My biggest secret

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have you ever heard a banshee screech?!
now that my friends is somthing that will scare the piss out of you and a strange sound that is forever burned into my memory echoing inside my head.
My friend heard it too and saw that it spooked these horses. fkin nuts to say the least.

pitz lemme know fi you wanna get freaked the fk out sometime i can take you there.

and i know exactly what you guys are talkign about these shades and shadows..

they look like a shadow.. but darker. its creepy.
rofl, where is this? I kind of want to get freaked out.

Unless this is where you take your friends to rape em! D:
Id make it romantic!!
u know the "Little People" where these shades come and tap on your car and mess /w your shit.

its .. different.....

and the spook light pwns too.
When you guys are in your room at night, staring at the wall, everywhere you look, do the shadows get darker? They get noticeably darker everywhere I look at the walls. The one area I stare at becomes pitch black while the surrounding areas are a whiter shade of white-gray from the walls and ambient light.

I'm sure it's just an illusion our eyes play on us.
When I was a child I had been fascinated by ghosts. I read books on them, watched documentaries. And I was **** scared too. I slept with my light, with my radio on, and stayed awake till my parents came up so I could have peace of mind. Despite this I continued to be interested in such things.

It was only recently I learned why.

It begun on the halloween of 2002. As a 13 year old, I met my new teenage life with great optimism. It was like a new turning point. That halloween however, I came to fear the rest of my teenage years. I was visisted in a dream by an old lady. She seemed kind, if a little stern. She said that I had to great trails ahead of me, and gave me a small ring.

When I woke up the ring was on my bedside table.

It was then it began. They were small things at first. The feeling I was bieng watched. Waking with my light on (I had grown out of that by this point) the switch in the same position as it had been when I turned it off.

As these happenings grew stranger, I began to read deeper into shades and poltergiests.

Someone knew I had been looking into things. They approached me one morning, when I was 15. They explained that they too had problems, and that he belonged to an order. On May the first, they convene at a small island in the pacific.

I met their leader. He was over 400 years old, but he only looked in his 20's. Everyone called him Darkside. The Emporer. He understood my problems. He explained the coming storm. About how the shadow would consume the world. About how on December 21st, 2012 AD the dead would take their revenge.

He told me how the world would end.

We still convene every year, but it is becoming more and more difficult. Some members have died in mysterious circumstances. Things are getting stranger. It makes no difference if we sleep with the light on or off.

The shades are always there.

The dark. Sharp teeth. And claws to rend and tear.

When we look over our shoulders, what are we expecting to see?
I always wondered why I have a sudden feeling of grabing the ass of girls when I am looking at them

I thought it was just for being horny but sometimes the feeling is too strong,it goes like crawling trough my arm and them dominating my hand while I struggle against it

and the question was all ways in my head, like a bird looking trough the window like if it was asking me for something but you just dont know and close the curtains, but when you wonder if the bird stopped watching you,you peek trough the curtains and is still there! looking you whit those bright eyes, thats how the questiong felt

I couldnt take it anymore so I went for help, in the top of a urinary in a public bathroom I saw a sticker of someone called "madame sharey, tarotist, hypnotizer and baker" and since I didnt have another road I decided to go for it

it was a cold stormy night in the street, the people was carrying the same long faces as allways, lovers playing around, thugs looking you whit sharped eyes, rats running around like a big party, and the dogs barking, and was entering into the alley, whit a decorated door that stand out from the rest, whit a big sign saying "madame sharey", I didnt feel comfortable but it was this or nothing so entered trough the door

it was like another world inside, whit strange sculptures, skulls of many animals even humans, paintings of demons and creatures that looked like crawling trough the walls, and smells I just couldnt identify and played whit my mind,and there whit the eyes closed slowly opening them she sayd " you have questiongs and I can give you answer, please sit and let the travel begin" I just sit instantly,she wore some exotic kind of clothings and wasnt bad looking either,"whats is the thing that disturb your way" she sayd when she went to look for some stuff and them when my eyes went to her rear it beguns

my arm reacted instantly like a chained dog that wanted to get free, roaming and barking fiercely, I try to contain it,but it was too difficult too hard, and while sweating I just said "I cant take it anymore!" and then she turn around and say "a ha! a memory of the past that is nailed in your spirit and still causes you pain" I feel relieved when she turn around but before I could explain she just say "no speak, me know how to solve it" and she put some stuff in the table, strange looking artifacts and statues that looked like wicked gargoyles, I just didnt though of asking since it was getting very weird but the most bizzare was about to happen

we where in the table and she grab my hands "clock like a chicken" she said I was like "what?" she said "it will clear your mind" but I just wondered why and she said "who is the expert hypnotizer here?" so I just shut my mouth and started clocking, we there like a minute whit me clocking ,I was starting to think of the dumb stuff I was doing but then she said "now is it" I didnt say a thing but she graped some weird necklace and tolde me to put me on, " the heads of the rats in this necklace will open your spirits" I was stunned, heads of dead rats? "dont worry they are fresh" she told me and I just didnt said a word and keep clocking

we continue there,clocking while smelling the incenses and looking at her whit my eyes closed,and them she begun "ram hang ma!" I asked what was happening and she told me to keep silence while she contact the spirits and keep screaming, "vira jan ganda" and it went louder and louder,th atmosphere felt different,the air felt heavy and the sounds magnified, "guram ban ya" and my heart started to beat faster,my muscles contracted and my skin geting watered,"julam mang dan ga!!" she scremad,louder and stronger,her hands where pressing mine strongly, her nails felt like knifes on my skin, "ulam jan da!!!" and louder and stronger,"kyra jurangaa! my ears where in pain when my hands where resisting, "shura diramjaaaa!!" she contnued,"malam kalambra" and again and again,"zoraaa!" I couldnt take and was about to react,"juraaaa!!" but I know that would be defeat,"shyraaaa!" so I stayed,"majaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" and my eyes opened! but everything was black!

and the sound stoped,I didnt felt a thing,it felt nothing,it was like if everything froze and them,a light started to appear,it was like a neon sign,and when it cleared it was like a sign of a fast food franchise,"what the hell?" crossed my mind and them a woman appeared and was my mom,"mom?" crosed my mind but she looked younger and started saying "boo boo what the cute baby want?" I was confused and them I realized I was 3 years old,in my baby chair,in a fast food restaurant eating whit my family, there was old music in the radio like from the age when I was still a baby, it was obvious what was going on,I was remembering something that is in the deepest of my mind,but why?

and them my mom give me a little bag of candy,those chocolate covered whit colors that I like s much,and when I was relieving the pleasure of eating them one of then slip from my hand and lands in a chair,I tried to catch it but was far,and them a girl sit in the chair,she sat over the candy,I was there looking it and them the girl stand up and bend towards her purse in the table looking for something and her ass was in front of me,and there it was,the candy! it was sticked in her ass and everything was clear! everything was obvious, everything was answered! and my little hand just grabbed the candy!,"who the hell?!" the girl said whit anger but when she looked at me she said "oh but what cute baby!" and she started to do that same stuff all the people do to babies, boo boo dada and stuff,I was there whit everyone treating me like a doll but the thing is that now everything was clear, I got my answer,and everything fade out

"do you find something that cleared your road?" madame sharye said to me, I just said "yes" pleased, I felt like complete,relaxed cuz the bird fly away from the window literally, and a smiled crosed my face,"well that looks like a yes, want some bake? they are cheap" she exclaimed I declined and asked how much I have to pay,"500 dollars" the first thing to come to my mind was "bitch" but still it wasnt a good amount to hear,"if you take bake you pay just 300" I just accepted,when she went for the bake I looked at her ass again, and the feeling went back but this time it felt different, it felt like I could control it, cuz I was in peace whit myself, and them, I just grabed her ass

but it wasnt a good thing cuz she went mad and pull out a machete and I just got out of there running,the sky was clear and the air was fresh,the feeling disappeared but now my question was answered and now I control this feeling, do this feeling will disappear one day? I dont know but it felt good.......
^^^ Epic lmaoage! :laugh::laugh:

When you guys are in your room at night, staring at the wall, everywhere you look, do the shadows get darker? They get noticeably darker everywhere I look at the walls. The one area I stare at becomes pitch black while the surrounding areas are a whiter shade of white-gray from the walls and ambient light.

I'm sure it's just an illusion our eyes play on us.

Yup. Happens to me all the time. :)
It's been pouring rain the past 3 days, it's dark, I'm home alone, and I'm reading these stories.

Thanks a LOT.
Yup. Happens to me all the time. :)

When I was young, I used to dart my eyes back and forth all the time while trying to sleep. I'd look at one place... "Oh no! It's getting darker". And of course that freaked me out so I looked at another spot. I couldn't close my eyes because that frightened me even more not being able to see what might get me.
I <3 RJMC so much. You know though, I would have let my hand roam around and grab women's asses all the time. When they asked what the hell I was doing, I could say, "I can't help it! It has a mind of its own!"

Piggy, don't tell people about the secret island. ;) In truth, I cannot say what will befall on December 21, 2012. A leap year by the Gregorian Calendar, 2012 is the end of the Mayan calendar; that specific date is the end of their thirteenth b'ak'tun cycle, and has been carved into many of their temples. I do not know what this date portends. Inscriptions have been found that refer to December 21, 2012, yet none are ever complete. It is widely believed that the Mayans felt this date would be the end of one creation and the start of a new one, for all dates of the Mayan Long Calendar after 2012 begin a new period.


It's currently 4:24pm. Less than a week to Halloween and my cold's worsening. Been taking robitussin every six-to-eight hours; doesn't do anything. Drinking it more out of habit than expecting it to allay my cough. Nothing works, I know. Cough medicine, chicken soup, vitamin C...cures for the common cold. There's a half-full mug of orange juice beside me.

I see no reason to finish it.
Hoo-boy, this is good stuff (lol RJMC).

I vote most epic thread of the year.
Sorry for hijacking the thread, but...

You guys wanna know my biggest secret?

When I was like 5, I started unrapping my foreskin, until I wasn't able to, and then pulled hard to uncover more glans, and it stung like hell :c
Sorry for hijacking the thread, but...

You guys wanna know my biggest secret?

When I was like 5, I started unrapping my foreskin, until I wasn't able to, and then pulled hard to uncover more glans, and it stung like hell :c


I can sympathize, Milk. When I was younger I thought pulling back my foreskin too far would reveal bloody muscles and tissues.

Which is kind of a horror story in itself.
This tl;dr stuff has seriously got out of hand.

I've got a new one, iitlfytr;gtfotiyis. If its too long for you to read, get the **** off the internet you illiterate spastic.

Wow, I tried to figure out what it stood for before reading your explanation, and I was way off. I came up with "If itchy teeth let ****in yokels touch red; get the **** out to ireland you illiterate shit"

Well, at least I got a couple words right.
When I was six years old, the shadows formed their first conclave.

It was in the deep woods, relatively speaking. My island was tiny; a hundred paces in diameter at the thinnest point, only three hundred paces long from edge to edge.

But in the deep woods, if you stared into the trees, you could believe they continued forever. Shadows can hide in any crevice, any gap, as long as there is no light. There is a strict heirarchy among them, from the most powerful who can gut you from the darkness in your nostrils, to the specialized ones who can poison your sauce in its bottle as you pour. Rarely do they ever use their skills, but every decade they grow stronger. Their motivations are totally unknown.

Darkside, to free yourself from this currency of doom, you must

My biggest Secret:
I fapped to CP yesterday
My biggest secret:

Watashi wa Kira des! :|
/me checks watch.
My biggest secret


Damn it, they got Narvi. D:
wHuT auR yuO TaKliNG aBuoTt ditrans0 5th 10001 leVEl CurRenSeal ?

enTIty N@rvi Is ufulLY OOpEratIOnaL.
yes he was...
clickI bet i should not be doing it. Anyway, darkseid, i demand a pic of your blurry peni-
[spioler]Oh shit I'm doing it wrong[/spoiler]
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