Half Life 2 vs Stalker?!?!?


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know about you guys, but i just saw some S.T.A.L.K.E.R screenshots. And I also read some if it's plot and....i'm speechless, now that is the game im looking forward to after Half Life 2. That game just looks so damn cool

Personally, I cant wait until they release the video for that game tommorow at 7 pm....it's gonna be great. Uh oh, i hope they are distributing them over public servers! Anyone know if they are?
Uh oh, here comes another round of "vs" posts. How about Stalker vs Doom 3, I don't think that was done yet.
Yeah really. Vs posts are just flamebait for all envolved. Stalker looks great, Half-Life 2 looks great, cant we just leave it at that and buy both games - THEN decide?
The company making the game has yet to make a good game. Just because it's got great graphics and a concept doesn't mean it will be anything out of the ordinary. We'll just have to wait and see.
I think all pointless threads like this should be deleted, is anyone with me? PlZ don't flame me, it's not my fault I only have 2 dicks.
What is there too compare, stalker has pics while HL2 has a video already so jesus ***** jst give it up already..
Stalker has MANY videos, you just need to know where to find them.

Physics: HL2
Story: HL2
Indoor Graphics: Tie
Outdoor Graphics: Stalker
FX Graphics: HL2
Skys: Stalker
Multiplayer: Most likely HL2
Charecter Animation: HL2
HL2= Linear, Stalker= Non: Stalker
Fan Fiction: Stalker (Read them, most are excelent)
New concepts: Stalker
Technical Aspect: HL2
AI: Stalker (life simulation)
Reputation: HL2

Both will be excelent, entirely different games.
stalker's movie was unimpressive.. wanna see the vid they release tomorrow though.
Yeah well, the only ****** ass thing about STALKER is that they are most likely going to optimize it for gay ass nVIDIA
Yeah well, the only gay ass thing about STALKER is that they are most likely going to optimize it for stupid ass nVIDIA
Is that true? That's just dumb limiting your audience like that.
stalker seemed kinda flat...weapons and everything.

i hope the demo tomorrwo will leave me with a better impression..the game sounds cool
I wonder what multiplayer will be like. Unless the game supports 128+ players in multiplayer it's going to be pretty boring doing deathmatch or team play on such a big map.
ill use eclipse rating system

Physics: HL2
Story: HL2
Indoor Graphics: HL2
Outdoor Graphics: Stalker
FX Graphics: HL2
Skys: Stalker
Multiplayer: Most likely HL2
Charecter Animation: HL2
HL2= Linear, Stalker= Non: Stalker
Fan Fiction: I dont care :p
New concepts: Both
Technical Aspect: HL2
AI: Both ...the AI in HL2 will be atleast as good
Reputation: HL2X100
Originally posted by crabcakes66

pacman owns half-life 1 :farmer:

Yes, he's joking. Half-Life 1 is the king of the portal. It's void will consume Doom III and STALKER combined.
Originally posted by csmighty
I don't know about you guys, but i just saw some S.T.A.L.K.E.R screenshots. And I also read some if it's plot and....i'm speechless, now that is the game im looking forward to after Half Life 2. That game just looks so damn cool

Personally, I cant wait until they release the video for that game tommorow at 7 pm....it's gonna be great. Uh oh, i hope they are distributing them over public servers! Anyone know if they are?

I will definately get them both (and Doom III) but Stalker definately looks to be the best out of the pair.
I think Stalker will be more "immersive"...fps and rpg, have to hunt, etc...
S.T.A.L.K.E.R isnt optemized for Nvidia. the only thing stalker uses is the FX technology. so when you have a nvidia card you can see some cool effects that only the FX cards can do, but that doesnt mean that stalker will suck on Ati cards you guys really need to read better
It wont suck on ati card, but compared to playing it with nvidia card you do miss some details. It will surely run about 30% faster and with more details on nvidia cards. And that kinda sucks. Reason was that stalker devs asked for help from both companies (give em hardware etc). only nvidia replied and showed interest in their game. Now its one of their major franchise games. buy geforce- get best graphics.

I have a radeon 9800 pro, I do fell kinda bitched up.
But that aint a real reason not to buy the game. The game is going to be great, even without all the graphical beauty turned on. besides that, maybe the community will release some unofficial patch witch allows all graphical feats. on an ATI card.
I saw a trailer with Stalker. The big map was amazing, but the foliage looked a bit poor. The camera moved really fast, but many things looked 2D. But the game look great, yet a bit comfusing (a very big map with a soldier running around shooting enemies, no sense of logic...)
"Il y aura 30 armes disponibles. Certaines sont contemporaines comme le Marakov, le Browning Hi-Power ou l'AK-47 tandis que d'autres sont encore au stade expérimental : le FN 2000 belge ou le pistolet ukrénien Fort. D'après l'interview, ces armes sont customisables au point de pouvoir transformer un vulguaire AK-47 en "super assault rifle".

I translate :)

There'll be 30 weapons available.Some of theme are contemporary, like the Marakov, Browning High Power or the AK-47, while others are just experimental : the belgian FN 2000 or the "ukrenian" gun Fort. These weapons will be so much customisable that you'll can transform an AK-47 into an "super assault rifle". :)

If there are mistakes, tell me, i'll correct...

TOO MANY. How many assault rifles do you need? You can have 200 hundred guns, people will still only use 1 if they are all assault rifles. You need variety, not numbers.

Shit, you just told me this game has more useless crap than HL2.

Is this supposed to sell me on the game?
lol, no, too many, i don't think, because you must buy all these weapons, so you choose, it's there won't be an "lasergun" in the game, it's not the same univers that in HL, it's reality.

There is no too many guns because most part of theme are custom, from the "base", so look the picture before...
....what the hell did you just say in English?

There are dozens of assault rifles there. So, ok, you buy them. Why should I buy anything other than the OICW?
Because maybe you can't buy this gun at the start of the game !!
Like in CS ! I want to use the AK during all the game ! But maybe you can't buy it.
And my english is...limited :)
Look here, nubbins.

I can understand the Doom 3/ Half life 2 comparisons but S.T.A.L.K.E.R could be coming out over 6 months after Half life 2. So comparing the respective graphics and engines doesnt seem fair or indeed a worthwhile activity.

We cant exactly compare gameplay either because we havent played either game and half life 2 would sorta win by default because it has the 25 min video and its reputation backing it up.
So....F.U.C.K O.F.F.

(Stalker does look da bomb tho)
Originally posted by Fatboy Gabe
Look here, nubbins.

I can understand the Doom 3/ Half life 2 comparisons but S.T.A.L.K.E.R could be coming out over 6 months after Half life 2. So comparing the respective graphics and engines doesnt seem fair or indeed a worthwhile activity.

We cant exactly compare gameplay either because we havent played either game and half life 2 would sorta win by default because it has the 25 min video and its reputation backing it up.
So....F.U.C.K O.F.F.

(Stalker does look da bomb tho)

Yeah ! HL2 has a video ! Wouhou ! Better game ! :)

I think HL2 will be the best game ever, but i also think that Stalker deserve that we talk about it...

AND SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH ! I said that many many times...:cheese:
Hey wait a second rigamix, i wasnt saying half life 2 will be better because it has a video. What i meant is having a 25 min video gives it an unfair advantage over stalker for comparison purposes, as it gives half life 2 the opportunity to show off integral parts of the game.

I wasnt being an aggressive fan boy (just aggressive). I was merely suggesting that this stalker vs. thread is folly.

But we should talk about stalker by all means, for all we know it could surpass half life 2 as a standalone game (I say this because i have a feeling half life 2 will rule all once the mods come out).
Perhaps you could petition the mods to put "excuse my english" as your avatar title?