Half-Life 3??

they will do one, in PC Gamer it will get 99%, then valve will be like "shit! what you got to do these days!" and do half-life 4 and then it will get 100% but be only a nintendo exclusive. :eek:
There is no half-life 1 or 2.
So how can there be a third?
It was all an illusion to keep us under control...but from what?
I don't know, this waffle keeps telling me to type things...
Half-Life 3 will be a fully realized sterioscopic 3d virtual reality environment with support for full body force feedback and olfactory immersion. We will jack our brains directly into the internet and live the game. And if you die, its for real.

Gabe told me himself.
sounds cool. Piers Anthony wrote a book like that call killaton or something. It was a good book, although the main characters got stuck in the game and almost died because one was diabetic and couldn't take his sugar. but still sounds like fun
Yes, there will most likely be a Half Life 3. When...uh..sometime in the future.
f|uke said:
Half-Life 3 will be a fully realized sterioscopic 3d virtual reality environment with support for full body force feedback and olfactory immersion. We will jack our brains directly into the internet and live the game. And if you die, its for real.

Gabe told me himself.

did he also tell u that u are the real Gordan Freeman? :p ;)
hell yes there is going to a Half-life 3 you can simply tell by the end of the second one.......i can wait :thumbs:
You know, I think this is the first time this has been posted >_>

Actually, there have been suggestions of at least 7 Half-Lifes by ppl on the inside :p
rpgprog said:
sounds cool. Piers Anthony wrote a book like that call killaton or something. It was a good book, although the main characters got stuck in the game and almost died because one was diabetic and couldn't take his sugar. but still sounds like fun
"Welcome to the Better than Life -game; Half-life."
Half-Life 3 will either be crap and come out soon, or ROCK and come out in 10 years. Probably the latter.
trizzm said:
they will do one, in PC Gamer it will get 99%, then valve will be like "shit! what you got to do these days!" and do half-life 4 and then it will get 100% but be only a nintendo exclusive. :eek:
or hl 4 will get a 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% , just to piss of valve, and they will be like"the premise was silly. aliens. BAH!"
if there really was a game where you died in real life from playing it all the terrorists would get hold of aimbots and the government would have to log into the game and kill them with more superior aimbots and multihacks. what a glorious world.
What's going to happen is Valve will go bankrupt because Gabe is going to molest a 11 year old, and have to spend 14 mil just to get out of that, THEN he is going to kill Bush, and spending 30 mil JUST to break outta jail. Poor Gabe, I told him jelly filled kids don't exist :( Oh well, I will be the first to find the grape filled!
There has to be HL3, I mean, where you satisfied with the ending
(I call it a beginning) of HL2?
f|uke said:
Half-Life 3 will be a fully realized sterioscopic 3d virtual reality environment with support for full body force feedback and olfactory immersion. We will jack our brains directly into the internet and live the game. And if you die, its for real.

Gabe told me himself.

Did you ever read OTHERLAND by Tad Williams?
trizzm said:
they will do one, in PC Gamer it will get 99%, then valve will be like "shit! what you got to do these days!" and do half-life 4 and then it will get 100% but be only a nintendo exclusive. :eek:

A Nintendo Exclusive, huh? We'll have Gordon Freeman hunting for magic mushrooms then. And growing big (to the size of Antlion Gaurds) with each magic mushroom and...

Hey, wait, Jesus, not happening. No sir. Never. Nuh-huh. Please God! :)
PhaTox said:
Did you ever read OTHERLAND by Tad Williams?
Actually, yes, all four books. And the ending sucked.

But Tad isn't the first to think of that stuff. Lots of sci fi stories have been built around those ideas.
Yes, there will be a Half-Life 3, otherwise Gabe might suspicioulsy die the next day... o_0

btw, i haven't posted in here since HL2 came out, wow!
half life 2 1--% is comin dunno when but i plan to divorce from half life 2 and have erotic disc shmexx with hl 3 all night
Two reasons..

1) HL3 was already confirmed, even before HL2 was out...

2) Halo 2 and Half Life 2 had similar "feels like a beggining to a sequel" endings, and Halo 3 is also being made..
HL3 will make us let go of reality and immerse ourself into the HL universe. :D
If they cancel Half-Life 3, I will make my own game, how ever I dont know how to code or anything, so I will need to get some weapons and Ill just imagine ppl around me are combines or zombies and Im in business. I belive the realism and physics will even blow away the "previous" HL. What do you guys think?
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
If they cancel Half-Life 3, I will make my own game, how ever I dont know how to code or anything, so I will need to get some weapons and Ill just imagine ppl around me are combines or zombies and Im in business. I belive the realism and physics will even blow away the "previous" HL. What do you guys think?

I think it will rock! Will it support multiplayer? :cheese:
i hope half life 3 will be in xenon world again were u jump on mantarays that can fly and rocks and stuff lol that was funny :D and it was so colorfull..
But if it was totally reality, we'd have model conflictions... Gosh, go to heck! Think before you type! We'd need to create 50 million different models, gosh!

(Believe in gosh or go to heck!)
Better than Life....

anyone watch Red Dwarf?

Heheh, stuid Rimmer.

Well, at least YOU don't have his twisted phyce. pshyce. something.