Half-Life Multiplayer (Not CS:S)



First of all, I would like to say that Im new to these boards, so dont flame me for voicing something that may have already been voiced in spammed portions. www.gamefaqs.com isnt that good of a board nowadays.

Now, onto the topic....

So far, there is pretty much one thing that has been left out of all previews and interviews. This, of course, is HL-2's multiplayer content.
Im not talking about mods or CS. It is already confirmed that CS:S will be included free with HL-2, but we have yet to hear anything about HL-2's actualy multiplayer content. We know it has one, since we have seen it on the main menu of HL-2 in a screenshot, but we have heard nothing from Gabe.
My question is: What would you like to see and what information do you have on it?

I would like it to similar to HL-1, including a DM, but I would also like to see CTF games which take full advantage of the vehicles included in the game. It would be nice to see CTF games on the scale of UT2k4 and Halo.

Voice your opinions.
I'm not sold on the fact that they have a multiplayer other than CS:S currently. We'll see. I hope I'm wrong

Zyphria said:

Zyphria, that's for Steam games, really. This is HL2 related, as it directly relates to HL2. Why are you trying to act like it should be moved? If anything, it should end up in Rumors and Spec.. not in Multiplayer and Steam.
Shuzer said:
I'm not sold on the fact that they have a multiplayer other than CS:S currently. We'll see. I hope I'm wrong
I agree.

Despite the beta having a very limited MP component i'm very doubtful the final game will have anything. Plus the fact Team Fortress 2 may be released a few months after HL2 makes me doubt Valve would even bother with a MP side for HL2.

Until Valve say otherwise i'm of the opinion there will be no HL2 mp. CS:S will be as close as you'll get.
Valve have said they are including MP with HL2 and that MP is not CS:S. Plus it can't just be vanilla deathmatch, because they've stated that MP is just as important as SP to them.
Where did they state that it is NOT CS:S? All I've ever seen is "no comment" from VALVe.. can you show me a link? I honestly don't remember that
Ok. Do you really think that Valve would be stupid enough to release a game without an actual multiplayer component? Counter Strike IS NOT related to Half-Life, why would it be the multiplayer part. It is a seperate game! They are not related! Im tired of people thinking that Counter-Strike will be the only Half-life multiplayer.

Theres even proof. They stated there would be different editions of the game. SIngle player box. SP+MP Boxed and collectors. This was announced befor eit was even decided that CS would come free with HL2.
Ii useto go on gamefaqs Then i found this board. good stuff here. :D
McFly said:
Ok. Do you really think that Valve would be stupid enough to release a game without an actual multiplayer component? Counter Strike IS NOT related to Half-Life, why would it be the multiplayer part. It is a seperate game! They are not related! Im tired of people thinking that Counter-Strike will be the only Half-life multiplayer.

Theres even proof. They stated there would be different editions of the game. SIngle player box. SP+MP Boxed and collectors. This was announced befor eit was even decided that CS would come free with HL2.

The proof just helps the CS:S being HL2's multiplayer theory. Seeing as how it's NOT the same game, some people might simply not give a crap.
What's a matter McFly, you chicken?????!!
*sorry had to say that*

Do you really think that Valve would be stupid enough to release a game without an actual multiplayer component?
I WANT to believe there's something more than CS:S, trust me, I do.. but.. until I hear word that there's something, I just can't get myself to believe it.

The only quote we have to go on, AFAIK, is when Gabe said "Yes. HL2 multiplayer is alot of fun, I play it every day."
HL2 must have multiplayer, even if it's just basic deathmatch. Otherwise, how did they test the networking code?
Otherwise, how did they test the networking code?
With a mocked up crappy mp component . Something not worthy of actually including as a final product.

Why even waste time making a crappy deathmatch mode.

Either way i'm not going to believe it has mp until they confirm it.

/shuts eyes and ears nNAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYYAAY
Its hard to believe people on this board would actually believe HalfLife2 would be released without a multiplayer. Is it just because you didnt like the first one? Im sure Valve has learned from what they made before and made many improvements, such as new modes like CTF with vehicles and other stuff like that.
I'd like to see TF2 before the year is out.
I don't expect it to come with hl2.
I don't know what to think about
hl2 multiplayer anymore
They have to include some kind of basic multiplayer because of the SDK.
How are people supposed to create a mod without some working multiplayer code with maps/models/ai?
Naughty Shuzer.. HL2 will have multiplayer of it's own. Trust me on that one.

Valve wouldn't forget that. There's just no way.
VALVe said they had a surprise for us on the MP of HL2 and I don't think CS:S was the surprise... They wouldn't tell us, unless they were so excited they couldn't hold in the secret.
McFly said:
First of all, I would like to say that Im new to these boards, so dont flame me for voicing something that may have already been voiced in spammed portions. www.gamefaqs.com isnt that good of a board nowadays.

Now, onto the topic....

So far, there is pretty much one thing that has been left out of all previews and interviews. This, of course, is HL-2's multiplayer content.
Im not talking about mods or CS. It is already confirmed that CS:S will be included free with HL-2, but we have yet to hear anything about HL-2's actualy multiplayer content. We know it has one, since we have seen it on the main menu of HL-2 in a screenshot, but we have heard nothing from Gabe.
My question is: What would you like to see and what information do you have on it?

I would like it to similar to HL-1, including a DM, but I would also like to see CTF games which take full advantage of the vehicles included in the game. It would be nice to see CTF games on the scale of UT2k4 and Halo.

Voice your opinions.

Only the fact of HL2 including CS:S and no other type of MP mode, is just another strong enough reason to buy this long overdue game. :D
For proof, consider that:

1) Valve confirmed the existence of HL2's multiplayer last year after E3 -- only to say that it existed, and that Gabe "played it every day".
2) We know that work on *:S started just a few months ago (also from Gabe).
3) Valve has been asked repeatedly if CS:S will be the sole multiplayer component of HL2, and they have basically said "no comment" each time. It gains them nothing to leave the impression that something more exists when all there is is CS:S.

So, there was *at least* a *playable* MP unique to HL2 around the time of E3 2003. It's open to question if said multiplayer was thrown over for CS:S, but I doubt it. Why develop a multiplayer component and then throw it aside at the last minute for a rehash of CS? Four or five months before release is pretty late to start work on your MP.

I still think the multiplayer is going to be a big surprise, something totally and completely badass and new. They're really keeping a tight lid on it if I'm right.
I believe Lombardi said there will be no HL2 multiplayer on release...
PatPwnt said:
I believe Lombardi said there will be no HL2 multiplayer on release...

He said there will be no multiplayer included with Half-Life: Source on release. Not HL2.
GorgeousOrifice said:
I still think the multiplayer is going to be a big surprise, something totally and completely badass and new. They're really keeping a tight lid on it if I'm right.

I hope you're right :)
I think that only by the fact that Valve considered if to include CS:S with HL2 or not , it shows that HL2 got it's own MP.
Remember folks, Half-Life only shipped with bog-standard Death Match. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't do that again.

Team Fortress came as a patch a few months after Half-Life came out, so the same could happen for Team Fortress 2, especially now that Valve have Steam to deliver it.

Personally, I'd be quite happy playing Vanilla DM, with the Manipulator and a few vehicles to play around with, it'll certainly be a giggle - and no-one can deny, that despite how tedious vanilla deathmatch is in Half Life, there are always some hysterical frags/bad/careless falls spawns that you can laugh to yourself at.
czrsink said:
Remember folks, Half-Life only shipped with bog-standard Death Match. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't do that again.

Team Fortress came as a patch a few months after Half-Life came out, so the same could happen for Team Fortress 2, especially now that Valve have Steam to deliver it.

Personally, I'd be quite happy playing Vanilla DM, with the Manipulator and a few vehicles to play around with, it'll certainly be a giggle - and no-one can deny, that despite how tedious vanilla deathmatch is in Half Life, there are always some hysterical frags/bad/careless falls spawns that you can laugh to yourself at.
tf2 is a retail game...it has nothing to do with hl2
oopsmaster said:
I'm waiting for Sven Co-op to work their magic myself. :)

Imagine Sven Co-op with HL2 physics! You could play with a teeter totter with your buddy online! :LOL:
CB | Para said:
Imagine Sven Co-op with HL2 physics! You could play with a teeter totter with your buddy online! :LOL:

I think that was his point..without the childish games..
with all the evidence lined up:

All big fps games have multiplayer

They have said that the multiplayer is not CS:S I forget where though, but to reinforce this: they we're always sure there was going to be multiplayer, but if I remember correctly there was a time when they said they weren't sure CS:S was going to come with HL2

And the menus in the movies (and beta, but dont say anything ;))

how can you think it doesn't have multiplayer?
I'm with Shuzer and Mr-Fusion, at this point I dont believe there will be a MP component, bar CS:S. Let's face it, MP sells games these days. If they had this great wonderful MP portion, why wouldnt they tell people? It makes no sense at all.
For a while i was thinking that TF2 wasn going to be the suprise HL2 MP but since they annoced TFC:source i have no idea what it would be. But i would have to say that hl2 will have a DM and proboly more.

Unfortunately CS:S is the only multiplayer coming with HL2, theres another thread with an interview.
Valve has been working on this game for over 5 years. This has been their only work (save patching up CS) for half a decade. They have put of the release date and vowed to release it when its done.
DOnt you think that they spent all that time to try to make the best game ever?
5 years and no MP..?
Of course there will be HL2 multi, and it will be awesome.
McFly said:
Valve has been working on this game for over 5 years. This has been their only work (save patching up CS) for half a decade. They have put of the release date and vowed to release it when its done.
DOnt you think that they spent all that time to try to make the best game ever?

5 years and no MP..?
Of course there will be HL2 multi, and it will be awesome.

Im starting to lose faith too that there wont be an original HL 2 mp.
It just doesnt make sense then havent talked about a HL 2 mp at all, but only about CS : Source.

I also dont understand why they would sell CS : Source with HL 2 if it had mp of its own..

Well maybe as an extra but then they could also use steam for that, to unlock CS source for HL 2 buyers. But I got a feeling that they add CS source so HL 2 has at least one MP game/mode...

But I hope im wrong. :(