Half Life 2 vs Stalker?!?!?

Guinny are you actually that stupid? It is incredible how far some of you fan-boys will go. You actually think that the developers of Stalker coded EVERY SINGLE THING in the game to follow a pre-determined path?

30 kilometer of land, and they coded EVERY SINGLE THING?

If you are right, it makes them a helluva lot more dedicated than Valve, anyway.

My last post in this thread. I cannot argue with ignorant, foolish, hypocritical people. guinny is the biggest one i've met.
No, The Duke, they are using secret technology, that allows the A.I to completely think for themselves in real-time. They are fully dynamic A.I, who do as they please.
Originally posted by Lifthz
My last post in this thread. I cannot argue with ignorant, foolish, hypocritical people. guinny is the biggest one i've met.

No one gets anywhere without criticism.. you should be thanking guinny.. and by flaming him.. your just giving yourself the title.
I only flamed him because it was true what I said towards him... every singe thing there can be proven true if you go read the last page...

he just completely ignores a lot of the things I said, doesn't make for a good debate
Lifthz, while I've agreed with almost everything you've said in this thread, I don't think you can really catagorize Stalker as an RPG. At least not in the traditional sense. No levels to gain, but you are "role- playing" a Stalker. You buy guns, armor, cars :)cool:), you find places to sleep, to eat. More like a real- life simulation (which you also said, and I believe it's closer to the truth).

I do think that they are comparable though, but I guess it's a matter of opinion. :)
Thank you Ender. I'm merely pointing out that his hype is over-exaggerated. I don't want him getting all excited about a game, that he thinks is going to be so amazing, but what it comes down to is all pre-determined coding. HL2 is all predetermined as well, except for some of the AI's thoughts, and the physics system which is fully dynamic and interactable, thus, in reality, HL2 is even more life-simulated than STALKER.
Ambitious is never traditional. S.T.A.L.K.E.R does have stats, but it is hidden from the player since it is not the focus of the game.
Guinny, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your appalling stupidity.

You believ that the developer of Stalker coded EVERY bird, rat, mutuant, soldier, Stalker, or assorted other fauna rather then believe the game has good A.I.?
reading "the duke"'s post just now about how in stalker you buy guns and armor and such, this is probably what is referred to as Life-simulation.

It's not the world but what you do in the world that is similar to life. In HL2 you don't have to buy guns or cars or find places to sleep etc.. (i dont know if you do these in stalker but the duke had it in his post).

So in a way, stalker simulates activities in life. Half-life 2 is more "arcade-ish" (used very loosely) because you basically are given a gun and go around and shoot things and solve simple problems without having to worry about getting food or sleeping.

HL2 might have a more realistic gameworld but stalker has more realistic actions you must take in that gameworld.

Just an idea.
No, the game has good A.I, but your an idiot if you want to actually believe it wasn't pre-determined paths.
Originally posted by guinny
No, the game has good A.I, but your an idiot if you want to actually believe it wasn't pre-determined paths.

Do you know what A.I. is? It is all written out and pre-determined. However it is randomized as well as chooses depending on the players actions...

All A.I. is scripted to an extent, but it depends on how well the developer actually makes it SEEM like it's real. That determines how good A.I. is...

Originally posted by shibs_himself
reading "the duke"'s post just now about how in stalker you buy guns and armor and such, this is probably what is referred to as Life-simulation.

It's not the world but what you do in the world that is similar to life. In HL2 you don't have to buy guns or cars or find places to sleep etc.. (i dont know if you do these in stalker but the duke had it in his post).

So in a way, stalker simulates activities in life. Half-life 2 is more "arcade-ish" (used very loosely) because you basically are given a gun and go around and shoot things and solve simple problems without having to worry about getting food or sleeping.

HL2 might have a more realistic gameworld but stalker has more realistic actions you must take in that gameworld.

Just an idea.

No. Life-simulation has to do with what the NPCs do ALONG with the player. The NPCs also go around and buy stuff, search for stuff, compete with the player on missions around the game etc. It also has to do with the animals and them going around their daily life (finding food to each, killing other animals, animals and mutants fighting each other even if the player is nowhere around etc.)
I know, that's what I was saying from the beginning. It's all pre-determined. I never meant anything BAD by it, you took it that way.
Originally posted by shibs_himself
reading "the duke"'s post just now about how in stalker you buy guns and armor and such, this is probably what is referred to as Life-simulation.

It's not the world but what you do in the world that is similar to life. In HL2 you don't have to buy guns or cars or find places to sleep etc.. (i dont know if you do these in stalker but the duke had it in his post).

So in a way, stalker simulates activities in life. Half-life 2 is more "arcade-ish" (used very loosely) because you basically are given a gun and go around and shoot things and solve simple problems without having to worry about getting food or sleeping.

HL2 might have a more realistic gameworld but stalker has more realistic actions you must take in that gameworld.

Just an idea.

More realism does not always equal fun. For example, you wouldn't want to take a **** in game (unless you have a fetish for that sort of stuff, heh). Different design philosophies, that's all.
Originally posted by guinny
I know, that's what I was saying from the beginning. It's all pre-determined. I never meant anything BAD by it, you took it that way.

What you said is automatically S.T.A.L.K.E.R's A.I. (including life simulation) is not going to be impressive...

And that could be true, but that is only a guess since it depends on the developer to make it seem believable. All developers are faced with this task.

So you automatically saying it will be unimpressive is what got to me. Noone knows for sure yet... not for S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and not even for Half-Life 2.

Originally posted by TheDrizzle
More realism does not always equal fun. For example, you wouldn't want to take a **** in game (unless you have a fetish for that sort of stuff, heh). Different design philosophies, that's all.

Yes. It's always true that more realism doesn't = fun. It's up to the developers to make it fun... there are many possibilities with realism... they just have to be put into interesting contexts. Of course no-one wants to take a shit. The developers wouldn't make that part of the gameplay. Lol. Unless it's a very simple process, or they somehow found a way to make it fun. :p

Again, it's all up to the developers.
Originally posted by TheDrizzle
More realism does not always equal fun. For example, you wouldn't want to take a **** in game (unless you have a fetish for that sort of stuff, heh).

Hopefully not THAT realistic. :LOL:
Originally posted by Lifthz
No. Life-simulation has to do with what the NPCs do ALONG with the player. The NPCs also go around and buy stuff, search for stuff, compete with the player on missions around the game etc. It also has to do with the animals and them going around their daily life (finding food to each, killing other animals, animals and mutants fighting each other even if the player is nowhere around etc.)

A good point. :)

In HL2, everything is player-triggered. Sure, you'll see other enemies fighting eachother (with robust tactical A.I., the area in which HL2 will hopefully excell), but it will only be because the player is there.
anybody play "tresspassor?" (or a game with simlar and proper spelling?)

It was the jurassic park game where there was a "realistic world".

I remember playing the demo and shooting out blocks underneath a portable and watching it roll down a hill.

Then I was eaten by raptors.

Was a cool game but it wasn't fun (apparantlY), i think it got a low rating.
Originally posted by The Duke
A good point. :)

In HL2, everything is player-triggered. Sure, you'll see other enemies fighting eachother (with robust tactical A.I., the area in which HL2 will hopefully excell), but it will only be because the player is there.

Yeah. That's why I stress that these games are not to be compared directly. They are not the same type of game.

The only thing I would compare direct is the graphics. And as i've stressed I think the DX9 render of S.T.A.L.K.E.R already proved to be more impressive.
I've played that game. It was also slow and buggy as hell when it first came out, which added to its low score.

I think HL2 has surpassed that game physics wise since the environments in HL2 just seem more active and alive than Trespassers'. The game had good physics with objects you interacted with, but the environments seemed rather static.
speculation is good... bashing a game before it's out and before you've seen everything it's capable of is not

Stalker is indeed close to an RPG, except you don't see your character's progress with numbers... in Stalker, whether or not you are going to be evil or good, can get you very popular among its AI; for example, if you join faction x, then faction y may automatically become your enemy, but if you stay neutral, then it's a matter of who you use your bullets on; for example, killing mutants will not make you the enemy, but killing other human AI will; the advantage of sticking to a group to do your goals is that you may find what you are looking for faster, and stumbling upon a pack of blind dogs is no problem because you now have the firepower to take them out, or they may flee, depending on how dangerous your squad appears; on the other hand, like I said above, other factions, when they meet you, can either be neutral to you, hate you, thereby taking lethal action, or become your friend; this is how the AI acts; every single NPC has their own mind, and will choose their own path; therefore I'm saying that you cannot compare HL2 and Stalker just yet... GSC GameWorld have promised us a lot of things, but we will find out in time how it all turns out
TheDrizzle, whats that quote in your signature from? I remember hearing that from somewhere.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a non-traditional ambitious RPG. FPS and knives are just the main form of combat in the game.

Similar to a game called Fable(Xbox), except S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a more realistically-style game obviously. And it's futuristic unlike Fable.
Fable has the most impressive RPG A.I. I've ever seen. I don't think STALKER can compare at all. STALKER is doing stuff (AI wise) that's been done elsewhere before, whereas the same can't be said of Fable.
Please use the "Edit" button.. down near where it say's new thread and new reply? see it? click that when you want to say too late..

Now.. doesnt that feel better?
Similar to a game called Fable(Xbox), except S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a more realistically-style game obviously. And it's futuristic unlike Fable.
one thing I like about Stalker is that it's not overly futuristic... sure, there will be anomalies caused by radiation (dunno about The Visitation, tho, that you read about in Roadside Picnic) that don't happen in real life, like mosquito patches, but since it's only a few years ahead it feels like present-day Earth and that everything you see could be real
hmm, one other thing I think will be unique is that if you camp out in one spot for the night (since it's more dangerous to wander after dark, but then again, you have more cover) you can still be attacked by some zombie lurking around; I guess this would also apply to life simulation, since the AI can go anywhere they want, and even if engine number two for the NPCs is used 200+ yards away for mutant x, that doesn't mean that particular beast can't migrate into engine one and get closer to you even if you're staying in one spot, like if you get into a fight in a camp, shots can be heard for miles; which brings me to another point/speculation... I wonder if when there are NPCs nearby a league fight, but they can't see the action, only hear, if they will be smart enough to move even further away for their own protection; I know they would do this if they were up-close, but in the distance and still drawing away, I don't know
Originally posted by PSX
Similar to a game called Fable(Xbox), except S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a more realistically-style game obviously. And it's futuristic unlike Fable.
one thing I like about Stalker is that it's not overly futuristic... sure, there will be anomalies caused by radiation (dunno about The Visitation, tho, that you read about in Roadside Picnic) that don't happen in real life, like mosquito patches, but since it's only a few years ahead it feels like present-day Earth and that everything you see could be real

Yeah, it's more closer to modern. 2012. It's not far futuristic, like say Halo.

Originally posted by TheDrizzle
Fable has the most impressive RPG A.I. I've ever seen. I don't think STALKER can compare at all. STALKER is doing stuff (AI wise) that's been done elsewhere before, whereas the same can't be said of Fable.

I'm anticipating both of these games very much because I think they have a very similar premise. I think the A.I. will be comparible, which is more impressive... we'll have to wait and see. They could possibly be equally so.
Ok i started this thread with the intent of opening up some new disscussion topics on the upcomming game stalker. Why are you guys flammin the game when your probably going to go out and buy it anyways? I mean stop arguing about the AI, graphics, sound, etc... and comparing them with HL2.

I KNOW i'm going to buy this game because it just looks DAMN cool. I mean, in this game your basically a black market "supplier" and your job is to retrieve technology/artifacts from a "dead" city 30 kilometers big. On top of that you get vehicles, guns, pleanty of action, and you have free rain throughout the game. You can decide what kind of character you want to be. I think it is also cool that you get 8 different ending depending on how you play.

I like Half Life 2, STALKER, Doom 3, Max Payne 2, Deus Ex 2, Counterstrike: Condition Zero, Halo....why are you guys taking sides on which video game is better and which one is shitter? This is the first time in a long time that we are finnaly getting a good series of games that is going to intensify the way we play games. Are you telling me you guys are only going to buy 1 game? If that is the case, then im sorry because you are VERY narrowminded people.

We don't know if all of those games will be quality yet. Except for the games that are already proven good... like Halo.

Also. We have discussions because we can. However people that want to debate need to back their shit up instead of talking about things they don't know about.
I never really gotten into Max Payne so i dont think im gonna be getting that. Anyone know anything good about Max paynes Multiplayer?

Also, whats dues ex all about? I hear alot of ppl plan on gettn that game.

Also, Tron 2.0 has got to be the most dumbest, boring game i have ever played in my life.
I thought Max Payne, no multiplayer though.

If you're looking for good FPS' coming out within a year, stick with the Grand Triumvirate: S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Half- Life 2, Doom 3.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R isn't a FPS, again. It's an RPG more than anything, but FPS is the main form of combat.

However S.T.A.L.K.E.R has multiplayer and it has all the standard FPS modes and more. ;)