Half-Life: Deathmatch Source

bigburpco said:
I think that some are up, but very few.

Only one measly server is up right now, and it is in the land of the free. Of which I am not a citizen. Or a close neighbour. Darn them, darn them all to heck. (/me shakes fist@teh ehvl empire) Ofcourse, it was still a blast to play. Sure, I wish they would have made a souped up version with all the pretties of the 21st century, but hldm is still one kick ass game. I'm an oldtimer that has been playing computer games since computers had 16k memory and it still boggles my mind how truly great hl was when it launched. It is one of very few (if any other) games that managed to enter a genre and improve on every single feature that genre had to offer.

Today hldm may look and feel dated, but oh boy, was it ever the shiznitz back then. Good times.


[edit]I pwnd UltimaApocalyspe there too. Cool to meet fellow forumites on the great internets.
And when I say pwnd I mean "glocked and crowbared him in the back as he was typing". Omglololllerskatorzkapwnd!
bigburpco said:
Wait, what the hell happened to Page 3?

I think someone banned Puzzlemaker, which simultaneously made Page 3 implode.
Newspost: too damn long! :LOL:

I would preorder it but that would require me having money which would require the bank EVER ACTUALLY BEING ****ING OPEN.

Stoned Gorilla said:
can you please stop making these descriptive stories. They're quite boring and annoying. It seems like you try too hard writing it to make people all tensed up but all it does is make me sigh at how nerdy the story is.
I only do it where appropriate, and try to keep it short. The Dystopia one fit because it was purposefully purple and stupid, hence the little pink shushing man smiley. The Episode 1 one was to instill a sense of drama and it was only two sentences or something anyway. In this case, it's kind of appropriate because the whole awesome of HLDM is that it's manic and creates a million little stories as people leap out from behind whatever and shoot you with whatever. ANYWAY. 'If you don't like it don't read it' is a pretty useless attitude as it's our duty to listen to everybody (though whether we have to give a shit is another matter entirely) but there you go.


Suicide42 said:
I think someone banned Puzzlemaker, which simultaneously made Page 3 implode.

God damnit! And there was me refreshing page and reconnecting to the internet, lol.
graphics look like shit. yeah, i know this was just a port w/o making it cs:s quality, but still nonetheless looks like shit.

no matter how hard u try to polish a turd, its still a turd.
Someone is missing the point.
Why isnt HLDM Source list in my games.... I have a cyber cafe and we get all steam games that are released, so naturaly I have Episode 1 preloaded, but I dont have HLDM Source available!

How are you guys playing it?
I remember a Valve that used to release stuff like this for free over the weekend.

Now all Valve does is crap out less than half-assed ports of 6 year old games and expect people to pay up for it. And the sad part is people do, so Valve just keeps on crapping out more half-assed content as people just kiss their ass and tell them how their shit dont stink.

I miss the old Valve.
HLDM Source is free. It's just only free to Episode 1 buyers. It's what's known as an incentive.
Stoned Gorilla said:
can you please stop making these descriptive stories. They're quite boring and annoying. It seems like you try too hard writing it to make people all tensed up but all it does is make me sigh at how nerdy the story is.
Some of us actually appreciate reading something that appears it was created with some semblance of intelligence. All writers can know they have at least one faithful follower from me.:thumbs:
puppy19 said:
graphics look like shit. yeah, i know this was just a port w/o making it cs:s quality, but still nonetheless looks like shit.

My god they come out of the woodwork don't they? :|
DiSTuRbEd said:
My god they come out of the woodwork don't they? :|
Positively crawling out of the woodwork! They're everywhere!

Still haven't gotten a chance to play this yet, but I hope the bugs can be ironed out. I'm dieing to get back into some retro HL1DM action and this should be just the right cure.
Just got done playing some, brought back the memories, it's so chaotic.

And it's nice to be able to crank up all the video settings like AA and AF, with 1280x960 and all that.
another reason to get Episode 1? \o/
not like i needed more reasons :p
Sulkdodds said:
Newspost: too damn long! :LOL:

I would preorder it but that would require me having money which would require the bank EVER ACTUALLY BEING ****ING OPEN.

I only do it where appropriate, and try to keep it short. The Dystopia one fit because it was purposefully purple and stupid, hence the little pink shushing man smiley. The Episode 1 one was to instill a sense of drama and it was only two sentences or something anyway. In this case, it's kind of appropriate because the whole awesome of HLDM is that it's manic and creates a million little stories as people leap out from behind whatever and shoot you with whatever. ANYWAY. 'If you don't like it don't read it' is a pretty useless attitude as it's our duty to listen to everybody (though whether we have to give a shit is another matter entirely) but there you go.



I love reading the stories, because it reminds me of past battles. And its true that every game creates countless stories that would go for a best seller in a heartbeat, games ****ing own.
Pi Mu Rho said:
HLDM Source is free. It's just only free to Episode 1 buyers. It's what's known as an incentive.

Uh how about this update from JUNE 2005! lol, http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Marketing/June10.2005/?l=english

"In the coming weeks we'll also be releasing a Source revived version of Half-Life 1: Deathmatch. People who already own Half-Life 1: Source will receive this as a free download."

Source revived....i was hoping for so much more than a simple port with wording like that, and although I already paid for Ep1 what about the people that want to play HL:DS and own HL:S already?
Sulkdodds said:
Newspost: too damn long! :LOL:

There's no golden rule which states how many words a news post has to be. So far, you're the second person who's voiced a complaint, and considering some of my more... 'controversial' newsposts have had far more negative feedback (which I have listened to!) I can attain the conclusion that people don't mind newsposts being this length. It's all a matter of opinion, anyhoo.
Suicide42 said:
There's no golden rule which states how many words a news post has to be. So far, you're the second person who's voiced a complaint
People are lazy.
Too lazy to read and thus it doesn't bother them. :p
I am so lost, when did this get released?
Valve stated that hldm: s would be free to people who have Half life : Source, and suddenly you can only get it if you preorder episode 1? its disgusting and its false advertising.
Valve is probably letting the custom content community take care of the models etc.
mbrithoms said:
Valve stated that hldm: s would be free to people who have Half life : Source, and suddenly you can only get it if you preorder episode 1? its disgusting and its false advertising.

Who said you won't be getting it?
Huh its not bad, a blast really. But the dead players will take a pose and then hold it, usually with their arms out in front of them.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Who said you won't be getting it?

your missing the point entirely, I will be getting ep1 but the princible of the fact is they stated it would be free. now you must preorder to get it, underhand marketing and false advertising
mbrithoms said:
your missing the point entirely, I will be getting ep1 but the princible of the fact is they stated it would be free. now you must preorder to get it, underhand marketing and false advertising

Mbrithoms is correct in alot of ways, it's kind of trashy marketing. I'm not going to go on a crusade against Valve but it is a little crappy. I do specifically remember Valve saying this would be free to owners of Half-Life: Source.
Call me a cynical old fool, but what's the point in releasing a 'source' version of a game and then not actually doing anything to improve it (other than the usual water shader and other things inherent to the source engine that basically come for free). I was fairly interested when I saw HL1DM was coming to source, but there doesn't appear to be a reason to play it. Putting 'source' onto an old game's name without changing it much is just a gimmick as far as I'm concerned :(
I find it funny that developers like Valve releases a patch for a game just one day after the game release fixing most of the problems people complain about.
Yet developers like Dice and EA takes months and months before they release a patch (*cough*Battlefield2*cough*) which not only fixes one problem out of the one hundred bugs that needs to be fixed but also adds more bugs and errors. Seriously.
And when Dice claimed that the "chat-lag" in BF1942 were "impossible" to fix, yet they fixed it after a few months.

Okay, that was pretty much off-topic, sorry. :p
Honestly if I can still play hldm, and nothing is different, it's not a selling point for me. But I do want HL2E1
Looks like they've kept the old engines grahpics.

Half Life: Source has problems all over the place. Does this version of DM have anything bad happening? I really don't feel like downloading another "source" port with bugs a plenty.
Come on valve. Why bother making a deathmatch version with this 'port'? 4-5 maps with HL2 graphics would be so coooool! All I can see is my steam games growing up but fewer get the attention...
They didn't "make" anything. They ported HLDM across to Source, and gave it as a free bonus to Episode 1 buyers. I'm failing to see the problem here. It's not as if Valve released HLDM:Source as a separate, purchasable product.

Valve: "Here, have some free stuff!"
People: "This free stuff isn't good enough! You suck! etc!"