Half-Life 2: The Lost Coast -- Released

busthard said:
to be precise the Athlon 64 3000+ race @ 2000 Mhz
actually is Sempron-32bit 3000+ that runs @ 1800Mhz

Depends on what kind of Athlon 64 you've got. I've got an Athlon 64 3000+ 754-pins, running at 2.0 GHz. If it's a 939-pin processor, it'll be running at 1.8 GHz.

I need a new videocard for this one. And some RAM, since my gig of 266 MHz isn't doing it for me anymore. Looking awesome nevertheless, and it's good to see Source still being able to compete in terms of graphics. Of course, anyone who's had a look at Dark Messiah will have known this for a while..
Sorry but wtf is this on about?

It recommends 2.2, I have 2.2, but it says its not good enough? lol
Hugh_Jazz said:
Depends on what kind of Athlon 64 you've got. I've got an Athlon 64 3000+ 754-pins, running at 2.0 GHz. If it's a 939-pin processor, it'll be running at 1.8 GHz.

I need a new videocard for this one. And some RAM, since my gig of 266 MHz isn't doing it for me anymore. Looking awesome nevertheless, and it's good to see Source still being able to compete in terms of graphics. Of course, anyone who's had a look at Dark Messiah will have known this for a while..

mmm sounds new to me but seems you are right...
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen so much feedback to a news post before. Will probably play when I get back to Uni, and have to deal with a rather slow but sure download speed. How many megs does it D/L?
lost coast=stupidest thing ever released for steam. wtf was the point of that, to show how annoying hdr can be, im sorry but i prefer it off or on like low settings. They released it with too many glitches too, when u go back to an area you beat all the guys are frozen. There is also no point to the thing, the skybox cut off is visible.
I like cliff-faces with raggedy old wooden walkways about to crumble.. I think more games need sheer cliffs like in the lost coast.

I'm late to the party (as usual) but seems (from reading) a tad over rated. But then wasn't "Lost coast" always labeled as a tech demo? And it's free ;) can't complain over free stuff

off to give it a shot :)
weird i just checked & the 9600 has DX9. maybe its a bug with STEAM, i'd inform them of it.
mikeandike22 said:
lost coast=stupidest thing ever released for steam. wtf was the point of that, to show how annoying hdr can be, im sorry but i prefer it off or on like low settings. They released it with too many glitches too, when u go back to an area you beat all the guys are frozen. There is also no point to the thing, the skybox cut off is visible.

I found that HDR brought the game to life, i wish they had of made HL2 with an option to enable/disable HDR.
mikeandike22 said:
lost coast=stupidest thing ever released for steam. wtf was the point of that, to show how annoying hdr can be, im sorry but i prefer it off or on like low settings. They released it with too many glitches too, when u go back to an area you beat all the guys are frozen. There is also no point to the thing, the skybox cut off is visible.

Then why did you downloaded it? I mean there has only been multiple reviews on it before it was released. Quit complaining about free things, christ.
lister said:
I found that HDR brought the game to life, i wish they had of made HL2 with an option to enable/disable HDR.

Double posting = bad. Please use the edit button in future.
I've played it through 2 times. Once without, the other with, commentary. I loved the whole them explaning things, and I finally found out how pronounce Gabes last name. I always said, "New Well" not "New ul".

Anyway, great feature, hope they include it in many more of their games :D
Well, since it's there now, they'll probably include it in all of their games after this.

I have a question though. Is it so that the 9600 XT isn't capable of all the HDr eye-candy? I'm just asking since, while it does ooze with awesomeness, most pics look like they have alot more of it than when I play it. Meh, maybe I just need a new vidcard so I can really crank vid settings up..
In my opinion the HDR is just an over-exaggerated bloom and looks quite ugly.

What they really should do to increase realism in source games is to use much higher resolution textures. I mean much higher resolution textures, the games experience would improve tenfold then.
Crisis King said:
In my opinion the HDR is just an over-exaggerated bloom and looks quite ugly.

What they really should do to increase realism in source games is to use much higher resolution textures. I mean much higher resolution textures, the games experience would improve tenfold then.

i somewhat AGREE, valve over did it with the techonlogy, but i pardon them, from now on they need to use HDR with a little more taste, its like a girl putting on to much make up, theres to much blinding light, takes away form the game, however if they really use it with taste, game would be much realer

dude, you want high res models, but you are also the same person who will complain that your shity video card does not run it, and they should make low end models when they acutaly do make high end models, when i say you i mean people who complain like you

what they really need to do is, lets take for example cs_italy market, they need to make it look more like that,

to revolutionize video games, makes textures REAL textures i dont know how to do this but they do. like the beans,

lets take another example, just a regular pully system or something, or even a create or something, wires etc, make them real photos or something, now that would make the gaming experience real. untill then games are to cartonish, even hl2, for gods sake look ad the hands of DODS models, its a freaking cartoon, i want realism not cartonism.

p.s. they do this somewhat in their games and i like it, i think they should focus more on this, just my 2 cents worth, youll thank me later when you see real photos of things, anything, a box, a creat, or anything else, they could balance this techonology with a few models of thier own to make characters or soemthign i dont know, anyway, using real life photos makes game that much better confucious says.
PsychoFreak said:
Sorry but wtf is this on about?

It recommends 2.2, I have 2.2, but it says its not good enough? lol

Yeah I get exactly the same thing - Steam should somehow take into account the performance rating, because by system requirements standards my CPU is 3.2GHz, not 2.2. Just a straight MHz test is stupid!

BUt anyway, Lost Coast is stunning.. really fantastic. I managed to jump out of one of the big windows in the Chapel and fall right down to the start, but I didn't die :D

A laughing stock that I haven't laughed at? Fill me in, what did he do? :O
Can someone post some lost coast HDR pics, for us who don't have the right card yet!!.
Samon said:
Oh look, its Gegam, the laughing stock.

you make me lol

not that a give a **** about some whiteboy laughing behind his little box,

but theres what i have to say to you

if you think aftermath is coming out in novermeber your wronge
gegam said:
you make me lol

not that a give a **** about some whiteboy laughing behind his little box,

but theres what i have to say to you

if you think aftermath is coming out in novermeber your wronge
Your guess is as good as mine, but I would rather trust the developer then some guy who can't spell wrong properly.
gegam said:
you make me lol

not that a give a **** about some whiteboy laughing behind his little box,

but theres what i have to say to you

if you think aftermath is coming out in novermeber your wronge

You're already 1-0 down. Even if you prove to be right about Aftermath, that only puts you back on level terms.
Pi Mu Rho said:
You're already 1-0 down. Even if you prove to be right about Aftermath, that only puts you back on level terms.

lol i was only joking about that

however i would be supprised if it makes a november release i thought i was an oracle like the one at delphi, i guess im only mortal
gegam said:
you make me lol

not that a give a **** about some whiteboy laughing behind his little box,

but theres what i have to say to you

if you think aftermath is coming out in novermeber your wronge

So says the nooblet that proved himself an idiot infront of 15,000 people :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Edit: OR what Pi Mu Rho said
If ye thinke Aftermathe be arrivinge ere December, ye're wronge!
Now this is one of those moments where i dont know wether to believe you and your crazy talk or not :P
... I've still not downloaded it! I must be the only one! :)

I'm completely underwhelmed!