Halflife 2 makes me SICK!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mrrich
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humm so im not the only one the first day i started playing it after a few hours i started feeling sick and for me thats a rare thing when playing a game.
Mrrich said:
Well I waited for years! and its finally here... and I can't play it, so why? is it because my machine is not up to it? no... it runs fine, is it because I don't LIKE the game? no so far its great, then WHY? I'll tell you! don't flame me...

I get motion sick from playing it... If i play for more than 30 minutes i feel nauseus.. any longer and i physically throw up, I got as far as the hoverboat level - and I can't play anymore - other FPS's made me a bit ill after protracted playing - but this is rediculous! I don't get travel sick IRL I can go on boats no problems.

Is anyone else getting this? I fix in the FOV was suggested - but that doesn't help - if anything putting it UP made it worse, I have spent £30 on a game I can't even play - and i can't sell on :( not strictly Valves fault! but am I the only one who suffers from so called "simulator sickness"? I was in the top 10 players of U.T. back in the day.. and now i can't even play my favourite genre of game for fear of throwing up my tea!!

Its a really sad day for me, the day i hang my FPS coat forever...

It sounds a bit like epilepsi. I would go see a doc.
PlagueX said:
It sounds a bit like epilepsi. I would go see a doc.

Nah, they'd be on the floor writhing about and biting their tongues off if it were that.
Er, if you press the start button go to Run, and type "Dxdiag" you can set the override in there to whatever refresh rate you want for all DXgames... inc HL2.. More Help tab, click the "override" button and put 75 or 85 in there or whatever, close it down and you're done! only that and changing the FOV to 100 didn't help me at all! umm putting Vsync ON helped a bit, but thats it...

Oh, and I'm not from Hull Canada, I'm from Hull in the UK (the origional one)
Gordons_nan said:
I used to feel anxious and stressed and maybe slightly nauseous with Doom3 and couldn't play it for very long, but I can play Half Life 2 for hours and hours and not be affected in the slightest. I'm playing with a 60hz refresh rate too.

I get that...but i belive its from good game design...the games levels are designed to be dark and forboding (spelling) so that you get the feel "I DONT WANT TO GO IN THERE"
i too was bothered or a bit disoriented by half life 2. that problem never happened before wwith games like fPS, but since i have been working on my HL2 mod nonstop for a couple years, I haven't played any other games in that time.

The solution for me was to play the game in 16:9 widescreen windowed mode. i removed any excess icons from the op and bottom of my desktop, set the background desktop color to black and playeed in a 16:9 window and then i wasn't disoriented at all anymore. In fact i want to play all my games widescreen now sicne it felt so much mroe lifelike and real life to me..

Of course that is just my opinion, I hope it helps.
Harryz said:
The games that realisitic, eh? :p
it was said in the raising the bar book that some of the testers who was testing out the game did puke in the airboat level
neopangaia said:
i too was bothered or a bit disoriented by half life 2. that problem never happened before wwith games like fPS, but since i have been working on my HL2 mod nonstop for a couple years, I haven't played any other games in that time.

The solution for me was to play the game in 16:9 widescreen windowed mode. i removed any excess icons from the op and bottom of my desktop, set the background desktop color to black and playeed in a 16:9 window and then i wasn't disoriented at all anymore. In fact i want to play all my games widescreen now sicne it felt so much mroe lifelike and real life to me..

Of course that is just my opinion, I hope it helps.

Thx for the advice, I will give that a go
i've played pretty much every other FPS without any problems, even had a good laugh at non gamer friends who used to get nauseous, but HL2 is a first. towards the end of the airboat level, i was seriosly contemplating taking a break due to the nausea. i think it was the vehicle physics, all the rolling and banging. Got weird sensations each time that boat rammed against a wall sending my view all out of whack. as expected, once i got rid of the boat, the rest of the game was an absolute breeze.
I had a friend over years ago to play Doom2 Rocket Arena and he was puking after 10 minutes of play. If nothing else works, I recommend taking a motion sickness remedy before you play. That should help quite a bit. It's all in your inner ear. It gets fooled into motion where there is none, and reacts by feeling queezy. Good luck!
Mytris said:
I get that...but i belive its from good game design...the games levels are designed to be dark and forboding (spelling) so that you get the feel "I DONT WANT TO GO IN THERE"

Exactly! That damn game makes me so anxious while I'm playing I have to get up and take breaks. I know, I'm a chicken, but that whole "playing on primary fears" thing is working WELL on me. In fact, I've taken a break from Doom3 while I play HL2. Even Ravenholm spooked me a bit. What a fantastic game!
it made me very sick...

Half life 2..........................
made me soooooooooooo sick even though I just watched my b.f play the game....
cant believe it...........
I wonder the ppl who made this game...how did they play and play again and again?
Hmm... well, I just hope you'll manage to overcome that kind of sickness... I was like you in the past... though through the years... I was able to overcome it...
Bah, if you're ever feeling nauseous, take a tablespoon of strawberry jam. It's worked every time for me - fantastic hangover cure too.

-Angry Lawyer
yep a mate of mine cannot play HL2 cos he gets real bad motion sickness
Try a smaller monitor, or play in a small window. If you aren't as immersed, your eyes and ears won't conflict so much. A smaller monitor will also have a higher framerate, and higher, smoother framerate reduces the nausea too.
I've never felt naceous while playing a game, not even the airboat level, in fact, that was one of my favourites.
Mrrich said:
hehe, 60, 70, 75 80!! every single res, tried it, didn't work... Lights on! lights off! lamp on... no difference... Drink a lot of water... doesn't help!! i've even tried having travel sickness pills before i play - and that didn't work either!

Put the detail down to minimum... doesn't help... I appreciate your input tho mate thx...

Anything i haven't tried you can think of? anyone?!?!
tri turning off the moniter while you play,
no motion, no sickness.
(side affect inclued: loss of intereast, lossing, and diaria)
Well I really didn't read through this whole thread and only read the question and the first page. But I don't get motion sickness from just playing the game, however, if I were to change the 'Field Of View' after about 2 minutes I can really feel a headache about to hit me. I had this expierience using the camera zoom in Garrys mod in HL2, if I were to zoom back as far as the camera would let me you're view would be a lot more around you. But that's all I can suggest is maybe trying to find a console command to change the FOV from the players prospective.
michaelsil1 said:
Take a Dramamine for motion sickness. :P
Brian already asked that. AND he is foolish because the thread starter already said he tried motion sickness pills.


Ueeerh. It's really fascinating how people can get motion sickness. But it makes perfect sense. What is the difference between the light from the real world entering your eyes and the light from the monitor entering your eyes? None.

But, luckily for me, I don't get sick while playing. But I get sick in boats and cars easily :O Can't explain that...

The only way I can get sick in HL2 is by welding a cannister to the airboat sideways and spinning really fast.. I got really sick the first time I tried that :x
Forget about pills refresh rates and such!!

Go get some beers, after 6 or 7 beers you wont feel motion sickness anymore!! Of course that medecine as some collateral damages!!!
Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere but I read somewhere that this side-effect can be caused by your room lighting. Make sure you don't have a bright light in your fov. Not sure if this will help mind, but I did read it somewhere...
On solution that could probably work would be to cover the whole your FOV I think. You need a big monitor 24 inch or more...
Mrrich said:
Well I waited for years! and its finally here... and I can't play it, so why? is it because my machine is not up to it? no... it runs fine, is it because I don't LIKE the game? no so far its great, then WHY? I'll tell you! don't flame me...

I get motion sick from playing it... If i play for more than 30 minutes i feel nauseus.. any longer and i physically throw up, I got as far as the hoverboat level - and I can't play anymore - other FPS's made me a bit ill after protracted playing - but this is rediculous! I don't get travel sick IRL I can go on boats no problems.

Is anyone else getting this? I fix in the FOV was suggested - but that doesn't help - if anything putting it UP made it worse, I have spent £30 on a game I can't even play - and i can't sell on :( not strictly Valves fault! but am I the only one who suffers from so called "simulator sickness"? I was in the top 10 players of U.T. back in the day.. and now i can't even play my favourite genre of game for fear of throwing up my tea!!

Its a really sad day for me, the day i hang my FPS coat forever...

its an amazin game, if you dont like it, thats your problem :dozey:

and buy the way, when you say simulator sickness, its not like your in a rollercoaster simulator or something,

PS, so you have all the lights off and put your eyes 1 cm awa from the screen, if so that probably why :D
Funny, I felt motion sickness at the end of the game, but I was wearing glasses and not my contacts. I have noticed that I get sick when I have glasses on while working on the computer. If you dont have contacts get them, not only do you look better but it will take care of your motion sickness problem. I guarentee it.
Well thats weird, this actuallt happens to one of my freinds with HL:1. I guess if you get sick playing a Game, your a wimp. lol, j/k.

Brak710101 said:
Well thats weird, this actuallt happens to one of my freinds with HL:1. I guess if you get sick playing a Game, your a wimp. lol, j/k.

and you sir, are a dickhead.
Gordons_nan said:
I used to feel anxious and stressed and maybe slightly nauseous with Doom3 and couldn't play it for very long, but I can play Half Life 2 for hours and hours and not be affected in the slightest. I'm playing with a 60hz refresh rate too.

I get the same anxiuous feeling with Doom 3 too..... its not the whole motion sickness thing though, I've installed the game but got alittle nervous to even try pressing the play button haha. It looks so freakin scary on the cover, and after watching the Mack and Mesh videos lmao :thumbs:

Mack and Mesh are some funny yet awsome guys, watch their Doom 3 video and Half-Life 2 videos. Mesh is a nervous guy when he plays PC games, watch him play Doom 3 and you'll know what I mean Mack and Mesh

Yeah, I've got this game last night and have played it for 5 hrs now. Im trying to get back across the bridge after disabling the shield power (The Coast Section).

Let me say I just got a Geforce 6600 and 1 gig ram and I'm running it 1024x800 with 4x AA. This game is so f*!kin real! Heights kinda make me dizzy so when I'm going across the bridge girders I hate it when I fall. ha ha !

have the same problem. definitely cannot play the airboat level without resting eyes after 10 minutes of gameplay, otherwise *hurl*.

i've also had the same problem with the original half life and duke nukem 3d. I found out that you can alleviate the symptoms by walking in the game, thus wobbling less intensely. But you wouldn't want to be doing that in Ravenholm...
I'm affraid that games are getting too 'realistic'. Eventually, everyone will get motion sickness because games will look so real, the mind will think it's really happening in front of them but you wont be moving.
But thats just a theory
Ren.182 said:
I'm affraid that games are getting too 'realistic'. Eventually, everyone will get motion sickness because games will look so real, the mind will think it's really happening in front of them but you wont be moving.
But thats just a theory
I went deaf for about 4 minutes when firing a 20mm Flakpanzer in Call of Duty. I didn't even have the sound up that high but it sounded so loud and real that I had ringing in my ears for half an hour. When weapons make a deafening noise like they would in real life, now thats what I call realism.
Sooner or later they'll have some kind of 3D simulation in production, not only will it sound real, but it'll feel like your actually there :D
deathscent said:
3) Distance from monitor. If you're too close, you may get eye cancer.

You are joking, aren`t you?
there is no medical reason for getting eyecancer from that!
believe me! This could scare a lot of hardcore-gamers!
No he's right, over time if you spend a lot of time on your PC you're bound to get some effects from Radiation. CRT moniters especially, you have a much lower risk using a LCD moniter. That's why you should stay at least an arms length away from your moniter at all times.
Try this

Try adjusting the mouse sensitivity in the game options. I had this problem with Bloodlines and adjusting the mouse sensitivity so the turn rate of the camera was slower let me play for hours on end.