Half-Life2.net Reunion Gaming day/night?

Jan 27, 2006
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Yeah so a bunch of us were talking on facebook earlier (Melanie, Pitzmeier, Xevrex, BHC, and Higlac) and we decided to game tomorrow. 8:30CST is the time. Post here if you're interested. Also, sorry if I forgot anybody in the aside earlier in the first sentence, it's hard to remember everybody's forum names.

Also, if you're a member of the old crowd we need you in the facebook group. PM me for an invite or something.
I'd love to join, but I'm going to be away from my PC for a few times attending EGX 2015 with Glenn.

Have fun anyway!
I'll try to be there... this is 9:30 EST right?
Hey, we're all going to meet up in the valvetime steam chat in about 5.5 hours. So yeah. Be there.
Which game? Because it could turn out to be HL2.net Reunion Downloading event.
I think the games that were tossed around were TF2, CSGO, L4D, Planetside 2, Tribes Ascend...uuhh...I was intoxicated when going through it, so I can't remember the rest.
Which game? Because it could turn out to be HL2.net Reunion Downloading event.

I think the games that were tossed around were TF2, CSGO, L4D, Planetside 2, Tribes Ascend...uuhh...I was intoxicated when going through it, so I can't remember the rest.

Halflife2 deathmatch as well. Maybe some civilization 5.
Civ 5? Do we have three days for that shit? Also I've only played it once and was confused the whole time :P
I've played one complete game of Civ 5. It took 45 hours and I noped right out of a second game.
I'm not playing Civ5 I have shit to do tomorrow and I don't want to suddenly realize the sun is up and we're only 50 turns in
Let's do it. Missed the last one.

Games I have on Steam that might be good for something like this:

I'm working second shift these days. Not sure if that helps or hinders, but I'm down for a reunion game night. I'm sure the ARMA DUDES would be too. But maybe I should rename the group to TableTopSIm DUDES.
You should rename the group to "people I abandoned" :(
You should rename the group to "people I abandoned" :(
I know :( You guys always play at times that had become impossible for me to join in. I just started 2nd shift now so maybe that can change. You still using that Discord channel?

Anyone down for Cosmic?
I don't know what that is, and a quick search doesn't help.
We don't identify our group as directly related to these forums, though most of us are from here and it was a transition from the valvetime.net steam chatroom.
I would love to have a reunion gaming session with all of you guys. A lot of you still have me on steam (I go by Hands or HANDS MECHANICAL these days)
I would love to have a reunion gaming session with all of you guys. A lot of you still have me on steam (I go by Hands or HANDS MECHANICAL these days)
Actually, once I learn the ropes, I'd like to have a Lambda Wars session.
Is the above link supposed to be the not-quite-dot-net discord? Because it doesn't work for me. Please invite me to your cool internet party, I promise not to ruin it.

I'm sure this will get a timely response.
Is the above link supposed to be the not-quite-dot-net discord? Because it doesn't work for me. Please invite me to your cool internet party, I promise not to ruin it.

I'm sure this will get a timely response.
Nobody showed up to the party. It was just me for like a month. Then I deleted it.
Actually, once I learn the ropes, I'd like to have a Lambda Wars session.
yes please!

in general if we have any kinda hl2net gaming reunion its gonna take all of us reaching out to our ex hl2net steam friends, nobody checks this shit besides the five of us or so
i stopped working on lambda wars a few years ago, we gave it over to some trustworthy russians, seems to still be going good but yeah we'll need at least 4-8 fellas to get a good game going. don't imagine that making this game makes me good at it, im not