Half-Life 2 Vids: My Opinions


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
First off, I would like to say that Hl2 is by far one of the most interesting games I have ever followed. The Original Half Life will be hard to beat. Now onto my input.

1) In the Traptown video (I think it was) you know when gordon uses the grenade to blow the supports for that shipping crate? It then falls off crushing some combine, and causing a suspended beam to swing back and forth, killing more combies. I am wondering if the entire game will have these "set up" scenarios. For ex: will the game be able to be played without directly killing an enemy? like can I play the entire game causing crates and tables to do my bidding? I'm not saying I wouldnt like that, but if it is possible to kill everything with the surrounding environment, that would be extremely cool, and give you a sense that eveything you see can be used to your advantage. I think that if a combie was standing next to a car, and you instead shot the windows out, the shrapnel could damage and even kill him would be extremely entertaining.

2) The Docks video: I dont have much to say about this exept that I didnt realy like how the blood splattes when gordon hits the z0mbies! I know that it was a pre-release video and that nothing I am talking about will probably make the final cut, but it kinda reminded me of the cheezy House of the Dead arcade line.

3) Tunnels: This was I think my favorite video, The flying saw things (I think they are called ManHacks) were very convincing, I loved their sounds and the way that gordon manhandled them with his crowbar. I realy liked how when he swatted the first one outta the air, and it would smash into everything, knocking all the stuff in differnt directions (the barrels and the shelfs). When he goes into the next part, and looks up and sees the 2 combine shooting at him and then he pulls out the grenade/flair launcher and ignites the first guy, I would have liked to have seen his partner realize that he was in an unsafe position, and moved to a more strategicaly safe place. I guess he was there to show off the ragdoll affects, as when he got his leg shot and fell off the ledge, it looked real good to me. I also love that "medical-heart-monitor-line-beep" sound that plays when they get killed, I realy hope that this is in the final release.

4) Bugbait: Not much to say here, I liked it.

5) Kleiners Lab: Only thing I didnt like about this was the way the monitor fell off the desk. Seems to me that a normal monitor is way to heavy to wobble the way it did. Strider had nice fluid movement.

I know that their are some videos I missed here, but I realy dont have much to say about them. These are my personal opinions, so dont take them personaly or flame me for having an opinion. Plz post what you thought of the vids.

- Six Three
#2 was stated, by VALVe, as being a placeholder. They said the blood will be properly simulated in the final build as in you could make a character out of water, and it'd splash instead of bleed)
Shuzer said:
#2 was stated, by VALVe, as being a placeholder. They said the blood will be properly simulated in the final build as in you could make a character out of water, and it'd splash instead of bleed)

Thank God! I would not have bought the game if that pathetic blood splatter was in it!
Six Three said:
Thank God! I would not have bought the game if that pathetic blood splatter was in it!

Who would!? I mean, if the blood isn't done right, the game just sux. :)
Shuzer said:
Who would!? I mean, if the blood isn't done right, the game just sux. :)

maybe House of the Dead fans would :)

I think that Gordon should be able to use the manipulator on a dust cloud to create a dust wall :) oh yeah, will objects displace dust? like if I use the manipulator on a can, and launch it into a cupboard filled with cups, will the cabinet fall over causing a tiny dust storm, and will the cups break? (if the cups arent the cheap ikea plastic crap! unböring!)
Watch all of those videos and then watch the source_hdr02.exe bink video and imagine all of the DX9 effects on the previous videos you just watched...ahhh.

Weighted objects should cause damage so that will be fun.

Have you ever bumped your monitor before? They do rock on the base. Although he did look to have hit it somewhat softly for it to actually fall over. But the rocking looked OK.

Also in the barricade video I liked the illumination from the guys firing their guns along with the physics from the nade. The wood pallet that is resting on the car gets blasted while being shot horisontally away pretty fast too.
Asus said:
Have you ever bumped your monitor before? They do rock on the base. Although he did look to have hit it somewhat softly for it to actually fall over. But the rocking looked OK.

If you look closely at the monitor, it's sitting very precariously on the edge of the other hardware.
/end sarcasm
Seriously though, lean your monitor forward and let go...it rocks. It doesn't move from where it's at but it does rock.
Someone recreate Kleiner's lab to the letter, IRL, and then test knocking the monitor off the edge of that.. thing its ontop of! lol
hah right. Actually I have a broken monitor I ...nvm
Um. HL2 is not a reality simulator. What's with all this rendering dust jibberjabber? Remember, we live in 2004, almost the future, but not quite. It's a game. We have TVs for reality simulators.
Gossoon said:
Um. Remember, we live in 2004, almost the future, but not quite. It's a game. We have TVs for reality simulators.

LOL. WHAT?!? Greatest Post Ever.

Your first sentance breaks rules of grammar AND physics.

Your seconds sentance is painfully and depressingly true nowadays. The mere fact that people will watch tv for reality is thoroughly sad. We went from Mork and Mindy to Big Brother. And now its even more like Big Brother with the Patriot Acts. Okay okay okay I'm going way off topic. I mean no disrespect if taken. Redlight.

Anyways I agree those were good assessments of the Blink vids. I'm not sure if shooting glass will have much of an effect on damaging the enemy but that'd be an amazing touch. Also I think it might be a nice touch that if you run out of ammo you can throw the weapon at the enemy. Granted it might be a little awkward but if you could do it it'd be usefull.

edit: hey cool we have the same ammount of posts! 69
in traptown all of that stuff was set up on purpose just for that demo, i hope in the real game they arent purposly set up like that, but due to the fancy engine you can make stuff like that happen on your own.
Six Three said:
Thank God! I would not have bought the game if that pathetic blood splatter was in it!

Don't say that!
That is from Half-Life 1! ;)
I think that if you run out of ammo, you can still trick the enemy (not the antlions or any bug, cause they dun realy care) into thinking you still have a bullet or 2. You could sneak up on an enemy, and I think it was Rick that said they can here you, he could turn around and put his hands up and surrender.
I think that you should be able to make a combine surrender, put his drop his gun, and put his hands in the air if you sneak up on him! Ya I know I said this twice, but I didnt know the post went thru...
I have read this forum for so long and not once have I heard someone complain how the guy playing IS THE BIGGEST NEWB EVER!!
He cant shoot, he can run, he cant hit the broad side of a barn. He sucks so badly. They should have made some l337 guy play. Remember in trap town in the very begining, when he took the barrel and tryed to hit that combie before hiding inside of the building and placing the table to block the entrance. Well I CANT BELIEVE HE MISSED THAT SHOT. I mean omg ITS A FREAKING HUDGE BARREL and he cant hit someone with it. And what was he thinking shooin the zombie in the knee cap and not the head. GOd what a newb.
Yea, it would be l33t if they showed some guy rushing through the levels in 2 minutes flat shooting everything before we can see it. I don't understand why they didn't!

the bugbait movie, I didn't like how the bugs were attacking through the turned over desks.
mortiz said:
the bugbait movie, I didn't like how the bugs were attacking through the turned over desks.

I'm pretty sure they said things like that will be fixed
QProtocol said:
I have read this forum for so long and not once have I heard someone complain how the guy playing IS THE BIGGEST NEWB EVER!!
He cant shoot, he can run, he cant hit the broad side of a barn. He sucks so badly. They should have made some l337 guy play. Remember in trap town in the very begining, when he took the barrel and tryed to hit that combie before hiding inside of the building and placing the table to block the entrance. Well I CANT BELIEVE HE MISSED THAT SHOT. I mean omg ITS A FREAKING HUDGE BARREL and he cant hit someone with it. And what was he thinking shooin the zombie in the knee cap and not the head. GOd what a newb.

That's because he didn't want the combine soldier to die, and he wanted the headcrab to jump off the body.
It would be cool if the headcrabs can latch on to you in HL-2
mortiz said:
It would be cool if the headcrabs can latch on to you in HL-2

And what would happen?
You would remove it with some key designed to it?
Or you would be controled till the end of the game?
Oh stop being so negative. You could just make it so that when you next pres fire you knock it off with your gun or crowbar or something....
It's a design decision, not a technical limitation ;)
You know that part when gordon uses the table to barricade the door? I wonder If he could have used the manipulator to pick an object up, and place it on the table. Hopefully the object's weight would be added to table, therefore adding to the weight the combie would have to move to get in the room.
Six Three said:
You know that part when gordon uses the table to barricade the door? I wonder If he could have used the manipulator to pick an object up, and place it on the table. Hopefully the object's weight would be added to table, therefore adding to the weight the combie would have to move to get in the room.

I don't know a reason why it wouldn't work...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Oh stop being so negative. You could just make it so that when you next pres fire you knock it off with your gun or crowbar or something....

hehe remember duke nukem 3d? those red and green alien thingamajigs that latched onto your face, and you had to kick em to get em off.
ahhh the memories.

no but seriously, headcrabs should lunge at you, and a succesful head hit should be an insta kill.. it would make headcrabs a HELL of a lot scarier (imagine how slowly you woulda went through the ventilation systems in HL1 if that were the case) :)
I agree, insta kill headcrabs, perhaps only on the higher difficulty levels, but it would certainly add a new sense of fear.
are you serious???

Six Three said:
Thank God! I would not have bought the game if that pathetic blood splatter was in it!

If your comment is really true and not being sarcastic then you are pethetic to not buy this game for such a little stupid bloddy feature. Why do people care about this feature and that feature and how this looks and that. Gameplay/story is the ultimate answer to success, not graphics. However if you were being sarcastic then ignore my post :)
Six Three said:
You know that part when gordon uses the table to barricade the door? I wonder If he could have used the manipulator to pick an object up, and place it on the table. Hopefully the object's weight would be added to table, therefore adding to the weight the combie would have to move to get in the room.

Yes that would work. But a good chance the table would break if you put something heavy like a washing machine on it. Also the manipulator has a weight limit. :)
the manipulator doesnt have a weight limit...your strength is limited though. ;)
I liked most of the movies, especially the techdemo at the beginning (It was colourful). The effect that i most appreciated was the illuminated blue coming from the refracted water. I also liked the dynamic scenery, were the ground moved under your feet. Valve could use this (Make craters with artillery shells). I think the only problem that i did not enjoy was the fact that you can still see the env_sprite effects through objects which are like 8 inches thick. The best bit was at the beginning of that strider video, where your right next to the combine citadel. As you walk by the building, several pillars move upwards, then bash into the ground, then stretch outwards, making the building grow outwards effectively.
Anybody got a Link for the Full E3 video?

i used to have it but i upgraded ALL my stuff at christmas and lost my D: drive when im sure id told Xp only to reformat my C:

in traptown all of that stuff was set up on purpose just for that demo, i hope in the real game they arent purposly set up like that, but due to the fancy engine you can make stuff like that happen on your own

The reason for the traps is explained in this extract from Planet Half-Life: -

HL2 Allies - Father Gregory: -

"He's mentioned in passing in the gameplay video. Here’s the exact transcript: "this part of town has been booby-trapped by a friend of yours named Father Gregory, he’s kind of a survivalist monk. He’s left traps all over the place for you to make use of." Of course, most of these traps are designed to kill Combine Soldiers. Oh, that Father Gregory, he's quite the prankster!"
maximus0402 said:
If your comment is really true and not being sarcastic then you are pethetic to not buy this game for such a little stupid bloddy feature. Why do people care about this feature and that feature and how this looks and that. Gameplay/story is the ultimate answer to success, not graphics. However if you were being sarcastic then ignore my post :)

thats your opinion, and btw, its not a little feature to me, how would you like going through the entire game with all these brand new effects and a totally interactive environment, and every time you kill someone (which will probably be quite often) how would you like to see a crappy blood splatter like that?
PvtRyan said:
Yes that would work. But a good chance the table would break if you put something heavy like a washing machine on it. Also the manipulator has a weight limit. :)

Oh yeah, I forgot the table can break! I wonder if more weight will be able to be applied to the sides of the table? ex: a table with the same amout of weight (ex: 220 lbs) wont break (just an example) if it is placed on the sides, or directly ontop of the leg. But if it were to be placed in the middle of the table, it would break. (it would also depend on how big/wide the table is)