Halflife 2 Combine Costume Redux

i was thinking of using sheet metal and rubber to make the suit, as well as lots o plastic
Just use orange acrylic plastic. No sense in luggin' a lot of metal around with you. If you really want authentic metal trim, use smoke-blackened tin plate, which should be really light.

For an underframe to support the metal and plastic, I recommend balsa wood blocks, which can be surprisingly strong.
excellent work, definately time for innocent people scaring. :D

One of those small voice distorting devices could be slipped in, for more authenticity, not to mention coolishness.

Thats a fine lookin suit ..but only if it was more detailed like the real thing in the Game Half Life2.. But i no u can do better......i feel like a critic..damnit
well i now have a blue green cold weather jacket like the combine guys instead of the black jacket. also the mask comes with its own voice thingy.

the only thing its good for is making you sound like there's a pillow over your mouth to all those around you.

and no, i'm not painting the mask black, i would then look like the soldiers instead of the metro dudes. i am aiming for metro dude look
well i finished taking pictures of the more or less final versions of the costumes, i'm going to email valve in short bit

but first, more pictures


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ooooohhhh :O
looks dam good :)
congratulations :thumbs:

who the hell is bo jacksong?

Flyingdebris said:
and number 4

Wow very, very good, but how the heck did you make it!
The reason why I ask this is because one of our local LAN store’s having a costume contest, and i was thinking of going in as a metro cop. I have every thing else ready to go but the mask, all i have lying around is a few empty milk jugs and a "Soviet made gas mask," and it doesn’t look any thing close to a combine mask. If you could help me with this problem with some advise or, blue prints or something that would great.

But once again very well done! :D
And if I’m bothering you too much I’ll shut up!

“Pick up the can.., now throw it in the trash…, OK you can go”
Flyingdebris said:
what should i paint the gas mask then, black or whiter?

you're right though, that tfc costume is hilarious. coincidently, back in my TFC playing days, medic was my favorite class next to engineer. Just running around infecting everyone, those were the days

Paint it whiter. Make it look like a metrocop, they look the best

Your costume is awsome though, I wish I had a combine mask :(

You see, a gas mask is not that easy to find in Australia. They only have fetish ones on Ebay :|
well i never modified the gasmask, i just kept searching websites like crazy till i found one that looked almost like the one in the game. If i were to do the costume all over again, I'd probably make something to cover the back of my head metrocop style, Perhaps using plastic strips and attaching them to each other in the shape of the back of your head. Find a way to keep them attached to the back of your head. Then color them metallic. This way you can make the mask look more like the ones in the game.
I will never get a combine mask...

send donations :(
Interesting. Its not something I would do but as long as you're having fun with it, what the hell!! Pretty stylish though. Ever since the first shots came out showing the Combine, I always thought they looked badass.

Cool man!!! Maybe u r a real combine!!! If that's the case... I must search for you!!!
Now what we all need is a fan-made HL movie with real people.
i have done some research, and it appers that the mask you have is an old "soviet" army gas mask, whould you happen to know the Model of the mask, that would be great!
Combine_Trooper said:
i have done some research, and it appers that the mask you have is an old "soviet" army gas mask, whould you happen to know the Model of the mask, that would be great!
Bulgarian Communist Model 1982. I believe it is PMG type?

Flying Debris: You said you wouldn't pay $500 for a Kevlar vest, but you can find fake body armor for about 100$ maybe even less if it is used. Check some websites that supply airsofters.
good idea, i should probably look into that.

Currently I've been meaning to get into airsoft, but my damn spas 12 hasn't arrived from japan yet.

Since it seems I've been beaten to the punch regarding making an HEV suit, i guess i will just keep updating the combine suit whenever i get the chance.
That. Is ****ing. AWSOME. I must say you did great on that-I would also love to go out in the street with kind of a makeshift stunstick and see how many people go "HOLY SHIT!! Thats a ****ing metrocop! *run*
Yeah-Kinda geeky, but who the hell cares? It's fun.
Pretty cool. Now what would make me go "Woah! Awesome!" would be a convincing Combine Elite Costume, with single red ocular lense. ;)
haha! great costume! yea.. dark lense and an mp5 would make you even look cooler. so i guess that's u on your avatar.

hold a real butcher knife on each hand and run around the public places, chasing people around. See if sombody notices you. :thumbs: jk.
Thanks, I found one and in the process of buying,
Thanks a million!
I'm getting a combine mask, yeah!!!!!!!!

"hey you, pick up the can,... now throw it in the trash,... ok you can go."
-Metro cop
I suggest putting a black ski mask under the combine mask. That adds about, 50% more badass since we can't see your face.
Awesome costume. Just a shame that you don't have the right weapons. I'm gonna be getting an Mp7 in a couple of days hee hee.
*Kssh* Citizen. Nice Suit *Kssh*

*Kssh* Come with me ;) *Kssh*

EDIT: By the way, do a picture with you like the default model pose (With your arms outstretched and your legs together). that'd look cool
Who threw the pheonix down?

anyway, it was a great costume a year and 2 months ago, it's STILL great ;P wonder what he is up to.....
well since the topic has been dug back up, might as well post the latest suit fixes. I added some vinyl tape to my clothes to make the stripes, I got a new vest and jacket, and I made a metal thingy for the back of my head. Although it doesn't show in the pics, I finally got my airsoft spas 12 shotty.

These pics were taken at megacon 05

This is me annoying one of my college professors

here's me standing around


Here's me standing next to some soldier dude


It took so much willpower to not stare, expecially since she would always lean forward while talking
