Half Life 3 screenshots?

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Jun 10, 2006
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Don't ask me where I got them. My source told me that these are screenshots from alpha version of Valve's new engine called Clockwork. But I think these are fakes.



Yea, where DID you get them?
EDIT: VALVe wouldn't be working on HL3, becuase we're playing it. Hl2E1, 2 and 3 are HL3, which was noted by Gabe himself in an interview.
These pictures have been taken in real place, a construction site in Europe. Not 3D but real! :p
Well, it does say "3" in that logo. Dunno... I thought the episodes were "Half-Life 2: Episode One", "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" etc.
Nah, its a fake...
Look at the HEV suit, its mk4 from HL1, the design looks quite different from HL2's mk5 HEV suit.

Could it be a HL1 remake? Like BM:S, Who knows.
First crowbar looks as if it were cut out of another picture.

"A" for effort on the pics, though.

HUD looks like shit.


Looking again, the reflection on the crowbar is static.

I lower the grade to a C+.

Those are clearly photoshopped photos, making them look more like computer graphics.
I really hope that the Episodes of HL2 aren't the finale to it. I can understand if he wants that to be the "third" Half-Life (which doesn't make a lot of sense in a way, but whatever), but geez, I'm going to be depressed when there's no more Half-Life in the world :(
Don't ask me where I got them. My source told me that these are screenshots from alpha version of Valve's new engine called Clockwork. But I think these are fakes.




The 3D Model of the HEV Gordon is ultra-dumb, by the way.
Bad fakes :|

I've seen the pillars before during one of my google image reference pic searches. Someone also made a map featuring the scene over at interlopers.

Also, the same light source is reflecting off of the crowbar.
lol @ the head crabs in second pic. If they werent there, it might be a bit more believable.
The first pictures are from a Japanese underground reservoir construction.

The second set of pics are either renders, or photos again with some unsubtle photoshoppery.

All fake.
:| It's so obvious. Just the idea of 'OMG HL3 SCREENSHOTS' gives it away. On top of that, Valve is nowhere near developing a new engine.
I've seen the pictures before. I was actually going to make a map using them as a reference.
Stupid. Like Pi, I've already seen those pictures before elsewhere, and it's an obvious shop anyway.

Clockwork indeed.
Very well made pics i just wish that one day we will play a Half-Life game like that.
Somebody already made the map. Months ago.
Fake or not they're still some really nice and interesting pictures =)
How is it possible to fall for that? It's four in the morning, and even so, the photoshopping stood out like a sore thumb.
How is it possible to fall for that? It's four in the morning, and even so, the photoshopping stood out like a sore thumb.

I know, seriously, you have to be a complete 3 year old to be tricked by these photos.
lol @ photoshop.

The second one in the second set of pics is actually good, but the fecking headcrabs..... those make it stand out like a semi-intelligent infected thumb that's spurting acid into your eyes out of pores.
I liked the name "Clockwork".
Whenever there will be a HL3 , if any , the logo will be like the second set of the fake pics , that was more believable than than the same logo design of hl2 with the awful blue color.
Those are cool pics but are they real or just alterd pics from real life? I have seen some half life 3 pictures on sites but alot look fake.
I jumped in a bit late, but I couldn't help but point this out.


The Lambda symbol is flipped vertically...

Those are cool pics but are they real or just alterd pics from real life? I have seen some half life 3 pictures on sites but alot look fake.

For fuxors sake, I read two pages of this thinking 'this is all very old, what are you all talking about' until I realised you'd resurrected a 6 month old thread to make a totally redundant comment..... :frown:
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