Half-Life Movie

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Ok this is a thought for who to play the Gman:

I was watching a film on tv the other night Twilight Man and in it an actor i never heared of Tim Matheson I think he looks very much like gman whether or not he could act like him is another matter, anyone got any thoughts on this or anyone else you think look like halflife/2 game chars?
Okay then we should declare plot hunting seasons officially open. I'll start:

Plot: a couple of journalists transfer to city 17 and are given a job in the cities "information bureau" which does stuff like interviewing the administrator as seen in that appartment building. As Freeman works his magic the pair realise somthing big is up and grab a boom and a camera and end up documenting the fall of city 17. Characters relate to them but only the guy with the mic (who mostly stays out of shot) talks back, cut into the film is old footage that the two have filmed, such as a propoganda piece by the admin, interviews with some of the main characters, a video that everyone who works for the "information bureau" has to watch, footage of the two messing about, etc. As the story progresses the two go from being impartial observers, fearful of thier masters to committed revolutionarys who end up helping in the resistance. Obviously fine details will need to be fleshed out when HL2 comes out as with most, unless someone plans to do a HL1 plot or even HL1 prequel plot...

now there's an idea...
I still think charlie sheen has been the best lookalike lol.

oops already mentioned sorry :D
I hope they don't make a movie based on the Half-Life universe, movies based on games usually end up crap (Except the Resident Evil-movie, I really like it), and the HL universe is a kind of story that should only be told in a game like this.
I was thinking last night...i think it would be cool if they just made a movie to do with the Half Life universe....not an actual recreation of an already told story. Maybe they could tell Alxys story on the big screen or a story from someone elses point of view....Black Ops anyone? thoughts?
Can you people please put a picture of the actual character in game beside those of who you think should act them in the movie, because for people such as myself, i'm not too sure of unpopular characters such as barney, obviously i know gman, gordon, alyx and the doc....
falconwind said:
Yeah. but it's been 8 years since.

Personally, I think Johnny Depp is a good match. Here he is in The Ninth Gate.

Sheen looks more like Freeman. And for the screenplay, itÍ's too early before actually PLAYING Half-Life 2.
Zer01ne said:
Sheen looks more like Freeman. And for the screenplay, itÍ's too early before actually PLAYING Half-Life 2.

that's exactly what I said...
CrazyHarij said:
I hope they don't make a movie based on the Half-Life universe, movies based on games usually end up crap (Except the Resident Evil-movie, I really like it), and the HL universe is a kind of story that should only be told in a game like this.

Totally agreed. With Half-Life and the Resident Evil movie too.

"Regenerate. Our Business is life itself."
They should just take gameplay from it, do it at normal speed, and let people watch gordon rock ass!!!
I didn't read the whole thread, but Charlie Sheen(sp?) would be a perfect Gordon. Watch The Arrival, and he pretty much looks EXACTLY like Gordon Freeman with the goatee and everything.
i remember someone posted a pic on another forum with a scene from that arrival movie, they replaced sheen's clothing with an hev suit and the ppl around him in lab coats and one guy with the gman outfit.
Well, it'll be interesting to see what comes out of the Far Cry movie and DOOM movie.
Well a half life movie would be GUESS WHAT KIDDIES? A Science Fiction B Movie. With a little horror. I.e every movie in the 60s and 70s. Half Life is a Science Ficiton B/Horror Movie.
figge said:
G-Man: Tommy Lee Jones http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000169/
Gordon: Edward Norton http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001570/
Eli Vance: Morgan Freeman http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000151/
Dr.Kleiner: Robin Williams http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000245/
Alyx Vance: Halle Berry http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000932/
Barney: Charlie Sheen http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000221/
Shepard: Liev Schreiber http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000630/

Bad looking actors dude. They dont match the characters!
SubKamran said:
Well, it'll be interesting to see what comes out of the Far Cry movie and DOOM movie.

DOOM will be ****ing scary as hell! lol
FarCry would be a bit scrary but awesome I think
Gronoken said:
Bad looking actors dude. They dont match the characters!

Actually hell yes they do. Tommy Lee Jones could make a convincing G-Man, and Morgan Freeman for Dr EV is an obvious choice. And i can buy Charlie Sheen being a dumbass security guard.
Gordon: Edward Norton.
Gman: Should be animated, with a hollywood budget VALVe could pull it off and best of all: They get to keep Mike Shapiros voice!
Alyx: Dunno
Eli Vance: Morgan Freeman or Samuel Jackson, need a beard though
Barney: Kevin Spacey
If theres a Half-Life movie i bet its going to be nothing like the game
Take the Final Fantasy Movie.
Nowhere did I see anything related to Final Fantasy in that movie.
Ch1cKeN said:
If theres a Half-Life movie i bet its going to be nothing like the game
Take the Final Fantasy Movie.
Nowhere did I see anything related to Final Fantasy in that movie.
What makes you think this? Just because one movie did it you think Half-Life will? There is no reason to! A movie based on an RPG, (walk fight walk fight walk fight) would be boring!

And who revived this thread?
Hmmm, movies based on video games are always hit or miss. I think the 1st person thing is a VERY bad idea. I mean, how would you transition from scene to scene? And in movies, you usually go to places that the main character is not at, to get more sides of the story. It would have to be handled very carefully, and by a director that actually cares about the story. I have a couple of ideas.
If it is about Gordan as the main character (which it probably would have to be, to make the most $$$) it should either take place AFTER HL2 or HL3, or be a prequil. I don't think it should tell the existing storys over again, that is usually boring, and fans will point out EVERY continuity flaw. A prequil is an interesting concept, as it would allow for a writer to expand apon Gordon's character, while not treading over "hallowed ground" so to speak. And it would give audiences, espectially fans, a whole new experience.
My second idea is to make the move, not starring Gordon as the main character. This would be a good way to expand apon the story in HL2 (example) from a different perspective, and it would act to let players of the game in on things that they weren't able to see and find out from the game. (sort of like what Enter The Matrix was setting out to do for the movies).

As for actors, I think Morgan Freeman is an obvious choice for Eli Vance. But for Gordon, even though I don't think it would be a good idea to have a big name actor portray him, Charlie Sheen looks the most like him. And as far as G-Man goes, I think Bill Nighy is the bedt bet. Even though Walken would be interesting, he is too well known.
A HL movie is a terrible idea :/
Anyone remember that movie with Charlie Sheen where aliens are trying to terraform the planet and he ends up finding out and blah blah blah its a good movie? That always reminded me of Halflife whenver I saw it....if anyone could play Gordan Freeman it would be Charlie Sheen...he rules
yea its called the arrival, and in that movie charlie sheen looks exactly like gordon freeman.

and peter jackson must direct, or speilberg, any1 else would butcher it.
I think Edward Norton would be a better G-man, he's too frail to be Gordon, Charlie Sheen is perfect for Gordon.

Alyx-Rachel Weisz


Barney-Robert Downey Jr


Breen-Sean Pertwee (if you've seen Equilibrium he plays the leader dude, the fake one)

Thats all I can think of.
Half Life Movie

i know im way to late for replying since the last post was made in 2004 but i was like hmm cool a half life movie would be great since
there makeing a doom movie.... but here i did some searching

have you looked into other half life movies it'll be pretty hard for them to make the movie they'll have to call it something eles or they probley can still call it half life but then again (read below) i found out about other half life movies at http://www.imdb.com


one Half Life movie was made in 1985 - think that was a Documentary (ofcause not about the game) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089247/)


another movie was made in 2004 (again not about the game) that is an Animation (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0437211/)


and theres one there makeing at the moment getting released in 2006 its a drama and again its not about the game ( So they cant call it half life ) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0428620/) heres the main website for it (http://halflifemovie.com)
if a movie comes out ever... I will personally attack Gabe with pie's

Its the kind of movie that warrant's a complete outsider cast. famous actor's would make it as cheesey as a cheese wheel. Omg! what am I talking about, a HL movie.. no.. no no! it would be the ultimate cop out.

now if the people who they used for the game model faces could act, then it might just be worth thinking about..

omg i did it again!
Don't bring threads this old back to life, start a new thread about something if there's no visible topic about it in the nearest week and pages.
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