Half-Life Movie: Seeking Artists

Nov 5, 2005
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Hello everyone!

Hope your all doing well :D

I am not sure if many of you are aware of my current project (currently being talked about in the Film/TV section). I am currently working on a Half-Life film, currently in early Pre-Production, and also going through a re-draft of the screenplay.

Based after the Half-Life 2 time period, we follow Gordon and Alyx, now miles away from City 17, being Hunter down by the Combine. Whilst travelling along the coast, they have been stranded on an old Shipyard. Combine Hunter and Strider units have been dispached to track them down and kill them, anything to stop them from posing a threat to them.

I am currently seeking 3D Artists, Animators, and Matte Artists, who are interested in working on something a little different, and to a high level. The final film will be avaliable online once completed and I'll probably beyond.

If anyone is interested, please reply here and also, if you can contact me at [email protected] as well so I can take a note of who is wanting to join the project and I'll get back to you all right away :D

Look forward to hearing from anyone :)

Jonny ;)
Jonathan_McEnroe said:
we follow Gordon and Alyx,

...dude the chick like DIES at episode 1 so i cant see how you can follow her unless your planing on making gordon a necropheliac XD
The film doesn't really follow the games in that respect, it's a stand alone short episode following Gordon and Alyx.

I don't know if Alyx actually dies or if that scene is showing something else, leading us to believe she is dead. But I do know it's a possability that she is dead, however we aren't following the story. We'll simply have Gordon and Alyx in a situation they need to get out of and that is all.

Look forward to hearing from anyone interested in joining the team.

I am interested in your project and I have 3d modeling and skinning experience but I'm kind of busy right now with exams. If you're looking for very good artists that will brig you high quality CGI you might want to talk to the people over at CGtalk, I kind of doubt they'll agree to work for free but it can't hurt to ask. I've noticed while posting there that there are plenty of HL fans so you might get lucky. Good luck:)
Glad to see you back around Jon. =) Really wish there was a way I could help out.
I would love to join, but im going off for holyday for a month :(
Hey Redneck, feel free to get in touch with me after your exams bud and we'll have a chat ;)

Cheers for the welcome Yorick, much appreciated, if you'd like to help in anyway, throw us an email, or add me to your hotmail and we'll have a chat :)

Hey Ravioli, when your back form your holiday, and if you'd still like to join, feel free to add me to hotmail, or e-mail me, we'll have a chat :)

In terms of the film, do not imagine it being attached to the games, the idea behind the film is to get characters we recognise into a situation that have to get out of. Weather Alyx dies or not doesn't matter, she'll be in the film. Think of it as being a Lost Coast episode, but with Alyx and Freeman on an abandoned Shipyard ;)

Hey Six,

Many of my original projects have now taken off and are now in development, so I'm shifting Half-Life to another date to the end of next year. Unless our feature film takes off then I might not go back to it.
