Half-life2 VS Halo2[GameSpy Poll]

HLAF LIAF @ R0x0rZ anD Ervery thing eles SUX, naw just kidding I like both but it definitely goes to HL2.
Halo 2 = 122
Half Life 2 = 202

HL2 all the way !!
Gamespy people can't joke, yet they try to do it everytime they say something about a game.
Obviously, Halo 2 is actually more anticipated, but most Halo 2 players won't go there, since they're the kind of people who only like mainstream games like GTA3 and Halo(these games aren't bad, but it's a fact that they're very mainstream).
Halo 2 :139
Half-Life 2 :225

"GameSpy readers choose the game they're most excited about"

This does'nt mean the game with the most votes is better.... just the games the READER is more excited about!
I don't get it. I anticipated both, want both, excited about both, I believe both will be great games, and I'll get both. When I'm playing games such as these, honestly, the last thing that pops in my mind or I care about is something like this, "Gee, I think Half-Life 2 would kick Halo 2 in the nuts in a 'Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2' match".
am i the only one find it fun to keep refreshing the resultes page ?

After playing both leaks, I have to say the HL2 leak was superior even though it was a year behind.
DigiQ8 said:
am i the only one find it fun to keep refreshing the resultes page ?


I'm refreshing...which game's fanboys will prevail?! :O
These polls and VS threads are actually good.. For some people...

You have to think, that not everyone can buy both games. A poll like this can help them see which game is better, so he can get that one.
The Thing said:
I'm refreshing...which game's fanboys will prevail?! :O
Latest Results ::
Halo 2 \ 174
Half-Life 2 \ 300

Go HL2 Fans !!
Im getting both, I don't have to choose :D

but who will win in the long run? probably Hl2, merely for the ability to be modded.

no matter how cool something is, it will get stale... with mods (and Valve's intent on supporting mods whole-heartedly) you can further the life of the game. :D

I still will Love Halo2, and will probably play it every chance I get (when I go down to my bro in law... who currently has my xbox, because his blew up.)
YES!! A gamespy poll!! Finally we will see which game is THE BESTEST!!!!
Yes! Half-Life 2 is winning! I would've contributed to Half-Life 2's current ass-kicking, but I keep getting an error saying that there is no such poll.
Mr-Fusion said:
YES!! A gamespy poll!! Finally we will see which game is THE BESTEST!!!!

We already had one of those... :D

Halo 2
Half-Life 2
Refreshing constantly
HL2 t3h winnar!
[SARCASM]I wunt teh Haloz too WInn3r1111![/SARCASM]
Its bad enough comparing them AFTER we have played them, let alone before :p
MiccyNarc said:
Halo 2
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 is the winner because Halo 2 suxx0rz teh b1g B@LLZ! :p
I love this, regardless who wins. Both games highly anticipated by different factions. Whoever wins, we all win! Gamespy are clearly doing it to understand what their reader base is. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's more hyped but more people that read Gamespy will like that game. It's business, it will tell them on the 13th that perhaps they go with the halo 2 lead story rather than the hl2 story or vice versa.

Half Life 2 will still be played by hundreds of thousands in the coming years. I doubt that Halo 2 will have such a massive following that far down the road.

Oh and by the way:

OGMG111!!!1 Hl2 1z WI1NNIgN T3h POLLz0rZx1!1 Gab3 PWnz BunG1e!!11
Looks like on the 13th it's going to be HL2! :D
Halo 2
Half-Life 2
HBO and Bungie are both shut down. :O

No crazy Halo fans invading. :D
halo2 = 266
Half-Life 2 = 475

Halo2 is getting hit by its own pistol