halflife2 mp= counterstrike 2

It better be more like the original CS but with vehicles. If it's like most receant version of CS I will cry.
hmmm I dont know what to think

"Half-Life 2 multiplayer is Counter-Strike on the Source engine and will be available at the same time as when Half-Life 2 ships. Counter-Strike gameplay doesn't seem to have changed much, if at all."
It says the Hl2 will include a port of counter-strike 1, not 2.
"Hl2's multiplayer will feature hundreds of bots and players intermingled and fighting side by side, creating an atmosphere of both the chaos and strategizing of war."

Woah, now I'm excited!
Uh... if I wanted to play Counter-Strike again I have it already. CS as the MP for HL2 without any gameplay changes is... lame. I hope shacknews got confused or something.
HL1, CS1, TF1, BlueShift, and Opposing Force are going to be ported to the Source engine and released around the same time as HL2 - not with HL2, or as part of HL2..
manny_c44 said:
"Hl2's multiplayer will feature hundreds of bots and players intermingled and fighting side by side, creating an atmosphere of both the chaos and strategizing of war."

Woah, now I'm excited!

hehheh sounds very, very cool =D
uhh, so what is it?
so cs/hl ports are coming with hl2? + this 100's of players fighting side by side thing!....umm! hundreds didnt they state the player limit was 32?
Wait a minute! I just made that up to confuse all of you!

But if my dark-ages mod ever comes out, be ready for awesomness...\\

Seriosuly though, I only made that shit up to prove this point, no one knows anything. Just wait.
manny_c44 said:
Wait a minute! I just made that up to confuse all of you!

But if my dark-ages mod ever comes out, be ready for awesomness...\\

Seriosuly though, I only made that shit up to prove this point, no one knows anything. Just wait.

haha, damn oh well was a funy thought well it lasted. But damn, that would lag
Why fileshack would release that false info? I think CS more than deserves the place as HL's "official" MP. It would be great to have it as it is now with just enhanced graphics, physics, netcode..but the gameplay should stay basically the same..CS's concept rocks!

There are massive spoilers in this video.
It shows the beginning of the game and other stuff.
Its 13 minutes long! and very low quality

After having a quick skim throught the vid, all i can say is wow. Aztez looks amazing, the water looks amazing and the HDR looks amazing.
shacknews it totally wrong. Ofcourse there is a HL2 MP and a CS2 MP (not free)
NO bloody way they are making CS1 OR CS2 is the HL2'S MP.

this is bullllllllllshit.

SOME ONE EMAIL GABE .......................:angry:
Hell, thats amazing news. One hit after the other. I dl with 25kb. Cant await it...
OP4 with source engine. I love this stuff.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
haha, damn oh well was a funy thought well it lasted. But damn, that would lag

No it wouldn't, there would be about 64 real players and then the rest would be bots....teh teams would always be split evenly by bots and they would change their AI levels slighty higher if the teams ever became lop sided from disconnection.

There wouldn't be any visible player names, so the player wouldn't know who or who wasn't a bot, barring any crazy human behavior. To prevent PK, a person who is killed by his own team mate assumes the teammates body, while the killer assumes the deadman's body, quickyl sapping the fun of PKing.

It would be madness, green battlefields leading up to castle walls, with hundreds of participants and if I have time I will try to make it happen. Really the main problem is making the bot's AI less bottish, and get them to follow real player's charges and retreats without the need for commands.
it would appear that Hl2's mp is CS under the source engine... damn that looked imrpessive :dork:

really, thats all i need from valve, with all the third party mods that will go absolutely insane
Hell, thats amazing news. One hit after the other. I dl with 75kb. Cant await it...
OP4 with source engine. I love this stuff.
After the 1st 2 Minutes I can say, its ****ing amazing. It takes so so deep into the game. Unbelievable. But you see how the game starts.

For 101% sure the best thing ever hits the world of Games
Started at 1kb/sec, now downloading at 33kb sec.

I hate BitTorrent, it is the spawn of darkness.

Well not really but it gets me bad download times :(
It isnt, I watched the video and I can see how shacknews was easily confused.

I am really excited for CS, OP4, Blue Shift, and TFC to be ported over to source, from what I saw with CS1. And it looks like my mod idea for a HL1 remake was completely pointless.
From what I understood in the video, Half-Life:source is the multiplayer for HL2. With that I mean that all the most downloaded mods for Half-Life will be the multiplayer for HL2. IE NS, CS, DOD, Sven coop and so forth. To me all this makes sense, since we haven't heard anything from either one of those mods regarding HL2, to me that sounds as if they have been working on a source version of their mods for a long time now.
Mr White, care to eloborate? what do you mean? fill us in dood!
My question is, will you have to buy all of the source ports seperate, or one nice package?
CptStern said:
Mr White, care to eloborate? what do you mean? fill us in dood!

Okay, well gabe said before the video "Alot of poeple have been asking about HL2's multiplayer, so we decided to combine the worlds most popular online multiplayer game with the source engine"

(oh yeah, and it looks abso-f******-lutely beautiful by the way)

gabe said after the video that "No, we aren't saying this is CounterStrike 2. Oh and also all of the original half-life and all of its mods will be ported over to the source engine to be released at the same time as HL2"

(and im not quoting gabe word for word, because its too much work to listen to what he said for the 5th time, but my info is correct)

Anyways, I can see why they got confused, but i'm 90% sure that HL2's multiplayer is the Half-Life: Source port project
Well CS does look amazing, but i was hoping for Half-Life 2 to have its own Multi player.
damn...thanks White, I never got into Counterstrike, I thought it was inferior to DoD
Same gameplay, new engine.
I suppose they had to port CS1 to Source at some point, but it seems like such a letdown after all the secrecy for so long. It's like announcing the re-release of Ms. Pac Man, but with photorealistic ghosts.
I've already played CS hundreds of hours, more than enough to be sick of it, it's like eating too many Swiss Cake Rolls; they taste good, but they lose your interest after awhile. Coming out with a shinier, HDR enabled Swiss Cake Roll is not going to change how it tastes.
"One of the big questions is, 'what about multiplayer?'. So we decided to combine the most popular online action game with the power of the Half-Life 2 engine. And..."
<Counter-Strike appears on video display>

Awesome, just awesome, i guess those shitty screen shots were to throw everyone off....