Halflife 2 Combine Costume Redux

Jul 23, 2003
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Okay, its been a long while since i last posted pictures of me and my Combine costume and i'm pretty sure alot of the new forum goers have never gotten around to seeing it. That and i now have a new digital camera to shoot and upload pics with.

A few things of note

-I do have lights for the mask, a pair of blue keychain lights, they are just not on in this picture cause i'm trying to save them for an upcoming gaming convention

-The mask i'm wearing is the closest existing design to what hl2's combine are wearing. I know its not exact but i have no resin casting resources so i'm S.O.L

-I'm not paying $500 for a kevlar vest like the combine use so unless anyone donates $500 this costume will not be 100% exact and no, i don't expect anyone to do so


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looks cool
Maybe we could ask the guys from WetaWorkshop to do one...
Judging by their current work, it would look great!

And the HEV suit by the NA guys...
someone seems to me to be taking all this a little to far, but try getting some sunglass lenses into that mask and maybe something else to go on the back like cloth or whatever.
I still think it's kinda pathetic.... but hey that's me! :D

Who wants to go with me to a Star Trek convention? I'll be Spock, you guys can be Captain Kirk!
I wouldn't spend my time doing it thats for sure. But its still a great effort. And anyway, it would have looked much sadder if he had tried the alien slave or the ant lion :P
I must commend your effort, it looks pretty damn good...Just don't go outside like that, the SWAT team will be on your arse like a tonne of bricks..
pathetic, perhaps, however no matter what anyone says when you have the suit on you feel 150% more badass. especially hearing your own voice through the mask.

oh and actually within a minute i can dump/put away/untuck enough of the outfit to make me look no more scary than a dude who wears lots of black so i'm not too worried about the swat, i only wear it to halloween or geeky conventions
Looking good! But tell me honestly, how many times have you had the urge to go out into dark allys and scare the crap out of people? You might have to take the orange plastic off your gun though (could get you shot). You need some black lenses for the eyes aswell. Might be more convincing with an MP5 or something instead of a handgun (MP5 has the disadvantage of being more likely to get you shot). When you wear the suit, do you go 'chkkk' before every sentence like you're speaking through a radio? Sorry if all that sounded like criticism, I really like it! :)
whatever you do, dont make a video of youself prancing about in that get-up.... can you say star wars kid, mark II
hehe... That Star Wars video sure was fun... Now the only thing that could beat that would be a guy in a HEV suit with a crowbar jumping around hitting imaginary stuff...

And by the way... Good job on the Combine costume, did you send some pictures to Valve? I'm sure they'll commend you with something...*/edit*
I don't like it.. It looks flimsy, not as solid as that Halo armor by those guys, who are somewhere, but not nowhere, which is where you say where.
The Master Chief suit will look well cool when its done :D i would love to see a reactions video if they wore it down the street

Speaking of embarrasing videos, anyone have a link to the one where the people were playing counterstike/hl in a block of flats? One of the guys was making the "ting ting ting" sound of the crowbar....
Jhahn2k4 said:
I don't like it.. It looks flimsy, not as solid as that Halo armor by those guys, who are somewhere, but not nowhere, which is where you say where.

actually i have no intention of video taping myself, that would be dumb.

also, yes i have had the urge to scare the shit out of someone.

and yes i did send pics of me in my costume to valve back in october. they told me they'd give me an autographed poster. i still haven't gotten squat to this day. perhaps i should remind them or something.

about the sunglasses, that is a very good idea actually. instead of blinding myself with blue lights in the mask i can find a large pair of cheapass sunglasses, cut out the lenses and glue them into the mask for some spooky reflections
I think it is awesome, good work. You guys spend time tweaking your cards and shit, and he spends his time making a combine suit, no need to rip him.
i think WetaWorkshop have better stuff to be doing than designing cotton uniforms for an army of geeks who may, one day, wish to overthrow the internet and install their own government.
Uhm... You may punk me, but what is Wetaworkshop?
Haha, sweet suit. Wear that when it's cold outside. Looks warm.
I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you I envy you..

I envy you sooo baaad, that is f**king awesome dude!!!!!
jabberwock95 said:
Looking good! But tell me honestly, how many times have you had the urge to go out into dark allys and scare the crap out of people? You might have to take the orange plastic off your gun though (could get you shot). You need some black lenses for the eyes aswell. Might be more convincing with an MP5 or something instead of a handgun (MP5 has the disadvantage of being more likely to get you shot). When you wear the suit, do you go 'chkkk' before every sentence like you're speaking through a radio? Sorry if all that sounded like criticism, I really like it! :)

One guy did remove the "orange plastic thing" from the gun and got a nice big lottery ticket from the cops...in america...nothing...no-o-o-othing

But I like the mask. Seems kinda yellow-ish but that's...yeah...
Nice replica of da ombine mask. And stuff like that is not pathetic, it's cool...very cool. Now Star Treks Spok costume wouldn't be pathetic either, it would only be sad.

And why do you have bikes inside?
well i live in apt. with like 4 other roomates, the bicycle belongs to one of them. i really don't know why he keeps it inside.
well i live in apt. with like 4 other roomates

Heh, you must have gave them a bit of a fright when they first walked in on you with that costume. I can imagine it, "Oh my god what have you done with Flyingdebris!" Well they would use your real name but you get the picture. ;)

Did you make the gasmask yourself? Very impressive I must say.
its a cold war era Bulgarian PMG gasmask.

I got it for $27 shipping included on ebay.

i had heard somewhere on these forums last summer that the combine masks were based on real world ones. so after a little search, i found them
i would agree about the sunglasses lenses. the combine have some sort of glow-y orange lenses in there, and you could get some orange metallic lenses that would look pretty cool.

looking good... turn off that damn flash and take some pictures with scary lighting!
Flyingdebris said:
-I'm not paying $500 for a kevlar vest like the combine use so unless anyone donates $500 this costume will not be 100% exact and no, i don't expect anyone to do so

If you're not going for the real Kevlar, I reccommend you don't get your roomates to test your ragdoll impressions.