Half-Life2 optimised for Radeon 9800, to be bundled with ATi cards

Originally posted by Bass
What I meant is the 9900 was not in existence when the tech freeze was made, hence there is no optimization for it. Meaning that while you may get slightly better performance with it, your not gonna see any effects that you wont see with the 9800.
And consider Gabe himself as said that they will be updating source continously to take advantage of new hardware...
I take back what I said about the 5900 Ultra. The 9800 Pro is indeed faster in DX9 games, but the 5900 Ultra is faster in these older DX 8.1 titles.
Doom 3 is not a true DX9 game, but a DX7 game with DX8&9 parts for speedup. Also, Doom3 is written in OpenGL and uses stencils a lot, something NV3x is much better at.
If a game is written to use the OpenGL 3D renderer it does not use the DirectX 3D renderer at all... it is one or the other... thus, you don't call an OpenGL game "a DX7 game with DX8&9 parts for speedup".
Cybr, I have to disagree. The D3 engine uses OpenGL primarily and uses a load of D3D extensions for most of the shaders, bumpmapping etc. I'm not going to say if I've actually played D3 yet (leaning heavily against "no" ;)) but there is a console command "useStandardGL_X" where X is replaced by a 1 or a 0. 0 meaning you include D3D functions for bumpmapping and other stuff.
stigmata: I don't think so.... I think that's just an optomization thing. If it's on (1) it uses openGL to do that, making the world more detialed or off (0) when it just doesn't use that, and thats that.
That's not the only command in that set, there are others like:

If I'm not mistaken those commands just tell the game which features are supported by the video card. You can not use two renderers. OpenGL and Direct3D can not be used together.
Originally posted by kelisis
I take back what I said about the 5900 Ultra. The 9800 Pro is indeed faster in DX9 games, but the 5900 Ultra is faster in these older DX 8.1 titles.

this isnt entirely true...

have a look at this...

(yes i know its tomshardware... but they arent using magic cards that amkes one better than the other!)


look at that page then the other games pages 3-4 more after that viewing the fps results (FPS is the reason why u buy a nice card like these to have GREAT FPS!)
not to get 5000+ in 3dmark03...

in these REAL GAME TEST noth cards are damn close... and both cards are performing well in directx8 games and directx9 game (gunmetal)


p.s. this page prooves the 9800pro isnt faster in directx9 based games....

but its so damn close it makes no difference!
OK, what the r_useStandardGL command does is tell the game engine whether you're using standard OpenGL or not. Standard means it does not use any Direct3D things like bumpmapping and so on. So, if you set that to 1 you disable any Direct3D features, and when you set it to 0 you enable the D3D features.
Originally posted by stigmata
OK, what the r_useStandardGL command does is tell the game engine whether you're using standard OpenGL or not. Standard means it does not use any Direct3D things like bumpmapping and so on. So, if you set that to 1 you disable any Direct3D features, and when you set it to 0 you enable the D3D features.

you can't render using OpenGL and D3D at the same time,


and if we're talking about doom3, it doesnt use D3D, it's OpenGL.
Originally posted by dawdler
And consider Gabe himself as said that they will be updating source continously to take advantage of new hardware...

OK ppl what I simply meant was that if you were to have HL2, right outta the box, no steam updates, and a 9800 and a 9900 (pretend its out), there wouldnt be any special optimizations for the 9900 over the 9800.
HL2 could have optimizations that lay dormant until certain features of new cards come out. You'd never know until the game is out. So you cant really say that there wont be any optimizations.
The Enquirer has been right on alot of things. I cant seem to remember when they have been wrong :\