Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Gamestar has recieved word that the next line of ATi graphics card, the 9900 (Pro), may be bundled with Half-Life 2. The article (Sketchy translation) goes on to speculate that there may be a "strategic partnership" between VALVe and ATi forming.

They also mention that the "gone gold" date for Half-Life 2 will be September 13th, however, they don't have any evidence to back that up.

Thanks to nietzsche for finding this.

UPDATE: The bundle has now officially been confirmed by The Inquirer, but the Radeon 9900 has undergone a name (or number) change to the 9800XT.
whowaht! you mean i get the game ive been waiting for plus a brand spanking new graphics card??
What does it mean to go gold, when the game hasnt even come out yet for sales?
Originally posted by SerialCarpens
What does it mean to go gold, when the game hasnt even come out yet for sales?

It means the game's ready to be mass produced, and then sent out to retail stores.
In the software industry, "gone gold" is the term used for when the final version of a program is ready for release and sent to a mass production house for duplication and packaging. The phrase comes from the special CDs they used when sending the final version out. The CDs, as you may guess, had a golden tinge and thus the phrase "gone gold".

In terms of sales, games can "go gold" the same as records. They can also go Platinum. It all depends on the number of sales they make.
however, the numbers sold necessary for gold/platin are much lower in software business,I believe...
wait a sec! i get HL2 when I buy ATi? or i get ATi when i buy HL2??
If you are willing to pay some 500$ for your HL2, yes, then you get a ATi to it.
Everyone remembers Halflife: Day One coming out with some video card back in 1998? It was short demo of the game.
That'd be a pretty significant boost to ATI market. Unless NV40 OWNS it.
I can't see things shaking up much in the vid card market unless one of the two companies makes another 5800 boo-boo. The "interim" cards they both are releasing aren't particularly new: just a couple of hardware tweaks, clock upgrades, die sizes (I believe, maybe not for NVIDA, since it was already at .13) etc. They should run roughly even, yet again. It's the next gen 2004 cards that will be the big test of truly new chipsets.
wil the 9900's be bundled with HL2 all of the time or is it just a special edition? How much will I have to pay for this bundle?
Originally posted by Apos
I can't see things shaking up much in the vid card market unless one of the two companies makes another 5800 boo-boo. The "interim" cards they both are releasing aren't particularly new: just a couple of hardware tweaks, clock upgrades, die sizes (I believe, maybe not for NVIDA, since it was already at .13) etc. They should run roughly even, yet again. It's the next gen 2004 cards that will be the big test of truly new chipsets.

For a card that claims it's twice as fast as the 9800, I'd like to see what it's got in store for us...
Are you talking about the 9900 or the ATI Loki (And whatever NVIDA is calling their next-gen card)? I think it's the Loki that's supposed to be twice as fast: and if so, yeah, I can't wait to see what that thing can do, especially over a PCI Express Bus.
Originally posted by Apos
Are you talking about the 9900 or the ATI Loki (And whatever NVIDA is calling their next-gen card)? I think it's the Loki that's supposed to be twice as fast: and if so, yeah, I can't wait to see what that thing can do, especially over a PCI Express Bus.

Nope, it's supposedly the 9900 that is twice as fast, but I find that hard to believe... time shall tell, though.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Nope, it's supposedly the 9990 that is twice as fast, but I find that hard to believe... time shall tell, though.
No, its the Loki that's twice as fast... If its the 9900 (I assume you misspelled ;)) it would be terrible marketing, they still have juices to suck out of the R3x0 core. I thought the 9900 was supposed to be the R380 (or R360, heard of both) core (absolutely no idea what's the difference, but I guess its further tuned for higher clock speed, if they can get to eqvivalent 5900U speeds, its EXTREMELY fast :))

Sidenote: Both the NV40 and Loki are rumored to be twice as fast as previous chips. We already know Loki will win the battle then :D
damn it, i just bought a 9800 and dont need another card to come out. SHEESH, dadgum new products coming out everyday, making my comp look worse and worse
so Apos, still think valve and ati don't have anything goin' on? haha
Is this still rumor atm?
It would be nice if we could get an idea what price they are talking about here, in euros and also in US dollars.

Also, I'm planning on upgrading my video card anyway for the release of HL2, so this package would interest me greatly... it would be nice to know if there is any other support here for such a release.
well, the latest boards are usually around 500 when they come out. so figure around there. it's pretty hard to justify 500+ bucks just for a game.
I see this as another rumor. No backup, no press release, nothing from ATI...

What a waste. Can't tell whether anything is true or not anymore.
yeah i agree it's just a whole bunch of bull plop and if it is happinen it'd be around 500 + bucks who'd pay that just for a game even if it is hl2
sure, but the last 3 boards that were released were 500 bucks. it's a safe bet.
um you guys realize you can buy the game seperate? you dont have to get it in bundles :P
shhh! that's ati/valve's secret weakness! together they are mighty! but separate, they are nothing but a child's play thing to be flung about with wreckless abandon.... with ragdoll physics.

I doubt any of this is true... haven't read anything about the 9900 aside from european sites who were mistakenly calling the 9800 the 9900 when it was still know only as R350.

The next ATI chip is suppossed to be the R360 (probably the 9900), but I don't think they are going to release that chip til around Nov/Dec. I haven't seen any previews, news, press release, etc from Tom's Hardware, Bluenews, 3dGuru, etc... the R380 (which I think is Loki) is suppossed to be much, much faster but that comes out next year in MARCH.
Nope, it's supposedly the 9900 that is twice as fast, but I find that hard to believe... time shall tell, though.

I'm pretty sure it's the Loki that they said was twice as fast, not the N360/9900. We've actually heard more about the Loki than we have about the 9900.

so Apos, still think valve and ati don't have anything goin' on? haha

No. First of all this is an unconfirmed rumor. Second of all, if every game that comes bundled with vid cards was "in the pocket" of the card company, the entire industry would be arraigned in two camps. Valve has made it clear that they are supporting and cooperating with both companies as much as possible, taking part in whatever programs are available (like NVIDA's "the way it was meant to be played" program)
and what about all the other video card makers out there? they're all dog meat apparently since valve is buddy buddy with the top 2. Obviously we're talking about video games here, so ultimately it's not that big a deal, otherwise I'd be saying that it's unethical to be playing favorites, even if it's with more than 1 party. ubisoft on the other hand didn't even try to be objective at all. they have ati's logo plastered all over their sites, even when nvidia's boards were the front runner.
ALL the others??? You mean matrox, sis, intel and bitboys (kyro)? Well ... a "gamer" (a person playing a 3D game more than once a month) would never buy any of those because their (3D) performance is just much too low.
However, i don't see what you mean by "buddy buddy", every gaming company has to optimize their 3D products for the fastest cards, and those are from nVidia and ATI.
Originally posted by Apos
I'm pretty sure it's the Loki that they said was twice as fast, not the N360/9900. We've actually heard more about the Loki than we have about the 9900.

It was from an old x-bit labs article, I think it was proven to be untrue rumours anyway. Must have been.
optimizing is one thing, placing their logo on your site, pushing certain cards when asked about such things, having them host your content to serve up, various other things is another step further. but whatever.. this argument isn't really worth continuing because these guys aren't politicians, so they can do whatever they want.
I think he means you can get the ATi card with HL2 included, like those old ATI games bundles they used to do. Good idea Valve! I love you all!
Originally posted by Sniper
I think he means you can get the ATi card with HL2 included, like those old ATI games bundles they used to do. Good idea Valve! I love you all!

Exactly. You dont buy HL2 and get the card lol. Man, some of you guys are slow. Its just a free game with the vid card. The card must be expensive. :bounce: