Half Life Film? yes or no?



I was thinking, there has been rumours of a half life film for some time now, but surely the film would completely ruin the game.

To start off with, you would hear Gordon speak! now that would shatter the gaming side of things straight away.

Also, accorfing to IMDB.com Half Life and Doom films would both be done for 2006. so it would all be down to SFX and explosions to pull the viewers in....and of course hard profit. There would be very little difference between the game....apart from one about killing demons, the other aliens. Rest of the plot is more or less the same.

What are your views on this?

Personally, I would much prefer Half Life to stay in the Game Genre.

Past attempts at Game - movie projects have been really bad. (AvP for example)

I agree that would be BAD. "Gordon falls in love, kills demon(demon? jeez...:x) and rips open shirt, gets sweaty and has a love scene with alyx" is what it would end up being:angry:.
They mention HL film in the latest interview.
To paraphrase they go to a meeting, seems ok and then someone suggests Freeman fall in love, at which point they leave.

Apart from the fact they both shoot stuff I don't think they're the same. Unless you take the view that both are the same as Die Hard for example. In which case, yes they are perfect copies.
As far as we know, Valve have been offered offers to make a hl movie. But as far as we know they have denied.
I pray to god they dont make a hl movie. I will be very disappointed if they do. Not to mention they aint gonna make to much profit from it if Gordon talks.
I too agree that it would be a bad thing.
But I do think that if they did it in a non-Hollywood style (ie constant explosions) and did it a different way, it could be alright.
And if they did do it this way they could get away without getting Gordon to talk. But if it was a Hollywood-esque film he'd have to speak, including saying cheesy one-liners :)

Actually - if they did it in an 80s way that be cool: loads of big hair, cheesy music, fighting headcrabs and zombies in discos. Gordon would cruise around killing people in a convertible playing more cheese...

Anyway! No, I think it'd be bad ;)
I thought Resident Evil worked quite well. But I still can't see how a character with no dialogue can make a film...it'd be like Silent Bob or sommat.
czrsink said:
I thought Resident Evil worked quite well. But I still can't see how a character with no dialogue can make a film...it'd be like Silent Bob or sommat.
Noo man, it'd be like kenny in southpark, gordon keeps up his helmet all the time and all you here is HMPF MPHRFP
if they do make an HL movie, i know an actor who would best play Gordon Freeman..... EDWARD NORTON! :bounce:

Think about it, Edward Norton with a beard would look SO much like Gordon Freeman, its an uncanny resemblance, dont'cha think?
tell me what'cho think! :cheers: :thumbs:
I dont mind if there is a movie. Would love one. I got so pissed when they canceled Deus Ex the movie. (I believe they started again not sure)
ahhh, Edward Norton was the inspiration behind Gordon Freeman!
if they made a film....

i think it should be based on Half life *not hl2.....or well ok maybe abit*

anyway would be cool sitting in the cinema for the start......just to see a train ride intro HAHAHA so be sweet!

to see gordon and the accident happen.

this movie can be fantastic if they get it right. if they add aylx then NO love scene please lol.

if they add the gman (Christopher Walken is the guy to play him)
and Edward Norton SO MUST BE GORDON
forgotten said:
ahhh, Edward Norton was the inspiration behind Gordon Freeman!

Edward Norton would be a kick ass Gordon.
The movie would suck because anything taken from something else is always screwed around. If there was a movie I think Morgan Freeman would be a good actor for Eli Vance. I know if they make it, it would SUCK(again).
I wouldn't mind seeing a Half-life movie. If only they could get a decent director to do it. Not that Anderson guy who seems to do them all exactly the same.

I like it that Valve are actively involved in making sure that if a movie ever is produced, it's good one. Too many "game movies" seem to have been penned by people who have very little interest or understanding of the canon of the games.

Take Resident Evil for example. A simple port of the game into movie terms would have been better than the tosh they threw up. It's not as if they developed the characters in the film at all. Plus where was the tyrant??

I've heard reports the Doom movie is gonna involve a young guy marine and his sister. Give me strength. And the demons aren't gonna be from hell, only hinted at.

On a further note, I think ewan McGregor in his obi wan beard would make a good gordon, but Ed Norton (ala American History X) would be great. Ed's a great actor.
cmon people...the only real gordon hollywood can offer is Jeff Goldblum
Resident Evil was a great movie. What they did was very interesting. If you think about it they took games 1-2 and made th 1st movie. In re1 you played in a mansion and the lab was under it. In re2 you played on the streets then in the police station and from there took a train to the lab. What they did was in place of the police station put the mansion and you take a train from there to labs. I liked the Resident Evil movies and i always thought of them in that way. According to the director he saw re1 the movie as a prequel to the game not sure what he said about 2nd but im almost positive it was. 2nd movie is like current game world and 3rd would be the end (future).
i think...under the VERY VERY VERY watchfull eye of ValvE, it still would be a little dodgy... i mean can you imagine the resonance cascade?? it would look pants...i just think that, dont know why really.

Lets all just sit and think for a minute about "Resident Evil"...no lets think what it could do to Half-life.. dear god, they would probably make him fall in love with a Bullsquid or some shit!!

Gordon:- oooo im sorry for trying to frag your zen ass
Bullsquid:- mehh **grun** **grunt **besquiggle**
Gordon:- Yes i know..i feel bad.. oo COME HERE AND GIVE ME A KISS!!

then at the end

Subject Gordon, Status :- In love with an alien!!
I think they could make a very good film, a classic like the games.
Obviously some things would have to change though, like gordon speaking (unless it was really arty).

If the script was intellegent like the games and there was no crap like love interests or cheesy dialogue then it could be very good.

They would need to take a special slant on it though, to make it different and not just a repeat of the games. I suggest having the G-Man as almost like a narrator, ie the story is told through his eyes. But not in a way that you learn much about the G-Man.
Its hard to explain, but I think it could work really well. It could be a little to arty for some, but thats what HL is about, high art.
Assuming we're talking about a film based on Half-Life 1...

A HL movie could be brilliant, but with so few great filmmakers around today, odds are it'd turn out quite bad. There's no way in hell it could possibly be good if it got the hollywood treatment.. I'd literally break down and cry if Half-Life became the next Jerry Bruckheimer blockbuster... What a HL movie needs is subtlety, and a strong sense of atmosphere and tension, rather than explosive action. Were Stanley Kubrick alive, I think he could have done something very worthwhile with it. Speilberg's films tend to lack the subtlety I think HL would need, and his films tend to end up looking very glossy, if you know what I mean.

I know a lot of you will disagree with me, but I think David Lynch could potentially do a very good job of it. Obviously it would need to be without Lynch's trademark 'weirdness', but he has a sense of pacing and attention to detail that I think would be very fitting for a film in the Half-Life universe. He also focuses heavily on atmosphere, which is also appropriate.

I think the bottom line, though, is that each of us had a different experience with the game. We each had our own individual reactions to things, and projected our own moods and emotions onto Gordon, and as a result, Half-Life is something different to each of us. A film could only capture one interpretation of the game, and as a result, could never satisfy everyone. I still hope there will be a Half-Life movie, though... it has the potential to be incredible. Even if it wasn't perfect, at least the oportunity wouldn't have been wasted.
I prefer either Johnny Dep or John Cussack. Should not be written by Hollywood types, they suck and all they know how to do is copy sh1t that's already out there. Independent is the way to go. They should stick to the science and conflict themes.
For the love of god, no Half Life movie Valve! Don't let the bright lights of Hollywood steal your souls!
Besides, very little movie - game or game - movie ideas work a treat. Including the Resi' movies in my opinion.
I don't think Half Life could be made into a "movie" per se. I think that the game itself was designed to be like an interactive, immersive "movie". By putting it on the big screen, i think that you would be taking away a big part of the equation of it's success: the interaction. And thus, i bet people would be let down by it, and that it wouldn't be a very big success.

Of course, i could be wrong. Maybe it could be done...
The idea of a HL movie would be a very risky move on Valve's part, the overall success of the movie would be such a fine line between amazing and flop. If somehow it could be done correctly, I would say go for it, but if there were any concerns whatsoever, then I say no go.
Would be cool if they somehow did it like Pulp Fiction.
They should first follow Barney for example, and later on the opposing force and some scientists or something.
And every time you get some glimpses of Gordon...
Would be pretty nice if you ask me :)
I'm surprised noone else has suggested this...
I think they should make a HL movie in the same fashion as the Red Vs. Blue guys; they would be able to do next to everything by themselves, no need to have Hollywood in on it. I really think HL2's facial expressions could make it great. They could also make it look better than the actual game is; they are the developers. Of course, this wouldn't be as "big" as it probably could have been if they made a Hollywood movie, but I think it would turn out a lot better and it would be a lot cheaper to make. Steam would make for easy selling of it(I doubt the publisher would have any say about it).
Oh, come on. Having a movie wouldn't ruin the game. If they made a good movie, it would still be an good movie, and the game is the game already.

I'd rather like to see some HL stuff in there. Of course, the first game would be the one I'd rather see (Since I haven't played the second one yet.)

Not sure how they could do it without Gordon speaking, but Gordon doesn't speak not because he's mute, he doesn't speak because Valve wants you to be Gordon and have your own thoughts, not what they want.

Gordon could have speaking parts, but you'd have to have very good writing and an excellent actor (Ed Norton wouls be perfect IMO).

Can you imagine seeing Gordon ride the tram while the credits roll, then he walks in and a bunch of other scientists say "Weren't you supposed to be in the test chamber half an hour ago?" Classic!

They'd have to keep the chicks out of the movie, and there would probably be some plot lines brought to the surface, things that we might take for granted, but would be necessray in order to convey the background in the film.

Well, I'm one person who thinks that it could be done and done well. I'd probalby like it much better than Duke Nukem, and Doom . At least it already has a story.
What does is matter if they do make a movie? It won't "ruin your gaming experienc" for you or something! sheesh!
I think the plot of Half-Life/HL2 has the potential for a good movie.
hollywood wrecks any game they try to make in to a movie..just look at the resident evil movies....I HATE those.
If there was going to be a movie of Half-life then it should be really original, mabye totally filmed in firstperson, or they made it like an amateur video while in the BM disaster, (someone randomly has a video camera, like me.)
dream431ca said:
hollywood wrecks any game they try to make in to a movie..just look at the resident evil movies....I HATE those.

But it doesn't ruin the game. Just a bad movie.

Personally, I heard that RE was a good movie, but I haven't seen it yet. Maybe I'll rent it this weekend. My tolerance for bad movies is pretty high. Spaceballs is my all time favorite movie after all.

But I still appreciate good movies. The worst are movies that try to be "good" but fail. Movies that are supposed to bad can succeed because they hit their objective, even if they are not critically successful.

I'm not sure how they manage to get Zen done though. That might be a bit much for the average movie-goer.
They don't necessarily have to have Gordon speak. They could take the story from the view of someone else (a la OP4 and BS). I can't tell how good of a story this would be.

If it were made by a major studio I think it would just suck. They'd spielbergize it, with lots of big aliens and explosions, completely irrelevent to the original plot. Like what they did with Jurassic Park 2. T Rex in San Diego = not in book.

It would have to be done by a smaller studio or make it an indie film (don't ask me how they expect to pay for it). The movie would have to ecompass the same atmosphere as the game. Sort of like the feeling you got when you first watched "2001" or "Memento".
it can work

a hl2 based film wouldn't be a bad idea, but the production costs would be real expensive. i dont know of any production company willing to take the risk of spending big bucks to make a film based off a game. but then again, the gaming industry makes more money than the film industry. i would have the screenwriters from hl1 and hl2 bring up a script.
Well, if they got a good script, and i have every reason to believe that Valve would not sign off on a bad one, Then a good director would be the only other requirement. There are only a couple of characters so casting shouldn't be that hard.

There would have to be explosions and stuff, because that is a fair amount of the game itself. Gordon shoots down a helicopter, crowbars a headcrab, etc. I think it could be good, but the story would likely have to be exanded a bit. Some additional dialogue. Something to tie the sequences together.

I'd prefer it to be a Blade Runner style movie, but maybe not quite so serious. That was a good movie, but a bit slow sometimes. But you could tell they put a lot of thought into it. No MIB here, please!
Perhaps if they created the movie around the game, but not directly ported from game to movie. Introduce a new main character ala Opposing Force. Perhaps have small glimpses of Gordon, but not have him, nor Shepard as the main characters. I mean, you can still have a movie surrounding the events and using the same aliens and such, but why ruin a perfectly good silent hero like Gordon or Shepard?

But remember, game to movie translations hardly EVER work well. So more than likely, the movie would suck.