Halflife 2 makes me SICK!!



Well I waited for years! and its finally here... and I can't play it, so why? is it because my machine is not up to it? no... it runs fine, is it because I don't LIKE the game? no so far its great, then WHY? I'll tell you! don't flame me...

I get motion sick from playing it... If i play for more than 30 minutes i feel nauseus.. any longer and i physically throw up, I got as far as the hoverboat level - and I can't play anymore - other FPS's made me a bit ill after protracted playing - but this is rediculous! I don't get travel sick IRL I can go on boats no problems.

Is anyone else getting this? I fix in the FOV was suggested - but that doesn't help - if anything putting it UP made it worse, I have spent £30 on a game I can't even play - and i can't sell on :( not strictly Valves fault! but am I the only one who suffers from so called "simulator sickness"? I was in the top 10 players of U.T. back in the day.. and now i can't even play my favourite genre of game for fear of throwing up my tea!!

Its a really sad day for me, the day i hang my FPS coat forever...
Try changing Monitor Hz, Room Lighting, Monitor gamma, try not to focus too much on very minor details, chew some gum, drink a lot, get a break every hour. Should help. Just don't take it all too serious, if you get it on slowly the sickness should go away.
I would check if your monitor has 80 Hz on ... it shouldnt be less, your eyes start to hurt... just put it on 80, that should help a lot...
gov_property said:
Try changing Monitor Hz, Room Lighting, Monitor gamma, try not to focus too much on very minor details, chew some gum, drink a lot, get a break every hour. Should help. Just don't take it all too serious, if you get it on slowly the sickness should go away.

hehe, 60, 70, 75 80!! every single res, tried it, didn't work... Lights on! lights off! lamp on... no difference... Drink a lot of water... doesn't help!! i've even tried having travel sickness pills before i play - and that didn't work either!

Put the detail down to minimum... doesn't help... I appreciate your input tho mate thx...

Anything i haven't tried you can think of? anyone?!?!
Hehe, some people got this problem it seems. I don't. I played for 4 hours and i don't feel a thing. first i though cowbar (whatever misspell) motion on hitting stuff was realy nasty. but i didn't notice it after 10 min. Or maby you are one of dose ppl that think if you move yourself to the left it will go faster to the left in the game, i have seen a lot of ppl playing Consol and tunring the control and there head 90degrease just so it should go faster that way or something. that defently makes you sick! :p.

Bad english btw!
I get motion sickness with Bloodlines which also uses the source code. Im not sure why it happens but it's probably something to do with the varying framerate. indoors areas HL2 runs at 150+ fps but outdoors it goes into the 50-80 area. I think the variation in framerate might be the cause although Im not certain. The same thing use to happen with Descent though back in the old days which also had a large variation in its framerate. If you put Vsync on Im sure the motion sickness would stop.
I really find this facinating - who'd have thought you could get motion sickness from a game!? It's really weird..,.
I used to feel anxious and stressed and maybe slightly nauseous with Doom3 and couldn't play it for very long, but I can play Half Life 2 for hours and hours and not be affected in the slightest. I'm playing with a 60hz refresh rate too.
The water boat misssion realy did effect me motion sickness wise :( So did some of the other parts but when I put the refresh rate up to 85 that worked fine.

Also note that HL2 will automaticly default to 60 hertz even if windows is set at a different value. You need a forced refresh rate proggy I cant remember the program I use though :(
Had the same problem. Was running resolution at 1280x1024 and getting FPS's in the twenties. Low FPS seem to make me nauseous. Reduced resolution to 1024x768, increases FPS, and no more nausea. And this was before reaching water :LOL:
low refresh rates will cause headaches from eyes strain. it has nothing to do with the motion sickness.

I too felt sick(from the airboat levels specifically), and i play fps's every day for the past few years. it's a similar feeling to me as when i try to read in car. maybe its from trying to focus on small details (like far way ememies) while bouncing around.

good news is that once past the airboat levels it never happened again..get past that in baby steps and you might get over it.
Jeehde2 said:
I would check if your monitor has 80 Hz on ... it shouldnt be less, your eyes start to hurt... just put it on 80, that should help a lot...

im running mine on 60mhz for more than 3years, and ma eyes never hurted.
gov_property said:
Try changing Monitor Hz, Room Lighting, Monitor gamma, try not to focus too much on very minor details, chew some gum, drink a lot, get a break every hour. Should help. Just don't take it all too serious, if you get it on slowly the sickness should go away.

Yeah, 80% of the cases is because of the type of display the user is using.

Get new LCD such as Samsung or ViewSonic :thumbs:
"... and the 5 main things to worry about while gaming are:
1) Lighting. Too much makes the game look bad while too little strains your eyes. Have a moderately weak lamp around you or a dimmer switch on a light and then play and your own settings. If this bothers you, then turn off the light for full gaming experience.
2) Monitor type. Many monitors will make certain games look like shit. That would mean you'd have an LCD. Try not to get those for gaming. They blow.
3) Distance from monitor. If you're too close, you may get eye cancer.
4) Positioning of your body. If you look like a broken tree, try to sit upright for several hours. Practice it if you cannot do this.
and finally... 5) Your hardware. Remember folks, in order to keep up with technology, you need to get an entirely new sytem every 4 months! If you don't want to do that, get a system that would work perfectly on games released about 1-8 months ago. Then you should be fine. If you don't want to do that either, get the best system you can!"
that's from some book i read a while ago. it was pretty funny reading it through, but it's true, which makes it great. i forget what the book was called, so don't ask me about it.
When im trying to swim in the water I get a little dizzy but its not too bad.
I never had any sickness. I even hit a ramp in my airboat and it spun, not around in a circle but it spun upside down, with the pilot seat being the center of gravity, it spun then landed and i kept goin. :)
put more aa and af on, it will give you a lower frame rate so your not sick and gives you better graphics, what more could you want?
I tried the suggestions, I always run in 75hz, no matter what (when I'm drawing if my background is white at 60hz it makes my eyes bleed) - nothing helps! Vsync ON worked for a bit, i thought, "hey! i feel great!" but then i stopped playing and now i feel I'm gonna blow chunks again, I'll be glad when i get off the bloody airboat!!

As for my monitor its a lovely iiYama, 19" an no its not a flat panel! and I'm not getting one, I can't afford one anyway! and its always been fine.. its just me.. probably...
I never have any nausia when playing Halflife 2, even in the most extreme cases...but i do get stomach aches and cramps from playing...either 2 minutes of 4 hours in. I dont know why...really painful and nearly knocks me out :(
I get this too. All first person shooters do it. I get about 20 minutes and I have to stop. It takes a good hour to fully recover. It really sucks.
This is what happens when you buy a computer with 19 gigahertz mobo w/ HT Tech, 25" Plasma flat screen, 7 gigs of memory, and a Mega-ultra-6800 with 700 FPS.

Okay, no really...I don't really get motion sickness in HL2...I don't understand how so many people are getting motion sickness..just calm it down, and don't go so fast...
colic said:
The water boat misssion realy did effect me motion sickness wise :( So did some of the other parts but when I put the refresh rate up to 85 that worked fine.

Also note that HL2 will automaticly default to 60 hertz even if windows is set at a different value. You need a forced refresh rate proggy I cant remember the program I use though :(

Just add "-refresh 85" to your hl2 launch options; no need for another program.
colic said:
The water boat misssion realy did effect me motion sickness wise So did some of the other parts but when I put the refresh rate up to 85 that worked fine.

Also note that HL2 will automaticly default to 60 hertz even if windows is set at a different value. You need a forced refresh rate proggy I cant remember the program I use though

No you don't.. you can do it in the driver settings..

'overwrite refresh rate'.
Low FPS confuses the brain because it begins to see the action both as standalone images as well as motion. Its making some ppl sick.
I had exactly this problem - I could only play for about 30 minutes before feeling really sick and dizzy, and I would get terrible headaches too. I was also using an LCD monitor.

Anyway, Footsteps suggested on another thread that this was due to Half-Life's default Field of Vision or Field of View , which is apparently set to 75. Changing this to 100 made a *huge* difference - no more sickness. It was a huge relief as I was beginning to think I would not be able to play the game at all.

Bring up the console
sv_cheats 1 and then
fov 100 [I don't know what the range is. 90 also worked for me]

Hope this works for you.
jesus, people should know that video games are like cars

some people are sick while in a car because the brain receives contradictory information : 1-motion (outside of the car) 2-no motion (inside the car). Since the brain cannot interpete those signals, it secretes a specific hormone that makes you feel sick.
There's another possibility for contradictory signals : 1-what you hear 2-what you see. A contradiction in signlas results in sickness as well.

I believe it's similar with video games.
Calchas said:
I had exactly this problem - I could only play for about 30 minutes before feeling really sick and dizzy, and I would get terrible headaches too. I was also using an LCD monitor.

Anyway, Footsteps suggested on another thread that this was due to Half-Life's default Field of Vision or Field of View , which is apparently set to 75. Changing this to 100 made a *huge* difference - no more sickness. It was a huge relief as I was beginning to think I would not be able to play the game at all.

Bring up the console
sv_cheats 1 and then
fov 100 [I don't know what the range is. 90 also worked for me]

Hope this works for you.

That sounds liek a good solution for ya ... Try it ...
I have the same problem if I play for really long periods of time. Changing the FOV should help.
Mrrich said:
Well I waited for years! and its finally here... and I can't play it, so why? is it because my machine is not up to it? no... it runs fine, is it because I don't LIKE the game? no so far its great, then WHY? I'll tell you! don't flame me...

I get motion sick from playing it... If i play for more than 30 minutes i feel nauseus.. any longer and i physically throw up, I got as far as the hoverboat level - and I can't play anymore - other FPS's made me a bit ill after protracted playing - but this is rediculous! I don't get travel sick IRL I can go on boats no problems.

Is anyone else getting this? I fix in the FOV was suggested - but that doesn't help - if anything putting it UP made it worse, I have spent £30 on a game I can't even play - and i can't sell on :( not strictly Valves fault! but am I the only one who suffers from so called "simulator sickness"? I was in the top 10 players of U.T. back in the day.. and now i can't even play my favourite genre of game for fear of throwing up my tea!!

Its a really sad day for me, the day i hang my FPS coat forever...

take some medication i have the same problem.. even with half life 1 ...