Halflife 2 Combine Costume Redux

jerkasaur said:
well, i read the whole eleven pages but i didn't get what i wanted, i was hoping to see a link leading to an HEV suit, but, i didn't see one, since this is an old thread, i have to ask like some others did, Has anyone seen a picture of a homemade HEV suit? please tell.
Haha, I remember a picture of some guy that made one himself and he also had a crowbar :D
He was on some game convention I think, dunno where I saw the pic though :|
jerkasaur said:
thanks alot, that really helped me out...
Sorry, I'll keep my eye out for it... But it's quite hard remembering the source of every picture one sees on the intarweb :D
Beerdude26 said:
Sorry, I'll keep my eye out for it... But it's quite hard remembering the source of every picture one sees on the intarweb

forgiven, but just this once... :))
Beerdude26 said:
Haha, I remember a picture of some guy that made one himself and he also had a crowbar :D
He was on some game convention I think, dunno where I saw the pic though :|

Wasn't it a fancy dress party?

It was made out of really cheap stuff as well but it looked incredible!
wow, this thread is old.. lol, again another one dug up with brian damage in it. am I noticing a pattern here.
here ya go people

I like HL2, but that picture is incredibly sad, dear god no, how could they put that on the internet and show people!?

And i repeat, thats not cb, not even slightly. (unless is was a cheeky thursday...)
What a coincidence!

I've been thinking about making a comine CP costume for this halloween for awile. I've had that gas mask you used in the photo for months and I was trying to find an army surplus store for the rest of the costume (I've found bits and peices, but some of the costume will have to be heavily modified or made from scracth). BTW that mask will scare the crap out of anyone! I've already scared all of my freinds and family with it on numerous occasions (hahaha). I feel sorry for everyone reading this post who has never heard what that style of gas mask does to your voice! (It muffles your voice and adds static buzz, a bit like a crappy radio). If you were going to add to the costume in the future; I recommend putting more detail to the back of the mask and add simple decals and details to the main suit (try to replicate some of the little white patches). I would also recommend using the stick-on instant mirror material used on car windows on the eyeholes (will cost less than $15.) Good luck with the costume!
CookieCuttah said:
This thread is more than 2 years old.. Necromancer alert.

To be fair the last post prior to day was only eight months ago. Still old, though.
Sorry in advance

I know this thread is way old, but I'm willing to bet he's still got the costume, so...

Despite how dorky it is to make and wear a costume, it might be fun at a dimly-lit Halloween party to do this: Empty out a bunch of cans of Redbull, paint them like grenades, get some cheapo red LEDs, install them in the cans (batteries inside each can), and then walk around the party waving them around. Of course, it would have to be an all-geek party for anyone to get it.

Or buy a fake billy club and wrap some of those blue glow-ropes around the end and prod people when they get to close. Although, that's likely not the greatest way to pick up girls. :-)

Creative? Maybe. Dorky? I think we all know the answer to that...
Flyingdebris: Can you try different lightning settings? The features of the suit are hard to make out as the different shades and figures in the suit itself aren't visible. Anyway, the mask is cool.
no can do, my mask is no longer white. i made the mistake of trying to paint it black for a different costume. Now its in a flaky in between state that isn't really useful for anything until is spend hours scrubbing the paint off
bacause i didn't think someone would ressurect this thread for the 3rd time!

Anyhow the combine elite costume i made later looked like ass and i will have to remake it or try something else. Most likely gordon freeman's hev itself since i wouldn't have to worry about a mask, just the body
Loved the costume, Im trying to make one now

Awsome costume, I bought the gas mask for halloween a while back but didn't know what to do with it. Then I played HL2 and then saw your costume. I've been putting it together since then. I've so far finished the boots, gloves, mask, and stun-baton (with glorious black electric tape).
Even though the costume is nowhere near complete, I can already start to feel the badass effect! :hmph: Good Luck on your Elite costume, already sounds cool.
Im done

Sorry about the near double post, I guess my memory does really suck.
Anywho, I finished my Metrocop costume:cheese: , looks pretty good (I think). I'll be posting pictures soon, I can't now because of too much GD work!

PS - This is going to look sweet as my gamer photo on LIVE.:sniper:
K-Mart used to sell a voice changer during holloween time. it was a microphone with a long wire that connects to a speaker box where your voice would come out. i had one before and it worked great.
I was really wondering why this damn thread was back up top! haha, always good to just check out the costume though.

Go buy another mask, and get to work no making it more combinish! :D
Nice costume. Looks cool. I made a replica of a combine stunstick and it looks real. I might make thread about that. you should get one and do the stance that they do when they hold it.
It's really irritating to be reading through the opening posts of a thread only to get half way down the page after mentally noting which posts to reply to when all of a sudden I notice the date.

That pisses me off.

Also posting three times accidentally also pissed me off.
I can tell you how to get a reflective effect on the lenses without compromising visibility. You'll need to use a plastic laminating sheet on both sides of the gas mask's lens. Leave a little space to put the LED in so the light travels through one of the sheets and lights up the lenses.
Holy shit, I remember when this was first posted.

Thread rez, ftw.
Very cool!
Know what you could do to make it a tad bit more CP?
Paint the shoulders white
i am amazed that some1 could put that much effort and come out with something that awesome and still be human.....its the best costume i have seen in a long time!!!!

PS: this thread will NEVER DIE MUAHAHAHHAHA now we are all sucked into it:cheese:

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:sniper::sniper: * * * (The thread