Half Life 2 will require online activation

You're coZ with a different name, aren't you?
What are you smoking?

He's never explained why he can't get internet access at home. There's no reason why he can't, either.
All I can think of is he just wants to crack the game, and is afraid Steam is going to make it difficult.
If you have a mobile phone, why not set up a free Internet account with a provider and then use your phone as a temporary modem?

Also, I configured and managed to set up a method that will allow those behind university firewalls (for halls of residence etc) - its been tried and tested by a few people so far and its worked for them... http://www.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=163821
Eh, someone said that they would use their mp3 player to store the crack and that they can't get internet because they're in the military. I cannot find that post now.
MiccyNarc said:
What are you smoking?

Sorry, wasn't it clear enough? ok. Spot the difference. Both are blinkered, arrogant and idiotic replies stating that everyone should get an internet connection because YOU say so. The only difference between you two is the name.

MiccyNarc said:
Get out of the Stone Age and stop whining, you idiot.

How can you justify owning a computer without internet access? Especially when it's so cheap and easy to get?
And how are you posting here without internet access? How are you downloading cracks without internet access?
STFU and stop BS'ing.

coZ said:
No point crying about it... go buy a dialup modem and get online with it... stop complaining... everyone who has a computer should have the internet. It’s like saying yeh I got this kick arse gaming rig!! With this, and that oh but I don’t have a mouse.

So don’t complain.... internet is like second to having a mouse these days... you all sound like crying babies... and I’m sure VALVe think so to... get over it...

for you ppl that have no ability to get the net is a dif story... this reply is to the ppl that couldn’t be bothered to get the internet.... not the ppl who just simply cant full stop... for them well there is always suicide...
Not everyone has the internet, my gaming pc doesn't have the internet, and i don't think i can seriously be arsed setting up all of these confusing network configurations to get the crappy net running just do activate the game. there are going to be so many average joe people complaining the game doesn't work and wanting a refund at the shops. i'm definately getting it cracked because it's a very foolish idea. actually, it is a good, a very good idea, but there are still some 50% (guess) of people in the world that have computers not connected to the net. if they implemented this steam technique in future, yes it would be a marvellous idea, but it's way too early in today's world.
Do you think they haven't thought of this?

You will most likely be able to activate by phone, just like all other products that require "online" activation.

You do have access to a phone right? If not, how does your computer run in that cave of yours?
Well, if you can activate by phone, then that's a whole different perspective now isn't there? I never knew that was possible. Let's hope they don't charge $4.99 a minute when registering eh?
CR0M said:
Sorry, wasn't it clear enough? ok. Spot the difference. Both are blinkered, arrogant and idiotic replies stating that everyone should get an internet connection because YOU say so. The only difference between you two is the name.

Err sorry? I was only stating the FACTS that Internet access is "required" to play HL2 and if you don’t like it tuff SH!T... don’t attack me coz im saying it the way it is mate... I don’t see how useful your replies are… do you have anything useful to add rather then troll around the forums lighting matches... not our fault you have a bitter taste in your mouth…

I’m sick of ppl complaining… Grow up please…
koopa said:
Except you don't pay subscription or phone fees with a mouse. I don't see why 'everyone who has a computer should have the internet' - it's up to individuals how they choose to spend their money.

Back to my point... dont buy HL2 if u dont want to spend the money for the internet access... just dont cry... its a requirment not an option... Im not trying to say that everyone should have the internet just the randoms who want to play HL2 should.
I do have net access and i won't be buying HL2.....I don't see why i should use my personally paid for monthly net connection to activate a game i would have already paid for which is a single player game,Its just utter nonsence.....Saying that the one time activation will help or stop piracy is rubbish as we have already seen with CS.S......This one time activation BS will only push people who would have bought the game to seek it from a less reputable source......
I have yet to read of one benifit from this activation that is better than the way steam works at the moment with every other game from HL,OF,CS,Z through steam,Cd-keys and accounts......
Well, again folks. We don't exactly know how this works. It could be a ONE TIME activation thing. If thats the case, you could benefit from that. You could simply install HL 2 wherever it is you can have access to the internet, authroize it, then delete it. Come home, install it and hope that its a one-time authorization thing, and simply finish installing and play it.
Worldwide Internet Population 2004: 934 million (Computer Industry Almanac)

that means 1 in 6 people has the internet in the whole world, and how many of them will buy HL2? seems like valve have the right idea, they are trying to move the games industry forward. People that dont want to change with the world dont have to, but they can't expect the benifits of the change, you go and use you coal fires and hourse drawn cars and we will play a regually patch and update HL2. :D
People seem to be confused about the nature of the problem. Its not simply a case of spending money to keep up to date with technology - its not (as some have described) like the jump from CD to DVD. Believe me if it was a question of money I'd be fine. I'd run out and buy a modem, a 50 metre extention cable, anything to play this game. The unfortunate truth is Internet access isn't purely dependant on money... I can't see why people can't understand this. "You can afford a cool gaming rig but you don't have the net? by a modem lol" Well what about students in halls blocked by firewalls, what about students like myself without phonelines in their house?

The problem is its completely out of my hands. Theres simply nothing I can do to get Internet access, no matter how much money I have or how great my desire to play the game.
Ok, didnt mean to start a flame war with this topic :p

For those of you that don't have internet connections (because you live in a cave, shagged your phone providers wife, ur mum won't let you, whatever ;) There are alternatives that don't involve cracks, thats presuming that Half-Life2 will be easy to crack. And you should consider the alternatives because:
  • If you don't have internet access at home, then I guess you'll be downloading the crack at work. They're really gonna love you looking at warez sites!
  • Using cracks (even if you've bought the game) encourages piracy.
  • There are no guaruntees that halfway through the game on a cracked copy it wont all go tits up
So, either:
  • take your computer round a friends house (CS:Source LAN party anybody?)
  • use dial up, its gonna cost you like 10p to activate
  • if you have internet on another pc and not your gaming one then consider connecting up your gaming rig, it has other benifits as well as activation

As for this:
Expansion Pack said:
I do have net access and i won't be buying HL2.....I don't see why i should use my personally paid for monthly net connection to activate a game i would have already paid for which is a single player game,Its just utter nonsence.....
Why not use your connection? You're already paying for it, and the extra traffic for activation is almost certainly going to be only around 100kB, if that. Thats like saying "why should you use your already paid for connection to access legal online music services that you've already paid for". If you're paying for a connection then it's silly to leave it idle. And if you don't want HL2 then i'm not sure why you're here.

ManicS2 said:
Well what about students in halls blocked by firewalls,

A firewall shouldnt block activation traffic, as it will probably using a standard port.

The process is pretty straight forward... you have a DVD-Rom with steam install files packaged with the Half-life 2 files (something similar to the way the 300 or so MB “Counter-Strike 1.6 / Steam” pack is)... The auto run setup.exe will probably be a steam like menu telling you to connect to the internet which leads to the installation of steam... when you install steam you will need to be online to create your unique Steam account coinciding with your HL2 CD-Key, so in the future your Key doesn’t get used if you ever decided to play a multiplayer mod for Half-Life 2.

After everything is installed you will probably be asked to log into your account... after that you can exit steam and disconnect from the internet. Then to play Half-life 2, you load steam and logon in offline mode...
ManicS2 said:
People seem to be confused about the nature of the problem. Its not simply a case of spending money to keep up to date with technology - its not (as some have described) like the jump from CD to DVD. Believe me if it was a question of money I'd be fine. I'd run out and buy a modem, a 50 metre extention cable, anything to play this game. The unfortunate truth is Internet access isn't purely dependant on money... I can't see why people can't understand this. "You can afford a cool gaming rig but you don't have the net? by a modem lol" Well what about students in halls blocked by firewalls, what about students like myself without phonelines in their house?

The problem is its completely out of my hands. Theres simply nothing I can do to get Internet access, no matter how much money I have or how great my desire to play the game.

"Students in halls" playing Half-Life 2 ? you think? :rolleyes:
"without phonelines in their house..." How would you call the police or emergency if u needed to?

How old are you?
KurtCobain said:
Get a grip u fool,56k modems can cost under 10quid now its that simple,
You shouldn't have tp shell out a further ten pounds on top of the thirty-five you spend on the game.
I like this idea. More activations and registrations...

BTW, anyone else got a "unlocking Half-Life 2 files" today? =)
Damn program tricked me!
It makes me laugh, the way people are suggesting taking your computer around to a friends house to connect like it's the most reasonable thing in the world*. It's a computer game! I don't have to go through this rigmarole for any other media. I don't have to phone Warners to prove my DVD is authentic before putting it in the player. Admittedly I'm lucky enough to have a net connection at home, but I maintain it's an unreasonable requirement on Valve's part.

* = I know you guys are trying to help, it's just I don't agree with what they've done here.
tough luck then, that is your answer that you want so bad.

no hl2 for you, go cry somewhere else.

it's not fair, i don't care... a lot of other people give options and they arn't good enough.

go make a statement and commit suicide.
Maybe you will be able to register your account by forms online... and receive unlock code by email... for all u firewalled ppl...
firewalls only block incomming, and not outgoing, when you play a game, a firewall doesn't stop you from making an outside connection.

p2p is different because you have to allow an incomming connection.
but what if they closed the ports steam needs to use...
I do have net access and i won't be buying HL2.....I don't see why i should use my personally paid for monthly net connection to activate a game i would have already paid for which is a single player game

that has to be one of the singlemost stupid things i have read on the internet. I'm sorry, it just is....
Well I have very fast internet. But I am also at University, which means the firewall blocks all ports except for HTTP. Which means, I won't be able to authenticate HL2 by conventional means :frown:

I'm certain that tens of thousands of others are in a similar position to me. And no, I don't know anyone off campus with an unrestricted connection. Alteast not well enough to go round their house with my computer.

Luckily, I've found away around my Uni firewall. HTTP-Tunnel. But then again, why should I have to pay for a subscription to HTTP-Tunnel just so that I can unlock a game I've paid for? :frown:
MiccyNarc said:
Get out of the Stone Age and stop whining, you idiot.

How can you justify owning a computer without internet access? Especially when it's so cheap and easy to get?
And how are you posting here without internet access? How are you downloading cracks without internet access?
STFU and stop BS'ing.


Maybe hes at a public library like I am :p
MrFlump said:
If you have a mobile phone, why not set up a free Internet account with a provider and then use your phone as a temporary modem?

Also, I configured and managed to set up a method that will allow those behind university firewalls (for halls of residence etc) - its been tried and tested by a few people so far and its worked for them... http://www.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=163821

SFA - Check this thread out. HTTP Tunnel is free providing you are using the restricted 40k/s service. Also this thread details how to use Steam using SocksCAP to put all the traffic out via the free HTTP Tunnel service which you would need to do with the newer versions of HTTP Tunnel.

I've been through this on the Steampowered forums and it seems to have worked for getting several people connected to Steam behind their university firewalls.
perros said:
Ok, didnt mean to start a flame war with this topic :p

For those of you that don't have internet connections (because you live in a cave, shagged your phone providers wife, ur mum won't let you, whatever ;) There are alternatives that don't involve cracks, thats presuming that Half-Life2 will be easy to crack. And you should consider the alternatives because:
  • If you don't have internet access at home, then I guess you'll be downloading the crack at work. They're really gonna love you looking at warez sites!
  • Using cracks (even if you've bought the game) encourages piracy.
  • There are no guaruntees that halfway through the game on a cracked copy it wont all go tits up
So, either:
  • take your computer round a friends house (CS:Source LAN party anybody?)
  • use dial up, its gonna cost you like 10p to activate
  • if you have internet on another pc and not your gaming one then consider connecting up your gaming rig, it has other benifits as well as activation

As for this:

Why not use your connection? You're already paying for it, and the extra traffic for activation is almost certainly going to be only around 100kB, if that. Thats like saying "why should you use your already paid for connection to access legal online music services that you've already paid for". If you're paying for a connection then it's silly to leave it idle. And if you don't want HL2 then i'm not sure why you're here.

The activation thing is not going to stop piracy in any way......You just have to look at XP to see that online activation did not stop piracy or even dent it and the same with CS.S............
And in what way does a single player game require you to activate it online to play it....Again people will shout it will help stop piracy.......Wrong....It wont even dent it......
The whole activation line from valve is BS.....Steam goes tits up your fecked....Your internet goes tits up your fecked.....You want to sell the game or exchange it your fecked....
I have no problem with online activation for Internat related programs and software like Windows OS or multiplayer game's if it helps to stop cheating and enhance's the overall game.... but HL2 is neither.... Whats next...A web cam a as requirment so you can link straight to valve and show them the box and recipt to prove to them you bought a copy before the release the game you just bought to you....

Steam is there for nothing else other tham to sell you stuff and cut out the middle man and i have no problem with that, and i wish them huge profits, but if the retail box costs less than the DL copy over the net then whats the point.......

I will buy a copy of HL2 and will get a crack for it so i can install and remove it at my will.....

Just my opinions...nothing more...
coZ said:
Err sorry? I was only stating the FACTS that Internet access is "required" to play HL2 and if you don’t like it tuff SH!T... don’t attack me coz im saying it the way it is mate... I don’t see how useful your replies are… do you have anything useful to add rather then troll around the forums lighting matches... not our fault you have a bitter taste in your mouth…

I’m sick of ppl complaining… Grow up please…

What you were stating is that EVERYONE should have the internet. I wasn't 'attacking' you, I was calling your post arrogant and idiotic. And if you see fit to compare a different opinion to your own with a complaint, perhaps it's you who needs to grow up. Or at least drink a little less coffee. :p

This topic has been discussed to death on another thread, the most useful outcome was:
lug your machine to your mates house, connect there.
The lamest was:
Get thar intarweb u is teh sux0rz cavemen11!.
Just a suggestion but isnt there a way to connect ur mobile phone to ur computer. Would save the hassle of buying a 56k modem.
coZ said:
"Students in halls" playing Half-Life 2 ? you think? :rolleyes:
"without phonelines in their house..." How would you call the police or emergency if u needed to?

How old are you?
21. I'm in a student house with room for 6 people though theres only 3 of us right now. The problem is the 2 other guys couldn't care less if they had the net put in - they don't even have PC's afaik.

And calling the police... you've heard of mobile phones right?
This is sad. They have not solved the authentication problem -- they could have a two-stage email commitment thing, where they send some emails and receive some keys...gawd...i'm not gonna solve their problem for them.

Hehe. Compromise compromise compromise.

I'm a little surprised, given Valve's mass-support for video cards and their mass-support for localized languages (9), that they'd require a connection. It's rather vanguard of them to force this issue. It smacks of DIVX, not DiVX but the original Circuit City plan where they were trying to sell 1-time usage licence-type DVD's. I guess I can wish Valve good luck. I'm certainly not going to be able to get a net connection everywhere I want to install this.

It smells of Microsoft -- MS has had success being heavy handed and forcing customers, if you want to write a word processing document then you must use Word. Bla. Play by their rules, it's more of a "business" feel instead of a "play" feel.

I am the cattle that Valve will herd.
Valve could have done a trial run with some smaller product, a mini-game or something, a 3rd party game, sold through steam.

It's asking for trouble (makes Valve a risky investment for VUG) to try out a new distribution model (this is significantly different than any other conventional model) with their Premiere Game, hl2.
No point crying about it... go buy a dialup modem and get online with it... stop complaining... everyone who has a computer should have the internet. It’s like saying yeh I got this kick arse gaming rig!! With this, and that oh but I don’t have a mouse.

So don’t complain.... internet is like second to having a mouse these days... you all sound like crying babies... and I’m sure VALVe think so to... get over it...

for you ppl that have no ability to get the net is a dif story... this reply is to the ppl that couldn’t be bothered to get the internet.... not the ppl who just simply cant full stop... for them well there is always suicide...

This wins the thread. Blunt, but true.
Another thing, account management is PAINFUL today.

I think it's lame i have to use Steam (buggy, windows only) and not some Web based tool to configure my potentially multi-hundred-dollar account.

I wonder why these practicalities weren't addressed (by Valve's Steam group) even given an extra 380 days of development time.