Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

css dosnt have gibbing. does it? can u send me a pic of the css gibing anyways i dont have gmail but im gona pop into substance and get some pics there [maybe those 1's wont come out black] and host them on image shack becuz i cant make a full blood mod i will have to ask the creators of the ones i modified first ok im off to get some pics
edit: here are the pics i took them in css so i cant show ya the alien blood but heres the first 1, i dont particualarly like it because it dosnt really have much shape all of them look like circles but for everyone else

and heres the one i like i modified the crazy blood mod and i tihnk that it looks disturbingly realistic but thats just me here u go btw it has some small green sqaure thing or something but i cant fix it

let me know what ya think oh and im gona make another one it will be like all smeared and stuff just trying out some styles
edit2: i tried out the smear 1 and it turned out pretty good i will get soem pics soon not know tho cuz i cant be bothered
css doesend have gibbing.. sorry xdiesp :P
the blood looks nice, but isend there a way to get diffrend kind of blood sparks?
they all looks the same
oh and xdiesp if the skie's are .VTF files maybe i can edit them with photoshop...
where can i find the skie files?
none of them are the same trust me its just the 1 on the top looks like they are i could give them to ya know ir do u think i should ask great bishop if im alowed to use it and the smeared blood 1 is like the 1 at the top but is more defined hope that makes sense and henkjan there is a way but i duno how im looking into that know tho so ill get bak to ya and xdiesp tell me what type of blood you want
well you should just ask the creater of the blood mod if you can use his mod.
i think it should be something like this: combine standing next to a wall, you shoot his head and the whole wall is red :P
and when you shoot his stumach red wall too... would be cool
thats already done download the ridicoulous bloody decals i gave to xdiesp there on this forum trust me there ridicoulous
xdiesp said:
Inflame007: Project22's mod leader Kaos Nyrb already did it and now he's helping us. BTW,we could have just imported CSS's gibbing system without much work. You have never told us if the houndeye started working after all this time...
1.I meant that modeling all the gibs might take a while, also putting ina good working gib system.
2.CSS has no gibbing system for ragdools as much as I know.
3. http://rapidshare.de/files/4389888/hound.rar.html
inflame THEY ARE ALLREADY GIBBED. that mod is just giving is the models/code.
get it now?
EDIT:.. wait a minute... 98.. 99.. 100!!

100 pages of posts!
100 100 100 100 100
Do you know whats gibbing is?
becouse last time I played CSS i didnt see any bodyes teared apart froma grande explosion.
thers no gibing in cs source what the mod project 22 did is cut up the fast zombie also xdiesp i got my garrys mod pics to come up it was cuz there was something wrong with my res ill show ya the blood i have been working on including the alien blood and 100 WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT and xdiesp u said u needed a faceposer i would ask taturana who made the map all ur base belongs to us as there was a faceposer who would have worked on that map because gman talks at the end [same dialouge but his facial expressions r dif] ill see if i can get the map makers name
kaotik_stalker said:
thers no gibing in cs source what the mod project 22 did is cut up the fast zombie also xdiesp i got my garrys mod pics to come up it was cuz there was something wrong with my res ill show ya the blood i have been working on including the alien blood and 100 WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT and xdiesp u said u needed a faceposer i would ask taturana who made the map all ur base belongs to us as there was a faceposer who would have worked on that map because gman talks at the end [same dialouge but his facial expressions r dif] ill see if i can get the map makers name

i cant breath!
ues some punctuation dude.
henkjan said:
inflame THEY ARE ALLREADY GIBBED. that mod is just giving us the models/code.
get it now?
EDIT:.. wait a minute... 98.. 99.. 100!!

100 pages of posts!
100 100 100 100 100
i allready posted this but you probably cant read good. kid
and i never said that css has gibbing.. read befor you piss someone off
EDIT: oh i remember you.. inFLAME.
sorry for double post
xdiesp i thought u were working with taturana? if so ask him who made the "all your base belongs to us" map and ask if he knows who did the face posing. oh and im getting into using punctuation [took me a while huh]
henkjan said:
i allready posted this but you probably cant read good. kid
and i never said that css has gibbing.. read befor you piss someone off
EDIT: oh i remember you.. inFLAME.
sorry for double post
You are the one who tought that pfotoshop is for moddeling.
And I am not going to argue with you becouse it seems that you edited the post.
and what does it mean that i edited the post? i posted that i rembered you from flaming in the past and that i'm sorry for double posting
and we where not talking about modeling with photoshop. and learn english
but i'm not gonna argue with you about it. all you give is stupid reasons for things, and you try to piss me off telling me what i think because you dont know shit about that
kaotik_stalker: I have a little pack of CSS gibs so I supposed it supported gibs,maybe they were created to be used as props... The blood decals file is good,upload at will

I have been away for a week,as I do periodically. I exercised a bit with faceposer,trying to do the work on MedicDance's audio. It's kinda hard to me,though,and would really use some help...

HAPPY 100 PAGES! :afro:
don't worry about the 1.2 fate,it's not duke nukem forever even if we're late as hell :angel:
witch 1? cuz i have to ask the original maker until i release [well do i? come on whats the worse that could happen] btw xdiesp i have been skining for a mod toxic waste and heres what i have come up with the citizens are all beaten up and dirty the combine soldiers the same the zombies alot dirtier [white shirt???? what shirt?] and the prison gaurd is like a possesed combine turned into a zombie master
let me know what ya think and if theres anything u would like me to do for substance
Inflame007: what do you think,should we include that AVI in the 1.2?

kaotik_stalker: I would like to see that zombie more closely! Also,the goriest of the blood mods
the rebel and zombie skin seem ok, but the prison guard and combine soldier seem way overdone. Especially with that glowing blue effect on the soldier's clothes
inflame007: you don't appear very enthusiastic,this is so strange by you!...

cross your fingers that a modeler showed up on my mail yesterday...
That model was the HL1 model, improved by fury 161.
A very secret mod is using it now.....
but you my ask him if you can use it.
fury 161,I remember him...

Even if the basic intervention we need is to have the monster support a 4x resolution,that's all: right now I modded the old textures to always look at maximum resolution,with no blur effects for degrading resolutions whatsoever,but I want more:
wow! u really need a new graphix card oh and for the model wow! i have some close ups of the zombies and theres probably a blue glow cuz my monitor makes everything darker, so what seems light to you is dark to me. as i said i have some up close shots of the zombies but i replaced my combine and rebel skins with fake factorys hi res pack [they are gold!!!!!] and some other skins. another sugestion i have is to ask ogg if u can use his master chief model and his kroenen model. i think it would be cool to not only fight combine but guys from other games [thats my dream game]
ill post up the zombie pics soon
kaotik_stalker: I already checked kroenen and master chief,they are too recognizable to replace just any enemy... About fake factory's pack,I have one with just a few capital npcs (barney,alyx,mossman,kleiner): did he release any other?
is it me or did thing get slower in here when i got you the forum xd?
Hey well I must say Substance rocks. I haven't played the whole thing yet but I've done the VR training as well as played some good samples of most of the maps, and I've definately liked what I've seen. People say its just added mobiles, but it definately adds so much more flavor, especially the first few minutes when you get to City 17. This game seems how it should have been from the start. I always wondered why the Combine never chased you into Ravenholm....

Just to mention, this Saturday I plan on taking the entire day and playing Substance from start to finish on hard. I won't use any cheats either. 16 hours good? I think if I start around 8am I could be done by midnight. I just got my new PC and I actually upgraded my whole home theater, just for this incredible one day experience. Thanks xdiesp.

(I suggest the 1 day challenge for anyone who truly wants a grueling, intense experience. I tried it several times on the normal game Hard mode, starting early in the morning, and the farthest I got was the beginning of Anticitizen One and it was late as hell and I was exhausted. Not only do the enemies get tougher but after 12 hours of intense battling, your exhausted and mentally tired.. making the game way harder than playing in 2 hour chunks with a fresh mind every time. I swear I'm going to do it this time, on Substance no less! The key is to not take too many breaks, thats what happened the other 3 times I tried. It's hard to stay focused for so long, and it takes a huge amount of mental endurance.)

BTW I really didn't like the thought of Water Hazard at night.. in my opinion the pics didn't look good either. One of the things I like about that map is the scenery you can see all around you and in the distance, and I think it would take away that atmosphere which lends to the overall feeling of the game. It's just so creepy seeing everything abandoned and run down, and slowly watching the Citadel disappear into the distance. At least put in some kind of option to toggle the night/day. Perhaps you could put in some kind of sun cycle on all the maps that starts on a random point. Then sometimes through the game you'd even get Ravenholm during the day (that would be crazy) and then maps like Route 17 at night.. (That would be crazy too) Lol imagine getting to City 17 at night and then running across the rooftops.. sweet... The random start time combined with your idea for having several different map versions and randomly choosing one would make the game fun and majorly replayable.
Anyway I know your the boss but just ideas and input from a fan.
You go, hard core. :)
And I don't think real time lighting is possiable in HL2. :( Even if it was, it'll take alot more work then you realise. And the release date would of been alot longer. (cringes)

First, there would be the setting of the skybox, and dynamic, real time shadows. 2nd, dynamic, real time lighting of trees and buildings. And 3rd, a timer to slowly change the skybox and all the other things I mentioned above, ACCURATLEY, and realisticly.
So I don't see how that's possiable. But...give it a few more years, and we should see something simular, with the way technolegy is.
to NJspeed, ahum LOL. you will never get it done in 1 day (24 hours).
i have played substance since the second version was out.. and that's a long time ago.
but doing it in 24 hours.. well it might be possible.. if you dont wanna eat and drink
henkjan said:
to NJspeed, ahum LOL. you will never get it done in 1 day (24 hours).
i have played substance since the second version was out.. and that's a long time ago.
but doing it in 24 hours.. well it might be possible.. if you dont wanna eat and drink

Wow really...? Takes that much more time than the regular game huh? I played through sections of each map just to sample it, and while the parts I saw were different and harder, I didn't feel they were taking much longer. Then again you sound more knowledgable about it than myself. Maybe I haven't seen anything yet..? Lol.. Should I go for the 24 hour straight challenge? Hahaha..... I'd probably have to be booked in a mental hospital after that for thinking my name is Gordon Freeman!
i couldnt do the 24 hour challenge [im lucky to get a few hours a day on the pc], anyways i cant upload the bloodiest blood mod or any of them until i ask the original creator. altho i might get away with it because with my ridicoulous blood decals i used some of ddefinders mod and there was his blood every know and then and no complaints! so i might. i have been working in photoshop and i have made a sort of stalker skin for the citizens [rebel of course]. havnt tried them ingame but they look pretty shit in ps so i will see. about the hi res skins go to half life 2 files and downlaod all of them xdiesp [he released them in patches like you did] and they replace heaps of citizens, main characters even some combine! that guy came out of nowhere and tuahgt us all a very good lesson. cheers to fake factory!!!!!
edit: oh jsut forgot i tried renaiming kroenen so he would be the cp and it crashed my game!!!! but the combine soldier works allright.
the hard parts will come later.. the beginning is easy
stupid friendly fire, i am at the part where you have to disable the thing on the roof. so i'm pudding a grenade in a ground turret, i get killed by my team mates. i disable a combine ball with my grafity gun, i get killed by team mates
THEY ALLWAYS KILL ME ARGG. are they that stupid?
Do you guys think I could beat Substance on Normal difficulty in a day?

How is Normal Difficulty in Substance compared to Hard Difficulty in Vanilla HL2?

substance normal: hl2 hard and easy. hehe
let's say substance normal is harder then hl2 hard.
a couple of days ago, i played hl2 on hard. and lol it was so easy.
like one headshot and he's dead.
hl2 hard wasnt that easy. sure a head shot would do a cp in but not a super or a normal soldier, surely not. but i hated how fst and effective the shoty was when the combine soldiers had it. they would run it and fire it is fast as an ar2 and it hurt as much as a magnum!!!!! i hated that. anyways i havnt tried the skins yet because i had to wait for it to update and when it finished i had to go to bed but i will try it know. btw henkjan if u want heaps of blood try the extreme blood decals or the ones i did but i prefer the extreme oens. there on hl2world somewhere.