Half-Life2's bad Vibe spreading....

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I thought UT2003/4 were pretty damn good, and the tech was damn impressive at the time.

Oh shit, I forgot that Half-Life 2 will be the only good game this world has ever seen.
Oh dear looks like Absinthe has thrown his toys out of the pram.

And i think they are jealous that half life still holds the crown for biggest community(one which half life 2 will probably have also)

does everyone have to be a mindless zombies? it's not SOLEY about the graphics, it's about story, getting in to the game.

w/e, all those people are just retards that got in to a game and won't accept anything else. personally, i'd buy another age of empires if they made it, and those graphics weren't the best, but they fit the game.

best graphics does not equal best game.

half life will never beat out mario rpg on the scale of fun for me, and that's SNES.

(don't get all bitchy, i said "for me").

that one dude is obviously pretty ignorant.
UT2004 isnt crap but i dont doubt hl2 will be better
Thats ok.
The only game i have played on and on and on really is chess.It hasnt evolved in centuries and the graphics dont make it any better.
So what some guys on some board are saying bad things about valve and the Source engine?
0/\/\FG!!! Maj0R 1337age! SnE5 P\/\/NZ0rs!!!!!!!

but yer, i prefer gameplay over graphics.

"UT2004 PNWZ HALF-LIFE2!! the graphics are total pWNnagE!!!"
no, not only are the HL2 graphics better, but also HL2 doesnt have retarded gameplay or storyline -_-
So much emphasis is put on graphics. I'd be happy just playing through the HL2 story in the original HL engine. The story is thing for me.
Maybe valve is just making us not want half life 2 so we will be that much more blown away when it comes out.
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