Half-Life movie coming soon?

I agree with the cop from 3rd rock being otis

As for the movie itself... I dunno. The whole story is great, but to outsiders looking at Half-Life the movie, they wouldn't be able to get as much out of it as we would. The very first problem I can see Valve running into is the voice and actor for Gordon. Gordon doesn't talk ingame for a reason. YOU are Gordon and a movie wouldn't do the game justice if you just saw some random guy or even a well known celeb. playing Gordon. I don't see how they could possibly do the movie with Gordon being mute if some of you are thinking that, but I dunno. Some things that are classic shouldn't be ruined by a movie or show. Ex. Calvin & Hobbes. I wouldn't want them to make a cartoon of it, sure it'd be funny and stuff, but it'd change my whole perspective on the characters, which I don't want. I like it just the way it is, and it's the way it is because Valve and Calvin & Hobbes author wanted it that way.

I still think it's cool discussing who would play certain roles, but I hope they don't make a movie.

Hugo Weaving shouldn't play G-Man, he would be practically perfect in my mind, but people just wouldn't look at him the same if he wore a suit again and talked the way he does in the Matrix movies. The audience wouldn't know the G-Man like the gamers do... they'd just think he's basically an Agent and go off that general idea.

Matthew Broderick's voice reminds me of Barney in a way, but I don't think he looks the part as he is right now, he'd need some make up or something.. I dunno.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Well if they need someone for casting then I'll be the man...

It's not just the physical looks you've got to get right though, wonders can be done with make up and stylists anyway... its choosing the person that would have the right tone of voice, the right pitch, the right mannerisms, the right emotions.

ur right.. the wonders of make-up and stuff take care of physical appearances.. its the voice pitch, right emotions and mannerisms that determine which actor would suit best with which role.

Originally posted by Chris_D What about Alyx?? Which actress? [/B]

this is a tougher call.. simply because we haven't played HL2 and don't exactly know how Alyx interacts with Gordon in game.. so until we see that, can the jury be out to lunch on this one? :)

what about Walter? who would make a good scientist? hehe
Sorry if it have been mentioned before, but Gabe said that people had talked to him and VALVe about making a movie, but Gabe said no (I think, but I'm sure he didn't say yes)
hmm tomb raider was pretty good. it just depends on whos makes them. Also chris barry was in it from red dwarf always a plus
Originally posted by NiteStalker
Sorry if it have been mentioned before, but Gabe said that people had talked to him and VALVe about making a movie, but Gabe said no (I think, but I'm sure he didn't say yes)

They're not quite ready to start making any movies yet. They would love to do one in the future, but obviously at the right time.
It could be a good movie if they do it properly, as for the problems of who would play Gordan Freeman, well it doesn't have to be him as the main character. Think about it, it could just take place in the Half Life universe. Maybe during the Half Life 2 time period and have the main character be someone completely different from the games who goes about saving the world.
They could do it in true HL series fashion and have a new character that we haven't met before, but his storyline crosses the storyline of HL1 and maybe 2.
Like many people here said, I would be really dissapointed if they make a movie. I mean, what are they gona have - a guy with a shotgun running around shooting aliens for two hours? Wow.

And who is gona go watch it? I know HL sold over 8 million coppies, but probably 1/2 of them were CS/OP4/BS/DOD etc. Most people in US never even heard of HL.
People are being so closed minded about it. You've all got this mental block. You won't be dissapointed if they make a movie that's more successful than The Matrix and Matrix: Reloaded put together. Which isn't beyond the realms of possibility. And HL wasn't a guy running around with a shotgun shooting aliens for hours, it had a story. And that story lead on to another story, which lead on to another which crossed over both of them which all lead into HL2 whcih will lead into other stories. It's not impossible for some good to come out of a HL movie. But yes, even though I'm quite "pro movie" at the moment, if they did a poor movie of HL I would be very disappointed.
Originally posted by Chris_D
People are being so closed minded about it. You've all got this mental block. You won't be dissapointed if they make a movie that's more successful than The Matrix and Matrix: Reloaded put together. Which isn't beyond the realms of possibility. And HL wasn't a guy running around with a shotgun shooting aliens for hours, it had a story. And that story lead on to another story, which lead on to another which crossed over both of them which all lead into HL2 whcih will lead into other stories. It's not impossible for some good to come out of a HL movie. But yes, even though I'm quite "pro movie" at the moment, if they did a poor movie of HL I would be very disappointed.

Yeah, they could do a Magnolia/Pulp Fiction type thing, with 3 different characters telling stories at the same time, which might not be that bad. But still I don't think they could pull it off.
I hadn't thought of that. That's a brilliant idea. Quentin Tarantino for screenplay, direction and production plz... and to star as Barney...
Originally posted by LoneDeranger

And who is gona go watch it? I know HL sold over 8 million coppies, but probably 1/2 of them were CS/OP4/BS/DOD etc. Most people in US never even heard of HL.

lets not speculate on whether half the HL game purchasers even played or heard of HL.. its really foolish to say something like this...

its obviously clear that they heard of HL anyway, afterall, they did have to know something about it before buying.. at least thats what i do when i want to purchase a game.. and im pretty sure im not the only one.

as for pple going to watch a HL movie.. well regardless of how good or bad it may turn out (if they decide to make one) the hardcore HL fans will go watch it anyway.. then factor in the type of pple that just go see a movie to "be seen" (i have read on a few forums about pple going to the movies to "be seen" as cool) as silly as that sounds.. but it happens.

plus u will have those pple that do not know much about HL but are curious and will go see it as well... so as long as Valve and others involved put a good effort into the work, a HL movie can turn out at least good.
People who've played Half-Like (which is ALOT of people) will definitely see the HL movie. People who just like action/cool movies in general will also go see the movie (simply due to the fact that it looks cool). Then, if the movie turns out to be good, other people who weren't as interested will go see it, as well.

At any rate, it'll be seen by a lot of people, regardless of how good it is.
Well maybe for actors they could do CGI, like in Final Fantasy...

As for Gordon it would be fun to see him as a mute! I mean he would try to talk but always be cut off or use gestures to display emotions.

Imagine him walking through Black Mesa then Walter says "Hello Freeman!" and Gordon just waves, then a hurried scientist says the line for him to go to the test chamber, and hurry cause he's late. Gordon trys to speak but gets rushed by the scientist and goes to put on his HEV Suit.

Thats how it would be done, with interaction with all the characters in Half-Life. There would be some many possiblitys to do the movie.

In the game you are Gordon Freeman, in the movie you see his story and the story Black Mesa, conspiracys and all!

For a sequel do Adrians story....

It would be easy to mess up I agree, but it would also be easy to make it fantasic as well...
valve said in the past that they will only do one if they think it will be any good, but no-one has presented any ideas that will be good yet.
I like the idea of having it like pulp fiction, but that would be a long ass movie. If they made it like that I wouldnt want to miss a second of any story. I also like the idea of making an HL movie about Gordon then the second one about adrian. I would love to see them actually follow to story, and not to make up some new one like Resident Evil.

It would be really easy to **** up but see Half-life is writen like A Steven King novel. Its got a Steven King feel to it, and you know Steven King movies kick ass. (sounds like im trying to Market Steven King stuff). I also heard that it might be more based around HL2 than HL which would kinda piss me off. I WANT TO SEE THE CRYSTAL 'explode' or whatever it does and send Gordon all over the place in the beggining. I WAND TO SEE XEN. I WANT TO SEE EVERYTHING. Again I dont want them to make a stupid side story deal like Resident Evil that would just f it up
Originally posted by trantjd
It's funny that they don't even mention HL2...I love reporters that obviously don't know much about their topic!

True. Reminds me of Ahmad Rashad from Real TV
tell Valve to not to make a movie based on HL pLZ !!!!!!!!!!! thats the worst thing they can do, HL is only for gamers not for normal people LOL
I wouldn't get all excited about them making a HL movie. The rights to other games were bought a LONG time ago and it is doubtful that any of them have plans of becoming a movie. Duke Nukem, Doom, Diablo, etc. They buy the rights to simply ensure that they have them and no one else does, they usually don't buy them to actually MAKE the movie.

EDIT: I just found this at PHL, im guessing alot of you know about it but for those that don't its a review of a 5 min movie that was supposed to be about HL, I havn't watched it (PHL doesn't actually have the file) but it does have real actors in it. It also sounds like the crappiest 5 min taken out of your life.

Oooh! If they did make a film (and they really really really shouldn't desecrate the Half Life saga, but just for the sake of argument) Dr Eli Vance should be played by Mr. Morgan Freeman After all, he looks perfect, plus his name sounds like some other certain character. And Morgan Freeman is just fantastic.
Oh, and as for Alyx? Isn't it obvious she was modelled in part on her from Smallville? (bear in mind I did say IN PART)
But any way, the moral of the story is:
1. Half Life the film should NOT be made
2. Morgan Freeman rocks:E
hmmm. Game movies do suck normally, but that's gotta change someday. IMHO, best actors would be:

Gordon Freeman: Edward Norton

G-man: Hugo weaving or tommy lee jones

movie director: David Fincher

The others such as eli and alyx could be played by (as said): Morgan freeman (eli...doh)
Alyx: Some pretty, nice, and dark haired female...
And Shephard... well maybe bruce willis, I donno really

Fincher is simply a fantastic director, he'd surely make something good out of a hl script!
Originally posted by freddythefrog
hmmm. Game movies do suck normally, but that's gotta change someday. IMHO, best actors would be:

Gordon Freeman: Edward Norton

G-man: Hugo weaving or tommy lee jones

movie director: David Fincher

The others such as eli and alyx could be played by (as said): Morgan freeman (eli...doh)
Alyx: Some pretty, nice, and dark haired female...
And Shephard... well maybe bruce willis, I donno really

Fincher is simply a fantastic director, he'd surely make something good out of a hl script!

Hehe, you're obviously a Fight Club fan like myself, right? :)
tell Valve to not to make a movie based on HL pLZ !!!!!!!!!!! thats the worst thing they can do, HL is only for gamers not for normal people LOL

just thinking of an HL movie makes me shudder.

You're just being very closed minded. It makes you shudder because you think it'll be done badly. You think it'll be cheesy. But if they do certain things, and have a certain level of quality control about the entire production then it could be good.

You two I've just quoted:
If the film was absolutely amazing and better than anything we've seen before - would you watch it, or would you be too busy shuddering at the thought of it?
Originally posted by JusticeBlade
Well maybe for actors they could do CGI, like in Final Fantasy...
I've always thought that this might perhaps be the way to do a videogame movie. If it was done right then all the characters would look exactly how they were intended to, as would the settings and many of the monsters. So much of Black Mesa would have to be CGI anyway that it almost makes sense.
The number one thing I think that would have to be done is to hire writers and a director who is enthusiastic about the material, even not many of the original people themselves. Too many movies go downt he drain because it seems as if the people involved hardly cared about it.
ehe, you're obviously a Fight Club fan like myself, right?

WOW! som1 actually took notice of one of my posts. Apparently i'm starting to leave newbie status:cheese: !

well, yeah, I am a fan of all david fincher movies. fight club and seven were especially great. I just love his strange and dark way of telling weird and twisted stories.
for edward norton that is, i didn't choose him cus of fight club. Coinsidence that he plays in fight club...

just look at him. He's got the same, rather somewhat unsurprised look of a mr. freeman. He's a quiet guy, as is freeman. He seems to be smart, as freeman as well. And he looks like he had the guts of working for a weird man with a suitcase. And he got a great screenplay.
Well, thats my opinion at least!

But who actually cares... as long as fincher directs the movie!
Direwolf, yeah, Square thought it was the logical thing to do, but Final Fantasy the Movie sucked.
It was pretty though.
And to be honest it sucked because of the plot, not because of the style.
i never thought of edward norton playing gordon, edward would be great for that role. I think it would be easier to make a good real time movie than a cg movie. But i would love to see an awesome cg movie, as long as the characters dont have spasms all the time. Like that max steel show or whatever you call it. The characters will just stand there and they start twitch'n or somethin else
Originally posted by Chris_D
Direwolf, yeah, Square thought it was the logical thing to do, but Final Fantasy the Movie sucked.

Ahh, Very mature :)
Would you care for me to elaborate in a much more constructive manor? :p
Edward norton matches Gordon very nicely IMO. I still hope they don't make a movie though for reasons in my previous post.
Rumours say that in the middle of the movie, gordon goes into a terrorist area in the desert where there are terrorists constantly trying to plant a bomb, with counter-terrorists perpetually trying to kill them.
Well, who gives a shit right? If they make a movie based on HL and if it would suck. Then it doesn't change anything anyways. The games will still be as great as they were.
The resident Evil series is still good even though that movie didn't make the games any kind of justice...
Originally posted by Kleptomaniac
I agree with you. There has never been a good game>movie conversion, and I don't want one of the best franchises in the gaming world to be ruined by some lackluster action thriller probably starring Colin Farrel or Eminem.
Get off my porch!! :)

Why do you pick on eminem? The movie was okay ..
and Colin Farrel is a good actor
Originally posted by freddythefrog
hmmm. Game movies do suck normally, but that's gotta change someday.

exactly!! if game developers/directors/producers worried about a movie "sucking" then i guess we wouldn't see very many movies produced altogether.. cause game movies are not the only types of movies that "suck"..

someday, someone will take a chance on one of the games mentioned in this thread (HL, Doom, Quake, Diablo) because someday that stigma of game movies "sucking" has to change at some level.

i actually hadn't thought of Edward Norton for Gordon's role and now that some pple have mentioned it, that might just work!
im also an Edward Norton fan and seen at least a few of his movies and think he is a perfect candidate for the role.

i just hope they start the HL story from the very beginning and not just pick it up from where HL2 starts if they ever do decide to try a HL movie.

another thing: Morgan Freeman is probably a good choice for Ali Vance's role but lets just keep in mind that we do not know how Ali and even Alyx interact with Gordon in game.. it would be a good idea to know this before wondering who would fit into these roles :)
if they are even gonna be in the movie, you jusy gotta give these things a chance guys. Just go for it, if you screw up who the hell cares, like Tamora sais. A suckass movie doesnt screw up the game. I still like the Resident Evil games even though the move sucked penis