Half-Life 2 Theories and Observations *Spoilers*

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Either way, I know exactly what the last five seconds of the last game is going to be. Gordon Freeman, the only time we see him on screen, standing backlit by the sunset, with the crowbar at his feet.
gman was never his official name. If you opened up the HL1 model viewer, his model name was "gman." He has never been given a proper name. Valve has never even used his nickname in the game. In fact we have the fans to thank for making the name "gman" stick to him. Had nobody ever opened his model in HLMV, do you think Valve would still be calling him the G-man in their Bink videos and just as a nickname? I don't.
Moto-x_Pat said:
gman was never his official name. If you opened up the HL1 model viewer, his model name was "gman." He has never been given a proper name. Valve has never even used his nickname in the game. In fact we have the fans to thank for making the name "gman" stick to him. Had nobody ever opened his model in HLMV, do you think Valve would still be calling him the G-man in their Bink videos and just as a nickname? I don't.

He's listed as Gman in the HL2 credits... were there credits for HL1?
SlipgateSlider said:
It is also interesting that Dr. Kleiner got ahold of your old Mark IV Hazard suit to upgrade it to a Mark V, and Barney had your crowbar from Black Mesa that the Gman took in the end of Half-Life. This also suggests that the resistance science-team was in contact with the Gman who probably gave them these items in preparation for their "mail order savior" or something like that.

Because there is only ONE crowbar in the world. Good logic.
Well Gordon is a smart man, he has earned a doctorate for crying out loud, and like all smart people he remembers to put his name on all his possessions! We all should learn something from this, I’m in the middle writing name on all of my underpants….if lost, please return to…


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ok sum up so far... Gman enigmatic super entity using a lowly human to stop a super developed alien race from destroying his race... yet he can control time....

somehow we're missing something. If G-man can control time why doesn't he just freeze time storm into the combine homeworld and open a can of whoop-ass.... or maybe he cant control time in their universe..

damnit i hate answering my own questions
I'm not sure the G-Man is able to "control" time, or time travel. . . I think a better way of thinking about it is that he's able to see how certain things will cause events to unfold.

This better explains what happens in HL1 and 2, G-Man is simply able to manipulate the present so that the future occurs in the way he desires (or his employer desires)--however apparently G-Man isn't able to effect it himself, so he uses Gordon as an Agent (Shepard too if there's an expansion). If that's the case he's been "selling" his skills to the highest bidder to "alter" the future, that is to change the present (by inserting Gordon or other things into situations) in such a way to achieve the desired end results.

In HL1 this is the resonance cascade, bringing about a merger of Xen and Earth's Dimensions so that the Border World is connected here--allowing the Combine to come through apparently after the events at Black Mesa (though we can't discard aquiring Gordon and the death of Nihilinth (sp?) as other possible things G-Man foresaw and was happy with). Though perhaps G-Man couldn't stop the merge of the worlds, and instead was only able to ensure that Gordon Freeman was in the test chamber, and as such was in a position (in possession of the HEV suit) to survive and free Xen from the Combines Control. We don't really know. Though anyone remember the 7 hour war and the portal storm? Why did the Combine get cut off and need to use their "tunneling" technology to cross dimensions, could it be the death of Nihilanth that caused it? It might be that the 7 hour war is actually the time spent on Xen by Gordon Freeman before he manages to kill Nihilanth.

However back to HL2. GMan explicitly tells us that we have a "job" to do in the opening scene, he doesn't tell us what it is though. I do agree with the assumption however that the Reistance has "hired" our help. With Barney, Klien, Eli et al "expecting" us (who the heck expects someone after they for all intent and purposes vanished into another dimension? Several years ago no less.) and in posession of the HEV suit (Klien states it's yours) and the Crowbar. . .it would seem that they have to be working for the G-Man, especially since he had those items. Also the G-Man is seen talking to that Odessa in Highway 17, which further points towards Gordon being "hired" out to help the Resistance. Also in the end sequence again it's pointed out because Breen directly states your services go to the highest bidder, and as pointed out that scares Eli and Alyx.

This indicates that the G-Man is known by both sides, and might actually be *beyond* both groups in some manner. We know he has mastery over the Xen teleportation, apparently without using technology, since he disappears into Portals in HL1, when on Earth the technology was sketchy at best. Also I would suggest that G-Man is *not* human, though the representation we see might be a host or some other physical representation of him. The "stopping" time is more likely his manipulation of the teleportation ability.

Also anyone remember what Kliener (or was it Alyx?) said about the teleportation, how they "slingshot" you to Xen and back. . . that implies an elipitical path. So a fast transport could be a smaller circuit, quickly around Xen, where as the "long" teleport was an extreme path well beyond Xen and then back around it (think Orbits), but what would happen if it was a circular orbit, you'd never "come out" of the teleport--voila, what we've seen as G-man's "stasis".

Oh. . .another thing to add. How did the research teams get the "crystals" to use in their experiments in HL1? If GMan is infact hired out to ensure events unfold in a certain manner, than he could have simply provided Breen with crystals on which to experiment. And we know Breen was pushing the scheduales in HL1, so perhaps the Resonance Cascade is infact caused by G-Mans interference. . .he seems to push things in the direction he needs them to go.

However enough ranting. There we go. . .
Why was there a problem when Gordon was trying to teleport from Dr. Kleiners Lab to Black Mesa East? What happened?
CheezDoodleS said:
Why was there a problem when Gordon was trying to teleport from Dr. Kleiners Lab to Black Mesa East? What happened?

Lamarr broke the teleporter just after Alyx went through.
Who knows how they outbid Breen. . .maybe Breen wasn't even aware there was a bidding. . . then again we don't know what was being offered when Breen was talking as it was.

And Lamar comes out of the airvent and knocks off the power coupling to the top-generator. You can see one of the power cords dangling down if you look.
I don't think gman was offering gordon's services before the end of half-life 2, he let gordon loose to suit his needs (whatever they might be).
m00j said:
Lamarr broke the teleporter just after Alyx went through.

Damn headcrabs. =)


Now, the theories you all have is... believable - and I am not the one to resist since I have no theory on my own.

However, could someone tell what happens in ending of HL1 and perhaps a brief summary of what happens in general in HL1?
Who/What is this Nilalalalahata?
Xen is a world or a specis, or...?


In HL1:
You were examining a specimen from Xen with some sort of funky machine, which caused a "resonance cascade" which is when the two worlds become one for a second or something. This caused all the Xen aliens to come to earth.

Xen is the alien home world (not the combine home world). It is a border world for teleportation.

Nihalinth (sp?) was the final boss in HL1, it was controlling those aliens you see in HL2 helping the humans (can't remember the name atm). They had metal bracelets from mind control - same as the one at the beginning of HL2. They were bad guys in HL1, and shot their energy bolts at you (which did damage, and now miraculously charges your suit). You freed them by killing Nihalanth.
Interpretation simply of the individual meanings of the words "resonance cascade" leads me to believe that the event caused by Gordon at the beginning of HL1 was a machine reaction to the purity of the sample ("this is a rare opportunity for us; this is the purest sample we've had yet") - the phrase implies that the materials' pure quality allowed more than the usual amount of "resonance" - this could mean sound, magnetism, or just about anything that exists in wave form and travels through, and is affected by, solid materials. In any case, the machine was built without the foresight that anything of this purity would a) ever be used, and b)would have this sort of an effect, although they were aware of the effect itself ("I will admit that the possibility of a resonance cascade is extremely unlikely"). The word cascade implies that, upon recieving a certain "note", or amplitude of power from those beams, it would complememnt the material's own pure sub-structure (much like complementary sound waves) into forming an uber-powerful something... this "something" through its very nature aligned Xen and Earth, allowing Nihilanth to easily teleport its/his slaves into earth for whatever reasons/motives we haven't agreed on yet. Does anyone have screenshots of G-man conversing with the Vortigaunts?
I doubt the GMan can time travel - especially into the past. That's just far too complicated. Anyone with a moderate understanding of time and physics knows that it's a huge can of worms that's pretty much impossible to pull off without some wild paradoxal consequences.

As for his ability to freeze time... well, that may still be in question. Remember in the end of HL1, he had no problem teleporting you around to all sorts of bizzare places in spacetime, like a traincar flying through empty space, or a chunk of Nevada sand, complete with a tank and military grunts, floating around Xen (I heard someone theorize that this proved the military was dabbling in Xen, which is silly). It's possible that the "freezing" was merely another of his illusions, that you were possibly teleported away prior to the explosion... but who knows. Random speculation.

But it's safe to assume there's some sort of hefty physics going on during that sequence of the ending. I doubt that "freezing time and kicking Breen in the nuts" is a viable solution. Simply freezing time, or even slowing it to such a degree that it moves oh so slowly that we don't notice it, while Gordon and the GMan can still perceive it at a normal pace... well, that's a bit mind boggling all together. I'd imagine such a thing is physically impossible, and the Gman is just putting on a little spectacle for Gordon somehow. Trying to interact with someone who's frozen is entirely different.

It might be possible that the GMan and Gordon are actually moving incredibly fast, as the rest of time moves at a normal pace (which seems so slow to Gordon that it appears frozen). Who knows, it's all relative anyways.

Where was I going with this?
ktimekiller said:
let me expain how gman got his name, in the hl folder, that man, with the suite was named gman, in a file, not the game, so people started to use the term gman, and then every hl player knew the term gman, then valve finally picked it up, and started using it too. i know valve started using it, because in the 2k3 e3 vids, the person expaining the tape uses the term gman alot
The name G-Man was already given to him in HL1, if you look thru the source code in the HL1 SDK he's mentioned numerous times in comments and in his own .cpp file - most notably:
// GMan - misunderstood servant of the people
dlls\gman.cpp (line 16)
Food for thought...

First off, regarding the crowbar, which Barney says he found in Black Mesa. It is fully possible that he found Gordon's crowbar. Remember that the crowbar you end up with in Xen at the end of the game was the SECOND crowbar you found. The first is confiscated when you are knocked out by a couple of grunts after a run-in with a Black Ops Assassination Team. You then find another crowbar in the trash compactor when you wake up. The reason I believe it likely that Barney DID in fact pick up your lost crowbar is because in the Blue Shift expansion pack, at the end of the game when Barney is attempting to teleport out of the Black Mesa Installation with the rest of the science team, he accidentally teleports to another section of Black Mesa, where he witnesses the two grunts dragging an unconscious Freeman away.

Next point. Concerning the vortigaunts. This race, unless coerced, seems generally domicile in HL2. In HL1 in the factories of Xen, the enslaved vortigaunts only attack you if you attack them first. In HL2, we never see a vortigaunt use his ability to hurl electricity at another living creature. We never get to see one fight AT ALL. At one point I thought a vortigaunt in the vortigaunt camp was manning a turret but that turned out to be a human resistance member. This leads me to believe that the vortigaunts you fought in HL1 were coerced into fighting. They had slave collars on, and plus the added motivation that they thought humanity was invading when Gordon opened the portal to their domain. This, of course, was a misunderstanding. It wasn't until the military was dispatched to Black Mesa to wipe out the alien presence that humanity was actually in a pitched fight with Xen's inhabitants. It seems clear now that Administrator Breen was attempting to perform experiments with the pure crystal matter ostensibly for the purpose of science. The reason he was rushing to perform tests so quickly might have been because he was being opposed by high government officials. These government officials, who in turn were being directed by the so-called G-Man.

This leads me to my next point. The G-Man (I could be mistaken) seems to almost never interact with his environment. It seems to take great effort for him to touch objects other than his briefcase. He is invulnerable to damage and seems definitely not human. This has all been stated before, but what people havn't considered so far, is that for all his supposed power, to stop or slow down time and teleport on a whim, he cannot DO anything himself. This is the reason why he brings Freeman back in HL2. He needed a catalyst to bring about rebellion to stop the Combine's push on Earth. Freeman's involvement with Black Mesa and Xen has obviously made him quite famous or infamous in the 10 or however many years it has been since his disappearance, and so his reappearance, as Kleiner put it, was the signal to begin the uprising. The G-Man knew this, and this is why he released Freeman from his stasis. A common theme in these theories is that G-Man is from another world; it seems quite likely, when you look at all the facts surrounding this character and even more likely that his world/universe/domain/what-have-you is the ultimate objective of the Combines invasion. Earth is just an incidental. We have nothing other than a few natural resources to offer the Combine. For them, Earth is nothing but a stepping stone, a staging area as it were. The sheer amount of war materiel being produced in City 17s citadel alone was not meant for subjugating Earth alone. Humanity is invariably already crushed and had been for somewhile before the appearance of the x-factor Freeman.

Concerning Xen and the Nihilanth: Breen ordered the experiment that caused the Resonance Cascade, yes. He could not have known the consequences of what would happen. He was as in the dark as anyone about aliens and other dimensions/universes/etc. G-Man knew this and that is why he did everything he could to oppose the experiments w/ his influence in Earth's governments. But again, the G-Man cannot physically do anything. As always it seems, he must rely on humanity. When he realizes that the experiments will be carried out despite his protestations he has the military mobilize. That is why, in the opening sequence of HL1, during the tram ride, we can already see a military chopper landing on the outskirts of Black Mesa disgorging soldiers. Then, in Opposing Force, we see that Adrien Shepard and his unit are already en route to Black Mesa when the Resonance Cascade occurs and opens portals to Xen that allow Xen dropships to appear around our beleagured and decidedly outmatched marine aircraft. Even in the training tutorial for Opposing Force, Adrien is told that because of his exceptional performance on the course, he is being given a special assignment to an undisclosed location. So it would seem that G-Man was preparing for the inevitable. One might point out that the G-Man was trying to have Freeman and Adrien killed early on. Think of is as an audition. Adrien and Freeman were then minor player in a much larger scheme of events. Freeman was marked for death by G-Man, because G-Man was afraid that he was in league with Breen, and that Gordon had activated the Resonance Cascade intentionally. By the end of the game, G-Man had come to the conclusion that Freeman was fighting out of survivalist necessity and would be a greater asset in the war to come. Similarly Shepard and the other military personnel in Black Mesa were to be terminated to maintain plausible deniability. Again, once Shepard proved himself, he was spared. Perhaps another expansion for our second favorite rogue agent is in the works? It wouldn't be surprising if the G-Man decided to throw another monkey wrench in the Combine's plans.

Xen was all that stood in between the Combine and Earth. Earth is ostensibly the only thing standing between the Combine and G-Man or whatever greater objective the Combine are after. Basically humanity was fighting the wrong people. Freeman and the science team were in a battle for survival in HL1, they fought Xen's inhabitants out of necessity. None of them could percieve that Xen was attacking Earth because they thought Earth was a planet already under Combine control. So it was that Freeman traveled to Xen hoping to stave off the invading force and end the alien onslaught from Xen. What Freeman ended up doing, however unwittingly, was destroying humanity's last ally. Xen thought humanity was Combine. Humanity thought Xen was simply an invading extra terrestrial race. Humanity won the battle... but ended up losing the war.

The Nihilanth may have been an exile of the the Benefactors, the Combine leaders, as was suggested by his chains which bound him to Xen. "I am the last" it stated in HL1, the last opposition perhaps? Not the last opposition to humanity but the last opposition to the Combine. He could create portals and obviously held immense power in Xen. It could have been this ability that allowed him to stave off the Combine's invasion of Xen for so long. The vortigaunts, as I mentioned above, may have been generally peace loving in their natural state. The Nihilanth, not a native to Xen, would've had to force them to fight out of necessity to prepare them for the coming invasion. Hence, the factories for alien grunts in Xen and the collar on the Nihilanth used not to restrain him like the chains that bound him to Xen, but to allow him to control the vortigaunt natives. Moreover, the Xen Masters, by all intents and purposes smaller versions of the Nihilanth, implemented policy and orders in Xen (as their name suggests). It was also suggested some pages back that Xen was already "breaking apart" as it were. Could it be that Xen already staved off one Combine invasion and had beaten them back?

Humanity's "Interloping" in Xen, in the person of Freeman and the other HEV suit wearing personnel brave enough to enter Xen, forced the Nihilanth to wage a war on two fronts. As we find at the end of HL1, some military elements had also managed to teleport into Xen causing still more mayhem and havoc for the Nihilanth. With Xen's forces stretched thin and still amassing for the defense of Xen against the coming Combine forces, Freeman was the straw that broke the camel's back. He succeeded in destroying the Nihilanth, by no means a good or kind creature, but definitely the lesser of two evils. As soon as the Nihilanth was eliminated, there was no one to stop the Combine from travelling to Xen and taking over.

By the time the G-Man was able to catch up to Freeman (he still had his Spec Ops teams sweeping Black Mesa for Freeman and was also busy maintaining plausible deniability by way of leveling Black Mesa with a nuclear device), the damage had been done, so it was that he spared Gordon to fight another day, in another time, and another place. Likewise Corporal Shepard, although he bears less importance to the overall story arch. So it is that Black Mesa was destroyed leaving no evidence, Barney and a few scientists escaped via teleportation, and Gordon and Adrien are kept in stasis, but then within a matter of hours, the invasion force of the Combine would break through Xen and headlong onto Earth, catching humanity by surprise, in the 7 Hour War. The bombardment of Earth by Xenofauna (headcrabs and the like) forced people into the cities where, soon after citadels begin to appear, as is documented in the game. From the defeat of the Nihilanth in Xen, the Vortigaunts are freed and consequently flee to Earth rather than fight the Combine (this is why they view Freeman as a saviour even though he killed a number of them). Legions of the manufactured Alien Grunts (as seen in the Xen factories and in the alternate ending from HL1) soon crumble under the Combine's onslaught. Xen's own few remaining sentient lifeforms come to Earth seeking refuge but find none, as the Combine soon follows, subjugation both vortigaunt and humanity under a yoke of oppression. Over the years in between HL1 and HL2 both species are turned into slave labour. The vortigaunts are used to power the Combine's bio-tech and the humans are turned into slaves in the form of Stalkers. Outlying settlements and rural communities are mined and shelled into rubble. Mawmen, Xenofauna, and Ant Lions discourage people from escaping the cities, which are little more than eventual death camps.

While we're on the topic of mawmen and headcrabs, this may have been previously addressed, but yes they do seem to be evolving naturally in a given environment. Stage 1 being the headcrab hatchling (seen in Xen in HL1) Stage 2 being the standard headcrab, Stage 3 being the long-legged headcrab, and Stage 4 being the poisonous headcrab. This is probably natural adaptation combined with a bit of bio-engineering on the part of the combine who seem very adept at this sort of thing. The four legged creatures seen beneath you as you ride around the citadel near the end of HL2 could be a combination of Combine technology interbread with the mother headcrabs (the Gonarch seen in HL1).

On the topic of the Combine troops, they are most definitely human, or rather, they were at one time. The same goes for the Cops or City Protectorate. I very much doubt the Combine has 4 limbed humanoid aliens patrolling all of its worlds in all its dimensions. The combine makes do with what resources they have available, plus they seem to like the demoralizing sense of irony in turning humans against eachother as humanity has done for a millennia. In this case I believe simple indoctrination combined with nano circuitry is used to control these not quite human soldiers. The Combine probably told humanity "Resist Or Serve" in no uncertain terms. Why die standing up to a superior race of beings and risk being turned into a Stalker if you can work for them instead? Sure the pay isn't great and according to the game, your tour of duty won't last more than 2 minutes, but sure, why not?

Sorry if my ideas are all over the place, I'm trying to keep this in as logical order as possible.

Addressing the Combine: As the name may suggest, this is probably a group of many different races banded together under a flag of aggression and overseen by the Benefactors (a master race perhaps?) This would account for the 3 or 4 fully sentient species we see in all the games that look totally different from one another. All these races could be cooperating or they could be coereced by the Benefactors. Either way it doesn't seem likely that they have the same origins. The race of commando-like aliens we meet in Opposing Force are unlike anything seen before and since. Perhaps an advanced scout force for the Combine? We get to see them tangle with the Black Ops aswell as the marines so they are obviously no friend of the G-Man. Maybe they are the same race as the Combine, if the Combine is a species at all. I could be wrong, its all conjecture at this point in the mythology.

Finally, the crystal sample. The stupid thing that started this whole mess. No solid information on that plot point. Here's a theory. The combine sent out thousands of them in all directions from their domain as a form of communication in the hopes that someone would answer back? Maybe so they would know where to go to find more foreign lifeforms to subjugate? Or it could've simply been a random occurance. Either way, that little crystal caused a bit of a stir. I always assumed it was a piece of space debris. Then again, maybe its best we not question the origins of the crystal and just accept Half Life for what it is, an action packed, hard core gaming experience.

Well I think that about covers it. If anyone finds any holes in my theories, feel free to let me know. I'm new to this forum and just a real big fan of this game and the story in general. Would love to hear some more ideas and build on them. Cheers gamers!
Does anyone else think the Gman is using Freeman as a mercenary? I really got that vibe after finishing HL2. Throughout and leading up to the ending Breen keeps talking to you about how you have misunderstood and are misled. The whole reason for Judiths betrayal is not given. When Alyx and her father are about to be carted away they keeping talking about your faith to their cause and what not, but Breen seems wholy confident he can use you. Which makes me think Freeman is just a pawn that the Gman hires out until hes completed his task. Or something along those lines. Theres alot going on behind the scenes. Anyone else get that feeling?
skyyaa said:
Which makes me think Freeman is just a pawn that the Gman hires out until hes completed his task.

I think thats pretty obvious. But he does not just hire you it seems like he owns you. Or who knows, maybe Gordon Freeman will be released when he fulfills the mysterious contract.
A lot of posts here mention the fact that the Gman was speaking to a rebel. I didn't see this in H-L2 but in H-L before everything goes wrong, the Gman can be seen 'mumbling' to a scientist in Black Mesa.

If you wanna check it out, go into H-L and load the 'map c1a0' from the console. You will be at the complex and Barney will be talking to you about a server crash and a whole lot of messages that were for you that he is trying to redeem (A very important point even though when playing H-L for the first time seems like mindless babel to make the characters seem like real people). Keep walking by the desk and down the hallway. On the wall there are pathway guides (stripes on the wall). Follow the RED stripe. You will end up looking through the window at the GMAN TALKING TO A SCIENTIST! Often he will look at you and wave his arms about. He never leaves. If you turn on the cheats and get all the weapons, smash the window with the crowbar and jump through. The scientist will say stuff like, "I must report these fluctuations." Perhaps he is refering to you being were you should not. From the Gman can be heard a faint mumble. If you check out the audio files in the gcf, you can make out somethings but it's really distorted.

ANYWAY this shows that the Gman has been with you since that day at Black Mesa (before the resonance cascade). While on the train into the complex, you can see the Gman watching you from another stationary train.

SOOOOOO, I believe that your relationship with the Gman has been going on for a little longer than 'the man of G' makes out.

Does the fact that the Gman is making 'deals' with rebels in H-L2 and scientist in H-L show that your skills have been ordered before by the scientists in Black Mesa? If so, why?

If this thing about the highest 'bidder' is true than why is it that the science team in Black Mesa ordered your services?

Is Gordon just a blank entity which takes the place of a being on Earth to 'fill in the gaps?'

Perhaps Breen's line about him relying on your screwing up means that Breen is in on all of this 'bidding.'

Perhaps Breen has infact known of your services long before anyone else. Does the line about your screwing up mean he has missed out on taking your services before and that the only way for he himself to acomplish his goals is for you to fail. Is that what he counts on?

Was it Breen who allowed the resonance cascade to take place by getting a highly pure sample for you to put in the spectrometer thing and by forcing the scientist to conform to putting the spectrometer thing into overdrive? If so, why was it that he did this? Was this a way of making you 'fail?'

Or perhaps the resonance cascade was part of a larger plot to do with the Gman?

Basically what I'm trying to say here is that we can theorize all we like but you can't conform us to resting our case just yet-in terms of the mystery of Half-Life that is.

PS:By the way, when you get into the room with the Gman (as mentioned above), attack him. He seems to be made of wood. Thus explaining his dry accient and why if you built a house out of him, you may as well use lead-paint.
I didn't really read the thread, so kill me if I repeat a theory.

I think Nihilanth might be one of those aliens that Breen was talking to, a Combine, but modified. Since he has an amazing amount of power, he took over Xen by himself, enslaving aliens and such, The vortigaunts were used to fight you, and in factories to create the grunts and such.

I think that Nihilanth was rebelling, or trying to save earth by using the creatures of Xen. The creatures fought you because they were trying to stop the force that was destroying the "resistance". Once Nihilanth was defeated, the "Portal Storms" followed, and the Seven Hour war began. There were no Xen creatures to help you, so in turn, earth was defeated.

The vortigaunts team up with you afterward, because they know they can use you to defeat the combine anyway.

I'm not sure how the G-Man fits in, thats open to debate, but I hope you all enjoy my theory.
I doubt the GMan had any idea that Gordon was going to start beating some ass once the Resonance Cascade started kicking in. I don't like these crazy theories that the GMan constantly had his eye on Gordon, or that Gordon was genetically engineered prior ot HL1 to be badass (wtf??). Remember, being familiar with weapons was part of his Hazard Course training. It's no suprise that he, and others who completed that couse and worked in Black Mesa, was expected to kick a few asses should the need arise. Why can't we just accept the fact that Gordon was a regular guy who turned out to be extraordinary? He's a MIT graduate with a Ph. D, that means he's no fool. He can obviously think quick and survive. Oh, and not all scientists/intelligent people fit the standard "weakling in a labcoat" stereotype. Firearms aren't rocket science either - point, pull trigger, reload.

Oh, and I doubt Barney found your crowbar. Yes, he teleports briefly to when Gordon was being dragged to the trash compactor, but notice he is in another room and sees this through a small window. He also cannot move, and teleports away within a few seconds. He obviously did not get the old crowbar.
Actually I have a question I haven't seen anyone bring up yet. . .

Why does Eli Vance have a Combine Limb Replacement? He's got the same lower leg section as the Stalkers. Why? Did they just happen to get one for him? Was he under medical care from the Combine? Or what. . .
DetN8R said:
Food for thought...
While we're on the topic of mawmen and headcrabs, this may have been previously addressed, but yes they do seem to be evolving naturally in a given environment. Stage 1 being the headcrab hatchling (seen in Xen in HL1) Stage 2 being the standard headcrab, Stage 3 being the long-legged headcrab, and Stage 4 being the poisonous headcrab. This is probably natural adaptation combined with a bit of bio-engineering on the part of the combine who seem very adept at this sort of thing. The four legged creatures seen beneath you as you ride around the citadel near the end of HL2 could be a combination of Combine technology interbread with the mother headcrabs (the Gonarch seen in HL1).

Just a little clarification: the Gonarch is the final stage of evolution of an headcrab. Only a few ever reach this stage though. (Actual quote from Raising the bar, which I have bought)

Cheers! And a nice analysis, I should be coming up with something after I finish reading the book.
Phellan said:
Actually I have a question I haven't seen anyone bring up yet. . .

Why does Eli Vance have a Combine Limb Replacement? He's got the same lower leg section as the Stalkers. Why? Did they just happen to get one for him? Was he under medical care from the Combine? Or what. . .

Read in the Prima Hint book that "He lost his leg to a Bullsquid while struggling to get Dr. Kleiner over a barrier into the comparative safety of a Combine city".

I'm assuming he'd get it treated when they got in, so yeah, he would be under medical care from the Combine.

EDIT: Hi all :D.
I think its pretty obvious what happened:

In the course of his work at Black Mesa, the Administrator realised about the Combine, or he was contacted by them or somehow alerted to what they were and had achieved (space travel etc). Being a man of science he was naturally intrigued by them, in fact you can hear Breen talking like this about the things he has been shown while you approach his office ("Gas Giants inhabited by meterological intelligent entities..." or "Hard to describe with our limited vocabulary").

Thus Breen, the Administrator initiated the Resonance Cascade in order to give the Combine access to earth. He knew already, or was told by the Combine how to achieve the Resonance Cascade, and he forced the other scientists to put their equipment into overdrive with a very pure sample from Xen, which you can hear them all talking about before and after the incident "I knew this would happen, but the Administrator just wouldnt listen" or "The Administrator insists".

Now to what end Breen the Administrator knew about the Gman is unclear - he must have done....the Gman was walking around his facility all day!!! But it is never hinted at in HL2 that Breen knows the Gman, or that anyone else does for that matter. This is why I think that originally the suited character in HL1 was supposed to be the Administrator but since the community imbued the Gman 'character' with such mythos, Valve decided to seperate the 2 charactrs for Opposing Force - only in the manual to this game, in Shepherd's diary to we hear reference to a mysterious 'government man' who was snooping around the Marine Boot Camp before the Resonance Cascade, recruiting people for a special mission.

This prooves at the very least that the Gman knew in advance about the resonance cascade. Whether this was through time travel, or through spying on (Breen) the Administrator's plans to create it is an unknown however. I tend to lean towards the latter as time travel is always such a plot cop-out in both films, books and games.

This is why it is so difficult to reconcile the plots from the 2 games. I dont think the 1st was written with the definite possibility of a sequel, and a lot was obviously changed for HL2 - including the identity of our mysterious man in a suit :)

In my analysis I have tried to rely on facts that we KNOW to be true as much as possible. I think that this is the only way to analyse the story.
some guy told me that the gman was an interloper which is a thing that steps in and nudges thing the "right" way.
well the level in HL1, interloper sees Gordon interfering in Xen does it not?

so maybe Gordon is the interloper....
Crash Happy said:
What exactly can our resource stripped world offer a bunch of aliens whose lower-level management can themselves alter time, create portals and gawd knows what else?

Good question. I think the answer is humans; another form of slaves in their eyes.
Could anyone give me brief story summarys for Opposing Force and Blue Shift? Need to be prepared for eventual mission packs ;)
I'm not too sure if this has been mentioned anywhere yet, but the actual system files of H-L1 give away quite a lot (especially the sound files). Grab a copy of GCFScape and open up those steam files. Check out Nihilanth's audio files. in one of them he says, "slave, we are their slaves we are..."

I'm guessing he is a pawn in the combine's scheme.

by the way has anyone realised that the name combine is actually a real word, 'combine, to combine,' i reckon this means they are a combination of organic and mechanic due to those resperators attached to their face (like darth vader).

sirchee said:
-The Citadel: a massive monolith in the middle of City17 (which looks east European, very very similar to Austrian architecture, maybe Vienna)

Great thread! :imu:

But... Austria is a part of western Europe culturally and geographically and the architecture in Wien (Vienna) is more of a central European type.

Just my 2 cents.. :-)
Observation of a lifetime, seeing how this is a theory and observation thread.
In kleiner's lab; on the bulletin board... it says something like "find lamarr more watermelon" there are watermelons sprewn all around the tenement parts later in the game.... I want to know the command lines to spawn a watermelon and see if anything happens :D :D :D that or if one of the programmers was really bored, and loves watermelon. but seriously. I want the commands for spawning watermelons.

also "bind mouse 3(a conveinant button for it) npc_kill" cheat weapon of doom. kills anything with one click (haven't tested it on EVERYTHING, yet.
i actually think that the city 17 is somewhere in modern ukraine or romania due to the landscape (no mountains like in austria). An detn8r had several good points. As for the headcrabs I belive that the standard headcrab and the faster headcrab are subject to natural selection while the poisonous crabs are bio-engineered to keep things interesting. As for the combine I like to think of them in accordance with teh covenant of Halo, a collective of species contributing to each of their strengths( prophets=brains, elite=brawn etc.)
i was just thinking that the reason the combine are dependant on our technology to get around is that since they are from a different universe the laws that govern there world dont apply here. like the laws of physics may be different here than they are there. That also may be the reason you dont really see the true combine on earth, only humans modified to suit the combines needs.
I played HL2 only to ask myself: IS GORDON MUTE, OR JUST COMPLETELY DUMB? Why in the hell, Gordon doesn't ask things to NPCs like "What happened to me?" or "I don't know about you guys, but there's this really strange guy carrying a briefcase that haunts me wherever I go". It gave me the feel that Gordon is a Robot and not a real person. It seems to me that Gordon just doesn't care to ask anyone what the ***k is going on, he just waits for people to tell him, even if they'll never do. After all, Gabe said "The player is Gordon" well, if thats it, then why GORDON doesn't ask what I and ANY SANE PERSON in his situation would ask?

Just a rant though... I do like the story of HL, but it's just stupid sometimes, with things like this.

EDIT: It just ocurred to me that maybe Gordon isn't a Sane Person, he's a LUNATIC BLOODY KILLER with no remorse, that just go anywhere beating to a brutal death with his crowbar everyone in his way. At least it was like this that I played Half-Life 1 sometime ago.
great thread - couple of things I noticed.

On xen, not only did you hear "we are slaves" but I also heard "you will learn much, you will learn much". I still haven't though! Makes you wonder if the nilihith was communicating to you via telepathy, and had an idea of your future. perhaps it had as much information as gman? Discussed further below:-

onto HL2:
After the week in teleportation, Dr Kliener concludes that we may have inadvertaly discovered a form of slow teleport. At the end of HL1 you step into a teleport bubble created by gman, only to step out 10 years later. This leads onto the idea that Gman doesnt time travel, but is a master of conjuing all forms of teleportation - which we know he is (incidently, the nilihith could conjure up teleportation bubbles - much to my frustration! If both of these entities could perform these similar tasks, maybe they are BOTH exiles from the combine race, or connected in some other way?).

in all honesty, the gman congratulated you at the end of HL1 for defeating the nilihith (sorry about spelling!) and securing xen. If this then meant that the combine forces could take over, then the gman must be on their side, as he did not object to you inadvertably clearing the way for them. What is confusing, is that he brought you back in HL2 to go against the invaders that you opened the door for before with gman's blessing.
He must be playing on a number of sides!

nrjizer said:
I doubt the GMan can time travel
It might be possible that the GMan and Gordon are actually moving incredibly fast, as the rest of time moves at a normal pace (which seems so slow to Gordon that it appears frozen).

I like this idea - it did seem that the Gman was "playing up" to the scene around him. Also notice that you could walk around, but MUCH slower.
Oh and another thing - why are there no combine soldiers that have been taken over by headcrabs? They took over human grunts in HL1 who should be just as good with an mp5 as combine cops. You never see a zombie vortigant either... :-S