pictures shows nothing,way up there is an aurora that might be lightening the area
again on the HEV Form switch limitator: why do people want to change HEV Forms. Only because there are unlimited weapons and Snake can go stealth (1.0X style)? As of now,the 1.2 concept is to add only unique weapons and unique abilities to have people choose their favorite form and adapt the situations to it: and I tried giving no one ultimate weapons not to cut off the other forms. Yet... In 1.0X for a moment I had the idea to give all the weapons and all the abilities to everybody,and have later the players decide what to use: the problem was that 40% of those ended up useless when the stronger version was found,while the class system makes you counterbalance pros and cons. Perturbations in the Force strong today are...
i didnt know cuz i dont go to the front page i have the forums book marked and i only visit the front page if thers something new u tell me about alright i will email it to ya or i could host it on tool++ or rapid share if any1 wants and i will look in to the oicw thing and i reckon that u should make them alot more unique such as go liquid snake if your going for the little guys big boss for vehicles and solid snake for tough but not so big guys and gordons the all rounder oh and the oicw is held normally and i found there is a slight delay whewn he pulls it out as he waits for a second and then puts his hand fully on the gun
I have to say that kaotik_stalker's msg may be a little *difficult* to read without a single period,but his suggestions are always really valid :-)