Half Life 2 vs Stalker?!?!?

Originally posted by Lifthz
S.T.A.L.K.E.R isn't a FPS, again. It's an RPG more than anything, but FPS is the main form of combat.

However S.T.A.L.K.E.R has multiplayer and it has all the standard FPS modes and more. ;)

Technically, it is a first person shooter, is it not? ;)

Though both "RPG" and "FPS" fail to catagorize it sufficiently. :)
quick question that dosnt apply to this thread at all, what the hell happend to that huge thread that was going about the pros and cons of the half life 2 and doom 3 engines? i only got about half way through it before i had to leave and now that im back its gone
Originally posted by The Duke
Technically, it is a first person shooter, is it not? ;)

Though both "RPG" and "FPS" fail to catagorize it sufficiently. :)

No. Technically it's > FPS. FPS is the combat within it, it's an RPG.

For multiplayer then you could say it's a FPS. (though it also has co-op through the RPG)
Do you not shoot in first person (hence technically an FPS) view? calling it an "RPG" does not describe it very well at all, either, IMO.

Anyway, a minor difference, and one of opinion (incidentally, ign calls it an "FPS", gamespot a "Action" game, and gamespy a "Action/Adventure Shoot 'em up" game).
It's an RPG more than anything else. That is clear to me after reading about the game.

FPS is the main form of combat. As a multiplayer game... it's full on FPS though.

So it's both. But the single player (and co-op) is hardcore ambitious RPG...

And we don't know if S.T.A.L.K.E.R will own, but I can tell you that it has quite a potential to do so. I'm not so foolish into predicting that it WILL be all that the developers wanted. But the more I see of it, the more i'll believe....
How about we stop the fanboy wars and just wait til we all play both games to decide which one gets "teh 1337 g@|\/|£z0r" award
i think this is a great thread.

ive just seen the new vid for stalker and the graphics are scarily good , very immersible 3d, the vid is pre-alpha so be open minded about the character models and the guns, they are liable to change.

the outdoor graphics for stalker are a new step toward reality in games, even more so than half life 2 i would say. however the graphics/effects in half life are in their own way groundbreaking and the physics engine seems more polished in hl2, but remember stalker is being released 1st q 2004, not september, so it is more liable to change.

the multiplay aspect to stalker has to be the most exciting, its highly original mix of rpg and fps has amazing boundaries for coop multiplay. if you havent, go and read the game concept faqs for it, they are truly original. the whole stalker world is affecting itself in realtime even when it is outside of your vision.

oh and the skys in stalker are the best skys ive seen!

half life seems to be a more linear (but fing brilliant) concept, and i think the multiplay aspect will be more deathmatch, whereas stalker i think will have this wide ranging coop multiplay, possibly where your stats are saved on individual servers ala freelancer so when u return to a server with a mate you both have the same guns you bought same amount of trading items etc. the trading buying aspect is another thing that sets stalker apart from hl2. hl2 makes no pretence at this and is a much more simple gamplay concept (this is not a criticism).

i think even people on this forum must admit that the graphics for stalker in the new vid look nothing short of real. hl2 looks real but id say stalker has that earthier edge, and captures countryside like no other game before. hl2 seems to have this more art deco style which i love and seems to be a bit more snazzy and styilised whereas stalker makes no attempt to stylize but attempts to render reality as it is. oh and i love the eastern block weapons in stalker they are mint.

i just love that these two games are so different and think that we are all in for an amazing couple of games. their differences make them seem more exciting as individual games imho.
Originally posted by guinny
How about we stop the fanboy wars and just wait til we all play both games to decide which one gets "teh 1337 g@|\/|£z0r" award

Noone is even comparing the games anymore. And they shouldn't have been comparing them besides the graphics anyway.

Well besides the guy that just posted above me anyway, but he's a little late, and also he'sonly comparing graphics as he's supposed to...
S.O.L will be ****ing great.

it has better physics.
better graphic.
better gameplay.

check their website for the new video. released 15-07-03.

then let me read your stupid ugly comments on Stalker.
better gameplay is not a very wise statement to make Matrix... especially since we haven't seen the gameplay yet and also these games are not the same type... we'd only be able to compare the multiplayer gameplay when these games come out.
Originally posted by Lifthz
And they shouldn't have been comparing them besides the graphics anyway.

Why is that, the "graphics" of a game are just as much dependent on design choices and stylistic preference as anything else.
There is no point in arguing that game X looks better than game Y when both clearly aim for a different goal.

I think HUGEkebab hinted at this quite nicely:

hl2 seems to have this more art deco style which i love and seems to be a bit more snazzy and styilised whereas stalker makes no attempt to stylize but attempts to render reality as it is.
I think the games are only comparible mostly graphically. They both have a similar realistic style.

However we cannot compare any real gameplay yet, and even when we do see gameplay I think we shouldn't anyway besides when we see a gun fight... because S.T.A.L.K.E.R as a single player game is not based around gunfigting, it is mostly an RPG.

If there's anything about gameplay we're going to compare head to head it's the multiplayer...
Originally posted by Lifthz
I think the games are only comparible mostly graphically. They both have a similar realistic style.

Not really, GSC is going for picture perfect photorealism ("going for" does of course not imply achieving it - that will take a while yet) while Valve is shooting for more of a fantastical look.

I personally prefer HL2's visual design, because to me it looks more 'juicy' and imaginative than S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s relatively 'dry' and literal style.

The various anomaly effects in GSC's game look quite cool though.
The style is still similar Vector. Half Life 2's style is somewhat realistic, but yes S.T.A.L.K.E.R does have a more realistic style since indeed GSC is going for as complete a realistic look as possible.
IMO there's a pretty significant difference in visual style, but of course it's not as outspoken as that between either two games and Pikmin 2 or Viewtiful Joe.

What is very important to me about the way HL2 looks is that it contains the "wow", "awe" and "wtf" effects that action games like HL and Jedi Knight used to have.
In the case of the Striders and the Combine fortress, it even combines all three in one single design.

I really don't get that impression with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or any other upcoming game (yet), except for the anomalies that I mentioned earlier.
Yeah, you'll have to get some convincing by anomally effects I guess. ;)
There are some really, really advanced 3D housemaking programs out there. You can make lush outdoor gardens, and fully equip your house with various furniture and minor touches to give you a better sense of what it would really look like. And of course 3D Max and Photoshop allow even a minorly talented artistic type to make beautiful pictures with their programs.

And those are the two things STALKER reminds me of.

A good looking game isn't like a good looking piece of art, or a simply good looking 3D space.

A good looking game has to have a "Game", so there can be something it looks truly breathtaking to do.

STALKER is so much less than Deus Ex 2 or Thief 3 [games many of you don't even bring up in this discussion, although Thief 3 is doing nearly as much with lighting as Doom 3. And from hearing some of you talk lighting = superior graphics engine] even if it may have a graphical edge in some reguards. The reason being Thief 3 promises a breathtaking game to sneak around in with it's graphics. And Deus Ex promises a massive detailed world with things to actually do. As opposed to a massively detailed world where I can zoom in on empty buildings.

I repeat, call me when STALKER HAS a game. Because until it really and truly has fun things, and isn't intending to show fun things later, it isn't better than HL2. Or Doom 3. Or Doom 1. Or ascii porn.

It has nothing.
Boogaleeboo, what the hell are you talking about? Call you when it has "a game"? What does that mean? Right now HL2 is not "a game", thus we should stop all discussion, and "call me when it's fun".
Sure it does. You know those videos? They show fun happening.

You know the STALKER videos?

They don't.
In HL2 videos, i see, guns, zombies, and graphics.
In STALKER, i see, guns, mutants, and graphics.
Ripping a radiator off a wall and shooting it at someone is fun. As is watching those zombies be cut in half. And seeing that flying thing crashing towards you. Or Barney. He's always good for a laugh.

STALKER has.....

Cars, grenade, rocket launcher, birds are killed (it's more fun than barney)...and in some videos, you can see the HUD :) Great !
No seriously, if you juge a game on his video...you're stupid, really..."Tomb raider" has a good trailer ! I'll buy it ! Funny game ! Wouhou !
STalker's animations aren't that great... but its graphics i say are ON par with hl2.

well the world gfx are on par with hl2. THe models dont touch hl2. And the animations as i said dont touch hl2's. The guy runnin in the stalker trailer looked like quake2
Rigamix hl2 has all of those things u said as well, but in a greater way.

i saw no buggy with a friggin lazer attatched to its friggin head in STALKER!! heheh austin powers pimpage.
Or you can say that HL2 has a better trailer than STALKER, i'll agree.
But like you said, a good appearance can't remplace a good game...
Originally posted by subs
Rigamix hl2 has all of those things u said as well, but in a greater way.

i saw no buggy with a friggin lazer attatched to its friggin head in STALKER!! heheh austin powers pimpage.

Mayber because there isn't a buggy in STALKER...and it's juste a PRE-ALPHA !!! I know that in HL2 there are grenades, and grenades launcher adn stuff, but, if i can't see it in the trailer, it's not in the game...isn't it Beegaloo ? :)

<<Hey ! I don't see an AK47 in HL2 ! Hehe, CS is better>>
I judge the game on the video because they say it's going to be an amazing video showcasing their AI and physics. And then it doesn't. The video is a taste to show what a game CAN do. So far STALKER can't do anything. Maybe in half a year when it's more fully realised it'll be a great game. Right now it isn't any type of game. And saying it looks like a better game than any other game that's just a video right now is silly. There isn't one FPS/adventure game being released that doesn't look better than it as a game.

Pretty doesn't make a game. And there isn't one game coming out before it that doesn't look pretty enough.

Now, if STALKER doesn't have any of these fun things yet that's fine. Just stop talking like it does.
WOW ! In HL2 you can pick up a radiator ! This game is great ! Bah, STALKER, i don't see if you can do that too, so, this game sucks a lot !

It's better for you to compare the videos, not the game, tyou don't know what you're talking about...
There are 2 ways to do this. You talk about what the videos have shown. In which case STALKER loses to Thief 3.

Or you don't talk about the games at all. In which case I get to hear about a lot less games that are nearly a year away.
stalker's pre-alpha so you can't say anything about it. The video was really just showing off the engine.

They haven't put the "fun things" in yet =p
they're probably not done alot of things (IE: character animations, cool effects, etc...)
It's just a video of the world.
Originally posted by csmighty
wow i guess i shouldn't of posted this thread STALKER vs. Half Life 2! I mearly meant that Stalker looks to be a worthy =game of discussion. I think the game looks wicked cool and I think i will probably buy it

Only grips i had about the screenshots is that the hands look to much like Day Of Defeat....and DOD runs on the half life engine, am i missing something here?

Oh well, looks like an awsome game. Pretty cool concept that they are combining a FPS with RPG dont you think? Has to have a story that will drive you to complete the game. Other than that, i usually just run a round and kill things

Sorry about posting this thread as "Stalker vs. Half Life 2" I know now that it was a mistake. I should have renamed it to "Stalker?"

Apology accepted :)

This game is really some game. After seeing the video, I'm very impressed. But some thing look strange, like the physics, bodys move..hmm..how should I put it...to fast.
I even like it a little more then HL2, and much more then D3.
What is the release date?
Stop being such HL2 fanboys.
I agree with Rigamix.
These are, as I said before, not compareable. Due to many differences.
Boogaleeboo, you're a moron. Never post here again.

"If I don't see it in the pre-alpha trailer, it's not there! Read articles detailing what's going to be in it? Nah, readers for suxxors!"

So you think HL2's going to be a pretty damn short game, eh? I don't whether to laugh or cry at your stupidity. I think I'll go with laugh.
I'll make it simple again.

Half Life 2 has some features that look fun. I've seen them, they are something I can have a basic understanding of. I don't talk about vehicles, or AI, or any of the other crap they "Say" they will have but haven't shown me. I'm sure most if not all of that will be there. I just haven't seen it.

STALKER talks about having many, many amazing and fun things.

It hasn't shown me any of them.

I'm sure they'll get most if not all of them in the final game. But they might not. So I go off what I've seen.

I haven't seen anything impressive. Now I think it WILL be fun. But it's a new developer and they could **** up. So I don't say it's going to be great.

They have to convince me.

They haven't.

Call me when they have a game.
I see what your saying, but that's not a very good position.

You must also believe HL2 is 15min long then, right? That's all you've seen. Sure, the developers say they'll add more stuff, but if you haven't seen it in the video, you're "not convinced" it's there.

Damn, I'd better cancel my HL2 preorder, 15min~ of gameplay just doesn't cut it.