Half-Life 2 Update

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Valve have released an update for Half-Life 2. Here are the details:
The changes in this release are directed at reducing the problem some users are experiencing with sound stuttering. The sound stuttering is not indicative of a sound problem, sound stuttering is only a symptom of texture thrashing on your video card or AGP memory. For information on how to reduce texture thrashing visit this link on our support site.[br]
This update will fix sound stuttering that users were experiencing that would last for longer than a few seconds during normal gameplay. This update will also eliminate this same behavior following a quicksave or autosave. There will still be a short pause while the autosave happens, but not the more drawn out stuttering behavior.[br]
We are still investigating another performance problem on some hardware, which will manifest where the game is getting into a state where performance drops to less than 5 fps and does not recover or crashes.
Restart your Steam clients to receive this update.[br]
There is also a comment on what to expect next week...
Next week we will be releasing the Source SDK, along with a surprise for the community.
Surprise? Stay tuned, you know as much as we do.
im confused, is this patch release out yet? My steam hasnt updated or anything, and looking at their post it doesnt really state whether or not its out now or when it will be...

Wonder what the suprise is :naughty:
HL2 MP - Grav Gun Fest......

Super Manipulator.....

Prepare to be dangled over the edge!


Major Fracture Detected.......<bang>
Bet the suprise is DoD: Source. Or something no one expected.
The suprise is they are shutting down the steam auth servers forever, thus making all VALVe games completely unplayable. ok I lied. I hope it's HL2DM or a HL3 announcement :p
The main Steam site doesn't say anything about restarting to download. I'm guessing there update is the link they gave in the notice not a patch.

As far as the suprise thing goes. I wouldn't doubt that it has something to do with the Mod tools.
Marijn said:
a single player map with balls and dog .. :)
That part was soo much fun :)

ManHacks said:
im confused, is this patch release out yet? My steam hasnt updated or anything, and looking at their post it doesnt really state whether or not its out now or when it will be...
I assume the update was very small, if you opened up the Monitor window, it showed that HL2 had been updated back to 100%.

I reckon the surprise will be HL2 Multiplayer myself, but then again it's been said that the SDK will contain a multiplayer example, so thats not really a surprise at all. Maybe they'll hand out another game like TF: Source, or TF2, release DOD: Source?

PS: what took HL2.net so long to post this new item??
It's not an update, it's a link telling people with sound problems to download new drivers or lower their resolution.
If it is HL2DM, They should be kicking them selves as alot of reviews knocked them down for not including HL2DM.
There was a small update, but no progress bar window. I checked the monitor and my Half-Life 2 was at 99% for a second before going back to 100%

And yes I think most likely it is HL2DM though TF2 would be one hell of a surprise, and I for one, would shit my pants. :p
With Valves splendind track history concerning releasedates, I doubt it that they will release it nextweek :p
The suprise is that they spent so long on the game because they were simultaneously working on a shit load of expansion packs as well as half life 3 and 4. We'll be getting them dished out over the next few months but they're sorry, as we have to wait until next september for half Life 5.
Ohh. I love suprises :D Wonder if it's something completely different from what you guys have mentioned. Maybe it's Half-Life 3 !! :p

Well. I'm off to the doctor to try and find out why I haven't been able to taste anything for two months.
I'm gonna guess HL2DM or some new SP maps

Or maybe they'll make our day and make _all_ the SP maps available in Hammer usable form, so we can pull them apart and see how to do everything (like making cool strider maps!)
Gabe has stated many times that a TF2 progress update would be made once HL2 is out, the surprise could be no more than an update with a video.

Personally, I hope it is, I'm curious to see if they've kept the TF fell with TF2 or gone the way of "realism"........
Solus said:
Surprise = HL2DM, guaranteed

I'm sticking with what you say, it can only be...

DOD:Source is only a big surprise to those who have already purhcasedd it over steam
OMFG! If the surprise is hl2dm!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
That would be super duper uber c00l!!!!!
If that is all the suprise is then it's hardly anything to write home about.
Date: Next Week

Dear home.

Half Life 2 Deathmatch got released today, i'm so happy yaya yay!
You guys jump the gun?

Its hl2.net, what do you expect....gabe telling people that he performed a "little experiment" turns into "OMG VALVE RELEASED THOUSANDS OF FAKE HL2 VIRUSES TO KILL ALL THE WAREZ USERS" here.

Dont get your hopes up kiddies, its probably the cs update they promised, ATI maps they allready promised or that zombie basketball thing they were talking about, probably not though.

You do realise you will probably have to pay for the mods valve release in the future, dont you?.