Half Life 2 Video Details And Stuff (with new format!)

There is nothing wrong with what he has written. It's better than most.
About Ravenholm aparently is not a real city. But there's a Danish software company called Ravenholm , they have subsidiaries in Finalnd, Norway,Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S maybe a sing of the Combine expansion in the HL2 universe? Maybe those countries are now City 13 City 8 , etc? Maybe the Valve guys are friends with this company. Could someone research that?
Very insightful. Also did anyone notice in the beginning of the Strider video, the wall moves deeper into the city, even blocking a house. What does this mean? Any ideas?
Very cool read! I usually avoid longer posts, but this was well written and full of details. It was cool to watch the vids again and spot some of the things you mentioned. Good job, and don't let the spelling/grammar nazi's getcha down :)

That's a good question about Ravenholm... sounds German to me, but maybe they have names like that all over Europe?
Thx guys , by the way Subatomic it is said that the combine tower expands itself and is in fact eating City 17, or something in that style as was noter by Valve staff. Tough it sounds very European as I said before I couldn't find Ravenholm as a location only a Danish soft company, hopefully someone wil come with new info.
"Holm" means an Island in a river(best guess) or Low flat land(also possible) and aren't the birds in the vids ravens?
I think there are some Ravens at least in most of the sequences where we have seen a more "rural" or townish location instead of City 17 , ravens make an appearance. Nice one thx a lot! ;)
kakagar said:
Thx guys , by the way Subatomic it is said that the combine tower expands itself and is in fact eating City 17, or something in that style as was noter by Valve staff. Tough it sounds very European as I said before I couldn't find Ravenholm as a location only a Danish soft company, hopefully someone wil come with new info.

I was thinking the same thing. One of the vids it looks like it is actually expanding and growing by "ingesting" or whatever more of the city.....Man, what kind of fun does THAT bode for our hero? (us )
Did any1 else notice just before gordon gets in the crane he shoots a guy with the rocket launcher and blasts him way up in the air...just after this when he is reloading watch the bottom left corner as it looks like the player is adjusting walking/running speed...the meter looks like this:

Max. Power

and he goes up a notch then down....just a minor thing =)
wasn't it aux power? as in auxiliary (or supplementary power) from Gordon's suit?
ferd said:
dont see the use of this thread :(
cos some people like to review the videos?
if u dont see the point in this thread, then i doubt u see the point in 98% of all the threads here atm
SevereD said:
Did any1 else notice just before gordon gets in the crane he shoots a guy with the rocket launcher and blasts him way up in the air...just after this when he is reloading watch the bottom left corner as it looks like the player is adjusting walking/running speed...the meter looks like this:

Max. Power

and he goes up a notch then down....just a minor thing =)

I was just watching the e3 2004 vid, and I also noticed it. Betrer yet, you can also see it at 10:35 of the video(Check screenie). I think it's the same as in Far Cry, where u have a 'sprint' key, so u can run faster for a while until your energy runs out.

This is intresting, helps the gameplay I think :naughty: .

As I think about it, in the tunnels-bink, whem gordon flashes his light on, AUX-Power is also displayed.

At 21:27 E3 2004 vid, u can also see it
Yes guys those are the main two functions of the aux power meter, also i wanted to correct myself on smthg , actually there is a cross-hair in most vids only it's lackng the 2 semicircles showing ammo and health.
Yup, I saw that crossair in the blink vids, but not in the e3 2004 vid. Maybe you can select the crossair?
nah dude they turned the 'real' crosshair (with ammo an health count) off for E3 movies....check the in game binks...it's the shit man ;)
I hope that the gui is customizeble(that correct spelled?), so I can put all the info where I want it.
As for 'Ravensholm' St. Petersburg has a rather European(/German?) name, but it's in Russia.
Eastern Europe's been conquered/invaded so many times over the centuries I'm sure there's some towns founded by 'western' europeans.
Get some screen shots in there to back up what your saying and that would be an awesome post. Its good now though.
where is the vid...........where can we download it from ?
I say its nice that valve decided to do CSS :thumbs: