Half-Life2 stuck at water hazard



Hey i need help. I just ran the water and the hellecopter followed me shooting. Theres a pipe i need to cross but its full of radioactive waste and when i step into it kills me. I took a few screenshots. Can someone tell me what to do plz?


Hmm you did not listen to the npc talking on the radio.... you left the air boat behind!
Yes, you were supposed to travel all that distance with the airboat. I can't believe you went so far on foot!
HAHA if you are one of the hopless few who forgot to bring their vehicle the furthest they possibly could then i dont think youl beat hl2 anytime soon!
I thought it was that part with the blue barrels and the ramp... So many people get stuck in that.

How could you not forget the airboat! I thought there was parts before that where you can not cross with it...

Oh, welcome to the forums too :D
Haha, that is brilliant. :)
Kudos to you for making it all that way without the boat and not deleting HL2 out of boredom!
Wow. I still can't comprehend the people that miss the airboat entirely. It's really pretty hilarious. :LOL:
lol lots of people get out the airboat and walk it or dont get in it at all... it is funny. hehe :D
For me the air boat was right in front of me and so obvious.


dannyjr89 is better off just starting that level again.

This makes me chuckle. I don't know if I'm alone but i never wanted to part with my airboat even when i got to Black mesa east :D
Hey i need help. I just ran the water and the hellecopter followed me shooting. Theres a pipe i need to cross but its full of radioactive waste and when i step into it kills me. I took a few screenshots. Can someone tell me what to do plz?

You know I've seen several of these posted, and it's always right here at the pipes where you can't get through on foot. I can not imagine how you got this far without the airboat!! I mean I would have deleted HL2 and cursed it loudly if I had to walk all that way through the radioactive slime and an attack helicopter on my butt.

Any way you definitely want to restart the level and get the airboat. You get a kick butt gun put on it later so you can take down that helicopter :)
major5013 said:
This makes me chuckle. I don't know if I'm alone but i never wanted to part with my airboat even when i got to Black mesa east :D

The first time around i was like, if i spend one more minute in the airboat i'm gonna throw this game out the window(figuratively...:p). But now that i've been through the game 3 times, i can safely say that water hazard is my favorite chapter, except the first two, those are just amazing.
Reload the level... you need the airboat to go further.
Damnit i forgot about the boat! I managed to run the almost impossible hazard streams and everything then i find myself stuck. So i guess restart the whle level :angry:
Well, it will be much easier (and faster) with the boat. Out of curiosity, where did you leave it?