Half-Life 2 Xbox Information

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Jan from our affiliated German site, Half-Life2.de, yesterday posted the exciting news from the Official XBox Magazine who has the first details on the Xbox version of Half-Life 2.
  • Improved lightning effects - It looks better than on the PC
  • Loading times don't differ from the PC version due to a new streaming technology
  • The controls have been adapted to the joypad and auto-aiming has been included
  • They are still working on the airboat and buggy controls because it is too difficult to steer and shoot at the same time
  • The Source Engine has been adapted to Xbox so that Xbox developers can license it now
  • The textures are less detailed than on the PC because of the reduced RAM (only 64 MB)
  • There will be NO multiplayer in the game, not even via Xbox Live
  • It's not yet announced if it will be possible to download new content, but there was no clear answer
  • Estimated release date: Summer 2005 (for the US)
  • Interesting news for those XBox owners out there. It certainly shoots down a lot of rumours in flames that were starting to insist that Half-Life 2 would become a next-generation title on the XBox 2.[br]For further information on HL2: XBox catch the latest Official XBox Magazine in the USA or see the original news here.[br]
    <img border=1 src=http://www.halflife2.net/news/1113128766_half2.jpg[/img]​
Sweet. X-Box information.

I have a wicked PC, so I don't need it on X-Box, but I'm glad to hear this info. I wanna be able to see how the game differs from PC to XBox...
that is the exact reason why I hate consoles in a nutshell.
"Improved lightning effects - It looks better than on the PC" :O
CrazyHarij said:
"Improved lightning effects - It looks better than on the PC" :O
That'll be an exaggeration though considering the rest of the details will be cranked down due to the lower spec on the XBox. It's also good for XBox developers now that Valve have developed an XBox version of their engine. If it does manage to play as good as it is on the PC then XBox owners will be in for a treat.
looks better than on the PC??? WHTF? Is that some stupid April fools joke?
The lighting effects are better, apparently.
No multiplayer? Jeez. even the doom3 port could sneak a bit of co-op and Live!-multiplayer in.
too bad that dont hav multiplayer :(

and whats the problem that hav better lights effects?
omg omg moving a pc game to crappy x-box omg too leet for console games omg must rant.

Yay. Finally I'll be able to play through the game in good graphic form.
CrazyHarij said:
"Improved lightning effects - It looks better than on the PC" :O

Yeah right. :rolleyes:

Let's see the XBOX crank out some HDR.
hah, im suprised that their not working on steam for x-box live :p

isn't it a bit late to be starting developing source games on the x-box, why not jsut use x2?
PC also gets better light effects.
hint *lost coast*

pc will pown xbox again :naughty:
Too bad no multiplayer, co-op would have owned.
You people defend your PCs like they're people or something. How about we calm it down a notch? Your PCs don't care about you ;).

Anyway I think I'll rent it to see how it looks on the Xbox.
Lethal01 said:
No multiplayer? Jeez. even the doom3 port could sneak a bit of co-op and Live!-multiplayer in.
I doubt CSS would fit on the disc, and I HL2DM on an Xbox tech? Not going to happen.
I don't care what anyone says, or how good HL2 looks on the X-Box, Playing it with a 'joypad' is going to suck! The report says that they are already having problems with the controls on the buggy & speedboat. No shit! Unless your born with a joypad in your hand trying to use one for an FPS is like trying to use a mouse & keyboard for anything else ............ With no fingers! It's bloody awfull. I think you can get a mouse & keyboard for the X-Box but it's not official so how well it actually works remains to be seen.
It could be where they look better from what it looks like CURRENTLY...

With the implementation of HDR, then the pc will look better.
this is such a waste.... Half life 2 should have been on the xbox 2 cuz the game itself has so many features that the current xbox cant handle properly. anyway, half life 2 should not be on the consoles.
PC will always looks better (XBOX 2, I don't know) the lighting is better they say, so what. Once we get HDR and other future updates PC version will come out on top again. Unless you have a HDTV, computers will always look better.
Yeah, stinks for the people with slow computers because its better on pc then xbox. I know that HL2 for xbox won't be as good because it only has 64 mb ram.
Peh... Reminds me of so many other Xbox games... It was cool on PC! Guess what? You don't get half the features and you don't get multiplayer! So then console boys are like OMG IT SUCKS DICK CUSE IT NO HAVE MULTIPLAYER AND IT LOOK WORSE THAN TETRIS LOLOLOL. (No offense to anyone who likes consoles. I just hate when misconceptions are made and that's what exactly happens with those PC to console ports.)
What a total waste, I wouldn't have bought HL1 or HL2 if it wasn't for the multiplayer, the replay value isn't very high in my opinion

I don't think Valve understands that most people bought HL1 and HL2 for the mods... great work Valve ;)
I'm just glad Micro$oft didn't get their talons sunk into this project *before* it was made for the superior FPS-gaming platform (the PC).

Many FPS-games these days are getting all console-ified and their effects have been dragged into the PC arena...with horrible results: Halo sucks because of it being a port from a severely-handicapped console, Deus Ex: Invisible War is a poor excuse for a game when compared to its PC-based predecessor, Thief III: Deadly Shadows has more bugs than a LA-slum and Star Wars: Battlefront...don't get me started.

Since Half-Life 2 appears to have been initially designed for the PC, it didn't suffer the limiting handicaps of the aforementioned games. I think this is apparent in the fact that the PC version offers more, has better graphic capabilities (higher resolutions in textures, etc.) and will rely on its MOD community to keep it alive long after everyone has seen the severely anti-climactic conclusion 3 or more times.

I play on both sides of the fence and appreciate both platforms...but when one is dumbed-down to try and conform to the other's architecture, the results are very underwhelming. Leave FPSes where they belong: PCs and Fighting/Racing games where they belong: Consoles. Well, that's just my opinion anyways.
CrazyHarij said:
"Improved lightning effects - It looks better than on the PC" :O

Did everyone not read what it said? It says Improved lightNing effects, not lighting. Who cares about lightning, personally I would rather get HDR then to have them upgrade the lightning effects.
Killing2Live said:
you sure? How will the xbox lighting be better than the PCs let alone compare to it.

Where is there lightning in Half Life 2?
Killing2Live said:
you sure? How will the xbox lighting be better than the PCs let alone compare to it.

well, the lighting in HL2 isn't exactly ground-breaking anyway. There are games on the Xbox as it is with better lighting effects. Splinter Cell for one...
GonzoBabbleshit said:
well, the lighting in HL2 isn't exactly ground-breaking anyway. There are games on the Xbox as it is with better lighting effects. Splinter Cell for one...
Doom 3 supposedly has the best lighting, XBOX or PC. But lighting isn't really important, as long as you have some basic shadows.
Well it's easy to see why they didn't port it to XBox 2... They would have to remake every single piece of art!!! If they didn't, they would be one of the worst looking gams for the console. Have you guys seen the in-game renders from a while ago from like Fight Club and Madden? It's crazy.

I'm sure some console players will buy it :) But we all know that the mods are what keeps the HL saga going :D :D