Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)


Jan 27, 2008
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Okay, so, I am new to these forums and pretty much have just one purpose here.
I am working on a script for Half-Life, and though it may be fan made, it will no doubt be better than anything anyone associated to someone like Uwe Boll could come up with.
My question is (to anyone who may know): Where exactly do I send it to? Or, because I live in Washington, do I just head to Valve and hand it to them in person? I know that it's unlikely they'd pay attention to a fan-made script, but it's worth a shot just to try and save the game from being made into another generic, crappy, game-based movie.
I want to write for a living, but haven't gotten to the point of trying to sell anything I've written so this kind of thing is new to me. So, please help?
"Just head to Valve?" Heh, nice one.

They don't do fan-based stuff. I can't remember the reasoning behind it. And I'm sure they won't do a movie. It'd be awful anywhos. I'd pick something else to write a story on.

Or just enjoy the "Half-Life: Full Consequences" movie that's been made.
Although slightly offtopic I have often considered a script for a half-life related movies. I usually think of the "void" left by breen where as we dont have a deffinative face of the combine. I usually come up with someone like some distant family member ( I know freeman had no imeadiate family), like that baby picture in freeman's locker in HL1, again although most likely belongs to a dev's. We could say its a picture of say a nephew or something along thoes lines, who is forced, or joins willingly to be a figurehead of the combine. The movie would be the introduction of this character or something along thoes lines. Lol I know it's a tad weak but its hella lot better then a camera following around a guy who dosent talk. :p

orrrrr the 7-hour war would make a epic movie, and we would need little introducion to bring the audience up to speed. This would also allow us to see the 7-hour war, because I seriously doubt that valve would make a prequel, just dosent seem like them.
"Just head to Valve?" Heh, nice one.

They don't do fan-based stuff. I can't remember the reasoning behind it. And I'm sure they won't do a movie. It'd be awful anywhos. I'd pick something else to write a story on.

I know that they've been shooting down scripts for it because no one has turned up anything that doesn't ruin it. Gabe said in an interview that studios are taking games and making them into cheap movies because they've got a good amount of fans who will see them so even if it does badly, most of the fans will see it. So they take advantage of that and make a bit of money while everyone else is disappointed.

My goal is to make a script that stays true to the Half-Life world while not ruining any bit of it. Major thing is about Gordon Freeman. He cannot be a main character in any movie. If he has lines, then it ruins the way the game has made him and completely removes how the game makes you Gordon. If he doesn't have lines, but is a main character, what the hell kind of main character is that?

It would have to be more along the lines of the way that Opposing Force or Blue Shift would be. A glimpse of Gordon here or there, but not even make it obvious that it's him.

Actually, figuring out a plot for a Half-Life movie would be pretty easy (at least to me). Half-Life 2 would be the harder one to make into a movie. If a HL1 movie was about Barney then a HL2 movie could follow him as well.

Though of course, it would all be a waste if it's true that they won't look at any fan script... :(
I know that they've been shooting down scripts for it because no one has turned up anything that doesn't ruin it. Gabe said in an interview that studios are taking games and making them into cheap movies because they've got a good amount of fans who will see them so even if it does badly, most of the fans will see it. So they take advantage of that and make a bit of money while everyone else is disappointed.

My goal is to make a script that stays true to the Half-Life world while not ruining any bit of it. Major thing is about Gordon Freeman. He cannot be a main character in any movie. If he has lines, then it ruins the way the game has made him and completely removes how the game makes you Gordon. If he doesn't have lines, but is a main character, what the hell kind of main character is that?

It would have to be more along the lines of the way that Opposing Force or Blue Shift would be. A glimpse of Gordon here or there, but not even make it obvious that it's him.

Actually, figuring out a plot for a Half-Life movie would be pretty easy (at least to me). Half-Life 2 would be the harder one to make into a movie. If a HL1 movie was about Barney then a HL2 movie could follow him as well.

Though of course, it would all be a waste if it's true that they won't look at any fan script... :(

Don't get me wrong, but if you script is epic enough to get you hired, and you actually get hired at Valve just by "going to their office", I'll respect you for the rest of my life..
The fact is that Half-Life is Half-Life. Part of its nature is in the gaming world, and not many people would appreciate it going to big (or small) screens, even if they watch it anyway.

Watching someone else do the action for you just won't dig it with alot of people. That's why the play the game.

And yeah, it wouldn't particularly matter if the script is epic, they'd still have to film it. Filming it badly would make it lose all sense of what was awesome.
So far, from everything I have read, Valve bounced about three scripts right from Hollywood writers. Said it was "pure crap". Now, how that relates to you, is you probably have the chance of an ice cube in hell.

After drilling deep enough into Valve, I was able to email one of the Valve team with compliments on what they have done so far. I was happy to actually get an answer! I had also included some suggestions for EP3 and even maybe an HL3 series.

I'll not post that address here because I don't want the poor guy flooded with mails. Just so you know, they ARE findable. I actually found a list of Valve members there.
Send it to Valve. The worst that can happen is they reject it.
So far, from everything I have read, Valve bounced about three scripts right from Hollywood writers. Said it was "pure crap". Now, how that relates to you, is you probably have the chance of an ice cube in hell.

I think that I have a better chance than those guys. Just take a look at the video-game movies that have come out. Don't you think that even you could do a better job with them? What I've found is that one script was shot down right when Gabe read "And Gordon found love..." (Or something to that effect). I mean seriously, if a Hollywood writer has Gordon falling in love...then I must have a better head on my shoulders than that guy.

My biggest problem is that I don't have the original Half-Life, Blue Shift, or Opposing Force to help me. The discs I had were stolen and the games were on my old computer (and this was before the wonderful Steam came into my life). I have no money to spend on getting them (not even the $15 to get them all off of Steam in the Half-Life Anthology pack). So, I'm pretty much doing what I can based off memory from about 5 years ago when I last played any of them. If anyone here believes in me enough, possibly send the Anthology Pack to CuddlesTheKitten on Steam as a gift?

It'll be a couple weeks before I can get it, but I really want to make a big start into it immedietly. So any help would be great, if not then any preview of what I've got will have to wait until I can play through and correct everything that needs correcting.

I've been focusing alot on the commentaries in Episode 1 and 2 and been looking all around the internet for as much information as I could about the Half-Life world. Many things that the developers do in the game I want to implement in my script. Also I believe in keeping it as true to the game as possible rather than taking a vauge version of the storyline (*cough* BloodRayneResidentEvilTombRaiderAloneintheDarkDoomDeadorAlive *cough* <_< ) and stretching it over some film.

Before I make a big start on it, does anyone have any suggestions for things that they think would insure it being a good script?
Also, I've never written a script before. I can write like a mofo, but I don't know the standard format for a script. You think it would be acceptable to write it more like a book, and if they like it they can get someone to put it in script format? Would they go for that?
Okay, okay. Great news about my whole thing. I have a friend who is worth tons of money (like 23 million dollars). He agreed that if I could write a good script, he would help me out and invest in it. One of the problems that Gabe has mentioned was that the scripts weren't offered with enough money to insure that Valve isn't just given away the rights. So, now I have more of a chance. With my friend helping, and if Valve likes the script...then a studio would have to take it and pay Valve some more money...there's a better chance now. Shweet.

So, does anyone here know how to get it all going? I'm sure there's plenty of legal things I would need to know and certain business standards that are involved with this type of thing. If I seem professional enough, that only ups my chances.
They can't read it. There are legal reasons. If your script is similar to any future plot developments, they can get sued for plagiarism.

I'm not kidding.
Can we have a facepalm image here? Or is everyone just too polite? Because this sounds like it's coming straight from a Cloud Number in excess of Nine Thousand.
They can't read it. There are legal reasons. If your script is similar to any future plot developments, they can get sued for plagiarism.

I'm not kidding.

Who exactly can't read it? "They" really isn't that clear...
So Valve can get sued for something that they own? Or does Valve not really own Half-Life? I'm so very confused here
So Valve can get sued for something that they own? Or does Valve not really own Half-Life? I'm so very confused here
They can get sued by you if they include in a movie any ideas that you put into your script, if they do not pay you for the usage of those ideas, so long as you can prove that you had the idea first. Because of this, they will not look at scripts without you both entering into some kind of signed contract promising no disclosure of script contents or whatever... but wait. You're not actually serious about this are you? This is one of those 'new user posts windup and runs away after shits and giggles' things, isn't it?
They can get sued by you if they include in a movie any ideas that you put into your script, if they do not pay you for the usage of those ideas, so long as you can prove that you had the idea first. Because of this, they will not look at scripts without you both entering into some kind of signed contract promising no disclosure of script contents or whatever... but wait. You're not actually serious about this are you? This is one of those 'new user posts windup and runs away after shits and giggles' things, isn't it?

I'm completely serious about it. It's something that I'd like to try and do. If it's shot down by whoever does the shooting down in Valve for 'legal reasons' then at least I tried. I love to write, but I always get discouraged because of thoughts like "Who would pay any attention? No one would want to publish a complete stranger" when I want to write actual stories. But in this situation I think the best thing Valve could do for a Half-Life movie is take in a fan script. Then it's about the game, not the money because no fan of the game would want it to be ruined so they'd be sure to make as good as they can. The problem with that though...is there a fan out there who's a great writer? So, for me the question here is "Am I good enough to get their attention?" and I believe I am. If I can write it so well that they believe I'm good enough then great.
It wouldn't matter what intentions you had about the whole thing, they won't accept it. Don't 'legal reasons' Valve. They live in America, and I'm pretty sure they don't want to be sued.

And it won't matter how good the script is if Valve don't want to make a movie. Sure, alot of the things they've done recently seems to have been very capital-orientated, but a movie's in a totally different league.

No matter how good your script is, they won't accept it for one reason or another.

And on the note about contacting Valve, they do usually respond, so don't be "surprised" when they do.
Well, I'm still going to try for it. Worst they can do is say no, and then at least I've tried. If it's a good script and I have a good amount of money backing me then I have a better chance than the other guys that have come to Valve with minimal offers.
But there's several MAJOR stumbling blocks that you should really see in this thread before you even consider the FACT that you will be instantly ignored for being nobody in particular.
I am working on a script for Half-Life, and though it may be fan made, it will no doubt be better than anything anyone associated to someone like Uwe Boll could come up with.
This alone says a lot to me. Firstly, anyone can say they can write something better than someone else, but you'll have to be able to prove that. Secondly, the whole statement suggests that you're immature, and inclined to jump on Internet opinion bandwagons because thirdly, you have ZERO understanding of film making. Sure, Uwe Bolls' films are rubbish, and perhaps you CAN write a better script than him, but since he directs the films and other people write them, what exactly do you have to prove, other than the fact that any script you write may just be informed by your own cluelessness?
I want to write for a living, but haven't gotten to the point of trying to sell anything I've written so this kind of thing is new to me. So, please help?
So you're not just a nobody, but you're a nobody with zero professional profile, who can have never been properly criticized and doesn't know anything about the standards required for surviving on written output?
Aw, no one's even looked at this thread yet...sad...
If you want to be a writer of any kind, you'll need to work on your patience. Getting the kind of break you believe you can get just by asking a game's designer nicely if he'll take you under his wing, will take YEARS and possibly DECADES to achieve. And you can't wait 20 MINUTES for a reply to ramblings that essentially reveal that you're going to go ahead with something you don't have the first clue about?
I know that they've been shooting down scripts for it because no one has turned up anything that doesn't ruin it.
The thing is, do you really? How can you really be sure that anyone came up with anything as ridiculous as a 'cavalry charge on the back of bullsquids', and that's not just the Half-Life devs making up any old thing to let it be known that they're not happy with Hollywood sending them script proposals that are anything but first rate? And how do you know that there weren't finer details that Valve weren't happy with. Subtle creative differences and rights management issues that shipwrecked the projects?
I mean seriously, if a Hollywood writer has Gordon falling in love...then I must have a better head on my shoulders than that guy.
What you wouldn't do isn't proof of what you CAN do.
If anyone here believes in me enough, possibly send the Anthology Pack to CuddlesTheKitten on Steam as a gift?
Ell Oh F**king Ell.

Forget the fact that you're trying to write a script on a game you haven't played for half a decade (because there really isn't that much you can take from Half-Life anyway, it's perfectly do-able). You think that someone is going to spend millions of dollars on your movie project when you cannot be bothered to spend $15 on buying background research resources.
It'll be a couple weeks before I can get it, but I really want to make a big start into it immediately. So any help would be great, if not then any preview of what I've got will have to wait until I can play through and correct everything that needs correcting.
But you've just told us that a movie of the game shouldn't be about Gordon Freeman, so why do you need to play the games at all?
Also I believe in keeping it as true to the game as possible rather than taking a vauge version of the storyline (*cough* BloodRayneResidentEvilTombRaiderAloneintheDarkDoomDeadorAlive *cough* <_< ) and stretching it over some film.
The problem here is that the Half-Life story is vague, probably moreso than the stories those Game-Movie conversions had. You would need to significantly flesh out the plot, and your changes would ultimately anger more of your audience than you're apparently expecting to.
Also, I've never written a script before. I can write like a mofo, but I don't know the standard format for a script.
There is really nothing to say to this. My jaw drops and my brain cells lock up in a silent cacophony of laughter. Common sense and elementary 1+1 logic just commited seppuku, and it was messy.
Okay, okay. Great news about my whole thing. I have a friend who is worth tons of money (like 23 million dollars).
Money is good, but even if your friend is willing to give you his entire fortune, you have a budget eclipsed by most of the movies you yourself have considered lacking. Which is besides the point anyway, since you're the scriptwriter and one of the smaller cogs in the production machine. Money from some mysterious benefactor will not win over a developer that has rejected the certainty of the Hollywood dollar.

Now that I've pissed on your parade, here's the paint-by-numbers helpful bit. If you're serious about this, it won't happen when you complete a script in a months time. It won't happen in a year's time. It will probably not happen in TEN years time. You want to be better than the dregs of the movie industry that Valve are turning away, but you will never manage that if you have no idea why these people are to be criticized, and if the entire industry that birthed them is alien to you. You need to study film, or creative writing or something, ANYTHING that fills in the gaping chasm of your film-making and writing knowledge, even the apparent void of your basic common sense. Then you have to work up the industry ladders like everyone else does to get to the point where you might one day get in negotiations with a film and a game development studio.

Let us know how that goes.
Piss all you want, I really don't care. I already understand all the problems that are in my way. It should be quite clear that there's alot I don't know or else I wouldn't be asking anything. Why would I ask if I already knew? So, pointing that out doesn't really do too much for anyone who understands the entire purpose of a question.
Obviously you have had some disappointments in your life and have learned to look at things realistically, but I am still naive as hell and I'm going to continue to enjoy having hopes and dreams.
Also on the comment about creative writing classes...I've been in several. The teachers never taught me anything because they thought I couldn't learn anything from them. Sadly, the really advanced classes they thought would be great for me were too far away for me to reach.
So, if it really makes you feel good, continue pissing away and saying that I shouldn't do this. What's the harm in trying? It's either I waste some time doing what I love (which really isn't a waste to me, but apparently I lack basic common sense. So I could be completely wrong about that.), or I get the .1% chance of being noticed.
Why not write a script for something that has a chance to be made?

A Half-Life movie would suck anyway, no matter who wrote it. There isn't even a story until Half-Life 2. Consider that 95% of the Half-Life experience is shooting things and walking.
I think you could make a pretty decent story out of Barney's adventures through Black Mesa. He could even meet up with Otis! I see numerous ways that a good story could be made from using Half-Life, Blue Shift, and Opposing Force without straying away from the way the game made the story.

If it turns out that it's completely a lost cause then I'll just go back to working on my series...but it's not Half-Life related in anyway, so I'mma hush about it on here.
Why not write a script for something that has a chance to be made?

A Half-Life movie would suck anyway, no matter who wrote it. There isn't even a story until Half-Life 2. Consider that 95% of the Half-Life experience is shooting things and walking.

Actually, it's more like 50% physics puzzles, 25% shooting, 20% walking, 4% talking, and 1% head humping.
Also, I've never written a script before. I can write like a mofo, but I don't know the standard format for a script. You think it would be acceptable to write it more like a book, and if they like it they can get someone to put it in script format? Would they go for that?

killer quote.
the end
i mean seriously, wtf! with no script writing experience you really hope that someone will notice even a thing you wrote, cmon, stop dreaming!
I really don't quite understand the venom in this topic.
Obviously you have had some disappointments in your life and have learned to look at things realistically
Guess again. I was just born with a foresight of more than 20 minutes and the initiative to get something done for myself rather than ask people on an internet forum to tell me where I'm going wrong, and get pissy when someone stops taking my pleas of 'but i'm a creative genius!' seriously about the time my utter ignorance of what I'm talking about shines through like a million supernovas.
And what's wrong with getting opinions from an internet forum? It easier to find people who are overly critical on the internet. You don't learn anything if people are saying you're doing things right, so I'm looking for criticism. Though people like you tend to get on my nerves. You just turn it into bashing rather than saying anything that could be helpful. If you don't think it could happen, then what are you doing wasting your time telling me? You don't seem like the type of person who can really handle failure (probably just stuff it away and try to act like nothing happened so you can seem stronger) so I wouldn't expect you to know what it's like to shoot for something and be alright with not getting it.
Life is much easier if you have hopes set high and the ability to not let reaching those hopes get you down.
He has a kitty cat as an avatar! You can't be pissed off at him! :O
I would say that just sitting down and writing a script, even if it sucks and no one ever reads it, is a valuable exercise in itself.

Maybe write a comic set in the Half-Life universe.
Or a flash.

Half-Life: Full consequences :eek:

I've been wanting to do flash, but the programs are a little expensive. So, I've been saving up for a while to get one of them along with a tablet. I could go with an illegal copy of one of the programs, but I don't want to get in major trouble for the whole piracy thing.

Think people would be more supportive of that rather than attempting a script that has less of a chance of getting anywhere than winning the lottery? It definately does seem like a better way to get my ideas out...

I shall ponder this!
If you want to do animations, don't use Flash. It wasn't made for animations.
If you want to do animations, don't use Flash. It wasn't made for animations.

Isn't that what most people use though? Or are you talking about using Garrys Mod like Full Life Consequences? Or do you mean something else entirely?
No. I mean the animations people do in Flash. They shouldn't. It wasn't made for that. But yeah, feel free to use it if you want.