Half Life 2 vs Stalker?!?!?

Originally posted by csmighty
I don't know about you guys, but i just saw some S.T.A.L.K.E.R screenshots. And I also read some if it's plot and....i'm speechless, now that is the game im looking forward to after Half Life 2. That game just looks so damn cool

Personally, I cant wait until they release the video for that game tommorow at 7 pm....it's gonna be great. Uh oh, i hope they are distributing them over public servers! Anyone know if they are?

Personally, I think S.T.A.L.K.E.R is looking more impressive than Half-Life 2 at the moment.

Personally, I think S.T.A.L.K.E.R will be the game to mod if you want to set your mod outside, assuming of course, that mod tools are shipped with the game.

Personally, I think both games will be excellent, I can't wait for either of them. :)
While we are at it, lets compare
Rogue Spear vs Need for Speed.
How about
WC3 vs flight sim 2003.
Starcraft vs Jedi Knight.

See what I mean. Well, these games are not even out yet. So let me make it even better.

How about
Deus Ex: The Invisible War vs Rallisport Challenge.

I think you're getting what I mean.
Personally, I don't care. I've got a job, and I make wads of cash and fill my pockets with credit cards...

Which I then spend on every game I find interesting...;)

And then I decide who wins the "vs." wars. :cheers:
I think its a bad sign when they give you several trailers of a game and none of them present any gameplay.

All the trailers do is show off the scenery. That tells me the game has no gameplay worth showing off, only pretty but static scenery.

point being, there is going to alot of very nice quality games comming out this year and next so we have a lot to look forward too wich is very good. I think Stalker is going to be a great game.

I think those several trailers are just to show people what they are developing. I also think they released several videos because they are a relitivly unknown company and they might be trying to get their name out into the gaming community.
Then they have to do a lot better. I didn't see any fun in ANY of those trailers so far. Whereas you could make HL2 look a lot more shitty than it does now and give me the manipulator gun and I'd be happy as a pig in shit.
1. This is the pre-alpha build of Stalker. It's greatness will, presumably, increase exponentially as the build is improved.

2. How can you not compare Stalker and HL2 (unless you're afriad what that comparison might show :p)? It's not like HL2 is a flight sim.

3. Claws, you say all the Stalker trailer showed is stuff from e3 (which may or may not be true), what was it again that the "new" HL2 trailers are showing? Video from e3 or not? :borg:

Anyway, just some thoughts. :afro:
ive seen all the half life 2 and the most recent stalker video and all i could tell you from my point of view is that the physics in stalker: vehicles peoples deaths, objects getting shot......from what ive seen didnt look quite as well done as half-life2's
S.T.A.L.K.E.E.R graphically kills any game. If you saw the end of the trailer that is the first revealing of the game running in its full DX9 render...

As for comparing the games themselves... S.T.A.L.K.E.R is an open-ended RPG while Half-Life 2 is an FPS... so no, we should not be comparing the games themselves.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R will also have robust FPS multiplayer though. As well as 8 player online co-op through the RPG campaign. ;)

As for the physics that was shown in the DX7/8 render of S.T.A.L.K.E.R they were all pre-alpha, and so was the A.I...

Oh yeah, and everything from the trailer was old from E3 (and even before that)

Originally posted by chili pepper
I think its a bad sign when they give you several trailers of a game and none of them present any gameplay.

All the trailers do is show off the scenery. That tells me the game has no gameplay worth showing off, only pretty but static scenery.

It's not a bad sign. They didn't show any gameplay yet because the gameplay isn't done yet. And also, keep in mind that this is an RPG game. They haven't shown any gameplay, all they've been showing so far is the engine demonstrations... any smart person would see that.

They started to show early pre-alpha builds of the A.I. and physics that's the closest thing to gameplay they've shown yet... just wait and see....
Originally posted by Apos
The company making the game has yet to make a good game. Just because it's got great graphics and a concept doesn't mean it will be anything out of the ordinary. We'll just have to wait and see.

And it also doesn't mean that they will bail on this game.

What did Valve do before Half-Life?
Originally posted by Eclipse
Stalker has MANY videos, you just need to know where to find them.

Physics: HL2
Story: HL2
Indoor Graphics: Tie
Outdoor Graphics: Stalker
FX Graphics: HL2
Skys: Stalker
Multiplayer: Most likely HL2
Charecter Animation: HL2
HL2= Linear, Stalker= Non: Stalker
Fan Fiction: Stalker (Read them, most are excelent)
New concepts: Stalker
Technical Aspect: HL2
AI: Stalker (life simulation)
Reputation: HL2

Both will be excelent, entirely different games.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R wins technical graphics if you look at the DX9 render at the end of the video... it's completely different from the DX7/8 that was in use for most of the video. And it completely outclasses any gamea I ever saw. You actually see realistic paint on the surfaces of things, tiles, rediculously realistic shadow/lighting etc. It's the first ever FULL Direct X 9 engine.
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!! :p

Anyway, Lifthz, your clearly a STALKER fanboy. Listen, if you look closely, I notice no difference, at all, between HL2, and STALKERS gfx. And you mentioned for outside, you would want to mod in STALKER? Is that why HL2's outside would take 3 minutes in that dune buggy to cross from one side of the map to the other? Get your head out of STALKERS ass, and look into the light, HL2 and STALKER are both amazing, if anything, HL2 more so. I love you Lifthz, no flame intended, just don't come on here with all your speculation about how amazing YOU think STALKER will be.
Originally posted by Stubbychubs
I wonder what multiplayer will be like. Unless the game supports 128+ players in multiplayer it's going to be pretty boring doing deathmatch or team play on such a big map.

Multiplayer plans for S.T.A.L.K.E.R include the following:

- up to 8 player co-op through the single player campaign (RPG)
- all standard FPS modes as well as surprises
- 64 players is the target
64 players would never be good. Look at all current MMORPG's and other 64 player games, do you EVER see a 64 player server full on a game that can support 64 players? If you do, running fluently? If you do, with teamwork, no hackers/noobs? Didn't think so. :)
Originally posted by guinny
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!! :p

Anyway, Lifthz, your clearly a STALKER fanboy. Listen, if you look closely, I notice no difference, at all, between HL2, and STALKERS gfx. And you mentioned for outside, you would want to mod in STALKER? Is that why HL2's outside would take 3 minutes in that dune buggy to cross from one side of the map to the other? Get your head out of STALKERS ass, and look into the light, HL2 and STALKER are both amazing, if anything, HL2 more so. I love you Lifthz, no flame intended, just don't come on here with all your speculation about how amazing YOU think STALKER will be.

No. I'm a "fanboy" of both games. But I do notice the difference in graphics unlike others. The Direct X 9 render of S.T.A.L.K.E.R shown at the end of the new trailer is my proof.

Originally posted by guinny
64 players would never be good. Look at all current MMORPG's and other 64 player games, do you EVER see a 64 player server full on a game that can support 64 players? If you do, running fluently? If you do, with teamwork, no hackers/noobs? Didn't think so. :)

Battlefield. And why are you trying to bash the game/me. That's just the target... calm down.
Call me when STALKER has fun, not the promise of fun and I will give the game full consideration. As it stands, it's slightly pretty and dead. Watching the game run is like having sex with a corpse.
LOL. Boogaleeboo, that's great man. True too. I'm not trying to bash you, I'm simply stating STALKER doesn't have anything HL2 doesn't. And if it does, HL2's engine could be modded to do the same. And Battlefield...I think has 2 64 player servers, which are both ping goblins.
Well perhaps the developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R should've used Valve's approach to people like you guys.... just wait until the game is almost done to show anything at all... because you people are real ignorant.

Originally posted by guinny
LOL. Boogaleeboo, that's great man. True too. I'm not trying to bash you, I'm simply stating STALKER doesn't have anything HL2 doesn't. And if it does, HL2's engine could be modded to do the same. And Battlefield...I think has 2 64 player servers, which are both ping goblins.

X-ray is the first full Dx9 engine, Source isnt.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R is an RPG, Half-Life 2 is an FPS.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R has life simulation system, Half-Life 2 doesn't need that because it isn't an RPG.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R has a night/day cycle, Half-Life 2 seems to have static skys.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R has full dynamic lighting in the DX9 render, Half-Life 2 doesn't.

There are many things.

Your arguments of mods will make up anything S.T.A.L.K.E.R has is weak... mods can't make the Source engine into a full DX9 engine.
It is almost done, it's due out a few months after HL2, what're you smoking? Your the one with your head stuck in STALKERS ass, come into the light child, STALKER isn't anything we haven't seen before. :eek: Did I say that? Yes, I did, because it's true, and the world knows it.
Heheh. You better take your head out of Half-Life 2's ass.

I don't have my head in any ass that's why I can see the difference between both.

I suggest you just go look at the end of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R video again, there is a huge graphical jump from point 3:47.
Originally posted by Lifthz
X-ray is the first full Dx9 engine, Source isnt.

Source fully supports Dx9. - Owned.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R is an RPG, Half-Life 2 is an FPS.

Your just proving to us they are two entirely different games, but are wrong at the same time, because you hold the gun, and are looking through his eyes in STALKER, thus it's an FPS. - Owned.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R has life simulation system, Half-Life 2 doesn't need that because it isn't an RPG.

Again, proving they are two different games. And if you want life simulation, go outside. - Owned.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R has a night/day cycle, Half-Life 2 seems to have static skys.

Half-Life 2 has a dynamic 3d skybox, and night/day cycles are completely possible within Source. - Owned.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R has full dynamic lighting in the DX9 render, Half-Life 2 doesn't.

HL2 does have full dynamic lighting. - Owned.
There are many things.

Anything else you'd like to argue about?
Forget the asses. No asses for a minute. HL2, Barney with a machine gun. Those Striders. Watching the G-Man do pretty much anything. The Manipulator gun. These things are FUN. I don't care if they were done with stick figures, they are fun.

Now what has STALKER shown me that will be fun? Not what CAN it do. What has it actually shown it will do? And if you begin the line with "They will have" you lose. What do they have NOW?

And that's why I don't care about STALKER yet.
Boogaleeboo, you are completely ignorant.

And as I said before 10000 times, we shouldn't even be comparing these games directly. They are not the same genre. Also, they haven't shown the gameplay footage yet. All they've shown was tech demonstrations of early builds of the physics and A.I.
STALKER will have......dammit.

Seriously though, STALKER has life simulation. And...that does.....what for the gameplay? You want LIFE SIMULATION, here's an idea - TAKE A WALK OUTSIDE, meet people, talk to people, it's crazy, this way, you'll feel like your playing STALKER before it's even out!
lol El_Chi, I like you. Your a funny guy. I liked your response in your thread, I was cracking up, but you were right lol.
Yes. I am ignorant. I went to the STALKER site, I've seen the movies, and it seens like the pregame warm up before a basketball game. There isn't fun, there is the promise of fun to come. There is a lot of "Pretty pictures, game to be patched in later.". Now in 6 months, maybe it'll have fun.

But by then I'll have HL2, so this discussion really doesn't matter.
Originally posted by guinny
STALKER will have......dammit.

Seriously though, STALKER has life simulation. And...that does.....what for the gameplay? You want LIFE SIMULATION, here's an idea - TAKE A WALK OUTSIDE, meet people, talk to people, it's crazy, this way, you'll feel like your playing STALKER before it's even out!

First of all. Again. The game is an RPG.

Life simulation is exactly what the words mean... Life + Simulation. All living things in the game actually live and do the things that they're supposed to do in the game world... they actually travel around the game world themselves, whether the player is there or not. The whole world is simulated. Similar to the game Fable(Xbox).

Originally posted by Boogaleeboo
Yes. I am ignorant. I went to the STALKER sight, I've seen the movies, and it seens like the pregame warm up before a basketball game. There isn't fun, there is the promise of fun to come. There is a lot of "Pretty pictures, game to be patched in later.". Now in 6 months, maybe it'll have fun.

But by then I'll have HL2, so this discussion really doesn't matter.

If Valve released videos of the Source engine in development in eaerly stages it would've been the same exact situation.

Valve choose to not show ANYTHING until the game itself was actually almost complete... and that's why they actually show you gameplay footage.

You have to build a game engine before you make the gameplay...
Thank you, kind sir. You, also, are a funny guy as you've proved in countless posts.
<Sees Guinny's rating>
Oooh, a Strider's worth of posts. Oooh
LOL. I don't call that simulation, I call that pre-determined NPC routes they follow despite wheter or not your in the area. Big deal, the Grey City (a highly advanced gta) mod for HL2 is going to have the exact same thing, except NPC's in the mod will be shopping, walking the streets, talking with one another, watching tv, dining in restaurants etc. If your interested go to http://gcmod.city-17.net The mod looks awesome and they need some more people on their team. if your interested, contact me at [email protected]
Originally posted by Lifthz
Life simulation is exactly what the words mean...
Yeah, life simulation games are great. Remember The Sims? Wasn't that gr- Wait, where are you going? Wait, wait, come back! The Sims...Life simulation games...No need for a life or family of your own...wait! Wallpaper...lamps...fun...The Sims...

No-one? No, didn't think so.
Well we'll see exactly how pre-determined theh NPCs will be in S.T.A.L.K.E.R... I can tell you that they are not following 1 path.
boog has a point though. I mean, look at other g ames. Unreal 2 was supposed to be graphically amazing (well, from stuff i read about the fire and such) but it turned out to be crappy.
The grey city mod will have the same thing Lifthz, it's nothing amazing. GC mod's coders are making pre-determined npc routes for hundreds of npcs, giving each npc 2-3 routes to take, and randomly chosen by the a.i. It's nothing that wasn't possible already. They just like to hype up people such as urself by making it sound better than it is.
Also. It's not only the humans in the game. Again... EVERY LIVING THING in the game. That includes any animals or beasts etc.

And they all have 2 levels of A.I. They become more detailed the closer they are to the player.
Wow, so they make for pre-determined routes for animals too...oooo...ahhhh....

Lifthz, face it man, it's hyped up crap. Life simulation, a.k.a, everything that moves has pre-determined a.i routes. Making paths for an NPC is one of easiest parts of modding. It's nothing amazing that they did, they just got you hyped up.
Also. Again. We shouldn't be comparing the games themmselves at all. What I said originally is tha tthe S.T.A.L.K.E.R has more impressive graphics. Bottom line.

Originally posted by guinny
Wow, so they make for pre-determined routes for animals too...oooo...ahhhh....

Lifthz, face it man, it's hyped up crap. Life simulation, a.k.a, everything that moves has pre-determined a.i routes. Making paths for an NPC is one of easiest parts of modding. It's nothing amazing that they did, they just got you hyped up.

Well, you should face that you're the one sounding like a big fanboy right now. Bashing the game you never played. All i'm saying is what is promised for the game.

It's just like if I bashed everything Valve has promised for Half-Life 2.
"X-ray is the first full Dx9 engine, Source isnt."

Just what the hell does that mean anyway? Supposedly the big difference between Dx9 and the previous Dx iterations is shader technology. Since HL2 is big on shaders, that makes it a Dx9 engine too. What's your point?

"S.T.A.L.K.E.R is an RPG, Half-Life 2 is an FPS."

So you're saying RPG's are better than FPS games? All a matter of opinion. To each his own.

"S.T.A.L.K.E.R has life simulation system, Half-Life 2 doesn't need that because it isn't an RPG."

If we're talking A.I. here HL2 has it beat. I've yet to see any A.I. in STALKER that I'd call impressive. Really, the only AI I'm interested in is the up close and personal one, not stuff that happens in the background.

"S.T.A.L.K.E.R has a night/day cycle, Half-Life 2 seems to have static skys."

From what I've seen of the trailer, I could say this of STALKER too. But it's hard to judge this sort of thing without playing the game first isn't it? Maybe you should read the latest HL2 interview at gamespy.com.

"S.T.A.L.K.E.R has full dynamic lighting in the DX9 render, Half-Life 2 doesn't."

It looks like a mixture of static and dynamic lighting to me like HL2 especially in the outdoor areas. With full dynamic lighting I think you'd get something like Doom 3 graphics. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

"Your arguments of mods will make up anything S.T.A.L.K.E.R has is weak... mods can't make the Source engine into a full DX9 engine."

Well, modability is a big feature of HL2. It's totally modular and supposedly made to be very easily modable. Mods will be a big part of HL2 I'm guessing. We don't even know if mod tools will be shipped with STALKER, let alone how modable it'll be.
Originally posted by Lifthz
You proved me wrong, so I'm going to change the subject back to my original statement and end the conversation. I'm sorry, but I refuse to admit it.
