Half Life 2 to be shown in Toyko 9/26

Am I missing something here or wasn't this topic originally started to bitch about Japanese?
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I hate those ****ing communists, if we didn't have the communists, China would be as advanced as Japan.

Yeah... thats just the dumbest thing I heard... I wouldnt get into it here because this is about HL2 not correcting outrageous stupidity :)

Originally posted by SirMcNugget
Japan is the most racist country on earth in case you didnt know. I mean they are really bad about it.
They're racist? Really?
No, one of the most racist country in Asia is Korea, South Korea preferably. Practically they send back every Section Man, Missionary Teacher, or Pedigree educationalist--if he or she was black. They send her/him there, interview last about 3 minutes, hypothetically if you're black--and send you back here.

That's not to count the blind-pride they swagger when in contrast to other Asian minorities that visits there. Of course the next generation are brought up to only knowing Americans divided them from the North, hating Japan, competition's everywhere etc. They rarely, if not at all--play Consol games from Japan, primarily because of the fact they're competition, and of what had happen during WW2.

Cheater, you're stupid.

Originally posted by Cheater
first of all, who are the idiots that u're talking about?? Me??? When u want to insult someone, just say it clearly. I hate that when people call others idiot without stating clearly the reason, cuz most of time they just don't have reason, and pass their judgment based on their tiny knowledge.

You can tell a boy that he's been handed down from pimps to pimps when he's so paranoid his self-concious can be a bloated scrotum when in contrast to Liza Maneli's three year's old agamogenetic nuts. If it's not based upon you--why the hell do you care. Honestly, it wasn't concetrated upon you--the idiot statement, but now you can quite see I've reconsidered.

Secondly, of course many stuff are from japs, but many thing in ur list is part of the japs culture, that's the way they live, but Technology is what they mainly depend on to survive, their entire nation's economy is based on exportation of high tech stuff, Dvd, MD, TV, Games, Cars etc. In exchange, the other countries give japan food, material and other stuff. That's why buying stuff in japan is ****ing expensive. Now all those japs cultural products, such as ninja, samurai, pokemon, nintendo are sold through the high techs, such as videogames, movies, tv...etc. Now u see that the ****ing shit is clear, Now who the **** are u insulting??!!!

If you're so well-cultivated in the Japanese culture (ye, you're going to come back with a retort of 'i never said that'), at the way you're prancing around with a phallus-compressing tutu, with your wand magically hacking at the word AN--on the word JAPS. Firstly, jap's were a derogative racialist term used during the WW2--back in an age when we freely call Blacks--******s, Chinese--Chinamen, Irish--Mics. Of course one is ignorant upon its meaning, thus it can be design as blundering fault. But let that be your first lesson, supposing you ever have a client with a Japanese businessman, we dont want you to loose a customer now do we.

Further more, your enthusiasm can be liken to a brazen blind dotting bear with its ass cheeks cut off. Do you really think class 1 Economics bear any semblance to authentication, did you just take mental notes in that class? It would seem so. My time is pressing, and I really sadden at the drifting compulsion of remarkable stupidity in this forum. But alas, that's to be expected--we adults (22) just gives not a damn anymore. And no--only 2 things from what I've said were 'technology' orientated. Maybe if you stop watching TECHTV, you may actually breath air that's not from your stingy ass--and learn Japanese contributes alot of things otherwise technical orientated--in the Global world.
Wow. This thread has definately gone down the toilet with the biggest "ker-splash" I've heard in some time. I never would have thought that I would have found this kind of dialogue on a halflife2 thread, but I guess I was wrong. I think perhaps you all might want to take a deep breath, and remember why you are here in this forum; to talk about a game that we are all looking forward to. This is not the place to bash each other's ethnicity, cultural preferences or political views. That is just my opinion, but I am sure it is one that is shared by our moderators. I am also sure that none of you intended to have this type of slanderous discussion.
Originally posted by Beazil
Wow. This thread has definately gone down the toilet with the biggest "ker-splash" I've heard in some time. I never would have thought that I would have found this kind of dialogue on a halflife2 thread, but I guess I was wrong. I think perhaps you all might want to take a deep breath, and remember why you are here in this forum; to talk about a game that we are all looking forward to. This is not the place to bash each other's ethnicity, cultural preferences or political views. That is just my opinion, but I am sure it is one that is shared by our moderators. I am also sure that none of you intended to have this type of slanderous discussion.

I agree with Beazil...this thread can only lead to trouble...a mod should come shut it down
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I agree with Beazil...this thread can only lead to trouble...a mod should come shut it down

Strange how a thread I started about HL2 being shown in video form at gaming event in Tokyo would lead all of this hate.
yeah, so, so......strange.

Let's just blame Canada
Originally posted by Combat-Wombat
lol whats wrong with communists? sure it doesnt work but neither does capitalism.
Capitalism works. Your fellow man isn't a competitor for some sick socialistic government handout, but a potential trader. I can make something of myself under capitalism, and I'll defend this right to my death. Under communism I'm limited. I can never get ahead, get rich through my work, etc. It's plain horrible.
Plus communism stifles religion and identity.

I love those things.
Well, I think there won't show the old E3 videos. What would be the point of it? I hope for some cool new videos and release date information.
They repeated the E3 footage at ECTS, why would this be any different?